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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. 1 hour ago, Jeromex said:

    Vivek is brown. Both of his parents came to this country from India with very little money and barely able to speak English..

    guess what? They did well by working hard and maintaining structure in their families.



    Well if that's true then why the HELL didn't they do it in INDIA?

    Funny how these "hard working" people with "strong families" are broke as hell in their OWN country and only seem to meet success when they reach the shores of America where AfroAmericans are.

    If his parents were so damn successful by working hard and maintaining structure in their families, they didn't have to bring their asses over HERE to MY country for success.
    They could have stayed where they WERE and been just as successful.....right?

    They came here and became successful because WE (AfroAmericans) paved the way for them to.

    If it weren't for AfroAmericans, Swamy and his parents would still be living in some mud-hut carpeted with Persian rugs sprinkled with cow pee for good luck.





    BPL limit row: We are still poor - India Today
    "The Pioneer1 is right!
    We don't need America!
    With our hard work ethic and family values
    we shall be rich in just a few years!"





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  2. Correct on all fronts.

    My question is, why are Black politicians going along with an obvious plan to displace them?

    Racist White men are running around with torches and black boots on crying about "replacement theories" when BLACK FOLKS should be the ones paranoid and concerned about being replaced and displaced.

  3. That's IF Prigozhin is really dead.

    I don't think he was stupid enough to cross Putin PERIOD....let alone cross him and think he could get away with it so easy -"all is forgiven".

    Come on, if you and I are smart enough to know Putin wasn't going to let this go.....wouldn't HE be?

    The man is smart enough to lead an entire military organization which engages in psychological warfare.
    He was no fool or idiot.

    I think this entire charade was planned by BOTH of them.

  4. While sitting up here enjoying my Jamaican style Curry Goat (another invention by Black folks @Jeromex & @Wide awake that people of ALL races seem to enjoy), it just occurred to me.......

    That shooting in Jacksonville might have been in RETALIATION to that ass beating our brothers gave those devils down in Montgomery a few weeks ago!

    People all over the planet witnessed those devils getting their asses handed to them and made all kinds of jokes and memes about it.


  5. 29 minutes ago, ProfD said:


    Middle-aged AfroAmerican men should be leading the charge but they're tied down with other priorities and responsibilities.


    Yeah, like spending about 75% of their time trying to be "young" again.
    Driving around town like Lamont Sanford on the look out for pills to keep their dicks harder and last longer.
    Online arguing with eachother over who was the best rapper of the 90s.

    More "important" things like that.......lol.

    But atleast brothers over 40 will atleast ENGAGE in a conversation about racism and how to stop these racist murderers.
    A lot of the young brothers won't even do that.
    Hell, a large percentage of them are so fucked up from that fake weed they're smoking....they don't even KNOW about massacres like this an the one in Buffalo!

    Don't believe me?
    Ask the average Black man of 20 or 25 on the street what happened in Buffalo New York last year and WAIT for the answer.

    "Come on maaaayon.....damn!"


  6. On 8/25/2023 at 10:32 PM, zeke1234 said:

    According to MSNBC, Floyd had an open arrest warrant on him for resisting FBI issuing

    a subpoena to him.   That is why they kept him over night.   As for racists, remember it was

    Biden who helped create and pass the mandatory sentencing laws for crack cocaine in the 1980s and

    1990s, that almost destroyed more Black lives than slavery itself.   Trump got rid of Obama illegal

    penalty for not having healthcare.  It is Trump who built the wall to keep illegals out,

    not Obama-Biden.  They sat on their a_____ for eight years, and now Biden for four years, inviting

    illegals in to take jobs away from Blacks.    It is the Obama-Biden affirmative action for the rich Whites, 

    that bailed out major banks from going defunct , from their playing around with mortgage backed securities.  

    Four more years of Biden, and we will all be speaking Mexican. 

    I have to admit you have a VERY good point when you point out the negatives of both the Obama and Biden Administrations.

    Both of them are very Latino friendly and LGBT friendly and have promoted THEIR agendas over that of AfroAmericans.
    We're seeing this in the work place right now.

    I often wonder what is Immigration and ICE for anyway, if they're aren't stopping the flow of illegal immigrants in this nation.
    What exactly is their purpose?

    I've been on jobs where there were HUNDREDS of illegal immigrants working there.
    Yet ICE was either never called on them or they were called and didn't do a damn thing.
    So I'm wondering who decides who Immigration goes after?

  7. Jeromex

    1. Black men aren't impregnating "young girls"
    The vast majority are grown women.

    2. The vast majority of the women (of any race) who get with Black men KNOW what they're doing and voluntarily choose to be with us.
    All the negative propaganda that racists put out seems to NOT be working because I see more and more women of all races are getting with Black men from both the United States and Africa.  
    It's not stopping them.
    That should tell you something about the attractive powers of the Black man, lol.


  8. 18 hours ago, frankster said:

    I think rewarding loyalty is good...

    Re-Educating the Disloyal and Investigating the Cause/s for Disloyalty is the only form of correction necessary.

    How can you "re-educate" someone who couldn't be educated in the first place, lol?

    A lot of these sell-out clowns are just acting on EMOTION.
    No sense of loyalty, pride, or shame.....because they don't have those characteristics anymore.
    They have been suppressed since their childhood and since adolescence, many of them have simply been living on an animalistic level of simple reward and punishment.
    Whoever gives them the best "treats" in the form of money or favors......is the one they're going to rock with.
    Whoever threatens them with the most pain.....is the one they're going to avoid and leave alone.

    If you don't have the desire or resolve to punish the traitors and extreme sell-outs, then you better have an EXCELLENT and GAME TIGHT vetting system in any organization you're apart of to make sure ONLY the most loyal and trustworthy people are allowed in to begin with.


    14 minutes ago, ProfD said:


    It's just a matter of time before we get the drop on one of these terrorists. Let's see if that Black person(s) is hailed a hero, vigilante or criminal.😎

    While this is true, it's beginning to appear that AfroAmericans who even have a DESIRE to defend their community from these racist devils are far and few in between.

    Every six months or so we hear about a race massacre involving some young White boy with Nazi ideation going into a Black neighborhood and doing dirt.
    It's been like this for a number of YEARS now, but no organized effort is being made among Black leadership to counter this right now.

    Everytime this happens, it's like it's "brand new".

    You've seen the SAME damn scene time after time for the past 10 years.....
    A bunch of overweight aunties and grannies in tights and flip-flops standing around with their hands on their hips along with a few big bellied OG's with grey dread locks and dirty white t-shirts half drunk/high around looking stupid trying to figure out what's going on in THEIR OWN community while young looking freshly shaved skinny well armed White police officers are standing around guarding the scene, taping it off, and holding the crowd back like THEY were the perpetrators instead of the White murder.

    Oddly, YOUNG Black men.....suppposed soldiers of the community.....nowhere to be found during these incidents.
    Go to any dollar store or gas station on any given day at any given time in the Black community and you'll find atleast a DOZEN young bruthaz in dread locks and long t-shirts standing around outside chilling and talking shit with eachother -except with shit like THIS jumps off.
    Then they are conspicuously absent.

    But anyway, back to my original point......
    A lot of our people don't even have a desire to defend the community from these racist attacks anymore.

    Like the Black Authority said, a lot of these niccaz are just waiting to DIE an easy death.
    Going through life already given up and don't plan on building anything for the future, and are just getting drunk or high  living until they end up dead.


  10. I think we're beyond the need for simply marching.

    It's time for AFFIRMATIVE action in the form of aggressively demanding Reparations and passing pro-AfroAmerican legislation as well as demanding and enforcing much stricter immigration policies.  Especially with regard to NON-Black immigrants.

    Too many non-Black Latinos and Asians are being allowed to flood into the nation and drown out the Black numbers.

  11. On 8/26/2023 at 2:21 AM, nels said:

    Not so sure about that. IMO, only a weak mind would consistently fall for a notion such as that.

    Well.............a lot of our people ARE weak minded.

    Look at the "Black Voices For Trump" dude sitting up in the jail house right now.
    He was willing to go to jail for a man who didn't even know he EXISTED....and STILL hasn't said a word in his defense.




    "Harrison who???
    Never heard of him....."



  12. On 8/25/2023 at 10:38 PM, zeke1234 said:

    I agree, we need to educate our Black children in America and Africa to be Christian forensic scientists and virologists, to insure the next

    plandemic against Black people never occurs.

    Not sure about the "christian" part, but I totally agree that we need to educate our children in both the Americas and Africa to be scientists and virologists (who are scientists themselves) to protect our communities against the wiles of the racist devils.

    Satan's scientists stay up day and night burning midnight oil doing experiments and coming up with new viruses and other germs to kill and harm people of color and decimate the population, and our people need to be able to defend themselves from it.

  13. Nels

    propensity for adverse health conditions associated with certain types of black ancestry

    I don't believe there are actual health conditions associated with Black ancestry.
    I think there are certain genes that Black people have that don't react well in environments that are "unnatural" to us and THAT is what causes the adverse health conditions, not the genes themselves.

    For example.......
    They claim that Black people tend to have high-blood pressure and it's genetic.
    But most Africans don't have it....it's mostly AfroAmericans.
    The two major causes of it have NOTHING to do with genetics but with the environment:  
    1. Poor diet
    2. Stress from racism

    Get rid of those two factors, and the high blood pressure disappears despite the genetics remaining the same.

    It's the same with obesity and many other so-called "genetic" problems.

  14. 7 hours ago, Jeromex said:

    Kamala Harris is actually the first Indian Vice President. Although she will go down as the most incompetent VP in history.
    I actually had this discussion yesterday with a black woman who correctly stated Kamala is basically Indian who masquerade’s as a black for her personal benefit.

    Kamala’s mother is all Indian and so were the grandparents that helped raise her. She grew up Indian ! Where was Kamala’s black dad ? He took off and bailed out on his personal responsibilities when she was very young. 
    Same with Obama who was raised by a white mom and white grandparents. Obama’s black father also left and bailed on his responsibilities when Obama was very young. This is an all too familiar story in the black community. Lack of family structure is our number one problem. Both Kamala and Obama should be thanking their lucky stars that they had responsible mom’s and responsible grandparents. 


    🤔 Hmmmm.......

    So what point are you trying to make?

    Are you suggesting that Black men shouldn't have children?


  15. 4 hours ago, zeke1234 said:

    To Pioneer1:

          Anything coming through walls, carpeted cemented floors, snakes coming out of

    an oven, people putting psychical entities in your body to effect your dream life,

    the gamit goes on and on (the undead) .  There was a huge uptick around 1995, which I took

    to be alien beings (not from Earth) becoming 'part' of our society.   This is why I read the Bible

    so much, and pray to Jesus so much.   I take dead aim at them (the paranormal stuff) daily.  

    What if I were to tell you that a lot of the practices that are NOW being called magic and "witch craft" are actually part of ancient science and wisdom that was practiced all over the planet a long long time ago?

    A lot of what they're calling sorcery and witchcraft is actually being practiced by doctors and psychiatrists in the form of pharmaceuticals.

  16. Well, you're not going to know ALL of the truth.
    But you can indeed know SOME of the truth about certain things, but you MUST do YOUR OWN research and stop relying on White folks to give you "knowledge"

    White folks will give you a lot of INFORMATION.
    Lies, stories, figures, etc....to clutter your mind up with a lot of useless garbage.
    But they'll HOLD ON to the truth for themselves and use it to actually build institutions.

    Most White folks KNOW the truth....the exact truth....about certain things.
    But out of habit, they LIE.....especially to people of color.
    Many will purposely tell you a lie and then apologize for it after you caught them, they don't know why.

    But I do......lol.

    So what WE must do is OUR OWN research.
    In this case, you'd have to send a brother or sister at the site of the crash itself to take samples of the bodies as well as their pictures and us other tissue records to confirm who was on that plane and who dies.

    That's how you get REAL knowledge and truth......YOURSELF.
    Not relying on White folks or the media or even Black folks who WORK under White folks.

  17. 14 hours ago, ProfD said:

    Of the 19 co-defendants in the case, Harrison Floyd, the only AfroAmerican onboard had to spend the night in jail.


    Harrison Floyd was subjected to the full inmate experience incluidng a stripped down body cavity search. 


    Meanwhile the other co-defendants show up and go through the booking process and leave.


    The former POTUS showed up in Georgia on a private jet. He had a full presidential motorcade. His booking process took 20 minutes. He was back on the plane and at his home in New Jersey a couple hours later.


    Harrison Floyd is/was the leader of Black Voices for Trump. I'm sure this whole experience hasn't shaken this n8gglet's faith in Orange Julius. 😎


    Part of me wants to say, "Let the nicca sit".

    Hell, if he's dumb enough and sell-out enough to proudly support an open and avowed racist, let the fool get a couple knots upside the head.
    Maybe he'll have some sense when he get's out.

    It's hard to feel sorry for some of these clowns who blindly follow Trump and declare him some sort of messianic figure when he's done nothing for the nation but stir up more animosity and open hostility.
    Sometimes the best thing is to let them succumb to their own traps.

  18. 14 hours ago, ProfD said:

    Some of these corporations become so large, the government buys from and/or consults with them on global issues.


    For example, Elon Musk, a foreigner, talks to Ukraine, Russia and NASA equally. Musk has the technology, products and services they all need.😎

    Now one would have to ask one's self.......how can a PRIVATE CITIZEN have more technology than a wealthy Western government, that they would have to go to him for goods and services instead of generating them themselves?

    I don't believe it's true.
    Like I said earlier, I think they are GIVING White folks....private White citizens.....knowledge and authority to do certain things in order to RE-segregate society and ensure White men stay on top both covertly and overtly.

    There is nothing Elon Musk or Bill Gates or any other Billionaire has that our nation with it's MULTI-TRILLION dollar economy couldn't simply mine or make themselves.
    Elon isn't connected to some secret out of space "Mother ship" that can fly in and give him special technology that nobody else is getting.
    The government is giving him and others the technology instead of making it public.

    Privatization is the NEW form of Jim Crow segregation.
    Instead of keeping it in the government where Black folks have a right to work in and be apart of it....they privatize it where diversity and affirmative action laws don't apply; so they can lock Black folks out with no recourse.

  19. Troy

    "targeted to the consumer" as in they research your history to find out what you're interested in to know what to try to sell you?

    I don't think this is the case for SEVERAL reasons....

    1. I can assure you that I haven't been researching and checking out "erection pills" or anything else to do with erection issues online or offline....lol.
    So maybe they were just marketing towards me because I'm a man.

    2. I plead the fifth on the pornography part....lol.
    Although I WILL say that I'm into older women and African women.....neither of which were shown in the porn ads that popped up on your site.
    Nearly all the porn adds featured skinny white women getting their butts slapped or close-ups on fake breasts bouncing.
    Things you'd have to actually PAY ME to watch.

    3. A lot of the ad were about baking and cooking foods as well as trips to Europe.

    I haven't done much research on ANY of those subjects so I'm not sure why they would target then towards me.


  20. Well now......Fed-Ex isn't a bad job.
    It depends on your circumstances in life.

    Everybody doesn't have Masters and Doctorate degrees to earn 6 figures, lol.
    The internet may make it SEEM that way because most internet savy people are well educated and have a little money on them.

    The average working class brother or single mother out there is often DOING GOOD to get a job offering $25 an hour, some healthcare, and vacation  time!

    Remember, a large percentage of Black men don't have ANY job.

  21. richardmurray

    Yes, when it comes to culture and entertainment.....AfroAmerica leads and is the envy of the world.
    We set the trends and the standards; and have been for decades.

    One of the positives about being brought out of Africa hundreds of years ago and raised in the U.S. is that we DON'T have a set culture.
    Which means we have more liberty to allow our Imaginations and Creativity to flourish.
    No wonder we have invented so many styles of dress, dances, and music genres.....while many other communities around the planet have been dressing, singing, and dancing the same damn way for thousands of years.

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  22. Troy

    I've been hearing a lot of bashing of the crime bill that Clinton and the Democrats passed back in the 90s.

    Like you, I was ALIVE AND WELL back in the 90s.....and we remember how bad it used to be in the late 80s and early 90s.

    A lot of Black folks were BEGGING Clinton and Congress to do something about crime and the crack epidemic that was sweeping much of the cities.
    A lot of Black men got locked up under that "Three Strikes" law

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