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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. 19 minutes ago, Jeromex said:

    Yes, my wife is black. She has a good job, is a great mom, a great wife, and carries herself with dignity. No tattoos, no profanity, no loud outbursts, and she is a great role model. She also has many white friends as do I.

    😆 -You were doing pretty good, right up until.......................LOL

    If Black women.......[and by "Black women" I take it that you actually mean AFRO-AMERICAN WOMEN because most Black women from Africa do not in any way act in the manner you describe.  They are some of the most submissive and feminine women on the planet]........are indeed too loud, aggressive, confrontational, and violent; who TAUGHT them to be this way?

    Why do you think they are this way in the first place?
    There has to be a reason and initiation point.
    Especially when Black women from other societies around the planet DO NOT act in this manner.


  2. frankster



    Exactly....and it has informed us than when interest do not coincide among Europeans there in lies opportunity.


    But even when you're smart enough to recognize this, you have to be very shrewd and strategic in how you take advantage of it.

    White folks have a habit of putting their differences aside for the "greater good" of oppressing people of color.





    Then you do not know much about The  Struggle for Independence in Africa.


    I know enough about it to know that much of it was a CON-GAME sponsored by European (including Russia) nations to THWART and MIS-DIRECT true African liberation.

    When Caucasians saw Africans going in the RIGHT direction of being totally independent and throwing off the financial, religious, and political chains of European imperialism -they decided to DERAIL it and spin it towards a different direction.


    One of the methods of doing this was for Russia to supply many of the nations with weapons and aid in order for them to support the USSR and turn communist -thus KEEPING them dependent on Caucasians.

    Another method was using NGO's to come in providing "aid" and "healthcare" in order to keep so many Africans sick and dependent on Europeans.




    And who or what is the cause?


    Anti-Black racism on the part of Arabs, Berbers, and Arabized Blacks.





    It has revealed the traitors in ECOWAS or those who are not Pan-Africanist......but lapdogs.


    But once a traitor has been revealed, whether or not and HOW they are dealt with strongly determines the future of our community and the progress we intend to make.

    When an African leader openly and boldly sells-out and takes money from European powers to harm and keep other Africans oppressed....and are not punished for it.
    This INSPIRES and ENCOURAGES other Africans with that same thought to seek that same route for their success.

    Which is partially how Black Africa got to the situation it's in today.  

  3. 2 hours ago, ProfD said:

    Europeans definitely aren't interested in helping African countries.


    On some straight up pimp sh8t, France is threatening military action against Niger if they can't continue getting Uranium.


    And people wonder why I don't give a damn if Russia attacks Western European nations like France.
    Why should I consider Russia the "enemy" when  France is doing the same thing Wagner is doing. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Jeromex said:

    We do give foreign aid to other countries. We also give aid here, its called welfare and food stamps. Unfortunately too many blacks are content with being in welfare forever.

    Lol.....I don't think you can even BE on welfare "forever".
    You can't be on welfare for your entire life time; Bill Clinton put an end to that back in the 90s.

    Have you ever received "welfare"?

    Atleast the aid in the United States is going to fellow tax-paying citizens, and not foreigners and outright ENEMIES of the United States who haven't contributed one thin dime of tax money to our nation -yet still receive foreign aid.

  5. Perhaps it also depends on how fast your computer or internet is.

    The commercial is slower to develop with slower service, so that all that initially appears is that little box.

    Perhaps what may appear as a little x-box alone for those with slower computers or internet service actually manifests itself immediately as the full blown commercial for those with super high service.

    However even if that's true, it still doesn't explain.....to me...why that would affect the HTML codes below it's latitude.

    • Like 1
  6. Jeromex


    I am opposed to not only raparations but the actual talk of reparations. Far too many people in our black community are sitting on their hands and waiting for that big pay day called “ reparations” and not pushing themselves to succeed in life.


    Since you're opposed to Reparations, I suppose you're against the billions of dollars in "foreign aid" that the United States is sending around the world to other nations (including many Black nations that you claimed sold our people) too, right?




    We are 14% of the population but commit almost 60% of all violent crime. Maybe us blacks should pay reparations to all  of  the victims of our violent crime?


    Seeing as how the vast majority of the victims of Black violent crime has been OTHER Black folks, we can actually look in to that.





    Here is a better idea. How about the women in our community stop having babies at such a young age when they cant even take care of themselves.


    According to Christian tradition......
    How old was Mary when she had Jesus?

    Was she over 21?
    Did she have a job?
    Was she even MARRIED when she got pregnant?


  7. 14 minutes ago, zeke1234 said:

    But the 'surburb' Buckhead is right down the street.  And, half of Georgia supported Trump in 2020.

    Buckhead is actually part of Atlanta.
    Unless they finally succeeded in separating themselves....lol.
    I remember when I was down there many residents in Buckhead were trying to make themselves their own separate city from the rest of Atlanta.

    Buckhead if full of rich people of all races, they're not going down there to save a bunch of poor ignorant MAGA supporters....lol.

    The TRULY rich don't love Trump any more than they love Biden.....because they know they can buy BOTH with the right price and approach.

  8. 15 hours ago, Cynique said:

     i don't know why I'm still here and so many young blacks are gone, losing their lives on a daily basis to gun violence.



    🤔 -hmmmm????

    Good question.
    Let's see if we can figure it out together.

    Perhaps....maybe.....possibly....it MIGHT be due to the fact that you spend much of your time lounging on your daughter's porch and grinning at us with some red-framed shades on, instead of hanging out down on the Wild 100's set tripping and selling diluted cocaine across the street from your competition.....lol.

    Or maybe that has nothing to do with it.

  9. Perhaps the bigger question is has these White folks lost THEIR MINDS threatening officials and threatening to act a fool in one of the largest concentrations of Black power and wealth in this nation -Atlanta.

    Atlanta is largely Black owned and nearly all Black operated, lol.     

    It may not be WAKANDA....but it's as close as you got in the U.S. so far....lol

    I used to live in Atlanta.
    A lot of them brothers and sisters down there are WOKE for real, and about that business.
    They won't play around with Trump OR his "supporters"

    If they think they got their asses handed to them in down in Montgomery Alabama a few weeks ago, let them try some shit in the ATL.

    All of those who manage to somehow escape punishment from the Black cops, lawyers, and judges down there WILL be handled by the hustlers and gangsters on the streets.....lol.




    "Hey...hey....we caught one!
    Over here yall......we caught one of them rascals!!!"




    There will BE NO escape for them inside the actual city of Atlanta....lol

  10. ((Lol...is there an echo in here???)))



    Wide awake


    @Pioneer1 I see you know who Adam is.






    So I find it funny you think Yahweh will make whites slaves. Looks like the whole book was written for whites.

    I don't remember saying that, but since you mentioned it......
    According to YOUR scriptures....didn't it say Yahoowah/Yahweh made Adam as a WORKER to till the garden and keep it?

    Was Adam and Eve getting PAID to do it?

    You tell me what that sounds like, lol.

  11. Wide awake


    @Pioneer1 I see you know who Adam is.






    So I find it funny you think Yahweh will make whites slaves. Looks like the whole book was written for whites.

    I don't remember saying that, but since you mentioned it......
    According to YOUR scriptures....didn't it say Yahoowah/Yahweh made Adam as a WORKER to till the garden and keep it?

    Was Adam and Eve getting PAID to do it?

    You tell me what that sounds like, lol.

  12. 19 hours ago, zeke1234 said:

    But they got the Rankin County, Mississippi  six 'law officers'  for sexually molesting two Black men,

    and shooting one in the neck or mouth.  So they are making headway in Mississippi. 

    I guess that's one way of looking at it.

    Another way of looking at it is, if they are COMMITTING THESE CRIMES PERIOD against Black folks......whether they're being punished for them or not....progress isn't being made.

    When you go to buy a house........
    Your focus is on how much crime the neighborhood has, not what percentage of the burgulars were actually caught and punished.



  13. frankster


    Just being White European does not automatically makes one an enemy of Black Africans


    History is best qualified to reward research.


    If you research the history of White Europe, you won't find a lot of alliances or military help from any of them for BLACK Africa.

    They may send them a sack or two of some grain to keep them from starving to death, but as far as military help....nope.

    Look at what's going on in North Africa now with Black Africans being persecuted, enslaved, driven out into the desert to starve and dry up to death, etc...much of it outlined by the article in  zeke1234's post.
    ....by racist Arabs and ARABIZED fellow Africans.


    What are Europeans....who are obviously more powerful and could stop it if they wished...doing about it?


    France ALONE could send a few planes and battalions of troops over to Northern Africa and check EVERY Arab/Berber nation from mistreating Black Africans...if they wished.
    But they won't.
    Instead they just shake their finger at those hairy beasts and say, 



    "Now now.....
    You're being naughty boys down there!
    Stop doing that to those poor people"

    ....with a sly grin on their face.




    We Africans in America  and or the West is way too divide(unorganized) to mount an effect support for Africa once the Elite unleashes its greed.


    While this is a fact....it's a MUTABLE fact.
    It's true right now....but conditions can change it, lol.









    ECOWAS — the Economic Community of West African States  should not 'threatened military intervention in Niger if ousted President Mohamed Bazoum is not returned to power by Aug. 6',  as indicated  in the article,  'African nations threaten military intervention in Niger after coup', by Leo Sands, and others.  Today is August 6, and ECOWAS should leave this matter alone.   

    Well I'm not over there so I'm not sure EXACTLY what's happening in Niger, but from what I see.....the Arab looking President has been ran out of the nation and replaced by Black men who look more like the population they're leading.

    Like I've said, we can't wait on Europeans to defend our people against these racist Arabs....they're brothers/cousins.
    They both think the same racist way.

    If we're tired of their oppression in Africa then WE have to do it ourselves.
    Perhaps Niger is just an example of this.


  14. 23 hours ago, Jeromex said:

    We need a strong president here in the US who can break up the alliance between Russia and China.

    Lol....there IS NO "alliance" between Russia and China.

    Both of them are next door neighbors and CLAIM to be Communist and STILL aren't as close to eachother as Russia is to the United States on most projects.

    Russia and the United States are working together in Syria, on space projects, and many other things we don't all know about.
    I was reading something the other day and forgot where I read it that said with all the shit going on the United States is STILL giving Russia  FINANCIAL AID!!!
    Not sure if it's true or not, but I can believe it because White folks tend to stick together no matter what they CLAIM on television.

    Caucasians tend to stick together over people of color....including Asians.
    So it's hard to believe Russia would hook up with China to fight the U.S.

  15. 25 minutes ago, Chevdove said:


    Geez, who cares!?

    Who cares about white people keeping secrets. 

    This is insane! 

    science does not revolve around white men!

    science has its origin in the African scholars!



    No way! LOL! 

    Black people made a big mistake letting those serpents into their land. 

    It was not good to keep your ENEMIES closer back then, but of course today, we are in a different situation, a predicament. 


    Now, the whole human race in diverse and so, what do we do now?

    @Pioneer1 We can't reject people on the basis of skin color, right?


    It's hard to IGNORE White folks when they own and operate so much.....lol.

    Most Black folks rely on White folks for work, a pay check, to keep the lights on in the house, to keep the food stocked up in the grocery stores, to fix their computers when they break down, etc...

    You want them to ignore ALL OF THAT and focus strictly on Black issues and Black business.....lol.

    Don't "give" White folks no credit?
    Don't "give" White folks no power?

    Just pretend they don't exist and have no authority....huh?


    Well, imagine how that would play out...................



    "I don't give a damn what nare ONE of yall call yall selves!
    Yall ain't got no power over me.
    I gotta basketball game I'm going to tonight and I'M GOING.
    I ain't giving yall NO credit for shit!"


  16. 15 minutes ago, Chevdove said:


    Mushroom clouds!?


    If we are dealing with Nuclear war, ... 


    it really feels like we are facing some dark times on this earth. 

    If this is indeed Nuclear War or World War Three.....I'd say these are GREAT times!

    It means this evil Caucasian world is about to come to an end, and a new one will rise up in it's place.

    If Satan's house is divided.....how can it stand?

  17. 5 hours ago, Troy said:


    @Pioneer1 do you really think you can change the mind of someone like Wide Awake?




    But as I said on the other thread, what would be the BENEFIT?

    Say I won him over and he starts growing dread locks and walks around with a Black power fist on his t-shirt.
    He now LOVES Black folks!
    But how does that actually HELP me or any other Black person?
    Just having some ham-sandwich eating White man, "like" you?

    If he's a judge or doctor or millionaire, perhaps him liking us may be of benefit if he shares some wealth or does us favors.
    But just some random ass White man with tattoos on his legs stacking boxes in the back of a damn Target....who the HELL needs HIS friendship?



    "Ok, I got somethin' to get off my chest!
    Why is it that Black guys can say the n-word
    but if I do it I'm the bad guy????"


  18. 3 minutes ago, Chevdove said:


    Geez, Malcolm is showing that he is obssessed with White people!

    Why would black men care about White people keeping secrets!


    The white man cannot hide the truth.

    @Pioneer1 You give white people too much credit.


    Well, there's an old saying......

    Keep your friends close, and your ENEMIES even closer.


  19. Troy


    I know, the Illuminati right?


    I don't know their names, but we know they exist.

    Unlike a lot of OUR people, White folks can actually hold secret societies and keep secrets....lol.






    Excuse me for butting into this tread.  The 2017 article below says modern humans have been around about 250,000 years.  The article after that says migration from Africa began about 100,000 ago.

    Lol...well the 2017 article is WRONG.


    Stop listening to White folks about the origins and age of humanity. They are PROVEN liars.
    The habitually lie about the origins and age of humanity every generation.







    I am not refuting that humans were older than 6000 years ago, and neither do scientist. Primitive humans were here on this earth but your statements are completely without any merit.

    So it's your position that the only humans that go back beyond 6000 years are "primitive" humans?




  20. 23 hours ago, Troy said:

    again describe one situation. after more more than a decade on this forum you can’t point to one situation where you changed your position after learning something new? 

    Why should someone CHANGE their position after learning something new?
    Why can't they use what they've learned to BOLSTER their position?

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