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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. 54 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    Powerlessness. Black folks don't really have the authority to enforce laws against White folks. 


    Black folks wouldn't occupy those positions for very long if they went against the program.😎

    Is the ENTIRE reason -that they don't have the authority?
    Or is it that they neither have the authority nor the DRIVE or WILL to enforce laws against White folks?

    Back in the 70s after Detroit got it's first Black mayor....a STRONG Black mayor....he began integrating the police department and not only FORCING the department to hire more Black officers but encouraged the Black officers to be more aggressive and pro-Black.
    And he backed them up.
    Even hired a Black police chief and backed HIM up to back up the Black officers.

    On more than a few occasions there were actual CONFRONTATIONS between Black and White police officers IN THE PUBLIC over the treatment of Black citizens!

    On atleast one occasion there was a SHOOT OUT between Black and White cops at a local police precinct after Black officers accused the White ones of harassing them and denying them certain privileges!
    Again, this was in the 70s....on the heels of the Civil Rights Movement, when Black folks were still pretty aggressive.

    I say that to say, a lot of the bullshit and foolishness you see going on in the United States (and I can actually say around the world in relation) today is as a DIRECT and INDIRECT response to the passiveness and fear that so many Black folks of the past few generations have when it comes to confronting racism and exerting what power they DO have in this nation.

    Don't get me wrong.
    I'm not under delusion that we live in Wakanda (although we could MAKE one if we really desire to) in this nation.
    I realize wealthy White men run it and hold the most power right now.
    My point is, Black America has a CERTAIN AMOUNT of power and authority and ain't using it!
    And we had EVEN MORE back in the 70s....and lost a lot of it BECAUSE of the lack of use.

    Like that old saying, "If you don't use it.....you lose it".
    That's true for a lot of power.
    If you are Favored to get some power and authority and neglect to use it out of laziness or indifference....often times those with LESS power and authority but who are more aggressive and more hungry will TAKE that power from you!

  2. 44 minutes ago, Jeromex said:

    What would I do? If they commit violent crime, they go to prison.

    More importantly, black leaders and black celebrities should pound the table in various media outlets about having babies at a young age and out of wedlock. The crux of the problem is lack of family structure in the black community.
    Blacks like to claim our sista’s are strong”, they dont need men. Thats a lie and an excuse for being irresponsible.

    We also need more blacks aspiring to go to trade schools rather than going to college and getting useless degrees.

    We also need to pound the table at an early age that being a thug is an embarrassment and being a criminal is a cop out.

    Most of the “thug stuff” would be solved by having a structured family.

    Finally, we stop with the victimhood nonsense at an early age. We need to take responsibility for our actions, we are the only race that cant seem to get our acts together.


    Those sound like "text book" solutions to the problems you've been complaining about.
    I think you're holding back....lol.

    I don't think those are ALL of the "solutions" you'd like to see implemented.


  3. ProfD

    Even in positions of power, ADOS/FBA folks are powerless when it comes to going against the laws established by white folks. 

    ADOS/FBA folks can only enforce the laws...mainly against their own people. 

    Who would stop a couple Black police officers from rolling up on an arrest and stop White officers from unjustified detention?

    Who would stop a Black Federal judge from overturning a particular law that is clearly unfair and racist forcing the rest of the judicial system to follow suit?


    Sometimes fear itself is our biggest obstacle.






     blacks in America will never move to Africa or any other country for that matter.

    How do you explain this:  https://www.youtube.com/@goblack2africa54 


  4. I'd vote for her as President simply because she's attractive and I wouldn't mind looking at her for 4 years....lol.

    Look at her, especially compared to Biden


    Kamala Harris | Latest News on the United States Vice President - SFGATE


    Kamala Harris and the Noble Path of the Prosecutor | The New Yorker



    You mean you wouldn't want to look at that for 4 or 8 years?








    Nor am I surprised, by the  remarks of Jeromex and Nels, the 2 right wing coons among us,

    Lol....in order to qualify even as a "coon" you have to atleast be Black.

    • Haha 1
  5. Jeromex

    SHE didn't mention their race.....so why did you?
    She just said she was attacked by 4 young men, but YOU had to let the world know they were "Black" for some reason.

    Also, if the investigation is still ongoing and they haven't caught them yet....why was she "thanking" the Minneapolis Police Department?

    Could it be that the Minneapolis police were THE PROBLEM for allowing violent criminals to run loose on the streets while harassing non-violent citizens?

  6. ProfD

    I can't really argue with any of the above....lol.

    I'm a Pan-Africanist by philosophy so although I do put AfroAmericans first, I have a strong desire to unite with the GOOD of the Black Diaspora.

    If you're waiting on AfroAmericans as a whole to "get on code" and start working with eachother before moving on to opportunities in Africa-


    .....good luck waiting, lol.

    Time has just about run out for waiting on an "aha" moment for many of our people.

    In my opinion, it would be ideal for the smartest Black folks of all ethnicities to unite with EACHOTHER and network for success trans-continentally.

    Besides, there are too many beautiful African women out there for us to pass up that opportunity.
    Not trying to see White men get ahold of them while we stand back with our arms folded throwing up FBA gang-signs....lol.

  7. I posted an article about a week ago showing how they are putting Latino illegal immigrants up in hotel rooms while forcing Black illegal immigrants to sleep on the streets of New York, and it pretty much got ignored.


    Well now I see even MORE racist double standards in the U.S. immigration policy.

    While they're bussing illegal Latino immigrants around the nation putting them in Black neighborhoods and giving them hotel rooms and food vouchers, look who they ARE actually enforcing the laws on.......




    The US keeps deporting people to a country that it says is too dangerous for travel


    The Biden administration has taken mixed positions on its policies involving Haiti – with one federal agency warning that the Caribbean country is too dangerous for US citizens, while another agency deports Haitians back to the violence-torn country.

    Violence in Haiti during the second quarter of 2023 jumped almost 14% when compared to the previous quarter, according to a United Nations report released Thursday.



    Migrants, mostly from Haiti, collect clothes donated by a group of volunteers, at the Giordano Bruno in Mexico City, Mexico, April 6, 2023. - Henry Romero/Reuters

    The US keeps deporting people to a country that it says is too dangerous for travel (msn.com)



    This is beyond outrage.
    It reminds me of when they sent White men on horseback with whips to whip and beat Black Haitian migrants at the Mexican border and drive them into the river.

    Black immigrants are clearly being discouraged from coming here while non-Black immigrants are clearly being encouraged to come here and to undoubtedly "replace" the Black population.

    It's happening right before your eyes.

    We have Black judges, police officers, government officials....
    I wonder what goes through their minds when they sit up there and watch this.

  8. ProfD



    White folks are neither more organized nor smarter than Black folks.   

    Now come on mayne.....lol.
    How smart they are can be argued because that also involves INNATE intelligence; but when it comes to something as obvious and practical as organization -SURELY you don't really believe that Black folks collectively are JUST AS if not MORE organized than White folks?????


    What evidence do we have of this?


    The average Black man in America has a hard time keeping his CAR organized.
    Got papers and shit scattered all over and under the seat and gotta risk his life reaching and probing and looking for shit if he's stopped by the police because he doesn't know where he last put his registration.



    "Hold up....let me find this shit right quick".



    Come on man.


    ....not to mention keeping his household and family organized and under one roof.

    And let's not even TALK about running a city or state by himself without the assistance of a bunch of White men in suits standing in the background directing him.


    The American negro is HIGHLY unorganized.


    The average brutha on the street who smokes ain't even got sense enough to keep a damn LIGHTER on him.
    Gotta keep asking other folks for a "light" -but you smoke a pack a day!


    Come on man, you know better than that....lol.




    However, the religion of racism white supremacy is the powerful force on the planet.

    White folks are more willing to kill anybody who gets in their way of maintaining power. They have instilled fear in others.






    The French have threatened military action against Niger if that uranium stops. 


    If we as a community were organized, we'd force America to force France to leave Niger alone.




    Essentially, you're advocating that Black folks should be smart enough to overcome their fear of white folks.  


    Infact, if you're smart enough....you'd HAVE NO fear because you'd be smart enough to come up with weapons and tactics to overcome any enemy who comes your way.

    Fear often comes from ignorance...not knowing what to do.

    When you see and feel the vibration of them BLACK HAWK helicopters coming your way and all you got is a machete and a mop handle....and a tree to hide behind....HELL YEAH you're gonna be afraid!




    I'm sure you have rarely ever seen the nerd/geek person beat up the bully.  Nope. 

    The smart person gets wedgies until they either fight back and/or find some way of protection from the bully even if it means becoming a friend to their enemy.


    That's because the nerd and geek IS NOT very smart!


    That's right.


    They may be BOOK SMART but they aren't PEOPLE SMART.
    They have academic sense but they are lacking in COMMON sense and  SOCIAL intelligence.
    There's an imbalance.


    You're good at Algebra and Social Studies....but can't even take a shower or keep your shoe laces tied up, lol.


    Know how to dissect a frog....but can't even talk to a girl.



    Andre Meadows - IMDb



    The nerd or geek is smart only in ONE SEGMENT of life...but lacking in others.


    Most of the TRULY smart people I knew in school who had a BALANCED sense of intelligence knew HOW to stay out of fights and trouble and knew how to handle bullies so that they didn't pick on them.



    Real killers use smart people to maintain their power, domination and control over the weak and afraid.


    Sure it's not the other way around and the SMART PEOPLE use REAL KILLERS to do their dirty work for them....lol.

  9. 30 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    During one of our discussions, you insisted that maybe Black folks aren't smart enough to overcome white folks and my position was that it is fear more than a lack of intelligence.😎

    Lol...that too.
    We know there's a lot of smart Black folks and a lot of dumb ass White folks, but collectively White folks have SHOWN themselves to be smarter (again as a GROUP) by ruling the world for so long.

    Even if you want to say they did it through being ruthless, Black folks should be smart enough to PROTECT OURSELVES from their ruthlessness by now....if we had sense enough.

    If he's smart enough to enslave you....then why aren't you smart enough to turn around and ENSLAVE HIM....or atleast protect yourself from being enslaved?

    This is why I keep stressing that I no longer expect a MAJORITY of our people to be able to work towards progress.
    We should focus on uniting the righteous and most intelligent to march forward.

    But to be honest, I'm bouncing back and forth between wondering if it's that White folks are smarter or if Black folks are just SO DIVIDED among ourselves that the intelligence doesn't even have a chance to flourish and see itself through.
    Kind of like people who are very smart but so impulsive and can't stay out of trouble.

    What good is 10 Black geninuses if they all hate and are so jealous of eachother that they use their genius to destroy EACHOTHER?

    The continental Africans have influenced me on this one.....
    I've met so many smart Africans over the years who were just as smart if not smarter than the Europeans I met from Europe living in the U.S. as well as the Europeans I met in Europe.  Africans were smarter than them too.
    Yet Europe was wealthier and more stable.

    It's not like it's a continent full of retarded people wearing diapers.
    Millions of well educate Black men and women who for some reason can't get along with eachother and stop fighting.
    Nigerians smart as whips....yet using their intelligence to run phone card and internet schemes and scams instead of engineering technology that could easily rival China.

    White folks colonized the country for 80 years and not ONE attempted coup to throw the French or Dutch or English out.....but EVERY YEAR a new group of niggaz with suspenders made of bullets and big greasy muscles in their arms are running up to the king's palace trying to overthrow him and declare THEMSELVES the new president.



    During Rage Of Civil War In Africa, Warlord Trains Young Orphan To Be  Ruthless - YouTube

    "We are coming to restore democracy!
    We are here!  Here we are!"


    One Black man can't stand to see another Black man with more money, women, and respect.....damn.

    Like that Biggie Smalls song, as soon as they see your picture they wanna grab their gats and come get ya....lol

    Africa is too divided among ethnic groups with THOUSANDS of separate languages and ethnic groups.....I'm inclined to believe this massive division is the REAL problem.

  10. Troy

    What are you surprised about????

    I suspect a lot of Black Americans like a lot of Americans period would rather go to France not just because of the racist images of Africa they've been fed since childhood generation after generation but because of STRUCTURAL obstacles that make it easier to go to Europe too!

    1. Most major American cities offer DIRECT flights to Western European nations like France, Germany, and England.
    Often times, going to Africa you have to go to Europe or the Middle East first THEN to Africa.

    2. When I went to Europe you didn't need any vaccines to go.
    Just a passport, pay your fare, and fly there.
    To go to Africa most of the time you need to vaccines and take tests and get interrogated as to why you're going, etc...

  11. Besides fear and love, another reason it's so hard to kick the foreigners out of African nations is because AFRICANS THEMSELVES are in nearly every nation for one reason or another.

    French citizens are in Niger sucking out the natural resources, but guess what?
    Niger citizens are in France working jobs and going to school.

    This plays on the "sense of justice" a lot of Africans feel in that since they want to go to Europe to partake of certain benefits, they feel it's only "right" that they allow Europeans to come to Africa and exploit the land in exchange.

    Interesting that we're talking about this topic because I was watching 2 movies over the weekend related to this:
    Blood Diamond and Lord of War

  12. Actually, different methods work on different people.

    With me personally, arguing with me and presenting INDISPUTABLE facts in an "in your face" way DOES WORK in changing my mind.

    Being nice, using "reverse psychology" and trying to play tricks or use honey....a lot of that didn't work with me.
    Not sure if it's because I could see through it or I just didn't take to it.

    But if I came at you with an argument and instead of saying "Yeah, whatever" and turning your back or ignoring me; you clapped back with some powerful facts that shut me up -that often changed my religion!

    That's what made me put the Bible away.
    ....a brutha hitting me hard with the facts on it.

    I'm built differently than a lot of people in the sense that I have thick skin and know how to monitor and control my emotions and focus on the content instead of the package.

    I'm like this by nature, I didn't have to train myself to be this way.

    I remember when I was 17 working as a dishwasher in a restaurant......

    As different Black folks with our different preferences....we'd all have the White folks WE got along with and those WE didn't get along with...lol.

    I remember getting along much better with the more conservative acting straight-laced White folks who listened to "their" music, dressed like a typical White person, and leaned more towards the conservative Republican "traditional values" politics.
    Although I liked the Black girls better, I even liked the White girls who dressed and acted like they were "supposed to" instead of the ones who tried to act like Black girls!

    But most other Black folks my age and older liked the "cool white dudes" who were into rap, smoked weed, and mocked Black culture claiming to be down.
    Even as a teenager I didn't trust them....something about how they acted that I didn't like.
    But if you acted more like your nature, I trusted you and liked you a bit more.

    Later on I come to find out many of the "cool" White dudes would act as connections for the Black folks at the job who were into the street life but would turn around and snitch on them and get them in trouble.
    Meanwhile my "friendship" with the tight-ass conservative acting White folks ended when we'd leave work and we wouldn't have anything to do with eachother outside of work but got along well.

    I like REAL.
    Even if your realness is less appealing and attractive.....be REAL with me.

  13. 32 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    @Pioneer1, all this time I thought you rejected my assertion that Black folks fear white folks.🤣


    Love is also the reason Black folks will not overcome their oppressors. 


    Black folks do not love white folks in the physical sense. We see then as fellow human beings. 


    Black folks are truly peaceful by nature. We don't believe in killing, raping and pillaging as a means to an end.


    While Black folks could be violent under certain conditions, we'd much rather f8ck, eat, party, play music and have fun.


    This dispensation won't allow Black folks to live in our true glory.😎

    This is what the Nation of Islam means that we are "righteous by nature".

    Under natural circumstances we are INCLINED towards righteous and civilized behavior.
    But we still have the POTENTIAL for savagery (human beings acting animalistic).

    It should be kept in mind that because we are atleast 3 times more powerful than them, Black folks have ALL of the potential White folks have.....and much more.
    That includes all of their potential for evil and wickedness.
    But we have much much more Creativity and Goodness and Strength to CHECK that evilness and wickedness and they don't.

    Not sure why you thought I didn't realize so many of our people feared White folks.
    We've been seeing evidence of this since childhood, not just in Africa but here in the United States.

    Go into the roughest and toughest hood where brothers are built like MOUNTAINS and are so hard core they can take a street sign or stop sign and bend it up like a pretzel.
    Take a bite of out a tree truck like you're bitting an apple....lol
    About 25 of them piled up on the side walk set tripping and mean-mugging every car that drives by them HOPING for a fight!

    But let some half naked 85 pound White woman come jogging by with some shorts on so small you can see all her butt-cheeks flapping while she's bouncing by....along with her dog-

    20 Benefits of Jogging or Running with Your Dog

    "Excuse me guuuuuys!"



    Man, ALL of them niccaz will scatter and clear the sidewalk for her like it was Wagner rolling through with heavy artillery.




    5 Best Los Angeles gang movies. Boyz n the Hood, Menace II Society, South  Central, Colors and Training Day

    "Break wide niggaz!!!!!"

    Niccas start tripping over eachother and pushing eachother out of the way.....afraid to even LOOK at her OR her flapping booty....scared somebody might see them looking and call the cops on 'em.

    Others don't know WHAT the hell their afraid of.....but they're still scared!

    ....crazy and confused as hell.



    17 minutes ago, Troy said:

    The coups we are seeing in Africa are in reaction to French colonialism.  To this day France still has their hands in the pockets of their colonies and they are still colonies.  The people in power in these nations have been tools of the French and they are being replaced.  Trump's isolationism was actually helpful to Africa... this is worth discussing in more detail...

    I've heard this argument recently.

    That the coups taking place are actually the removal of SELL-OUTS that have been installed from the outside.

    Only time will really allow us to tell how true this is.

    Every leader of a coup claims to be "the real" and legitimate leader and claims to have the popular support of "The people" behind them.

    No one.....to my knowledge atleast....has every admitted that they don't care about justice and helping the masses but only wanted power so that THEY'D be the ones in control of all the resources, enjoy all the money and women, and be the ones closest to the White Western powers instead of the previous rulers.
    Even when it became crystal clear that that's what they were doing....they never admitted to it.

    Going by what people SAY....all of them are the "legitimate leaders" including the French, lol.

  14. 12 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    @Pioneer1, you know from the teachings of NF Jr. that there are certain things that aren't worth discussing.😉


    If a subject is not about solving problems, it might lead to a non-constructive argument. 🤣


    Politics, religion and conspiracy theories are just a few rabbit holes that will lead to non-constuctive dialog.


    I will give my opinions on any topic of discussion but I don't challenge what folks believe.


    Folks have a right to think and believe whatever thry choose. We do not have a right to impose our beliefs on others.


    HIV is a man-made disease. There's nothing we can do about it.🤣😎

    Thanks for acknowledging this fact!

    As I told richardmurray, debating is what I love to do.
    I do it for fun.....which is constructive for ME because it's recreational, lol.

    I think either richardmurray or Delano asked in the other thread what benefit is there in imposing your beliefs on others....
    I would say a NUMBER of benefits.

    1. IF your goal is to control or influence another person as in Politics, imposing your beliefs helps.
    2. If your goal is to get another person to buy and spend their money in a particular product as in Marketing -then imposing your beliefs....or atleast that which you CLAIM to believe...helps.
    3. If...like me...you enjoy debating and sharpening your debating and persuasion skills....successfully convincing others to see things your way is a Success for you.

    Now if this  devolves into name calling, threats, and animosity, then it becomes DE-structive or NON-constructive.
    Unless....that was your purpose in the first place in "trolling" for example or general destabilization....then I guess it would still be considered "successful".


  15. 13 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    You've laid out a case for how Black folks can be violent and ruthless against each other. I've acknowledged it.


    Please explain why Black folks haven't overthrown their white and non-white colonizers and imperialists. 😎

    2 powerful reasons:  Fear and Love

    1. They fear the power that White folks have over them and see them as "almost" invincible.
    Often times the only time a Black person will challenge White power is when they are so desparate and have nothing else to lose and don't even give a fuck if they live or die....THEN they'll go all out and use everything within their means to challenge White authority.  

    ....and usually will WIN.

    Look at Haiti and Somalia as examples.

    Problem is, it happens so few and far in between that not enough wins have been racked up to overturn the White Racist System.
    Even worse, after wining and driving them out of the nation the NEXT generation of niccas will get lazy and invite the White folks back in for some trinkets and jobs.

    2. You gotta be honest, a HUGE percentage of Black folks (especially in Africa) love White folks too much to fight them.
    They see them as angels.


    Think Florida Evans and White Jesus.....


    "Boy you hush yo mouth!
    Don't you talk like that infront of Jesus!!!"


    They see them as being "better" morally, looking better, certainly nicer, more refined, and more educated.
    They seek them for education and better standards of living.....so their own logic wouldn't allow them to destroy that which they love and seek benefits from. 

    How can you and why would you fight him whom you believe to be "Jesus"????

    • Thanks 1
  16. It took me years to understand that Caucasians were referred to as "devils" not primarily because of their behavior and wickedness but because of their genetic weakness.
    Most people assume "devil" means a person is very evil and wicked and THAT'S how they get the title.
    No....it's because they are genetic DEVIANTS who also are inclined to do evil.

    I say that to say that Black folks have a GREATER potential to do evil and wickedness than even the Caucasians, because we have more creative power although by nature we are inclined to do good under normal circumstances.

    You see and hear about Black wickedness not only in the ghettoes of America but through out parts of Africa too, and we can't say it's all White folks forcing them to do this.

    So the argument that Black folks aren't evil enough or ruthless enough to seize power.....not sure about that one, lol.

    Look at the number of coups that have been going on in Africa since the so-called "end" of colonialism!
    As soon as a bunch of niccas get enough guns and ammo they start seizing power.
    Who cares about a damn election.
    No time to wait a generation or two.
    Yes Europe does the same thing with it's revolutions in different nations but atleast they usually wait a century or two before overturning a royal family or government and establishing a new one.
    Some of these brothers in Africa....EVERY generation has to play "top of the hill"" tossing out the old guard and installing a new one.
    No stability.

    Many of our people don't mind being evil and ruthless with eachother.
    They just start hesitating when it comes to White folks for various reasons.

    There may be many reasons why Black people in Africa don't have too much wealth or power, but the unwillingness to kill, rape, and rob doesn't seem to be one of them.
    Sorry, but I can't buy that one.

    I would say lack of UNITY (every man for himself mentality) and lack of DISCIPLINE are some of the major culprits of why African nations (and many of us here in the U.S.) have a hard time building wealth.

  17. No.

    The sources could come from CNN or the Wall Street Journal, but if a person doesn't WANT to believe that HIV was a man-made virus designed to thin the population of Black folks, they won't believe it anyway.

    They'll just start re-interpreting the information or dismissing it all together.

    Just like the Crack Cocaine conspiracy.

    When it got to the point where they just COULDN'T deny that cocaine was deliberately being brought into the Black communities of America to destabilize it.....they had to come up with some flimsy excuse to "justify" it so they said the CIA did it to raise money to fund the Contras in Nicaragua.

    The government has PLENTY of money.
    They don't need to fund their operations by opening lemonade stands and car-washes just to  "raise money".
    That's one of the silliest excuses they could come up with.

  18. After discussing the dangers of AI on here yesterday, I happened to listen to an interesting exchange on the need for our people to "ride the Artificial Intelligence wave", between Brother Rich and 19 Keys last night.

    It only lasts a few minutes out of the entire interview and can be found starting at the 2 hour and 24 minute mark:





    I must admit, when he said "You have to be aware of everything in order to control everything"....that was powerful.

    Whether we invented it or agree with it, we should atleast know about it and understand it as completely as possible in order to ascertain whatever benefits we can and use it to OUR benefit.


    • Thanks 1
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