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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. Thanks for refreshing my memory of his accusations.


    So now the question is, why aren't "The Squad" and other so-called Progressives focused on removing his ass from Congress????

    That's a rhetorical question, because I pretty much already know the answer.

    THEIR focus is on bring more illegal immigrants into the nation as well as pushing to have transvestites in women's bathrooms....that's where THEIR focus is.

  2. I was told by a White woman a few months ago that no matter what problems you're dealing with.....being BROKE will make them worse, lol.

    Even if it's a health/medical issue that you haven't cured yet, atleast with more money you can afford more treatments to ease your condition or afford things to do that will take your focus off of your condition and make life easier.
    It's one thing to be sick.

    It's another thing to be sick AND broke.

    Even if you're incarcerated....atleast with more money you can afford more lawyers to fight for your freedom.

    It's one thing to be locked up.
    It's another thing to be locked up and BROKE and not being able to get a lawyer to take your case or even get commissary to make your stay a little more comfortable.

    It's almost always better to HAVE money than not have it.




    Other than Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg being heavy in the LBGTQ+ community...the white media is reluctant to broadcast white folks from that community. 


    Well, his last name is pronounced "Booty Jig".
    That should have been one of the first indications of his orientation when he hit the national spotlight.







    If she's part of the LGBTQIA+ community, then she IS "qualified".......atleast for the agenda they're pushing.

    The thing about White racists....
    they love to promote whoever will disgrace and humiliate the image of AfroAmericans regardless of their political affiliation, religion, gender, etc....

    As long as they're a fool, weird, have some sort of sexual perversion, super ugly.....any dysfunction....White racists will promote the hell out of them.

    That's the ONLY qualification they need:  Just be dysfunctional.

    Infact, that's one of the reasons they hated your favorite President Obama so much.
    He didn't do a lot for us, but he was such a full package and they couldn't find anything "on" him.

    Handsome, well educated, had a Black wife (who wasn't fat or loud or obnoxious) , nice kids who weren't getting into trouble, HE didn't get into trouble, ect....

    DAMN....they just couldn't find ANYTHING on the brother so they had to start MAKING UP things on him, lol.


    "He's a Muslim!
    He's a Communist!
    He wasn't born in America, he was born in Afghanistan!
    His wife is really a man!
    He smokes cigarettes...just look at him!
    He's....he's....he's.....he's UNAMERICAN that's what he his!!!!"

    Just...anything they could think of.....SAY IT, lol.

  4. Kenneth

    I was riding with you right up until you typed this............




    2. Reparations if paid will let whites and the system off the hook. Congress and Corporate America will declare the race problem solved. It will be nearly impossible to raise concerns about other problems and get action taken because they will wrongly claim " they paid " so there's no reason to consider any further claims. 


    3. Reparations will be the biggest stimulus package for White dominated Corporate America in history. 


    We don't need reparations. We need more and better. 





    2. Reparations if paid will let whites and the system off the hook. Congress and Corporate America will declare the race problem solved. It will be nearly impossible to raise concerns about other problems and get action taken because they will wrongly claim " they paid " so there's no reason to consider any further claims. 

    Reparations will let them off the hook with WHO?

    Hell, who are they "on the hook with" forcing them to address our concerns right now????

    In other words, if White American are killing, incarcerating, poisoning, and generally mistreating many of our people and the "good" White folks aren't stopping it or addressing them anyway -then WHAT DO WE HAVE TO LOSE?


    3. Reparations will be the biggest stimulus package for White dominated Corporate America in history. 

    Especially when we don't have enough Black banks to hold all of the money we should receive from a decent Reparations package.

    However if someone offers to give you a Benz.....would you turn it down over the high price of gas?

    There's an old saying, "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face".

    We don't want to reject something that's good for us ONLY because it would also benefit our enemy also.






    We don't need reparations. We need more and better. 

    Again, we need and deserve more....but we should take Reparations WHILE waiting on and demanding more and better.

  5. Thanks to the internet......
    I'm learning FAR more about the history of NWA and each of the members and the saga of the group and Jerry Heller and the rest of those involved.....than I knew back in the early 90s.

    I've actually been going deep on the history of them over the past month or two out of curiousity and entertainment.

    I didn't know about Ice Cube's group C.I.A. or about Dre and Yella and the World Class Wreckin' Cru back then.
    I did remember hearing the song "Turn Out The Lights" but didn't know who it was by.


    Things make so much more sense now after doing research on them.


  6. 11 minutes ago, Troy said:


    If everyone believed it to be true maybe we would behave like it and the world would be a better place. 

    But with some people, if they didn't believe anyone ever died permanently but re-incarnated over and over again.....they'd REALLY become more murderous and barbaric.

    Can you imagine how murder convictions would go if all judged were convinced of re-incarnation?
    Killing someone would carry the same penalty as probably running over a foot or a punch in the face.....lol.
    Just a temporary offense.

  7. ????

    Wasn't Gaetz on his way to JAIL for something, not too long ago?

    I forget what it was about but it was some sort of scandal involving him and a young man working for him and they had some sort of inappropriate sexual relationship or something.
    There was another scandal on Gaetz involving money and corruption.

    My question is how do these obviously corrupt dudes like Trump, DeSantis, and Gaetz not only avoid jail time but end up getting POLITICAL OFFICES????

    That in and of itself should be investigated in my opinion.

    If Biden was worth his weight in salt, he'd be sending a federal team down there to investigate both DeSantis and Gaetz to take both of them out of office.

    At any rate.....

    Do you know who I blame for both DeSantis AND Gaetz if he gets to be Governor of Florida?


    Because if he wasn't such a punk....
    If he wasn't such a wimp....
    If he had stood up and DEMANDED a fair recount and not let the racist Republican DeSantis just STEAL the Governorship.....
    If he had not let racist White Democrats TALK HIM OUT of fighting for the highest seat in Florida.....

    He'd be Governor now and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    The same could have been said for President Obama letting Trump get away with his shenanigans with Russia.

    What good are these niggaz getting in office if they're going to just punk out and let White folks run the show any damn way????

  8. Lol....
    As soon as I read the title of the thread I thought of Dr. Claude Anderson.

    I didn't even know the thread was going to be about him, but I thought of him because he's said that before and in just THAT way.

    He's the only person I know who phrases it like:  "Obama didn't do a "durn" thing for Black folks.".....lol.


    I'm not the biggest fan of President Obama but I wouldn't go as far as to say he did NOTHING for us.

    1. I would say he did nothing SPECIFICALLY for Black folks.
    He did do a few things for the country in general that INDIRECTLY benefitted Black America but nothing for us directly.

    2. Just him BEING IN OFFICE and being elected twice actually benefitted us to a certain extent because:
    a) It showed the world that AfroAmericans are qualified to run one of the strongest and wealthiest nations in the world.
    b) It showed AfroAmerican children that if you did good in school and stayed out of trouble you COULD eventually become President of the United States.
    He broke the barrier.

    3. And importantly......what did we DEMAND that he do for us?
    Did we have a Black agenda read for him to check off and execute or did we just vote for him HOPING he'd give us some jobs and money and clean up the ghetto?

    Frederick Douglass said power concedes NOTHING without a demand.
    If we wanted President Obama to do more then we should have DEMANDED it.

    • Like 1

  9. ProfD

    I'm not an atheist in any way shape or form, however I'm not a religious person either.
    If it comes from another human being...I'm going to question it and in most cases investigate it for it's accuracy.

    The "Cosmic Egg" belief sounds interesting and seems to make sense on a certain level, but unless The SUPREME BEING let's me know directly that this is the truth.....then I'm not going to put all of my faith in it either.
    It's just another belief that remains to be seen whether it's true or not.

    Some say we come back here over and over again.
    Others say you only get one shot and that's it.
    Others say you come here for the first time, die, and then a NEW body is made for you to inhabit on a New Earth where you dwell forever.

    Guess what?
    Most of the people TELLING us these things all get here the same way and leave the same way.....lol.
    So how do we know WHO'S telling the truth?


    As far as the plight of Black folks goes on this planet......

    For me, my belief bounces back and forth between believing that Caucasians ruling the planet because they're just plain smarter and can think up more shit to invent to maintain control and power - or - that they're NOT smarter and we are actually smarter but we're so divided as a people and too busy fighting with eachother to unite and overcome them and rule.

    I've seen evidence of both.....plenty of evidence.
    Which is one of the reasons I don't dwell too much on either belief for too long.

    Growing up I've seen SMART and STRONG Black boys who could have been the most popular and successful kids in school end up in trouble and even kicked out because of fighting and constantly getting in trouble.  And at the same time I saw nerdy White dudes always blowing their noses and often have some weird disease but got good grades and went on to lead successful lives despite their weaknesses.

  10. 1 hour ago, ProfD said:

    I think the video is a good illustration of my belief that humans should take better care of each other in the space we exist.


    My comedic takeaway from the video is that humans are aliens who time travel and take on different hosts.🤣


    Interestingly, while the spirit form could exist anywhere throughout the universe, the earth seems to be the only place it can take on a physical being.


    Cool video. it won't but could turn religion upside down.😎


    🤔 Hmmmm.......

    I asked, and you answered.....lol.

    Your avatar said you joined this site in 2021.
    Is that accurate?

    It seems like you've been here much longer than that....lol.
    I want to say around 5 years or so for some reason.

  11. Troy, you should know that just as you don't stop thinking of ways to improve AALBC and make it better, there are those of us who feel the same about your site.
    Obviously not as intensely and with not as much dedication, however from time to time as I'm out and about  or surfing the web for something I'll see something that I feel would be great for AALBC to consider.

    After being here for over a decade and counting, there are a few things I've noticed about this site............

    1. Most of the literature being presented is that of a fictional nature.
    Not a lot of scientific or financial books.
    Not too many political books.
    Some....but not the majority.
    Most are fictional and poetic.
    A lot of poetry.


    2. Most of the literature deals with 2 main topics:
    a) Our experiences with racism in the United States.
    b) Sexual relationships.
    Again, not all books are about these 2 topics but most of them seem to be.



    3.  A majority.....not sure if it's a vast majority or slight majority...of the authors seem to be female.
    I understand that most of the POSTS are from men!
    Most of the participation is from men!
    But when you look at the books and poetry themselves being presented, the majority of the work seems to be coming from women who come and go through out the site.
    They'll pop up....leave...some come back again to post something.....leave again.


    Troy, you can correct me if what I've observed was inaccurate.

    Also, these observations aren't a reflection of the site itself but a reflection of the content much of our people seem to be interested in.
    When I go to Black book stores or the Black SECTION of most book stores....I often have the same observations.

    Not being judgmental but looking at things from a social-scientific point of view, if my observations are correct then it tells me a lot about the state of Black America and where our interests and focuses often lay.

  12. On 10/5/2023 at 5:11 PM, nels said:

    Illegal is illegal, any way you cut it. Pack 'em up, ship 'em out.

    As ProfD pretty much articulated already......BOTH the Republicans and Democrats are complicit in allowed these people into this nation to replace or atleast compete with the native Black population.

    Why you don't believe Republicans are just as guilty and are hypocritical in their rhetoric....is beyond me.
    It's as clear as day that Republicans support them being here.

    They are good for business as they provide sources of cheap labor.
    As I said, Mr.Conservative himself Ronald Reagan LEGALIZED over 20 million illegal immigrant back in the 80s.
    Donald Trump didn't build a wall like he claimed....and has thousands of illegals working for him in his hotels and at Mar-a-Lago.

    It's pretty obvious at this point.




    Well if you grew up in THAT neighborhood during THAT time, I don't know whether to feel sorry for you or be amazed that you made it out....lol.

    That 'hood looked hard core and run down even at the beginning of the video with the little boy running through it.....then got progressively WORSE as the video continued, lol.

    Not sure how you felt like even going to school and getting an education let alone good grades and going to college coming from a community like that where you could walk down the street and anything could happen to you at any time.

    I probably would have either became an outlaw or radical community organizer determined to clean up the place....lol.
    Growing up to go to college would be one of the last things on my list to seek.

    Another thing I noticed about Heron's video was the sizeable number of Puerto Ricans I saw in it.
    I knew New York had a large Puerto Rican population but I thought they lived separately in their own barrios like East Harlem and the Bronx.
    The few times I've been to Harlem I barely saw any Puerto Ricans (unless they were Black and I didn't hear them speak) unless they were driving through to get to another neighborhood.
    Seems to me that in Harlem at that time they lived pretty integrated in with the AfroAmerican population.

    • Like 1
  14. Well, we need to have set and established standards that most of us can agree on in order to measure progress.

    Unfortunately, the only human civilization in this world that is advanced enough to compare ourselves with is Western/European civilization.
    Western medicine, schools, buildings, militaries....are the institutions most nations measure themselves by to determine how developed they are.

    Is it the best?
    Obviously not.
    However what are we in America or those in Africa producing that is better?

    I'm not talking shit....I SERIOUSLY believe that if we just focused on it and put a decent amount of effort to it and UNIFIED for it....we could produce a civilization far more superior than Western/European civilization.
    And we could do so in less than 100 years.....easily.

    But as a group we need to get our minds straight and focused and stop it with juvenile criticizing of White institutions WHILE not having even one comparable to them of our own.

    You don't like the White man's criminal justice system or the police....understandably.
    But we don't have a decent reliable one of our own as an alternative.
    Who do Black women in America or African women run to or call on when criminals, murderers, and rapists try to victimize them?
    Niggas running wild and loose in the ghetto and in many parts of Africa, killing families and sometimes entire villages with nobody (outside of White folks who pretend to help) to check them on it and bring them to justice.
    You have some police departments and militaries copied after the White folks ones....but many of them do a shitty job or protecting and enforcing law and order.
    Outside of the Nation of Islam and a few other scattered Black groups, how many qualified Black policing organizations are in effect today?

    You don't like the White man's medical system.....understandably.  It often makes more diseases and problems than it cures.
    But do we have one BETTER?
    How many hospitals do Black folks operate where if you get sick you can lay up in a clean bed and get cared for by qualified Black doctors who will cure you and qualified Black nurses who will give you tender loving care and bathe you as you recooperate?
    Here OR in Africa?
    I haven't seen PICTURES of clean and well organized Black doctors and nurses since the days of Marcus Garvey.

    TBT – 100 years ago Marcus Garvey sparked the Black Cross Nurses in Seattle  who cared for us. - Africatown Community Land Trust

    Where are the team of Black nurses like we had under Marcus Garvey back in the 1910s and 1920s????

    We need to get on the ball.


    • Like 1

  15. Great video.

    I started to flip right past it as I thought it may have been a cartoon clip that you and your young daughter like to watch together, lol.

    Much of it just reiterates the same ideas I've said about the After Life on this site but were pretty much ignored or questioned.
    I guess it sounds better or  more credulous coming from a White man to some people....lol.

    Although I'm not sure about the "living through every human who existed" part.
    I do believe there is a certain individualism or separateness among most humans where you live YOUR particular set of lives and they live theirs.

    As I said, already knew much of what was talked about in the video but what really made it great for me was the ending of it when the Universe was called a big EGG for us to develop in and eventually move on from for further growth.
    That really did it because then I understood the term I've been hearing for decades about the COSMIC EGG.

    I'm curious as to what @ProfD  thinks of this video and it's message....lol. 


  16. This reminds me of one of the most haunting scenes in the movie Black Panther when the Wakandan prince decided to stay in America to help Black Americans and was confronted by the King.



    That scene and statement really hit hard.

    There was so much truth in it, especially the way it was put together.

    The way Malcolm and King were killed and then drugs were flooded into Black America directly after.....makes me hope for a Wakanda or any pro-Black organization with the strength to come and save our community.

  17. Troy


    As a movie watcher, I was glad that they eventually took the brother down and walked him away unharmed.  


    However as a realist, I was a bit disappointed that they didn't show the young man actually be hung and killed as they often DID do.

    Realstically speaking, how often do lynch mobs form and tie up Black men only to swing them around on a play ground a few times and then let them go unharmed?

    Perhaps that scene was designed to paint a less barbaric and more humane picture of southern White folks than they actually were.





    Yeah, the 2019 "Intruder" kept popping up when I tried to look for the 1962 film.
    I haven't seen the 2019 movie.
    I'm not sure if it's an updated version but from the brief pictures I saw of it, it looked like a totally different movie all together with a different theme.

  18. Troy

    Yeah, I was wondering why I hadn't seen that movie before and I think it's because "nigger" is used so much.
    There's virtually no cussing in the movie, no nudity, no real graphic violence except for the preach and the reporter.
    But that "n-word" is pretty much banned on regular television and has been since atleast the mid-80s.

    The funny thing is, they could say it pretty openly in the 70s.....look at George Jefferson, Sandford and Son, and other shows where it was frequently used.

    I'm wondering how did his conversations go with Nichelle Nichols when he tried to explain his role in the movie while they were making Star Trek episodes.....lol.
    Nichelle Nichols, Lieutenant Uhura on 'Star Trek,' Dies at 89 - The New  York Times

    "Yall want me to do a show with HIM?
    Mr. Cross burner?
    Mr.  Klan rallier?
    Is yall serious?????"


  19. Oooooh lord.........here it is.

    I saw that one in the news earlier.
    I was feeling kind of happy for the sista that Newsome selected her to fill Feinstein's seat........UNTIL you dropped the "LGBT" bit, lol.

    Florida Evans said.....


    Florida Evans GIFs | Tenor


    Couldn't have been just a regular ole typical  educated Black woman.
    Just HAD to get somebody out of the queer community.

    if these devils ain't promoting a sista with a White man -then they're promoting a sista who's "funny"....."queerd"....."a-sexual"......"questionable".

    Just can't give a normal well balanced professional sista a job.

  20. 19 hours ago, Troy said:

     Or we can just agree on the film and watch it on our own time and talk about it on the forum. This will make it far easier.  I prefer this method not curse it is easier, but I don’t wanna be commenting on a film while I trying to watch it.

    Lol....that takes the FUN out of it!!!
    Just posting a video of a movie and watching it individually......we can do that NOW, lol.

    I know what you mean about focusing on watching the movie itself instead of being pre-occupied with conversing with others.
    Even back when I was younger, if I REALLY wanted to check out a movie that I thought was going to be good and deep......I wouldn't go on date to it.
    I'd go by myself so I could focus on it.
    Besides being preoccupied with trying to get my squeeze on, a lot of females would bring too much "talk" while I'm trying to focus on the movie....lol.

    However in THIS case.........
    Actually, most of the movies I'm thinking about that would be posted would be movies most of us have already seen before but just would get together as a community and watch it for the sake of nostalgia.
    Like some Spike Lee flicks or Richard Pryor movies...lol.

    What really sparked the idea for me was that pro-Black video posted a few months ago from back in 1968...the name escapes me at the moment.
    That.....and last week a few of you were discussing William Shatner's performance in "The Intruder" back in 1962.
    I hadn't even heard of that movie until reading the comments on it....checked it out....and loved it.


  21. On 9/30/2023 at 10:14 PM, ProfD said:

    Sure. There have been a few conscience artists who've had success.


    Some messages do sell. As you mentioned, religion is a great example of it.


    Popular music has never been about selling messages. It's all about entertainment. Folks who want to get paid follow suit.


    Messages may "outweigh music and entertainment in the long run" but it will be hard to find positive messages in popular music. That's not what they're selling.😎

    Pop music was about taking Black music and making it mainstream -but with a White face, lol.

    White folks love Black music, even when they don't love Black people.
    So if they can find a White artist who can sing and dance as well, they'll promote the hell out of them.

    Enter  Madonna.
    Enter Michael McDonald.

    New Edition is getting too popular.....let's break out with the Back Street Boys.....lol.
    Or they'll promote artists where you don't know WHAT race they are.....like Paula Abdul or Mariah Carey.

    Lol.....these devils are something else.

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