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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. This is why I CAUTION AfroAmericans against TRYING to make alliances with and expect loyalty from people of other races, especially poor White people.
    Just because they are in the same situation.....doesn't mean they are in the same state of mind.

    I've often gotten into arguments with poor White folks on jobs because they insisted on "working hard" on a manual labor job while I insisted that as long as they are paying low wages, we should produce minimum effort.
    Most of the Blacks and Latinos agreed with me, but most of the Whites just thought it was wrong to "cheat" the employers by not killing yourself for them with your sweat and blood.

  2. nels



    What kind of statement is that?


    It wasn't a statement, it was a question.
    A question that Jeromex's previous statements begged from me.

    If Black men make such poor fathers and poor men period....according to him....then how logical would it be for us to even HAVE children?

    Why should such shitty no-good fathers bring more children into the world who would eventually just take on THEIR  characteristics and keep the cycle going?

    If what he's saying is true......


    How about it @Jeromex ?

    If most Black men are as you say deadbeats and abandon their children and can't be relied on to raise children, should they just be BANNED from having children all together?
    Are you suggesting that Black men be sterilized?

    What ARE you suggesting should be done about these "worthless" men?






    No LOL!  This is patently false. It makes no sense on any level.


    Ofcourse it is.
    But it's the position of most archeologists and other scientists today.

    You trust "science" don't you?

  3. richardmurray



    My question Pioneer is to you.

    Am I wrong ? Am I missing a reason? If I am missing a reason please say so. If I am not missing a reason then the issue in my mind is what has to change in black elders communication to new generations to delete as much as possible the thinking you state from happening.

    You were definately right about number 2:
    2) Black humans in the usa were lied to concerning their history firstly from the older members of their bloodline or secondarily history books. 

    This is one of the main problems.
    Incorrect and inaccurate information is steadily being passed down.

  4. And apparently I'm not the only one who believes he's still alive and that his death is nothing but a ruse or big charade being pulled on people.
















    In a legal settlement with Dominion, FOX admitted they're in the entertainment business.  


    And that's EXACTLY what I watch them for too....lol....to be entertained.



    "But how can you NOT believe
    what I'm saying????"



  5. 8 hours ago, Troy said:


    This is why they are angry @Pioneer1 they see the rich getting richer while they get poorer… their life expectancy continues to go down.

    Well, it depends......
    Who are the "they" you are refering to?

    Because poor White folks don't give a damn about being poor, or even homeless....as long as they have more power than YOU.

    If a White man is poor.....as long as the Black man next to him is homeless....he's happy.

  6. On 8/27/2023 at 9:46 PM, nels said:

    The majority of Black America voted for Joe Biden, so it seems hypocritical for those who likely voted for him to complain. When Trump was in office, you didn't have any of this nonsense and illegals didn't get a premium pass to the front of the line. With Biden, his crooked regime and the unelected administrative state that supports him, have figured out a way to send blacks to the back of the bus without them ever realizing it. As they say, there's a sucker born every minute and an asshole born every second.

    Man, cut the crap.....lol.

    You know DAMN WELL when Trump was in office there were just as many if not MORE illegal immigrants in this nation as was under previous administrations.
    He didn't do a damn thing to stop it.

    Hell, he probably ENCOURAGED them to come in like Biden is doing.
    Just like your boy Ronald Regan.
    Preaching America first but legalizing 20 MILLION illegal immigrants back in the 80s.

    ALL of them are complicit in bringing illegal NON-BLACK immigrants into the U.S. to undermine AfroAmerican political and economic power.
    Spreading them all over the U.S. by the bus loads in places like New York, Chicago, Atlanta....places where they can find a large Black population to gradually break up and replace.

    "Build a Wall"......kiss my ass......Trump was in office for 4 years and not one MILE of a damn wall was built.
    That old CREEP has thousands of illegal immigrants working for him in his hotels and resorts!

    Nothing but rhetoric, for people stupid enough to believe it.

    And NO.......I didn't vote for Jim Crow Joe.

  7. On 8/28/2023 at 12:00 PM, Troy said:



    I previously asked who the Black leaders were; I guess Al Sharpton is the Black Amercia's most powerful Black leader. 

    Well, don't forget about Minister Farrakhan.
    He may not be as visible in the media as Al Sharpton (and that's by design) but most Black folks know who he is and have more respect for him than Al.


    I agree with you that we don't have a lot of Black leadership to codify the community today.

    As fond as I am of Neely Fuller Jr., I don't agree 100% with EVERYTHING he says.
    Most of the so-called leaders are spokespersons, but we do have some actual LEADERS......they just aren't large enough to mobilize the majority or collective of our people.

    Most of the leaders are on-line with the likes of Tariq Nasheed, Oshay Duke Jackson, etc....
    Many of our leaders are actually celebrities/entertainers....like Lebron James.
    They aren't major major....but they do have enough influence to mobilize SOME Black folks and get them to take action (my definition of a true "leader").

    But nobody on the scale of Marcus Garvey or Elijah Muhammad today.

  8. Troy

    Actually a lot of racists DO make the distinction.
    I'm not sure how sincere they are in the distinctions they make, but they certainly make them.

    First of all, most White scientists consider ALL Indians....including the dark skinned ones....."Caucasian" or part of the White race.

    Secondly, many if not most White scientists even consider most EAST AFRICANS like Ethiopians, Eritreans, and Somalis part of the "Caucasian" or White race!

    Third, many racist White Americans DID NOT consider Africans....clearly Black Africans....the same as AfroAmericans and showed more respect to them.
    I've heard stories that when many Africans....again Black Africans...visited the Jim Crow South, the racist Whites would allow THEM to stay in White hotels and use White restrooms when they wouldn't let Black Americans do so!

    Who knows why racists do some of the things they do.
    You can only document it and try to learn a pattern from it.

  9. 11 minutes ago, nels said:

    There are far more hate-filled black guys out there than there are white boys, and their lack of education and accountability (i.e., not opportunity) is directly responsible for their disproportionate representation in the incarcerated ranks. Blaming the ills of black America on white folks is akin to a crutch made of ignorance.

    Most of the Black men who hate have a REASON for their hatred.
    Coming from a broken home, abused by the law, victim of violence, no respect in society, etc.....
    Whether you feel their reasons are valid or not, atleast you can IDENTIFY the reasons a hate-filled Black man is the way he is.

    But where does a young White boy who comes from a solid middle-class family in the suburbs get HIS hate from?
    What reason does HE have to hate people or obsess over violence and weapons when he was raised in the lap of luxury having not been abused or oppressed by anyone?

    Because it's IN HIM to hate...that's why!
    He's the DEVIL.
    He was MADE through a system of hatred and lies (on the island).

    The ONLY reason you don't see Caucasians being more hateful and violent than they already are in the U.S. is because WE are here, so they can take their frustrations out on people of color.
    If this were an ALL WHITE nation, their full hatred and savagery would manifest itself and this society would resemble Ukraine or Kosovo in 3 years.




    NATO soldiers injured in Kosovo clash with Serbian protesters | The Border  Mail | Wodonga, VIC

    "Bring the niggers back......somebody bring the niggers back.....pleeeeease!!!"


  10. Many if not MOST of the "gangsta rappers" were actually funded by White executives.

    Eazy-E and NWA....the "fathers" of Gangsta Rap were invited to the White House to sit down and have dinner with George H.W. Bush.

    There is a Conspiracy Theory going around that in the early 80s when prisons were starting to become privatized, they needed a way to guarantee occupancy to ensure revenue.

    The private investors started kicking around ideas and two of the most prominent ones were the distribution of highly accessible cocaine in poor communities (Crack) and a way to market crime and violence as a way of life so that citizens would become permanent criminals (customers for the private prisons)....thus GANGSTA RAP was promoted.

    Now before some of you start preaching about personal responsibility and how no one forced these rappers to glorify crime and violence......
    It works like this:

    Back in the 80s about 75% of rap was positive or neutral and only 25% was about crime, violence, and disrespect.
    The racist executives took that 25% negative element and magnified it and promoted it to the point that by the mid 90s the balance had flipped and about 75% of rap was negative and only 25% was positive.  And that positive rap PURPOSELY received very little airtime or promotion.

  11. 4 hours ago, zeke1234 said:

    In response to not being invited to the recent 60th anniversary of March on Washington by MLK in 1963,  hip

    hop devils schedule October Mall event.

    'Public Enemy, Ice-T to headline free DC concerts at The National Celebration of Hip Hop', to celebrate the 50th anniversary of hip-hop, there will be free concerts at West Potomac Park on the National Mall on Oct. 6 and 7.


    By Maria Sherman and The Associated Press Published August 24, 2023  


    These Black hip hop jackasses have done more to destroy the Black race, than any White hate group.  

    Maybe I'm mis-reading your post.

    You aren't calling PUBLIC ENEMY one of the "hip hop jackasses" destroying the race, are you?????

  12. 13 minutes ago, Troy said:

    so how  is he different that most of the ADOS living in america?

    Him and many AfroAmericans are mixed or Mulatto true, but his Black ancestry is of a different race than ours.

    There is only one "White" or Caucasian race, but there are atleast 2 distinct Black races.

    Dravidian (Asiatic) and African

    His Black ancestry is DRAVIDIAN while our Black ancestry is AFRICAN.

  13. 50 minutes ago, Jeromex said:

    And look how well Vivek turned out because he grew up in a structured family. He chose hard work over victimhood.

    Nah, more like......his parents chose AMERICA over living somewhere in INDIA.

    Thanks to that decision, little Vivek isn't haunted by visions of seeing his mother be accosted by gangs of brain-washed men who see women as property to be vandalized and abused.

    Thanks to BLACK PEOPLE who helped White women fight for equal rights in America, Vivek's mother could actually COME HERE and get a job making the same amount of money her husband was.....something she wouldn't be able to do in India.

  14. Troy

    Vivek, like most Indians....is MIXED.
    Part Black (Dravidian) and part White (Aryan).

    He actually is what's called a "Fixed Mulatto".
    When Black and White people mix with eachother for centuries and sometimes even thousands of years, you get to the point where mixed people mate with mixed people generation after generation until they almost become their own race such as what you see in India, Pakistan, and a lot of Latin American nations.

    Many will not even consider themselves mixed because the initial mixing took place so long ago it's no longer acknowledged or remembered.
    But unlike India, we have clear and modern records of White Spaniards raping Native American women and producing mixed people for centuries.

  15. 52 minutes ago, zeke1234 said:

    What's chilling is the White fellow went into a local Black college, and was challenged 

    to identify himself by campus security, and proceeded to put his body armour on in that institution. 

     This could have been much worse, or prevented at that instant.


    Regarding old Black man versus young Black man protecting Black neighborhoods, I was once

    your age, and carried two 9 mm for protection.  I was more likely to kill myself while

    loading my guns,  than killing any 'bad' guys.   I am telling you from 70 years of experience from living

    in big cities, only the Lord protects and saves you as you walk and live in this life.  My gun packing

    buddies are laying in their graves.                                                                                                       


    If I had 25 cents for every tattoo wearing Hispanic gang member whose has said in the last twenty years

    he is going to kill me, I would be a multi-millionaire by now.  Only Jesus and YAHWEH  delivers and saves, I pray for them, constantly.  . 


    Reverend Micah Gaines, about 35 years old, preached about this exact topic at Hartford Baptist in Detroit today.  This

    is a young man who will live a ripe old life.  He talked about God's 'consistent protection'.   A lot of Black churches

    are loaded with gun carrying deacons and preachers.  They are too violent to enter the Kingdom of God.    Eternal life is our goal,

    we are just passing through this physical realm of beings.  Our souls are eternal, they are the most important aspect of

    our personhood,  where we will wind up for eternity.  'What will you sell  your soul for',   our forefathers  since the end of the Civil War,

    as free men, have  had to make the choice, walking with God, or trusting in our own flesh for 'final' protection. 



    You made a great point about Campus Security stopping that fool before he could have entered the college and do EVEN MORE damage!
    You actually made the point of why the community needs armed security for their protection.

    The SUPREME BEING is the Ultimate Protector.....no question about it.
    If The SUPREME BEING wants your life and safety preserved.....no weapon invented will harm so much as a hair on your body.
    They'll malfunction or be turned back on the aggressor before you even realize you were the intended target....if you ever DO realize it.

    However as human beings on this planet, I believe we are charged with taking affirmative ACTION to not only preserve but enrich our lives.
    Not just sit around expecting it all to be done for us by The Divine.

    I will not DARE call myself "speaking for" The SUPREME BEING.
    However I doubt that we as human beings were designed to sit around on the ground after we were born waiting on food to come to us, we had to go and make an effort to GET it.

    Nor were we designed to sit around waiting on medical care, or transportation, or clothing to just automatically appear for us.
    We were given BRAINS to come up with ways to manufacture these.

    Perhaps it's the same way with self defense.

    Perhaps we weren't made to just sit back looking at danger and automatically expecting God to remove it with no effort on our part.
    Perhaps WE TOO must make an effort to secure and defend ourselves to a reasonable extent having faith that what we CAN'T do on our own, God will.


  16. Back in the 90s, most Black folks NEVER would have thought that White men would be carrying out such blatant and frequent racist attacks like these.

    You had a few racists stockpiling weapons tucked away in compounds out in Idaho and Montana way away from civilization, but nothing like the White men openly marching around with weapons on them and sporting Nazi and Confederate tattoos like today.

    It's gotten WORSE.
    But we were warned it would.

    Minister Farrakhan warned us YEARS ago back in 1996.....


    Farrakhan Calls the Vaccine the White Man's 'Death Plan'
    "God is going to make you CRY OUT for the DESTRUCTION 
    of your enemy because HE's going to send that enemy against

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