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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. 3 hours ago, Troy said:


    I read what Malcolm supposedly said.  If true I seriously doubt he continued to believe this stuff after leaving the Nation, do you @Pioneer1?


    Like ProfD I have no idea of how long Black people have been on this planet.
    But besides witnessing it through a time-machine -I'm almost POSITIVE that:
    a) we've been on it much longer than 6 thousand years and
    b) we've been on it longer than White people have.

    I ABSOLUTELY believe the part about Adam and Eve representing the first White people!
    Malcolm wasn't the first person to recognize the symbolism of this story, it was DESIGNED by whoever designed it thousands of years ago to SHROUD the truth about how White people came about on our planet to it's old news.
    It was just kept secret in secret societies and secret circles....as Malcolm mentioned above.

    When I began studying the transliteration of the Hebrew Bible, it became quite clear who Adam represented.

  2. 4 hours ago, Troy said:


    What?! Rarely is this the case with most people.  Exhibit #1: You!  In all the years of engaging with people here have you ever changed your mind about anything (let alone an entire perspective)?  If so, please relate the experience.



    That's because:

    1. My mind is stronger than most....lol.
    I don't cave to peer pressure or "follow the crowd".
    You need a certain LEVEL of evidence and proof to change MY mind about something.

    2. I'm usually right.
    Not always, but usually.
    Why would someone who is already RIGHT need to "change" their mind?????


  3. Troy


    Again these physical characteristics are on a continuum and also based upon environment. There simply are no Black and white race genes.


    So because you don't agree with it, you're just going to fold your arms...look in the other direction...and simply declare it "non existent"?????




    OK show a single paper, just one, so that I may read it.


    I can show you more than one....I can show you several.
    But you won't accept the information in them because you've already made up your mind that different races don't "exist".

    All you'd do is DISMISS the article like you've done the others.

    I might have to get a sworn affidavit from you that you'll accept the proof onces it's presented....lol.







    Per the photo, Joy-Ann Reid - as many people have repeatedly said, she is arguably one of the dumbest individuals to have ever been put in front of a camera.

    And I suppose Judge Jeanine Pirro  of Fox News is a genius.....lol.


  4. On 8/13/2023 at 11:55 AM, Chevdove said:



    Uh ... sounds like a contradiction, here @Pioneer1




    To someone who knows nothing about baking.....the ingredients of a CAKE sounds like a "contradiction".


    "Whachoo mean you made it with butter?
    I thought you said you made it with flour?"

    "She told ME that she made it with eggs!
    She just keep CONTRADICTING herself!!!"

    When you have a PROPER understanding, then it makes sense.

  5. On 8/14/2023 at 6:56 PM, nels said:

    Don't hold your breath.

    And when they DO come.....Negro Conservatives'll be the FIRST in line with a white dress shirt and red tie on, grinning and looking for their checks....lol.

    The OLD negro conservatives put on red ties and talked about how "them white folks" ain't never gonna r pay Reparations.

    The CONTEMPORARY negro conservatives drive lyft and uber and talk about how Black folks DON'T DESERVE Reparations.

    The NEXT GENERATION negro conservatives will have dread locks, smoke weed, and will claim that Black Conservatives along with Donald Trump "The Great White Hope" helped Black folks get Reparations.....lol.

    Just give it a few generations.

  6. On 8/13/2023 at 5:13 PM, ProfD said:

    I know I'm on old man now. But, I remember when AfroAmericans folks took pride in making up their own dances.


    The people who could really cut a rug i.e. dance very well were stars of the dance floor. 


    Well, YOU may have known it already.
    But after using a phrase like "cut a rug"......lol.....now i know you're an old man!  🤣🤣

    ....bout to "step out" with my lady and "shake my legs" for a minute, LMBAO!!!!


    • Haha 1
  7. On 8/14/2023 at 6:20 PM, Troy said:


    Great observation!  I had noticed this too, but never drew the connection with the little x.  I would end up refreshing the screen to bring up to be able use the "HTML Codes."  I then scrolled the content I was trying to edit above the x and it worked!




    Now that you recognize my brilliance......maybe you'll finally start listening to me about RACE and RACIAL CATEGORIZATION, for a change.....lol.


  8. Chev



    Oh!!! Here we go again! @Pioneer1

    Even Minister Louis Farrakhan had to retract that statement.

    Back in the 1970s he said this, but later, he retracted this because it is SO NOT TRUE!


    WHEN did Minister Farrakhan "retract" that statement?
    Show me the quotes!
    How can Minister Farrakhan retract a position established by Elijah Muhammad himself, that Adam represents the Caucasian!




    @Troy and @Chevdove

    If you two don't want to listen to me, then listen to Brother Malcolm:




     When i say liar: you have white people who are scientists and keep truth in their own circles, and they never let you -- they never let the masses -- know anything about this truth that they keep in the circle. They got something else that they invent and put out for the masses to believe, but they themselves keep knowledge in a circle. So in this particular book it pointed out that some archaeologists were delving in the ruins of the ancient city of Troy, and it's the practice of archaeologists to dig, so in digging down into the ruins of Troy they dug deeper than they intended to, and they ran into the ruins of another city that had been there so much longer than this city of Troy that it had gone down beneath the sands of time, and they had built this city of Troy on top of it.......This happened four different times -to give you some idea of what the white man knows concerning the length of time man has been on this earth -and still that white man would jump up in your face and try to make you believe that the first man was made six thousand years ago named Adam. 


     The birth of the white race has always been a secret. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that the birth of the white race is shrouded in the story of Adam. The story of Adam hides the birth of the white race, and because you and I have never been taught to look into a thing and analyze a thing we took the story of Adam exactly as it was. We thought that God made a man named Adam six thousand years ago. But today The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that man, Adam, was a white man; that before Adam was made the black man was already here. The white man will even tell you that, because he refers to Adam as the first one. He refers to the Adamites as those who came from that first one. He refers to the pre-Adamites as those who were here before Adam. Right or wrong? Those people who were here before Adam. And he always refers to these people as "aborigines," which means what? BLACK FOLK!!!! You never find a white aborigine. Aborigines are called natives, and they're always dark-skinned people. You and I are aborigines. But you don't like to be called an aborigine; you want to be called an American. Aborigine actually means, "from the beginning." It's two Latin words, "ab" meaning "from"; "origine" meaning "the beginning"; and aborigine is only the term applied to those dark-skinned people who have been on this earth since the beginning of the universe. "









    *I* would only give human beings several thousands of years pf existence considering the rate at which we've evolved.


    If human beings have been around for millions, billions or trillions of years, I wouldn't brag about it because that would make our evolution as a species kinda pathetic.

    I would say read the above quote from Malcolm, how he studied where White folks DID find ancient cities and civilizations that were around but White folks purposefully covered them up!

    For all we know we PROBABLY HAVE evolved and devolved and evolved and devolved in a trillions of years old cycle.

  9. ProfD



    White folks are replacing *functional* AfroAmericans with tethers and immigrants too.


    I have to admit this is true.
    I'm beginning to understand why.







    When I was still working as a business professional about 2005, I had a chance to visit Wal-Mart's corporate office in Bensonville, Arkansas for a couple of weeks.  It wasloaded with H-1B people from India as contractors.  Hundreds.   They would walk up and down the street  with their billowy clothes blowing in the wind.  On the wallls of their corporate complex, they have pictures of their corporate employees.  Lilly white.

    People from India have moved in to run gas stations in the Hartford, Connecticut area,  and outside of D.C, such as Manansas, Va, which I was suprised to see on a trip about ten years ago.
    There has always been a well pronounced presence of Hindus in running and owning the smaller motels throughout the U.S. 

    Oh man, I love my dark skinned Indians...lol.

    They are THIRD in line behind the AfroAmericans and Africans.

    I'll accept them all day.

    I know many of them are very racist and anti-Black, but we can work that out easily in a generation or two with the correct strategy

    I've met Indian men and women whom were racist that all it took was a plane ride or train ride with me to break down barriers and remove nearly a life time of racist Hindu and Western media indoctrination....lol.


    That's why it's important to know a little about religions and history.
    You can break the facts down to people in a way they can understand it and change their entire perspective.

  10. What I find even MORE bizarre is why people are on the beach in bikinis sun bathing while a whole war is being fought just a few miles up the road.

    I guess one could make the argument that the war hasn't reached THEIR area yet but.....their fellow countrymen are being killed.
    Blown to bits just miles a way, and they're so selfish.....insensitive...indifferent to it....that they're on beach drinking and sun bathing.

    Talk about a huge DISCONNECT between people and a DENIAL of reality.

    They said that while the Titanic was sinking, the band played on.

    That's how the Caucasian mind works.
    Very compartmentalized to where all kinds of suffering and trauma is going on around them and they can ignore it and focus on reading a book and smelling flowers.
    More of a reason we don't need to be around these people.
    If they're cruel and heartless to THEIR OWN people.....you don't stand too much of a chance.


  11. 6 hours ago, Troy said:

    Deep sigh...


    Astrogle.com?  What is that? Are you scouring the web to find the most outlandish things imaginable to just to make a point?


    The Bible’s teaching seems pretty simple: the earth was created on the first of the six twenty-four-hour days of Genesis, which culminated with the creation of Adam, the first human. Adding up the genealogies in Genesis puts the age of the earth at about six thousand years. --https://realfaith.com/what-christians-believe/old-earth/


    What makes your source better than the one I just shared?


    You reject all science because white people, in the past, perverted it with their racism to ideology justify the persecution of Black people.  


    In the age of information we are astoundingly misinformed.  Collectively, we are probably worse off that we were before the dawn of the information age. 


    The only saving grace is that you are free to believe whatever you want.  In an earlier time, you could have been burned at the sake for expressing a belief not held by those in charge.  Progress I guess...

    Sighing is a sign that your brain needs more oxygen.....lol.

    You admit that White people perverted science (or rather USED science for their perverted purposes) in "the past"......
    What makes you so sure they're not STILL doing it today?

    Btw....the 6,000 year date was given because CAUASIANS are only around 6,000 years old.
    THEY are the descendants of Adam and Eve.....not us.

    We.....the original people....are known as "Pre-Adamites".
    We've been around BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS of years.

    And you're right....humanity IS in the Age of Information  -MIS-information.
    The Caucasians in authority have decided to use the internet and other sources to FLOOD much of humanity with a bunch of garbage and mis-information and lies and distortions with a little "truth" buried in and sprinkled inside of it to the point you don't know which from what.

    The goal isn't to get mere "information" but to get FACTS....TRUTH....KNOWLEDGE.

    If you have a bad cold.
    You don't need to waste time reading mere "information" that will have you doing things that are totally useless and a waste of time and energy.
    You want KNOWLEDGE and FACTS that will tell you exactly what to do to get rid of that cold.


  12. OK, here's a screen shot of what I'm talking about................





    That's a shot of it.
    The "x" is right there on the right side towards the middle.



    • Thanks 1
  13. Seems to me that all types of lies and misinformation is being told about the O'Shea Sibley case in New York.

    First they claimed it was "Arab" and "Middle Eastern" men who saw him dancing and got offended and attacked him.

    Now they're claiming it was some sort of Russian "Popov" dude?
    And that he's Christian?

    They need to get their lies straight.

  14. Troy

    Yes, it looks like the "x" box in the corner of commercials.
    But usually it appears by itself.
    Just now the past few days it has come accompanied by ads....sometimes.
    And sometimes it still comes alone.

    It isn't constant by the way, it's sporadic.
    The next time I get one I'll try to get a screen shot of it.

    I rarely click it but I try to work around it.
    Another thing I've noticed about it is when I'm posting a message, the html  codes don't work "below" the latitude of the "x"...lol.
    But "above" the latitude of the "x"....they work just fine.

    The "x" box on my end usually appears in the middle latitude at the edge of my window.
    So if I want to post a message with html codes like bold or quoted or change the color....I have to scroll the page up higher than the "x" box for them to work.

  15. Have any of you been following the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and NATO's response?

    It seems to me that an actual "hot war" has just begun between NATO and Russia.

    Not only have several large explosions and mushroom clouds been spotted around Russia these past few days, but some are saying that the situation in Hawaii was a military operation by either Russia or North Korea.

  16. 1 hour ago, Troy said:

    @Pioneer1 you are still playing games.  You know very well my point of contention with you is your assertion that the social construct of race is based in our genetics. 


    Of course, racism exists; this website exists in direct reaction to racism.  The idea that race is determined by our genes has been disproven.


    1. Racial classification is based on skin color....and skin color is based upon genetics, is it not?

    2. A key factor of racism is the elevation of one race OVER another.
    If different races don't exist....as you assert....then how can racism?

    That's like a kid who doesn't believe in Santa Claus complaining about how unfair it is that OTHER kids got presents but HIS house was skipped over, lol.

  17. Troy



    he guy said the people were "Black" like the color, he did not say like a so-called "Black" person.

    So these PEOPLE with BLACK skin......shouldn't be considered "Black"???


    I guess you have to look like Rock Newman to be considered "Black" in your book.....lol.


    two orders of magnitude longer than the best estimate of the age of the universe,
    The best estimate of Earth's age is about 4 billion years and most of the time the environment would not have supported human life.  

    Who's doing all of this "estimating"???
    Are they Black?

    What ancient Dravidian scriptures make this claim?

    I didn't say ancient Dravidian scriptures.....I said CULTURE.
    To my knowledge, the ancient Dravidians (who were Black) didn't promote a lot of scriptures for their beliefs like the Aryans (who were Caucasian) with their Vedic books.

    But most Hindu sources are a mixture of ancient Dravidian and later Aryan beliefs.

    I don't have my hands on Hindu scripture because there are so many, but a quick search will tell you Hinduism teaches that the Earth is billions and trillions of years old.


    Age of Earth is 155.5 trillion years - Astrology (astrogle.com)





    I assume you believe that these ancient life forms deposited Black people on Earth.  Is that rght?

    I personally believe as many claim the ancient Egyptians believed.....that Black people from other star systems "seeded" OUR solar system with people to begin humanity in this system.
    I also believe those first people were Black.

    However I believe this happened TRILLIONS of years ago.



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