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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. 8 minutes ago, nels said:

    That one deserves a big chuckle.

    The problem isn't "White People Who Can Pass For Black, Brown, and Yellow.". The way I see it, it's "Black People Who Can't Pass For Anything Else". They seem stuck in the misery of their own self-hate.

    Except for the occasional "We got a lot of Indian in our family, that's where we get all this pretty hair"....most Black Americans rather proud of their culture.

    Ask the average Black American and he'll tell you......she'll tell you.....they wouldn't want to be anything else.
    They may want certain FEATURES from other groups, like blonde hair, hazel eyes, wavy hair, some women even like to have slanted "Asian" eyes.
    But they wouldn't want to BE them.

    Kind of like White folks who lay out in the sun all day trying to get a tan, but wouldn't wish 1 week of actually BEING Black on their worst enemy....lol. 

    • Like 1
  2. Well don't forget, a lot of these major corporations are being HEAVILY funded and protected by the Federal government.

    The way Capitalism SHOULD work is that every business survives and thrives (or fails) on it's own merit and profits.
    No help from the outside.

    That was the way MOST businesses operated all the way up to the early 20th century.

    Now you have these mega corporations who not only have lobbyists in D.C. helping them to get tax breaks and grants, they can routinely break laws and regulations with impunity.
    No one gets shut down or spends a day in jail.


    Because White racists in government supports White racists in business.

    Now just imagine if there was a Black Representative or Senator from Florida in Washington D.C. whom you could talk to who would hook YOU up with a $40 million grant to declare AALBC a "National Institution" and pay your an annual endowment to maintain the site and all it's property for perpetuity.
    That's how a lot of White folks do with eachother.

  3. I'm not a big fan of banning people EXCEPT if they threaten violence against other posters or reveal personal information they had no right to reveal.
    However I DO support deleting shit....lol.

    That being said, I WOULD be careful with allowing all of that anti-Semitic shit Wide awake is posting.

    You never know.
    He may come here JUST to spam the board with all of that shit just so it can be flagged and investigated as a "hate site".

    Think about it.....

    Some clown pops up out of nowhere dumping as much anti-Semitic content that he can get his hands on KNOWING no one on here really cares for it one way or the other.
    So obviously it's not being posted for us.
    So who is he posting it for?
    What PURPOSE is he posting it for?
    Posting it by the TRUCK LOADS in nearly every thread he can find.....MAKING SURE if someone comes upon the site they won't miss it.

    I smell a trap.

  4. We've improved over the decades.
    I remember when a lot of girls were using BLEACHING crime and Black-n-White ointment trying to lighten up their skin.

    I remember when dark skinned girls barely got ANY attention except for the occasional,  "You're cute for a dark skinned girl".
    Now it seems as if dark skinned sistaz are getting as much game thrown as them as the lightest skinned ones.

    Actually, when you think about it......it's the very OPPOSITE of what you said.

    AfroAmericans are probably among the proudest most PRO-BLACK collective of Black people on the planet.
    You don't find a lot of Africans and Caribbeans praising their Blackness and bragging about how dark and chocolate their skin is like you see in the U.S.


    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, nels said:


    If genuinely stated, this is probably one of the most enlightening and simple common sense things said in quite some time. Sadly, black America's sheer lack of basic knowledge makes it a long-term sucker for the Democrat party, as it doesn't seem to realize that it really has no understanding of the landscape that it must cross to escape its current condition.

    Lol....why do you say "if" genuinely stated??????

    What was it about his simple and seemingly straight forward  statement that could have roused the least amount of doubt in your mind about the sincerity of it?   🤣

  6. When I say "staged" I don't mean the deaths are fake or that people aren't getting killed over in Ukraine.
    I mean "staged" as in the entire conflict as well as much of the well publicized drama involved was already planned and is being planned as they go along.
    People who are supposedly "enemies" are really allies and partners working together on convert operations.

    Reasons being:

    1. Again, Prigozhin would NOT be that stupid as to try to overthrow the actual president of a nuclear power with his band of merry men.

    That would clearly be suicidal IF he were serious about trying to overthrow Putin's regime.
    Which brings me to my next reason.....

    2. IF he were indeed serious about overthrowing Putin's regime....why the hell did he stop when he had a slight advantage?
    According to news reports his military was marching toward Moscow unchecked with many Russians cheering him on and welcoming him....not fighting him.
    Then all of a sudden he changes his mind in mid-stream and decides to turn around????
    What kinds of insane shit is that?

    BOTH of them were playing some sort of GAME overthere.

    3. And instead of arresting him as a traitor Putin "forgives" him and his men and sends them back out to help fight and even gives them more arms.
    Come on and give a brutha a break with the non-sense.....lol.
    No leader on EARTH would to something that stupid to a guy and group who just yesterday tried to overthrow your country and do who knows what to you.

    4. Now, he supposedly died in some plane crash.
    Now think about this.....seriously.
    A guy smart enough to lead his own military ALLEGEDLY tried to overthrow Putin and "failed"
     Putin said he forgave him...and this smart guy BELIEVES it and apparently TOTALLY forgets the entire thing and goes skipping around Russis as happy as he wants to be eating candy and sipping on milk shakes as if everything is behinds him.......until he meets his end in a jet crash that he WOULDN'T have seen happening to him????

    Hell no he ain't dead....because he wasn't on that damn plane.

    Why do I say this?

    Because he wouldn't be THAT stupid to begin with.
    I don't question HIS intelligence.
    I question the intelligence of those who actually BELIEVE this garbage they're pumping out about him and Putin.

    That entire situation is a big ass CHARADE.

  7. At the very top of the Democrat AND Republican parties are the White racists who run the nation.
    That's why I don't trust either party.

    I keep saying that AfroAmericans need to separate from BOTH of them and form our own political party for OUR interests.
    However that doesn't mean AfroAmericans are the only one's who can join or support it.....people of all races and ethnicities should be able to.
    As long as they understand that:

    1. We will be the leaders of the party and decide what it's values are and which directions it takes.
    2. The main issues the party will cater to will be AfroAmerican needs, the rest come second.

    If a White or Asian can comprehend and accept those terms, they'd be welcomed as far as I'm concerned.


  8. Chev


    See...now you just TRIPPIN'...lol.

    I gotta leave you alone when you're like this.

    I can't have a conversation with you when you're this yammed up and all emotion.


    Yeah, I do tend to treat men differently than I treat women.
    I'm NICER to women.....because I know how emotional yall can get, like you're doing now.

    I can come with a million articles, excerpts, and scriptures and they STILL wouldn't convince you because your mind is made up on the Bible and Jesus.

  9. Troy

    the truth is that Black people have done astonishingly well given hundreds of years of violently imposed oppression.


    It's literally a MIRACLE that as a group, we actually still exist here in as large a numbers as we do.
    About 50 millions strong.
    A lot of groups through out history have been wiped out, exterminated by their oppressors.

    We're doing better than the Native Americans and this is THEIR land and they had much larger numbers than us originally.






    For you to bring up lynching is absurd. When was the last lynching?

    Take your pick from the recent ones caught on camera:

    George Floyd
    Ahmad Aubery




    Successful blacks never mention reparations nor should anyone else.


    The world famous and HIGHLY successful lawyer Johnnie Cochran not only mentioned our deserving Reparations but he was preparing a case FOR us to get Reparations before he passed on.







    don't support reparations or compensation.I


    But I bet you'd take the check if it were offered, wouldn't you...lol.






    However, I do support being afforded a level playing field (perhaps even as a legislated or constitutional mandate), which usurps all of the apparent nonsense that seems to be derived from DEI, EEO and many other generally misdirected and misguided initiatives, political postures, and the like. Level playing fields tend to literally take away the (judicial. legislative, economic, social, military, etc.) advantage of the elite class and as a result, which causes a tremendous amount of friction.



    Sounds like you're advocating Communism to me; but as to your "leveling" the playing field...
    Since you're against Reparations, how exactly would you do that?









    sk the average AfroAmerican if they are interested in fighting for reparations.  Wait for their response....


    Another major obstacle that prevents a lot of AfroAmericans from fighting for and even admitting that they WANT Reparations is the moral guilt a lot of them feel over it.
    They've been convinced that it's simply "not right" that they should receive Reparations for what their Ancestors endured if their White friends and co-workers aren't allowed a cut.

    That fear of upsetting or "taking advantage" of White folk even when they clearly have more wealth and resources than them is real for a lot of our people.


  10. ((Shakes head and laughs with one hand clap like Eddie Murphy))


    Either this was a hit OR a fake.
    Meaning, he probably faked his death.....or someone faked it for him.

    Surely somebody with the brains to build up a private military good enough that a global leader would choose to fight a war for him.....wouldn't be stupid enough to turn around and double cross him that openly.  

    I think that entire operation....including the recent crash....was STAGED.

  11. 31 minutes ago, Jeromex said:

    Because i speak the truth, all of the sudden Im no longer black ? Because I choose not to be a victim and that takes away by blackness?

    Wake up , its 2023.


    No....but there are other "tell tale" signs that you weren't raised around the AfroAmericans you claim to speak for.


    Another poster named  @nels political position is almost identical to yours....but I can tell he's Black by his mannerisms.
    Just like I can tell you're NOT by yours....lol

    • Like 1
  12. @Chevdove  I told some Original Black folks what you said.....lol.
    I told them that you claimed they were primitive and didn't exist anymore.

    And they started laughing and gave me a message to give to you!



    "We heard you were talking junk about us.....don't do that!!!"
    "Here we are.....do you see us?
    We are still here.....hi-eeeeeeee!!!!!"


  13. Chev



    So yes, you are right, it wasn't about Minister Elijah Muhammad, but it was another leader. I am very sorry about that. It just hit me as I was typing! 


    Apology accepted....as long as you've learned from your mistake, lol.





    And as far as what Minister Farrakhan said, he definitely said that the first human family was Adam and were Black. He says this many times. 


    He also said that Adam is the father of the White race.

    If you like quotes from Minister Farrakhan, then you should enjoy this excerpt straight from the Final Call News paper:




    Adam and the pre-Adamites
    by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan


    . How did the White man come here? Let’s get into the science of this. The fifth chapter of Genesis says, "This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam in the day when they were created." So, Adam is not an individual here. Adam is the beginning of a race of people, male and female, a new people now with a new wisdom that is going to bring in a new way of civilization.

    You have the Adamic race and you have the pre-Adamites. That means there were people on the earth before Adam. The pre-Adamites is the us out of which Adam came, and they are called aboriginal. There were pre-Adamites on the earth before Adam.


    Minister Louis Farrakhan: Adam and the pre-Adamites (finalcall.com)






    Okay, about what you've said about White people coming from a unique and separate Black people, again, that is absolutely wrong. Again, all genetics of males on this earth are 99.99% proven to stem from one individual, an AFrican male. 


    Who's the one offering this "scientific proof"?
    White scientists...who have a history of lying and being wrong.
    Every generation they change the story about how man came about on the planet.
    You KNOW they're lying....they should just say they don't know and leave it at that.




    The primitive Black and/or dark skinned people are completely extinct. There are absolutely no genetic markers today in any human that links to those black primitive humans with exception of Neanderthals. 


    I'm not sure about the "primitive" part but the ORIGINAL Black folks from back then are STILL alive today!
    They're mostly in India...mostly in the South.

    They are often called Dravidians.




    Look at how they're looking at you.....lol.
    They're trying to figure out why you think they no longer exist when they're standing right there....LOL


    These are the people whom Black Africans AND White folks came from originally.


    Scientist say that for 500,000 years, the Neanderthals were the only huminids that existed until modern mankind became present! That is what is displayed in the Smithsonian. 

    Well THOSE scientists are telling a damn lie.





    And as far as being obsessed with White people, I do agree with you in that it is important to know about their actions against Black people. I do agree that we should be focused on their secret hate groups but when it manifest to the point where hate crimes are committed. 

    By that time, it's often too late for the VICTIMS of those crimes.
    You gotta get to the root in order to nip it in the bud.

  14. 21 minutes ago, Chevdove said:


    You are completely rejecting the actual reference in what Farrakhan said and what science and genetics have proven in that all modern humans come from a Black man. LOL. 

    Farrakhan also said that Elijah Muhammad came from a White woman and that is a great division in the nation!

    White scientist admitted this and all national science organization admit this, yet @Pioneer1 you still want to believe that White males do NOT come from Black African male. That is insane.



    You give White power too much credit over Black freedom of which is prophesize to come. I never said that White Supremacist have no power. You are putting out a complete false statement. 


    Look who's talking......lol.

    You just put out two or three false statements yourself!

    1. To my knowledge Minister Farrakhan has NEVER said the Elijah Muhammad came from a White woman.

    2. I never rejected that White folks came from Black folks.
    Infact I've been teaching and preaching THAT since I've been on this forum.
    I just said they didn't come from Africans....but they still came from Black.

    Africans aren't the ONLY  Black folks on this planet.
    You do realize that, right?


  15. I agree with most of what he says, however when he gets into bashing the Democrats strictly and says little to nothing about the Republicans.....that's when I start getting suspicious.

    I'm definitely not a fan of the Democrat Party NOR the Republican Party.
    I don't trust either one of them.
    However I criticize BOTH.....I'm not silent on one.
    When I keep seeing these negroes pop up bashing the Democrat party over and over again and talking about what Joe Biden did this and Joe Biden did that but have nothing but good words to say about Trump or simply don't mention Trump at all.....I get suspicous of them.

    The Republicans KNOW they haven't done shit for Black folks and that most Black folks aren't going to support them, so they don't count on our support.
    They know all they have to do is get Black folks to not support or vote for Democrats....and they'll automatically win by DEFAULT since most Whites are Republican.

    Their goal isn't to get you to vote Republican....it's simply to get you not to vote period...and they win.


  16. Troy

    If you just buy a bag of potato chips, you've paid taxes on it.
    That's why this "tax payer's money" argument racists and Conservatives continue to use makes little to no sense.

    After Republicans like Bush and Trump whipped up TRILLIONS of dollars to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the Trillions they spent on Covid-related programs.....neither of which caused inflation....it should have become abundantly clear by now that printing up money has virtually NO negative effect on the economy.

    It should also should have become abundantly clear that there is basically no need for the government to require FEDERAL taxes since the Fed can literally generate all the funding it needs.

  17. Chev



    I listened to the video and while he touched on both Black people being the original and the story of Adam he didn't explicitly say that Adam was a Black man.


    He mentioned an article that depicted Adam as Black.

    It doesn't matter too much anyway because Minister Farrakhan has a long tradition of saying things that you're more likely to hear in a Church than in a Mosque or NOI Temple.


    Elijah Muhammad's teachings make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that Adam represents the first White man and that he was NOT the "first man".


    Many other teachings from various regions of the planet and various times in history also make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that Adam was NOT the first human being and many even say he was the first White/Caucasian man.





    This is ridiculous. Why would you give White folks credit for Black civilizations?


    Who's doing THIS?






    Why would you give White folks credit for Black power?


    Who's doing THAT?





    Yes, since this has happened we need to always acknowledge this reality of White domination on the basis of Colorism, but to believe that they had anything to do with the set up of Black African civilizations is just completely the reality of the kind of Black people that are indeed 'White Supremacist' in their beliefs. 

    To believe that White people had anything to do with early script is just insane. 


    King James....a White man....AUTHORIZED his own version of the scriptures hundreds of years ago.

    And thousands of years ago the first Bible was put together by the Greeks and later on by Europeans in Turkey.

    This is actual history....not wishful thinking.



    You know you always talk about how we need to all agree,


    You got the wrong fella.....lol.o
    I don't believe that and haven't said it.






    THEY CAME FROM THE EAST and infiltrated Black civilizations and then and only then did Black people began to enslave each other and hate each other over issues of Colorism and WS. 


    They came from the East of what?






     ignoring White people and their secret groups versus defending against their openly public hate acts of racist attacks is two different issues. 


    So which one do you suggest Black people do....lol.







    Black people need to understand why the White folks have come to own everything, even us as their chattel slaves and prisoners. If Black people weren't so obsessed over White people then they would not have stolen everything and put us in captivity to where we are completely dependent on them. 


    I'll agree that if Black folks didn't LOVE White folks and find them ATTRACTIVE so much, they wouldn't have allowed them to rob and enslave them.
    I wouldn't use the word "obsession" in the case of the Ancestral Africans though.







    Who said anything about focusing strictly on Black issues and Black businesses. Where are you getting that from!?


    You said I give White folks too much credit and that I should stop obsessing over them.  I take that to mean you feel I should focus more on Black issues and forget about White folks....lol.


    It's hard to forget about the 8 ton elephant in the room, though...lol.





    We live in a multi-colored and multi-cultural world, but it is vital to focus on your own identity first and then we can appreciate other groups. But to be so obssessed with White Supremacist is just insane. 


    If they own and control most of your environment, I'd say it's insane NOT to focus on them.
    Insanity is losing touch with Reality.

    If you sit up and PRETEND that those with power over you and your environment actually have none -you're not in touch with reality.
    That's a form of insanity.

    It's a form of DENIAL.
    Sticking your head in the sand like an ostrich and pretending that what actually is.....isn't.





    "Me and my partner here have just discovered the secret to inter-galactic
    dark energy transference.  If you will allow us, we will share the secret with YOU!"


    Their MIND is on Mars but their ASS is behind bars!


  18. 46 minutes ago, Jeromex said:

    The lifetime welfare recipients and lifetime criminals are NOT taxpayers. Either are the millions of baby mama’s.



    LOL...you don't know what you're talking about.
    They absolutely ARE tax payers.


    Besides, the government doesn't even need our taxes for funding....they can just print up as much money as needed with no consequences.
    The past 3 years should have shown you that.

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