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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy is right, it doesn't.
    It was a stirring testimony though.

    A great example would be an Angel or other superior Being standing on that motel balcony next to Dr. King maintaining an invisible shield that caused the bullet aimed for him to bounce off leaving him totally unharmed.
    .....or better yet ricochet back to the assassin and kill him instead!

  2. Troy



    My position remains the same.

    I don't want the Government (Federal, State, or Local) breaking up or limiting businesses PERIOD.


    The only thing they should be doing to companies is making sure all products are safe and making sure all contracts are honored.

    THAT'S IT.


    Other than that, stay the hell out of people's business.


    The same laws they're using to "punish" Amaz0n or Walmart or Cheveron can be used against YOU.

    ...and with far more devastating consequences since you don't have the money to ride it out like they do.

    Let companies grow as they wish and let the consumer decide as they wish.

  3. Didn't read the book but I remember the T.V. movie and T.V. show that followed.

    Oprah Winfrey was in one of them....or maybe both 🤔

    I thought it was pretty good.

    Has a decent mix of social issues and attractive women.

    What I really liked about the T.V. show was how the bruthaz would come on singing acapella at the opening of every episode.

    One of the episodes (or was it in the movie series??) that stood out was Oprah Winfrey's character getting angry and rounding up a bunch of women to knock down some wall...lol.

    • Like 1

  4. frankster



    You could look in the Black Baptist Churches or Vodun.


    And I do!









    well, they were off your people and you can only play so much waste with slingshots and clubs.


    They had bows and arrows and spears around the globe for THOUSANDS of years.....lol.
    Those can do some....as they say on the Westcoast....HELLA damage.




    Seriously, to suggest that is on the same scale is hyperbolic.


    It's not the SCALE that should be focused on but the INTENT.


    If your argument is that war and mass bloodshed is a product of Western civilization citing the sheer AMOUNT of blood shed in Western conflicts as evidence of this....then a counter-argument would be that the DESIRE to shed just as much if not more blood was there among some Indigenous groups if only they had the technology to do so!

    So that would make them just as war like....minus the technology to express it.



    when was the last time you were in a Black church?


    It's been a while

    But as I said before, I'm after the TRUTH.

    Not simply what someone READ or thought they felt.


    But if someone had an actual encounter with a Being they actually thought was Jesus or a Saint...I'd love to hear the story.


  5. Troy


    Then you may have been too young to appreciate the implications of their monopoly. If they were not broken we would still be paying $100 for a 20 minute long distance phone call and be using corded phones with rotary dial’s.

    Come on man, lol.

    They had cell phones and touch tone phones as far back as the 70s.
    This was well before the forced break up of Ma Bell in the 80s.




    As a result of the break up, telephone calls are FAR less expensive and technological advances took off overnight.

    I’ve never encountered anyone who thought monopolies were a societal good


    It's not about being "good" for society or bad.
    It's business.

    Money is like energy.....it...in and of itself...is neither good nor bad but how you USE it.


    If Comcast or Bell or any other company actually made laws PREVENTING other individuals from entering the same businesses as them...that's one thing.
    They're not.

    They are doing what they are SUPPOSED to do which is grow as big as they can and get as much money as they can.


    If the government doesn't like it then THEY should provide and alternative.

    I said the same thing during the Obama Care debate.
    People hollering and crying over how the insurance companies are ripping people off and not providing good coverage, but they don't want to support "government" healthcare or Universal Health Care.

    Instead of telling private companies what to do and OVER regulating them, just provide and alternative and let people CHOOSE.











    The US was built on capitalism which has its good and bad.







    The US government doesn't start businesses to compete with a free market system. That's why there's no universal healthcare.



    A.  The government actually DID start businesses to compete with the private industry.....back in the Roosevelt Administration.

    They were call the New Deal and WPA and they provided JOBS for people with GOOD PAY not only to help people but to provide healthy competition to the private sector who were working the shit out of people with little pay.

    They also built housing for free and at affordable rates to compete with the private housing sector who wasn't meeting the needs of the people.

    So the government CAN and DOES start businesses and industries when it WANTS to.

    B. There's no Universal Healthcare in this nation for two reasons:


    1. The insurance companies are PAYING the politicians to keep it off the table.

    2. Most White folks don't like the idea of Black and Brown people getting free healthcare with "their" tax money.





    "What's the purpose of trying to KILL OFF the niggers if we're just gonna to pay for 'um to go to the hospital  and get well again?




    There's a difference between a publicly traded corporation (stock exchange) and a public entity. Shareholders have a say but not the average person. 

    G88gle is still privately-owned. The local library is publicly owned. Citizens have a right to sit in the library all day without paying as much as attention. 


    Thanks for reminding me of the difference.
    When talking about corporations I keep mistakenly conflating the share holders with the general public.


    BTW...lol...what's with you encrypting "Google"????? 




    Asians and Latinos have entire enclaves of businesses that belong to them. Chinatown is a great example of it.


    Many of them have their own neighborhoods and businesses AND they apply to work for predominately White businesses as well so they can learn how they operate and bring that knowledge back home to their communities.



    Black folks don't have to self-segregate in order to be self-sufficient. Many of our people have been dependent on the system of racism white supremacy for so long that they wouldn't know how fish if it was a video on their smartphone. 🤣


    A lot of Black folks don't learn how to become self sufficient until they are FORCED to.
    Let being abruptly fired or layed off from a job they've held for 30 years.
    Or having such a bad criminal record that nobody will hire them so they're FORCED to get out and "do for self" as best they can.

    ....and discover they actually do better on their own!




    Black folks have been trading their labor and intellectual capital to enrich others for way too long. Too many of our people are still slaves to wages.


    While you're right and a lot of Black people know this, they also understand WHY this is too.....lol.

    They've come to realize that while a lot of our people have the TALENT and SKILL, many don't have the DISCIPLINE that comes from working under White folks.

    Oh yes, they may be EXCELLENT cooks, tailors, builders, musicians, CPA's, computer programmers, etc...
    But don't want to get up early.
    Don't want to make appointments or keep the appointments they do make.
    Don't have good customer service skills and quick to cuss somebody out over something minor.

    Nicca don't have a bank account.
    Like Fred Sanford, he does his financial trading at the corner LIQUOR STORE.

    How many Soul Food joints you've been to where the food was so good it gave you an instant erection....lol...but every other time you went there they were OUT of the food you love!!!

    Or they were CLOSED 4 days out of a 7 day week....lol.

    How you go be running a fish and seafood joint....but steady OUT OF FISH every weekend?????

    But the Chinese are almost NEVER out of the food you want!
    Notice that?
    Go to any Chinese place and order the craziest thing on the menu....and they GOT IT and will have it ready in 5 minutes!

    Plenty of talent....but no discipline.

    Just not fit to own their own business.

    Need a White man standing over them with a stick in his hand to keep them in line....lol.

    If you understand THIS, then you'll understand why so many multimillionaire Black entertainers often end up dying BROKE while their White agents and producers who make far less money often end up not only dying wealthy but have wealth to PASS DOWN to future generations.

  6. ProdD

    Most of these rappers and other entertainers are smart.
    They have to have a certain amount of intelligence to be able to remember their lyrics while rapping on stage in concerts or acting.

    Same with most world class athletes.
    Most of them are smart and can remember their plays, think fast to deliver their moves, etc....

    I remember listening to Michael Jordan during his interviews and how remarkably articulate and intelligent he sounded when talking.

    Look at 50Cent and how he's trying to build his own little empire.

    No matter how stupid and goonish these brothers may PRETEND to be in their performance, most of them are geniuses (genii???)  in their field.

  7. frankster


    oh well i tried...its your query hence your rules.



    I wasn't trying to be rude or dismissive.
    But I do support strict standards when it comes to arriving at the truth.





    Some believe we are all one.....but i know what you mean


    I've heard that before.
    That we're all part of All That Is.

    I'm not sure if this is true or not.

    I tend to believe that although there are multiple SELVES to our individual being, we are still separate B/beings also.





    maybe you not looking in the right places.


    That's obvious.
    The question is, where ARE the right places to find Black people who can offer clear and detailed experiences with Higher Powers?

    If you want to find White people who've had them......I can take you to a book store and show you over a dozen books.
    I can show you over a dozen Youtube videos....sometimes entire channels....of White people looking up in ecstasy smiling with their eyes gleaming talking about their experiences meeting Jesus, meeting an Angel, talking to God, meeting Extraterrestrials, meeting Greys and going on space ships being given tours.


    Where are the Black folks?

    I can't say these people are crazy or schizophrenic.
    Many of them are professionals like firefighters, nurses, police officers, surgeons, etc.....not some crack head having a hallucination in a trap house.

    Why is it so easy to find THEIR stories but when I look for and ask for Black folks.....the eyes start bucking and folks start grinning and looking under the couch or out the window?
    Don't want to talk about it.


    You ain't got nothing else to do?
    The game on, I'm trying to see what
    Coach Prime is going to do tonight!"

  8. Troy


    So which wars are you talkin about? Yeah I heard Genghis Khan was running around raping and plundering to the extent that most Asians are directly descended from him, but in general this most or the death and mayhem inflicted on humans by other humans too place in the last millennium and most of that in the past couple hundred years. 


    1. Perhaps we BELIEVE most of the death and mayhem took place in the past couple hundred years because this is the recent period with the best RECORDS kept for conflicts.

    How do we know even WORSE wars didn't take place 2000 or 3000 years ago?

    2. More to your question......

    Did not Africans fight wars with and kill eachother for centuries before the coming of Europeans and Arabs?

    Did not the Native Americans fight war with and kill eachother for centuries before the coming of the Europeans?

    Did not the yellow Asians like Genghis and others fight wars and kill eachother before the coming of Europeans?


    Look at the wars Muslims fought through out the Middle East during and after the time of Muhammad.

    Look at the wars mentioned in the Bible that were fought in the area.


    Perhaps the West made warfare MORE deadly and MORE efficient but they certainly didn't introduce it to humanity.




    Violence is not a long-term solution. It is a short-term tactic, at best.  Look at Israel and Palestine each one would blow the other one to smithereens if they could what will that solve? Unless genocide is considered an acceptable solution.


    I said violence, not necessarily genocide.
    If someone has a cold and I recommend medicine.......doesn't mean they should run out and get radiation treatment.

    I would argue that in some cases violence IS a long term solution if that violence ends the ability of the trouble maker to make trouble.

    If a person is going around raping women and killing people.
    Killing THEM would end the violence and mayhem they're inflicting on others.

    Perhaps if one would have known what Hitler's plans were, ending HIS life would have saved the lives of millions of others.


  9. Troy


    Man, that rarely happens, LOL!  When it does your credentials have to be impeccable.


    Maybe it rarely happens TODAY with AFROAMERICANS.
    Keep in mind........

    1. Most other ethnic groups including other Africans definitely help pull their own group into the workplace and hook them up with jobs when they can.

    2. AfroAmericans USED TO do this back in the 70s and before when we were more unified as a people.
    It was COMMON for Black people at a particular job to bring their friends and relatives in when they needed work.
    They'd even RECOMMEND eachother to the White boss....lol.

    No hiding it.

    Now so many AfroAmericans are just happy to have a job themselves and afraid to lose it.....they won't even MENTION another AfroAmerican at the work place.

    Many of our people are so ashamed of eachother and their silly behavior, they won't risk their own reputation bringing some weed smoking fool in from off the streets who won't keep the job long anyway.





    Are you old enough to remember Ma Bell's monopoly?  What do you think the consequence of it was?  Should the government broken it up?


    And no I don't think the government should have broken it up.
    I think if the government had a problem with it being too big and being the only alternative then they should have started an ALTERNATIVE to Bell.


    I don't think the government should LIMIT progress.
    In my opinion a company should be able to grow as large as they want AND people should be able to become as rich as they want as long as they aren't harming or intruding on the rights of others in doing so.


    That's a MORAL judgement....claiming something is "too big" for their own good.

    Like I said, it's a double edged sword.

    The same government telling Bell or Comcast or Amaz0n that they're getting too big will next be telling YOU that YOU'RE getting too big or making too much money and need to be broken up.










    White folks aren't going to let that happen. 


    We made our way into the State and Federal governments of the United States.
    Is Google more powerful that THEY can stop us?



    Those same White folks will quit that job and start their own version of the same business. 




    Black folks would be better off investing in our smartest people to come up with an alternative to Google.



    But I personally believe we should be doing BOTH.





    Black folks need to get out of the business of begging white folks for jobs, promotions and fairness and providing every crumb of their daily bread.

    You're right.
    But when it comes to CORPORATIONS....it's not so much about trying to get into "White folks businesses" because a corporation is PUBLICALLY OWNED.
    So it's everyone's business.


    Which means technically we DO have the right to get in, get hired, and make decisions on how it's ran.


    More importantly......
    It wouldn't be wise for us to totally self-segregate ourselves to our own businesses while Asians and Latinos are ushering themselves in to these major corporations to not only take our places but enter positions we have yet to attain.


    I think we should enjoy the best of BOTH worlds.


    I haven't met Lil Wayne, but I've met a couple of people who know him personally and they say he's VERY smart.
    Not just street smart but smart academically.

    One person told me that when he was in college he could go to sleep in class and wake up in the middle of the lecture and answer any of the instructors questions.
    They said he got good grades....but found school boring.

    Whatever Lil Wayne's reasoning for disfiguring himself like that......it seems to be a trend that has been catching on through out the Black youth in the U.S.

    During this past 5 years I've seen more and more young Black folks with facial tattoos.
    Something I thought our people just wouldn't do.

    Maybe that was Lil Wayne's purpose....
    Maybe he was one of several artists who are being paid to encourage Black youth to disfigure themselves with tattoos.

    Then you got young Brown people through out Latin America....especially gang members...getting tattoos on their faces and even on their eyeballs.


  11. Troy


    There are already good people working for Google, they just hold little sway when the company's prime directive is to maximize shareholder wealth.  besides Goolg is already know for hiring very few Black people.


    I wonder are there any Black people in positions AT Google already to hire more Black folks and bring us in.

    That's usually how other groups do it.



    I guess that depends on how you define "harm." How many people have to die or become impoverished first.  
    How long did it take for the government to deal with the tabacco industry, the NRA, the Sackler family, or financial institutions?  


    How many people have died as a direct result of an action by Google?

    How many people have ended up in poverty as a direct result or action by Google?


    Google is a search engine, not in the same category as a fire arm or chemical that can cause direct harm to people and thus must be regulated.


    Can Google cause mental harm?
    Well, the argument can be made for it....but psychiatric problems generally have physical causes.

    Besides, we have to be careful with the over regulation because it's a double edged sword.

    Next thing you know somebody will be telling YOU how to run YOUR site and claiming you don't have enough White or Latino administrators...lol.





    Yeah, we pretty much are. 


    I beg your pardon sir but......
    Do Black men have two arms, two hands, and a brain just like White men?

    If so, what's stopping us from achieving what he achieves besides the DESIRE to do so?


    If some White men desire to RUN Google and use it as a tool to spy on people and practice racism while some Black men only desire to use Google to search for the closest weed dispensary...





    "Yeah ummm......
    So what time yall close?
    7 o'clock????
    But Google said yall was open 'til 10.
    Ok, so what time yall open up tomorrow??"

    Who's fault is that?





    We don't, not really.  The Montgomery bus boycott took place almost 70 years ago.  Those strategies are no longer effective. 

    What tools do we have at our disposal today?

    And WHY are they no longer effective?

    Is it because the ENEMY has changed, or have WE changed?

    Perhaps it was effective 70 years ago simply because Black folks were more UNIFIED 70 years ago.
    No other reason.
    And if we were JUST AS UNITED today as we were 70 years ago we would be able to achieve much much more with the technology available to us.


    Every Black person has a cell phone.
    Most have computers.
    Most have cars.

    With just those three items....and UNITY...we could take over any major city of our choosing and establish that ideal Black Wallstreet.

    My overall point is this......

    When it comes to defeating racism, some things the government can't do.
    They can't make a law REQUIRING Black folks stick together.
    The only humans who can make this happen is US.
    We can't sit up and get mad that White folks apply to and join Google and then start practicing racism when WE have the opportunity to force our way in and straighten things out.....but refuse to do so.


    Too busy arguing over where Kool Herc got his flavor from...Jamaica or the Bronx.

  12. Troy


    I think if you looked at war and poverty anywhere on Earth you will find a direct line to Western culture or "modern culture"

    Well, let's keep it real.....war and poverty existed WELL BEFORE the West rose to it's level of prosperity, which is relatively recent.
    Only a couple hundred years.

    But the question is, is it modern Western culture that leads to the war and poverty, or is it the DESIRE TO ATTAIN the wealth and comforts of the West that leads to war and poverty in many of these nations?



    Given our country's wealth, productivity, and resources we should be the happiest place ever.  Dude white men are killing themselves in record numbers!

    Suicide is generally an issue in wealthy nations, not poverty stricken ones.
    Not sure why this is the case.
    Perhaps poor people are so busy living day to day struggling to eat and survive, actually trying to take THEMSELVES out is the last thing on their minds.

    On the flip side.....
    White men have been so spoiled in this society in getting their way that they've become mentally "soft".
    So anytime they DON'T get their way, they can't take it and explode.

    That presumes that remaining on earth, bound in this meat sack, of ours is more desirable than the next stage.


    If death is the necessary and ideal gateway to entering the next stage that would presumably be more desirable, seems like there would be better and easier ways to go about it than suffering and dying from some incurable disease.

    Maybe those suicidal White men had that "better" and "easier" way!

    Who said suffering from some incurable disease is "noble" or the "right" thing to do anyway?


    That presumes violence is the answer to the problem. 

    Life lessons have taught us that while violence isn't the answer to ALL problems, it certainly is the answer to SOME problems.

    From using the threat of violence or even violence itself to fend off a bully, you learn at an early age that violence often has it's benefits.

    The fact that nations with the strongest militaries are generally attacked less is more evidence.
    The fact that communities with well armed and well trained police officers are generally the most stable is still more evidence.


  13. Troy


    What you said was interesting on MANY levels, one of which was this statement:



    III seems most non western cultures are more spiritually in tune than our  western one. There is a keen desire to be in tune, but we thrash about ignorant on how to accomplish it.


    It certainly does seem that way.
    Atleast, I USED to think it seemed that way.

    But my question is, if non-Western cultures so much more advanced spiritually, why is war and poverty the order of the day in some of them?

    Seems to me you SHOULD have something to SHOW for being so spiritually advanced or in touch with the Divine.

    A dirt poor country COULD be more spiritually advanced.

    One could make the argument that they are more focused on SPIRITUAL matters than accumulating MATERIAL products and wealth.

    However I would entertain the argument that some of the most spiritually advanced people should be the HEALTHIEST and WEALTHIEST of humanity since they can tap into the purest and most thorough knowledge unavailable to the masses.


    Perhaps the West....with all of it's faults...has found a way to tap into SOME of that.





    There are plenty of scam artists willing to separate us from our money to reach the goal but most are just ripped off and remain  unfulfilled.








    Some seek spirituality, or to communicate, with a higher power through the use of drugs, but the man-made ones generally bring overdoses and dependency  doing more harm than good.



    Excellent observation.
    It is said that drugs open up parts of the brain that normally lay docile in order for you to communicate and receive communication from Beyond.

    But my original questions remain....
    What EVIDENCE do the person who uses a particular drug to communicate with the Divine have to show what they claim?


    For example.....
    If a person has stage 3 cancer and smokes some herb and comes back claiming to have had a Divine experience.

    Seems a GOOD piece of evidence is that:


    a) They are immediately cured of their disease


    b) They were given the cure Divinely and it worked and now they are cancer free.


    But to just smoke something and come back smiling and saying "all is at peace" while remaining sick.
    I'm not sure about that.







    Indigenous cultures, use natural plant-based things to achieve an altered state of reality, which I understand helps one transcend their own individuality, and enter some type of universal plane which I imagine is comparable to communicating with God.


    I've read about this for decades.

    Now my questions about these indigenous cultures are:

    1. Did they receive Divine revelation about the coming of White folks to destroy their culture and take their land?

    2. Did they receive knowledge of how to make weapons to protect themselves and fend off the White folks and chose to ignore that knowledge?


    Because what was the purpose of entering these different planes and Realms and then come back to THIS Realm only to find a White Conquistador standing over you grinning with a damn cape on and a sword drawn?





    "Welcome back!
    I hope you had a nice trip!
    Where da gold and women at????"


  14. On 10/29/2023 at 7:54 PM, ProfD said:

    Now, I have wonder if this is that situation where folks see and hear things at the end of their lives.


    The obvious answer is that a Higher Power clearly doesn't give a sh8t about AfroAmericans as a group. It's only been 400 years and counting.😎


    Is it that a Higher Power doesn't give a shit.....or is it that AfroAmericans aren't paying attention to what has been Communicated already?


    Is it that a Higher Power doesn't give a shit...or is it that AfroAmericans haven't utilize the information we HAVE gotten so far?


    The very book that Black folks have been reading for 400 years (Bible) gives them a lot of solutions to some of the problems they've faced over that period of time.

    -Turn the other cheek would be a good solution for violence in the hood.
    -The example of the Israelites forming armies would have been a good example for Black folks during the Reconstruction Period.
    -The example of the Israelites acquiring land and building a nation would have been another good example for AfroAmericans during Reconstruction.

    Like a good Parent will tell their child,
    "Why should I buy you more expensive toys when you aren't even appreciating and taking care of the ones you have now?"

    As much as I want more Spiritual Communications and revelations between our people and the Divine.....
    Have we as a people put the information we DO have to the best (or atleast better) use, so far?


    1. We as Black people don't have a dog in this fight because BOTH the Israelis and Palestinians have shown themselves to be racists against Black people.
    Not all of them obviously, but collectively.

    Ask the Ethiopian Jews about the racism they've faced in Israel by the Ashkenazi Jews.
    Ask Black people in Palestine and other parts of the Middle East what "abeed" means and how they're treated by Arabs.

    I say let them handle that between themselves.

    2. Going back to what I said earlier.
    You have Egypt, Iran, Syria, Iraq and other nations with militaries who COULD help out the Palestinians.
    But they aren't.........to any noticeable extent atleast.
    There's a reason.

    I don't want innocent people to be killed or even injured ANYWHERE on this planet.
    Not in Israel, not in Palestine, not in Congo, not in Nigeria, .....nowhere.

    All of this focus on Gaza and what's going on over there, where was the focus of the world while fighting goes on in Eretria and Congo and Ethiopia?

    Do not THOSE lives matter too?


    • Like 3
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  16. So why don't Black people INFILTRATE corporations like Google and Youtube and others so that we're on the inside and help make some of the decisions?

    In my opinion the Government should stay out of telling Google or any other private business what to do as long as they aren't directly harming people.
    If the Government doesn't like how a particular business is doing things or treating their customers then THEY should start a social media or website that offers better service and more equity.

    But they don't want to do that.
    They want to spend money by the billions on Ukraine and Israel.

    But as for us..........

    This is OUR country, we aren't just innocent by-standers while White people in glasses are sitting on thrones somewhere up in Silicon Valley operating with sole authority over social media.
    We DO have authority if we get off the couch and exert it.

  17. On 11/1/2023 at 11:17 PM, Troy said:

    Ok @Pioneer1, that camel-faced nigga is an ugly mofo. Happy?


    Looks are relative and subjective in my book the guy is not ugly… he is on par with Idris Elba.


    Well, I'm not much of a judge on men's looks or level of attractiveness......however I seriously doubt most women would equate Jay-Z's looks to Idris Elba's.....LOL.


  18. frankster



    I think I have...not sure if it will qualify

    When I was in High school....I did a Experiment.

    I wrote all my sleeping dreams for approximately two months.

    Many were prophetic  with no need for interpretation, some happened immediately while others took upwards of ten years


    Interesting experience!
    But no, in my opinion it's not.



    I guess mine would fall under communicating with the Higher Self ....or maybe it was just my Subconscious.


    I'm talking about an entirely separate Being.





    It was clear and undeniable predictable and as time past more and more those dreams became insightful.

    Asking a question is call Dream Incubation which we often do naturally unbeknownst to our conscious self.

    My Goal was to achieve a Lucid Dream.... a Gateway to Astral Travel - instead I only Achieved a Flying Dream which in itself is a Gateway to Lucidity.


    Well....lol...did you stop trying?
    Did you focus your attention to other pursuits or are you still trying to?






    Regardless of Race these stories cuts across all boundaries real or imagine.

    Mass Media is today mostly white people marketing to white people....all other races are footnotes - the Truth is always in the Details.


    I believe this, but my question would be why does it seem White people are more interested or have more detailed experiences?

    Surely they're not more in tune with the Divine.




    As the saying Goes they are only schizophrenic if they hear God talking back or was that the dead?

    Not sure how someone can believe this AND be a Christian or Muslim at the same time seeing as how those scriptures are FULL of examples of God talking to people and in some cases the dead talking to the living.




    As a matter of fact of the Two Most famous UFO cases, one involve a Black Man......Married to White Woman - Barney and Betty White.


    Yeah, I heard about that case.
    I think their last names were "Hill" if I'm not mistaken and they were allegedly abducted while riding in their car or something like that.

    But that was decades ago.
    Where are the Black people TODAY with stories of abductions, alien experiences, and other other-worldly experiences?


    When I Google or look them up in Youtube, it's mostly White people with their eyes shining telling these experiences.


    Niccaz sitting around in jogging suits smoking weed and arguing over the founding fathers of Hiphop.

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