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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. It's not just her muscularity that I PERSONALLY don't find attractive, but her very confident attitude as well.
    While it's good for most women to be confident to a certain extent; and in older women it seems to be attractive.....again to a CERTAIN EXTENT....it's easy to go overboard with this trait.

    Like you said, different strokes for different folks.
    Some brothers LOVE highly confident women.
    Hell...some dudes like women with hairy legs and baby mustaches too....lol.

    • Sad 1
  2. And some women are just plain nymphos.....lol.
    They never seem to get enough sex.

    No matter how good a man is, she'll want more and more....from multiple men!

    I've learned there is no sense in even TRYING to get involved with women like that.


    Fred Sanford said:  Don't mess around with them, boy.

    I'd rather try to JUGGLE a relationship with 3 "normal" women than get involved with just ONE nymphomaniac....lol.





    Lol...I was wondering the same thing.

    I had already read your post....
    Then I read his post, which sounded like it was in agreement....but it read like it was in DISAGREEMENT....lol.
    So I had to go back up and RE-READ your post....lol.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. Whaaaaat.......lol.

    Man, I kinda liked this commercial.

    Ofcourse if you compare it to TODAY after Hiphop has matured so much, it looks a little corny.
    But back in the mid 80s (I believe) when it first came out, just seeing Black folks on television rapping and Breakdancing was the jam!
    You didn't see that much on regular television.

    I only saw THIS one a few times.
    I remember being over my cousin's house and it was about 10 of us in the basement and we were arguing over New Edition.....lol

    You have to put that commercial in it's proper CONTEXT.

    I think this and a few other Hiphop commercials came on during and right after Soul Train or some other Black themed program.
    I remember Hiphop McDonald's commercials...lol.


    I did see the Preachers Wife.
    I don't remember much of it though.....lol.

    It was one of those rare Denzel Washington movies that I didn't care too much for.
    I'm not sure what he was thinking when he made that one.

    They could have saved some money and took it straight to the Lifetime Channel.

    On the flip side of that same coin.....just got through seeing Equalizer 3!
    It was pretty good.
    Very violent....but good performance.

    • Like 1
  5. On 11/25/2023 at 11:27 AM, ProfD said:



    It's easier to bury one's head in a belief and/or a book of fairy tales rather than putting in work whether it's education or employment or anything productive and leading to tangible results.😎

    And ESPECIALLY when you have someone else (like a White man) taking on the responsibility to maintain society by keeping the trains running, keeping the police force together, maintaining a military, keeping the farms operating and food growing.

    Let THEM be the "adults" of society while niccaz run around in robes, sandals, and nappy beards  preaching on microphones and arguing about Jesus, Muhammad, and when the world is going to end.

  6. Troy

    I don't see monopolies as necessarily good OR bad.
    They are what they are....depending on the circumstances.

    It's like arguing whether or not cars are good or bad.
    If you ask most people, they'll say cars are good.
    If you ask victims of serious car accidents, some of them probably wish cars were never invented.

    But relatively speaking, a monopoly by default IS good....for the firm who actually holds it.

  7. Does anyone remember this commercial from back in the 80s............


    I do.
    Hadn't even seen it since the 80s until came across it a few weeks ago.
    Somebody reminded me of it and I went-a-huntin'.....and finally found it.

    Although I have to admit......
    I don't remember seeing so many White folks dancing around in it as I see, lol.

  8. 22 minutes ago, richardmurray said:

    in terms of online discourse, I think the one thing I wish to add is offline discourse between black men side black women needs to improve. I think if offline discourse improved, online would.  @Pioneer1


    MAJOR FACT!!!!

    Another issue that contributes to the friction between dialog between AfroAmerican men and women....both online and offline....is how AfroAmerican men treat EACHOTHER.

    Sure, a lot of sistaz may disagree and fight with eachother.
    But most of the time when it comes to Black men being in the conversation....they form a united front to pretty much agree with and support eachother AGAINST the Black men in the discussion who don't share their interests.
    I've seen this both in online and offline discussions.

    On the other hand, most AfroAmerican men tend to either consciously or subconsciously tend to do the opposite.
    They'll argue and fight with eachother infront of the sistaz as a form of competition to show who is dominant and stronger either physically or intellectually in order to impress them.  Usually using THEM as the subject to launch their argument from.
    Too often AfroAmerican men will argue and fight with eachother over the treatment of our sistaz.
    One will confront another over what he said to some sista or whether or not what he said was "appropriate" or did it sound like he was trying to have sex with them.
    All of them want sex from the ladies but half of them will pretend NOT to....which causes more friction over the hypocrisy.

  9. ProfD

    We've always been a people of style who loves to dress well.
    It's part of our nature.

    We're extremely creative and have a keen sense of style and flavor.

    My only issue is why they do it in CHURCH.

    Church is supposed to be a place where you serve and worship Jesus, not a place to show off your latest clothes and look for some vitamin-D or P...lol

    Sissies singing all in the choir and playing the piano....lol.

  10. Lol......where the ladies at?

    If this was a White forum with a bunch of White women OR White men asking orgasm questions, you know these sistaz would have filled up the page by now.

    Now this is the problem..........
    And I'm not talking about this particular thread or site but in society in general.

    You have 5 or 6 women who participate on this site.
    Some more than others.
    All AfroAmerican.

    But let ONE White woman come on this thread and start talking about her sexual experiences, I bet the sistaz would be coming out of the woodwork with all types of comments.
    Some would be good, others bad, others impersonal, others telling of their own personal experiences.
    They could have done it before......why didn't they?

    I've seen this time and time again in the work place, at school, etc....
    A lot of sistaz don't value the company of or conversation with Black men and think it's a waste of time and energy UNLESS they see a White woman giving him the time of day and then all of a sudden it raises up all types of interest and emotions.
    I've seen it over and over again.

    On the flip side, I've seen the same thing with some sistaz....especially dark skinned ones.
    Many of them are ignored by Black men....UNTIL we see one on the arms of a White man smiling and holding some mixed babies in her arms.
    Then all of a sudden,
    "Why they taking our chocolate queens like that????"

    • Like 1
  11. On 11/20/2023 at 10:24 AM, ProfD said:

    Many folks pursue knowledge and information that produces tangible results in their lives. 


    In addition to being an opiate fed to the masses in order to keep them oppressed, religion is another form of entertainment that allows folks to exploit others and/or mentally escape their reality.


    It's easy to utilize and/or blame invisible entities for conditions that human beings have created among themselves.


    Human beings are ultimately responsible for their own dysfunction, insolence and ignorance. Religion is a happy pill.😁😎

    It also gives people an excuse to be LAZY and not take responsibility for cleaning up and restoring their own communities.

    How many times have I heard Black folks look at an abandoned building, or some crime or racist act on television only to shake their head and say,

    "I ain't wurred about it cuz Jesus coming back soon anyway"


    • Haha 1
  12. Troy



    again you think monopolies are not a problem. if I pulled some percentage out of thin air it would make no difference to you, so why ask?


    I ask because you started this thread with the focus on POVERTY and it being a problem for both races.
    But then you drag "monopoly" into the discussion.


    I asked, simply to see how big of a role...if any....monopolies play in keeping people in or expanding poverty.







    There are MANY things that makes the U.S. the richest and most powerful nation on the planet.
    Ofcourse one of them is our military.

    But another is the fact that we have the strongest economy of any nation on the planet and although it's DEFENDED by the military, it's not FUELED by the military.

    What fuels this economy and made it the most powerful of any nation is US....Black Americans.


    We add "culture" and "style" to this nation.
    We set the trends and make it a place people want to come to and live in.

  13. frankster


    Khrestus/kristos is Greek is also Greek for the Anointed One(Chrism/christening)....Chosen One to Lead - Saviour/Deliverer/Messiah.

    The first people called Christians were followers of Sirapis/Serapis Christos a Greco-Egyptian Syncretic God/Religion....Hellenic Egypt -Osiris and Apis(the bull)

    The (slain/sacrificial/crucified)Bull is Mithraism a Greco-Roman religion greatly inspired by Zoroastrianism a Persian(Iran) religion which is in turn inspired by Vaishnavism (Hinduism) - Krishna (holy cow) back to Hathor.

    1. It is my understanding that the first people to call themselves "Christians" were a group of disciples in Antioch Turkey.
    I think the Bible even says this in Acts 11:26


    2. We have to understand that there is a difference between "Christians" and those who actually followed the teachings of Yeshua.  They went by a different name.
    I think they were called Nazarenes.
    Those followers of the teachings of Yeshua in different parts of the world be it Ethiopia, India, Egypt, or Arabia did NOT refer to themselves as "Christians".

    3. It is also my understanding that the "Christ concept" of concept of a "savior" actually came into the concept of Judaism AFTER the Jews left Babylon and many of them were allowed to "return" to Jerusalem by the Persian King Cyrus.
    After Cyrus and the Persians defeated the Babylonians who held many of the Israelites captive, they began to look at Cyrus as a "savior" and thus the concept of a savior or Messiah was born.
    I may be mistaken, but that's my understanding of it.




    Only when the are antithetical to Divine/God's Will... "Thy will be Done" - Matthew 6:10 & 33


    Ofcourse it would be foolish to intentionally go against God's Will.

    However when discussing What is and What is not God's Will, we must make sure It actually IS the Will of God and not just the will of some man or his writings CLAIMING to speak for God.


    For example..........

    A single man who goes around having voluntary sex with women for fun.  He even uses his knowledge and charm to do so.
    He agrees to it, and the women who agree to it are single.
    They don't produce babies and they practice "safe" sex.

    I don't have a problem with this.
    But you'd have thousands of people claiming this is "wrong" and goes against "God's Will" that he does this.

    Not because God told them, but because they got it out of some book they believe in.

    So now a big argument and discrepancy occurs over 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hand information nobody can verify.

  14. On 11/20/2023 at 1:29 AM, ProfD said:

    IMO, a lack of strong Black men as positive role models is a key factor in the confusion and dysfunctional behavior among Black folks. 


    Athletes and entertainers cannot be relied upon as role models. They play games and perform for a living. 😁😎

    I think it's a major factor but one of the problems is a lot of sistaz today DON'T WANT strong Black men in the picture.

    It used to be a time when a strong Black man (not a thug or street nigga....a genuinely strong Black man) was consider a savior or hero.
    A brutha you could count on and call up if you needed some comfort or someone to slap your young son upside the head if he wasn't listening to you.
    Today, a lot of sistaz see a strong Black man as  COMPETITION or even a THREAT.

    Learnt from White men.

    You come in the room talking strong and establishing boundaries and talking like you got some sense......
    Back in the 90s and before, they would get "wet"....lol.
    Eyes start shining and they start grinning at you.
    Today......many of them will stare at you.
    Start sizing you up and getting their arguments ready.
    Start calling you sexist, homophobic, even anti-White.

    White men have brainwashed them and even a lot of White women...to see strong Black men as a threat to them when in reality we are one of their few H/hopes AGAINST the abusive power of White men.

  15. I've been able to give women orgasms with my  joy-stick AND my fingers since highschool....lol.
    Not sure what planet these women are from where they can't find men who give them orgasms.
    They sound West Indian.
    I heard then Jamaican dudes be putting it DOWN....lol....so I'm not sure what their experiences have been.

    I'm not saying some women don't get off on vibrators.
    Apparently they do.
    But a vibrator doesn't have a man's voice, a man's body, or a man's smell.....all of that goes into pleasing a woman.


    That's like a man claiming he doesn't need a woman, all he needs is a wet hole to slide in and out of.

    I guess your hand will do if you don't have anything else, but most men prefer a woman if he can get one.
    I would presume most women feel the same way.

    • Like 1
  16. frankster



    The first step is unique to each person and the tradition the choose or belong to.

    In the West Prayer and Contemplation is Traditional.....Whilst in the East Meditation and Exercise is Traditional

    Usually it entails getting to know Yourself.....A Personal Crisis is always the Best way.

    Lacking that Another way is called the Immanence of God(in the West) or Mindfulness(in the East) -Always in the Presence Of God or Always Meditating(constant Introspection)

    Lastly any Practice that is entered into with full Body Mind and Spirit wholeheartedly....In other words all consumingly.

    What about certain drugs, like DMT?
    Perhaps faster and more direct than years of leg crossing and meditation.




    All Spirituality is One.....any seeming difference is superficial.


    My understanding is that the Spirit world is FAR MORE complex and varied than this rather elementary physical world.

    There are over a dozen types of LAUNDRY DETERGENT to choose from in this world, how much more of a variety is there in the Spirit world?



    Maybe not Christ....though They are referencing the same thing


    I'm not so sure.
    In MY OPINION...Christ is simply the Greek rendition of the Hebrew Messiah.
    No need to make it more complex or mystical than it already is.

    We can ADD to the understanding of it if we like....doesn't mean it's true.
    Christ/Kristos is the Greek version of the Jewish word "Messiah" with the concept originally coming from the Mithraism religion founded in Persia centered around the ORIGINAL "Christ figure" Cyrus.


    Now as far as enlightenment goes..........


    Different people have different ideas of "enlightenment".
    Enlightened to what?
    If a person's son is dying of cancer and they become "enlightened"....will that come with a cure for that cancer?
    If not...exactly what good is it?
    Just walking around with a shiny face and smile on it?
    Is that the purpose of "enlightenment"?????

    We need KNOWLEDGE that will HELP US accomplish our goals and be Successful.
    Atleast I do.




    The challenge of the Ancients is to pass on the technology thru ages....


    If indeed that is their intent.
    Some Ancients intended to and did HIDE technology and wisdom from the masses and only passed it down to a certain elect few.




    Mankind is full of Individuals with personal ambitions and group goals - in short Ignorant.


    Are personal ambitions and goals ignorant to have?

  17. Troy

    I'm curious...........
    If we somehow were able to eliminate all monopolies overnight, by how much (percentage wise) do you think poverty would drop in a year or decade?

    Hypothetical but serious question.

    I'm trying to figure out how big of an impact you think it would have on poverty.



    I also believe that the same companies currently holding monopolies if they paid their fair share of taxes, that would also help and if the  government use those taxes in ways to directly address poverty, all of that would help.



    If corporations paid their fair share of taxes.
    And if the government used those taxes in ways to address poverty
    And if the government wouldn't send so much of that money to other nations like Ukraine by the billions
    And if the government would establish Universal Health Care
    And if companies would pay a decent wage
    And if people getting out of prison could get decent jobs and not have their records held against them
    And if housing were affordable
    And if there was no more housing or job discrimination

    .....if I looked like Denzel Washington and if I had a Maserati, trust me......I wouldn't be at home on the internet right now, lol.




     I also think understanding how the wealthy and corporations avoid paying their fair share of taxes and how the tax code actually benefits them should make anyone angry with the way our tax dollars are extracted and used.

    So you think people should be angrier with the wealthy and corporations over trying to keep their money than with the politicians who are the ones who are actually GIVING AWAY the nations money by the billions to other nations and illegal immigrants who have no business here?


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