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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. frankster



    The Main reason now Given is because when you trace back all Human Genes they all converge in Africa and Africa still have the most diverse Genetic pool...which is collaborated with both Archeology and paleontology and several other schools of thought.

    Having a diverse genetic pool is not evidence of being the oldest.

    The United States of America has one of the most DIVERSE gene pools yet is one of the world's YOUNGEST nations.
    Because it's a nation of immigrants.


    The history of Africa is a history of one ethnic group after another from both Asia and Europe entering the continent to conquer, settle, trade, ect....

    There is more of a history of various peoples GOING INTO Africa than COMING OUT of her.




    White skin is not seen as an  (Evolutionary) Adaptation but  seen more as a Mutation(Natural Selection) in that it does not increase "Fitness" - Survivability.


    The White skin of an albino is a result of genetic mutation.
    However the White skin of most Caucasians is a result of genetic SELECTION.


    One is accidental, the other is deliberate.

  2. frankster


    Too much Discipline instilled from without is actually a form of  Punishment ....Self Discipline is about Control Transmutation and Training.


    Well the FIRST step in doing any type of "discipline" training whether it's for diet or sex, is to understand the PURPOSE of that discipline and training in the first place.

    A lot of the fasting practiced by religions around the world that is ASSUMED to be for spiritual purposes, was actually founded for MEDICINAL purposes.
    But at some point the original purpose was lost or misunderstood and people began fasting for reasons they didn't understand nor the benefits of.



    They need education...


    When most Black people....not all but most...are taught how to properly think FOR THEMSELVES, they will automatically educate themselves.





    No I disagree....

    People always engage around their differences....

    In many cultures people with red hair(Gingerism) were feared and killed or ritually sacrifice is that racism? and if not why not?


    It was based on genetics.

    Red hair is a sign of recessive genetics so many of them were killed to prevent them from reproducing weak/recessive genes.



    In many parts of Africa albino's were discriminated against is that racism?


    Same reasoning.
    They feared that 2 albinos mating would produce more albinos.
    Albinos with their pale skin and weak eyes clearly are at a disadvantage in most parts of Africa with the heat and bright sun so producing a "tribe" of them would pretty much be producing failure.

    Obviously I don't agree with these barbaric practices, but I do share with you the reasoning behind it.

    This is also the truth behind much of the "ritual sacrifice" you read about in history in ancient cultures.




    Social Status is in some societies dictated by color but in a Classist society Wealth Supersede Race.

    In a racist society Race supersede Wealth

    Are you sure you're not conflating Classism with an Aristocracy?

    Classism is based on "class"....sho'nuff...but class isn't always tied to wealth....do you agree?








    Yes...it does mean color and if we are going to split hairs let me remind you what I said.

    Color and physical Features/  common physical characteristics ....you leaving out the features.


    Below is picture of some Brahmins...the  highest caste - they run the spectrum of hues and if you go to Tamil you will also find blue black Brahmins.



    Go to Latin America and you'll find jet Black nappy haired Black folks who'll tell you they're "Spanish" and practice the Catholic religion also...lol.

    As the recessive White race blends in and dies out, pretty soon you have a Black/Brown super majority where the ORIGINAL function and reasoning behind these castes and terms become vague and merely ceremonial.


    Also to your point...
    Although the Aryans introduced the Vedas and Varna system, there is evidence that I'm starting to believe that much of the Caste system probably DID INDEED exist among the Dravidians before the arrival of the Aryans.  But it wasn't based on race or color so much as it was based on degrees of knowledge or occupation strictly.






    Well I did both....And I am sure you ask for muslim Evidence too.

    Jesus is mentioned in the Koran and I know Muslims believe Jesus was a Prophet.
    But he's generally  not accepted in Buddhism or Hinduism.


    That doesn't mean that INDIVIDUAL Buddhists or Hindus can't choose to INCORPORATE him and certain Christians concepts.
    This tends to happen a lot in the West where religions are more relaxed and people are free to pick and choose which parts they'll accept and reject...lol.






    Some parts of the Originals have been found in Egypt and Sumer....


    Have you seen them?
    Have you read them?




    I cannot be any Clearer....basically ethics and morals that greco-roman that has or shares no African influence.


    If you can't get any clearer than you just did.....that's a problem, LOL.

    Not exactly sure what you're saying or asking of me here.





    Often times our problems are interpersonal....of a nature none of us has experienced or observed before.

    So as you posted coming from one perspective.... yours - will not solve those issue.


    If it truly came from God...it will.

    I'm sure you've heard the saying, "God makes a WAY out of no way".





    your solutions would most likely be selfish and self serving hence no solution.


    Whether the solution is "selfish" or not is irrelevant.
    What IS of utmost importance is whether or not it actually SOLVES the problem.


    If you work hard all week, you deserve your pay check.
    What you do WITH that check is none of your employer's business.


    We should focus on what needs to be focused on.




    Exactly and how would God do that?


    I don't know.
    I don't know how God operates....nor do I need to.
    I know that God is effective.




    If the information is not accepted....it cannot help anyone.


    If it came from God and was intended for a specific person it WILL be accepted and it WILL help them.
    No doubt about it.




    According to the Ancients...we all get the message - but our prejudice perspective and perceptions blinds us.


    Trust me.
    Any message that God wants you to know directly WON'T be blinded or prejudiced.
    It will come through MORE clear than a crystal.





    The message is delivered....but Man is greedy  selfish and prone to making mistakes - confuses and or misunderstands.


    Nope....no confusion or misunderstanding.
    .....if it actually came from God.

    But if it came from some man CLAIMING he speaks for God...now you might have some confusion entering the picture, lol.




    We are social creatures so my problem usually involves others...if they not aboard they solution my not be so effective.


    Different people have different problems.
    What's a problem for YOU may not be a problem for them.

    Perhaps the REAL solution would be for you to leave the community you're in and find those who ARE onboard with what you believe and are trying to do.


    I'm not going to go to a lesbian bar only to complain about why the women aren't digging me...lol.





    That's not an answer.


    Some questions don't warrant an answer....only a response.😉





    So the question remain how would you know it's from God?


    God can and often does makes it perfectly clear to the individual in a way no other Being could- that it is from God and could be from no One else except God.



    But you accept scientific facts from any language once interpreted...


    Yes, because I know man is limited in his ability to communicate.
    So I understand WHY those facts have to be translated.


    God has NO LIMITS communicating so there is no need to "translate" a Message from God that was meant directly to me because it would be tailored specifically for me to understand clearly without the aid of another human.

    That's one of the beauties of a direct message from God.
    One of the many many MANY beautifies.








    "Varna" a word that I was unfamiliar with speaks to class not skin color.


    The word "varna" literally means COLOR.

    Research the fall of the Indus Valley Civilization.

    Glad to see someone else is keeping up with the conversation BTW....😉

  3. frankster

    I believe the Migration is in the Opposite Direction....Out of Africa.

    Most people  believe this.....because it's the CURRENT theory that Western/Caucasian archeologists and historians have proposed.
    It lines up with their "Theory of Evolution".

    It tickles the ears of most Black people when they hear White scientists say that all humans came from Africa.
    But they don't understand the diabolical and insulting REASONING behind them making that claim.

    Whites claim....and others now believe because of it....that humanity EVOLVED in Africa, left the continent, and spread out around the globe.
    Which implies that those who remained behind....Africans themselves...are LESS EVOLVED than those who over time left and spread out continuing to evolve.

  4. Another question is, will Black people IN POSITIONS OF POWER learn to USE their power to help eachother?

    I'm no lawyer and I'm not exactly sure what went down that night but I saw video of him actually running AWAY from his girlfriend that he was accused of assaulting.
    Yet they still got him on 2 counts.

    There are plenty of Black judges in New York at the local and state level who could OVERTURN his conviction and challenge the case.

    Not ONCE has the word "racism" even come up or been mentioned in the media regarding this case.
    Sexism and domestic violence has...but not the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

    Why not?

    Because so many Black folks have been BEAT DOWN and SHAMED into not wanting to even discuss racism let alone fight it.

    Latinos look out for eachother.
    Asians look out for eachother.
    Arabs look out for eachother.

    It's almost a GIVEN that they do this for members of their own community.

    White men aren't "gods".
    The formula they use is simple.
    SEEK power and USE power.

    When we start learning to do the same, we'll be in a MUCH better position as a demographic.


  5. Troy


    Wait, what?  

    I skimmed over the previous statements, and it was not clear what opinion you have changed. What was it.

    Then STOP SKIMMING and getting only a half-ass understanding...lol.

    My INITIAL position was that for the most part prostitutes were more independent and successful than housewives.

    I'm not going to lie....
    The arguments presented by ProfD and frankster did have a SLIGHT influence over my change of position, but MOST of it came after days of careful consideration....especially when I put both marriage and prostitution in a GLOBAL and HISTORIC context.

    I was also more focused on MONETARY success than the success that comes with raising children and providing them with a stable home.





    I don't think you are being honest here.  Answer this question: Would you rather your mother have been a prostitute or a housewife?


    What would I gain by lying?

    And to answer your question:

    Ofourse it should be HER (or any woman's) choice as to what career choice they make, but I personally would rather my own Mother be a housewive because it means I MOST LIKELY (though not 100% guaranteed) would be raised in a relatively stable home and environment.

  6. ProfD



    The Ethiopian's views weren't a result of resent colonization that happened a few hundred years ago.
    They've felt that way for a LONG time about other Africans.


    There is SOME validity to his claims that his people migrated there from the Middle East a long time ago.
    Where he's wrong is in believing he has "no" Black/African blood in him or his people.
    Regardless of the strain of Middle Eastern ethnicity his disant ancestors may have been, CLEARLY him and most Ethiopians are mixed with African/Black to various degrees.

    Not only do most Ethiopians feel this way but so do most Somalis and Eritreans.


    They are pretty much a mix of 2 or 3 major races/ethnicities:

    1. African/Black
    2. Arabian (Arab, Hebrew, Assyrian, Persian, ect...)
    3. Caucasian (Greek, Roman, and Caucasian Arabian)

    The Arabian part is VERY touchy because Arabians (not Arabs but Arabians) themselves are highly mixed.







    The Emperors of Ethiopia in the early 1800's referred to themselves as Aryans/Caucasians as of these teachings due to a language distortions that the Europeans made seemingly advantageous...Noble/Nobility means Aryan.

    The Stories about Hindu Kush does lend some credence to why the Emperors adopted the term as at One time Ethiopia Ruled from Africa to the Indian Continent...The original Aryans are believed to have come from Afghanistan Iran And India....all Dark Skinned Peoples (Before the Ottoman/Turks)


    The fact that Aryans invaded India and slaughtered and oppressed the Black Dravidians hasn't been discredited.
    It has just been IGNORED by racist White and near White archeologists both in the West and in India who don't want to accept the truth about their racist origins.

    There is a STRONG connection between the Ethiopians, Somalis, Yemenis, and other Black and "Blackish" people of that region because many of them are descendants of the original dark skinned Dravidians who migrated from the Indus Valley region across Arabia and down into Africa.


  7. frankster


    Truth mixed with lies is Propaganda...


    Yes....among other things.

    I tend to call it "Tricknology"..lol.




    No..they use it as a tool to achieve power.


    Which...although I don't agree with it...IS more respectable, IMO.
    Atleast they KNOW it's a bunch of lies and use it for their benefit.


    But how can I respect those masses who know or atleast suspect it's a bunch of horse shit and still base their lives around it and "want" it to be true?

    They aren't using it to ACHIEVE power, they are using it to remain powerLESS and give their power to others.



    It still is an increase in suffering....regardless of who is suffering



    According to the Bible, Jesus asked what kind of "good parent" would give their child a ROCK if they asked for break or a SERPENT if they asked for fish?
    Most people naturally look out for their OWN before others.




    We can try sharing.


    Ask the Africans and Native Americans who tried "sharing" with White folks what the results were.




    Some people love to learn the HARD way.

  8. frankster


    Without Discipline there is no Progress....Only Regression


    A BALANCE is required.
    Too much discipline is limiting and leads to stagnation; but as I said before, the preacher's problem has less to do with discipline and more to do with the brainwashing and miseducation him and his community received about what is actually right and wrong.




    You intend to  brainwash to your liking.


    Some of our people DO need to be brainwashed and programmed, but most need to be taught simply how to think for themselves.





    The Writer is obviously Saying that all Mankind is One Family.....And All Muslim whether Black White Arab or Non Arab are all Brothers...


    I understand what was being said.
    You asked for an example of how racism in the past was built upon skin color and I showed you how it existed in the past as evident by Muhammad's telling his followers not to engage in it.





    Classism is based on Social Status and Wealth.


    Look at that word "social status".
    Social status could be based on many different things, and RACE is just one of them.

    As I said before, racism IS a type of classism.
    In a racist society....your RACE or SKIN COLOR is your Class.




    Casteism is Based on Work and Heredity


    Actually, "caste" is an English term.
    The original word in Hindu is VARNA which literally means "color".
    The original Caste/Varna system in Hindu was literally based on skin color from darkest to lightest, and this is THOUSANDS of years old.






    I have shown you That  Muslim do..Here is what Buddhist say last paragraph page 5


    Lol....I didn't ask you for evidence that Muslims do, I asked you for evidence that HINDUS and BUDDHISTS believed in Jesus.




    "Furthermore, there are some historical writings that state that some Buddhists believed that Jesus Christ was the reincarnate of Buddha."

    Belief in Jesus is NOT a staple or established part of the Hindu or Buddhist religions.
    Pointing to a FEW Buddhists or Hindus who mention Jesus doesn't mean it's part of Hindu or Buddhist doctrine.
    You, there are probably Catholics who believe in Satan.....but that's not established doctrine in Catholicism.




    Yeah....they translated in their language for their people - but the Original is not theirs.


    Then who does the "Original" belong to?

    And where are those people today who have the "Original" Scriptures?






    Start with your most convincing argument or fact of Greek Roman Ideology that does not line up with African Morality and Ideology?


    Not sure what you're asking.




    We cannot experience or observe everything...what of the rest?


    Nor do you need to.
    You experience and observe what pertains to YOU and what helps you solve YOUR problems.
    The rest is to help others....or perhaps yourself later.


    Who should communicate with you directly??

    W/whoever is righteous and wants to, and wants to ensure that T/their message gets to me UNTAMPERED with.




    I agree 

    We are talking about those who receive the visions etc...they can be control manipulated and discredited.


    If a person receives a direct Vision FOR THEM....it doesn't matter if others don't believe them or try go "discredit" them because the information they received will help them regardless.
    Now if they receive a Vision and then are INSTRUCTED to share it with the entire society, then that may be where some problems arise.

    However, Whoever gave them that vision would hopefully have FORSEEN the problems that may arise from this and planned things accordingly.


    See, this is why I question many people who CLAIM to speak for God but have problems getting their message out.
    Because if God wanted THEM to deliver a particular message, it would be delivered period....and there is nothing human beings could do to stop it.

    If they are being blocked and their message being suppressed, I have to question who actually sent them out.


    However if YOU have a problem and YOU seek Divine Counsel and receive a Vision or Message to solve that problem....YOU shouldn't worry about whether others believe it or not....as long as it works to solve YOUR problem.






    Yes but would you believe a stranger?

    Saying he or she has a message from God

    It really would depend on the circumstance and the various factors involved.

    Generally speaking, I believe that God's messages for ME are given DIRECTLY to me from God, not from another human being whom God knows I may question.

    However that doesn't mean God still wouldn't use a human to deliver a message to me.





    Worst maybe the one who had the vision don't speak a language you know....you will find yourself in need a translator.


    I'd have to question if it actually came from God or not because God knows I don't speak his language, so why send him?


    Even a mere human being knows not to give you important instructions in a language you don't understand.

    So I'd question if that message was actually meant to me AND I'd question who actually sent it.




    They individually contain enough Truth...for the lost to find their Way


    Or enough truth to keep you lost and going in circles.

    Some of the best lies contain many elements of truth; but while you're consuming the great tasting truth, you're also consuming the poisonous lies along with it.


    Let's make it easy......

    We can put religion to the side and decide what's true or false by the impact and success it has on our lives.

    If you have a problem and APPLY what you read in that Scripture to that problem....and it solves that problem...IT WORKS.
    If it doesn't....it DOESN'T work.
    Plain and simple.

    No need to go in circles or travel the globe looking for translations and interpretations....either it works or it doesn't.

  9. frankster


    I accept Scripture and eschew Western Religious Dogma and Ideology...

    Based on...is not the same

    I understand that, however Western Religious Dogma and Ideology is the PRODUCE from those Scriptures you accept and believe in.


    Western Religious Dogma and Ideology is filled with lies and hypocrisy.

    If those Scriptures produced a dogma and ideology filled with lies and hypocrisy for the West, what do you expect for them to produce for YOU if YOU accept them?


    You're LITERALLY following the same "script" as them.

    Do you expect for things to turn out different?





    Seeking to control and power over others only increase suffering.


    ....perhaps for some of those you have power and control OVER.
    But not necessarily for YOU, because YOU'RE the one who has the power and control!


    Look at it another way.....
    If you don't seek power and control over THEM; they will seek it over YOU.

    But SOMEBODY has to be on top and in charge.
    I'd rather it be my people.

  10. frankster



    Discipline is His Problem....Delayed Gratification


    You say "discipline" is his problem, I say HYPOCRISY is.

    If he would be true to himself and weren't influenced by religion to hide his behavior....he wouldn't need to discipline his behavior.


    Ofcourse the rest of society he lived in would have to be de-programmed from the same brainwashing HE received; because they too have been conditioned to believe sex with multiple women is wrong also.






    It matters how they get it.....The Means doesn't always justifies the Ends.


    But even if that got it the "wrong" way, there are various levels of wrong.


    I don't put a woman who lied and cheated her way to the top of an Insurance Agency to become a millionaire - in the same category as a drug dealer who stole, murdered, and kidnapped his way to being a millionaire.

    Both did immoral things to get to the top, but one was clearly worse than the other  IMO.






    Vassal States Cannot survive on their own....hence a failed state


    Babies and little children can't survive on their own....do that mean THEY are failures as humans?





    Not True....provide your links or evidence

    Let's start with an excerpt from a sermon said to have been delivered by Prophet Muhammad around 632 AD

    "This sermon was delivered on the Ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah, 10 A.H. ( 623AD) in the Uranah valley of Mount Arafat in Mecca. It was the occasion of annual rites of Haj. It is also known as the Farewell Pilgrimage................All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action."


    That was nearly 1500 years ago dealing with color based racism.







    Racism today is based on skin color and physical features....cannot say the same ever for both casteism or classism


    Again, Racism is a form OF Classism.

    Instead of wealthy or sex, RACE is your Class.






    Name those Living Heroes?


    I don't know of any humans I'd call my "heroes" outside of my Parents.




    It tells you the nature of the people and their government....in which The Lives of People of Color are not valued the same as those of whites


    It also tells you that they were very powerful and sends a message that you should be careful going up against them.
    That's the message it sends....subconsciously and openly.


    They show you Jesus speaking out against the Roman Government and then show him suffering and killed for it.

    BTW...I asked you for proof or strong evidence that Buddhists and Hindus believe in Jesus.
    So far you haven't produced any.





    True....But they have more in common than they differ.


    Not quite sure about that.






     White folks did not Write the Scriptures of which the bible is composed.


    If you're going to let them TRANSLATE it and ARRANGE it...you might as well say they wrote it, lol.

    Hell, after THEY tamper with it....sure can't accept it as pure or original anymore.





    Africans Considered the ideas contained in the bible authoritative before Europeans did.


    Sure, some of them.
    Like worshipping God, respecting your neighbor, not lying or cheating.
    That's only a FRACTION of what the Bible says and advises one to do though.

    I could spend a month on the New Testament alone showing you how much of it is Greek/Roman ideology and doesn't line up with Africa morality and ideology.





    God's Messengers carry His Words....So it is accurate to say they are God's Word 


    True, but we have to FIRST make sure they are actually God's Messengers before we believe in the message.






    But Mankind is Greedy Selfish and Lying....How do you discern the Truth?


    You know what's true to YOU because you've either observed and/or experienced it.

    It's about Communicating directly with US as individuals.


    When access to these Individual is control and the words of these Individual are manipulated or discredited....then what?

    No O/one controls or limits access to an Individual from The SUPREME BEING.
    Absolutely No O/one.

    If The SUPREME BEING Intends for you to get a Message -you WILL get it no matter what.
    No chance or possibly of that not happening; neither in actuality nor theoretically.



    At any rate ...he only translated the bible


    Some would say that the book is only as valuable as it's translation.


    A dream or Spiritual visitation DOESN'T NEED a "translation".
    Unlike man-made "holy" books, it conveys the message meant for you crystal clearly.

    Most people who have had Spiritual experiences say that the message conveyed to them was so clear and accurate that answers to their questions often came to them before they could even mentally form the question.



    No...its more like how Ancient Egypt was Black African and now Arabs are claiming it.


    Either analogy would fit.
    But my main point is, if it's Greek or Greece...it's probably not Black.


    As quiet as it's kept....lol....I actually kicked around the idea that the first Romans and Greeks who actually built those buildings and structures were probably Black.

    I don't have enough evidence to support that though.

    I KNOW the civilizations that sat on that land before Greece or Rome were Black, so I choose to focus on them.






    One is thought to be Original or closer to Source and the other is accepted as commentary or further from original.....One is about Truth whilst the other is about mundanity or  worldly affairs


    For theological purposes, you'd like to be pin-point accurate and know which source was the oldest.

    But from a moral standpoint...does it matter?

    If we have already established that BOTH have been tampered with and were crafted by the hands of man...neither can be held up as THEE standard.


    You have people arguing over Dead Sea Scrolls vs Bible and which contains the most mistakes.
    If EITHER contains mistakes...then does it really matter outside of using them for references?


    When you look for God's word, you look for PURITY.

    I don't see that coming from the hands of humans anytime soon.



  11. 1 hour ago, nels said:

    Bullsh!t. If one has to rely on someone else to believe themself and others, then they truly have no mind of their own.

    Lol....didn't you just get through jumping up and down in another thread about people on here not "citing references" to back up their claims?

    If you're citing references, isn't that a form of RELYING ON SOMEONE ELSE to convince others of your claims?

  12. 23 minutes ago, nels said:

     Might make one wonder why "Fox News or Newsmax" was called out instead of non-credible non-journalistic full-blown propaganda outlets such as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC, to mention a few.

    Indeed it might very well make "one" wonder....but YOU'D be the only "one" wondering, because the rest of us on here know neither Faux News nor Noose Max are any more credible the others you mentioned..

  13. ProfD



    It doesn't help that Black shills and bootlicks nod their empty heads in approval as the white folks throw shade on us and/or do that what about-ism sh8t.


    Like we were talking about in the "Black Women Commercials" thread about Black folks doing embarrassing shit for money.

    How do you stop it?
    Either the CARROT must be bigger or the STICK harder.




    We really need that drop squad on several fronts.

    I bet a couple sessions in a dark ass room with Ving Rhames kissing them good night would straighten they're ass out....lol.





    White folks want Black folks to speak up on that Israel dust-up. Yeah right. I'm so glad we're on code in that regard. The late Dick Gregory would probably be proud of us.


    You know what, I didn't notice that until you pointed that out...lol.

    Black folks are pretty much acting as if that shit doesn't even exist.

    I see it still makes the headlines on White publications but nowhere on Black websites and channels do you find a discussion on Israel and Gaza today....lol.

    There IS hope....lots of home...lol.

    Now if we can get them to stop arguing for Biden AND Trump and just ignore both so we can push our own candidate in 2024 with OUR OWN AGENDA.

  14. Every time the right-wing and racists see or hear something that THEY don't like....they start crying about the "fall of civilization" or  "fall of Western society".
    Especially if Black or Brown people are involved.

    Madonna can come on television all through out the 80s and 90s in thongs and leather outfits, sucking on dildos, masturbating on stage with a crucifix like that girl in the Exorcist....and you barely hear a word about it.
    But Janet Jackson shows ONE titty on stage and the next morning White Conservatives are on television with long somber faces crying over the "decline of Western civilization".
    They need all kinds of Congressional Hearings and Investigations over the shit.
    The FCC comes down with new rules, fines, and penalties.

    They NEVER acted this way over those (white) Girls Gone Wild videos.
    They didn't consider THAT the fall of society.

    When Trump took over the Presidency and started doing executive orders left and right ignoring Congress and the Constitution they didn't consider THAT the fall of society.

    These hypocrites are a mess and a half.....lol.

    • Haha 2




    Since yall have been the most active participants in it......if you, Troy, or frankster disagree with me deleting it....I'll leave it alone.
    But my position has shifted somewhat on the matter.

    I still support legalized and regulated Prostitution, but I don't think it's better than being a housewife overall.
    But there are a lot of variables to consider when comparing both.



    Mr Hohmann said:



    Globalists on a mission: Turn Americans against each other before a foreign power is called in to finish the job

    Obama’s new Hollywood movie is very instructive: They are telling us their plans

    This article originally appeared on Leo Hohmann’s Substack and was republished with permission.

    The globalists believe it’s supremely important to utterly and very publicly destroy the United States of America. Not because America is some bastion of freedom and democracy. It isn’t. Over the last roughly 100 years, America’s major institutions have been infiltrated and completely taken over: government, healthcare, financial and corporations, the mass media, education, law enforcement and the courts, the military, and 90 percent of the churches and synagogues — all have come under the influence and control of the globalist agenda.


    Somebody needs to ask Mr. Hohmann (ho man???) who's any more "globalist" or "elitist" than Donald Trump?

    If he has a problem with globalism, then he should have had a problem with Trump being in office when he was obviously joined at the hip with another globalist billionaire over there in Russia...lol.

  17. frankster


    Is that what you get from it?....if so you are steep deep into western ideology.


    How can you believe in the Bible yet accuse others of being "deep " into Western ideology?

    Much of Western ideology and most of it's theology is based OUT of the Bible itself.





    A Slave has no Governance over his Body....He is a Slave to The Body(his or anothers) and its Demands


    Great point.
    Yet in still, that scripture seems to encourage one to NOT seek power and control over other people.

    Now who would benefit the most from promoting that type of teaching?
    Those in power, or those subordinate to them?





    More people was and is Being Cured by Traditional medicine than Western medicine. ...First Do no Harm


    And yet a lot of religious people would claim that Traditional Healers are practicing paganism, witchcraft, and magic and encourage their believers not to seek them for help.

    When infact, most Traditional Healers are the TRUE good people and righteous ones actually helping and healing the people.





    Seems like a Conspiracy not a Cure.


    Which is why our community have been told so many times by our leaders to grow our own food and do for self.
    Yet so many of our people are so lazy..........

  18. Know what, I think yall may be right...

    To be honest with you I had doubts about my argument a couple days after posting it.
    Not sure why I did.
    Probably just to poke at frankster because of the discussion we were having in the other thread.

    I support prostitution and the right for women (or men for that matter) to be prostitutes if they want, however I don't think it's more honorable or better than being a good wife and raising children in a good stable home.

    If there are no objections, I'll probably delete this thread sometime today.


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