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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. frankster



    Then you do not know history of Empires....From within an Empire they seem everlasting and all powerful - nothing is further from the truth.

    Whether we talking White power, European power or US power....None is older than 500 yrs and US power is less than 100 yrs - European Global Hegemony is less than 200yrs

    The Greeks were the Teachers of Their Roman Masters


    But the "wise" and studious Greeks never reached the level of power and influence around the world that the Romans did.

    You seem to be under the impression that White people have book smarts but other groups have more "wisdom".

    Am I correct or mistaken?

    If I am, what racial group in your opinion has more wisdom than Caucasians?





    Great Plan.... one I promote and endorse....Less the Elite s**t

    But why as Elites?

    Black Americans Tried something like that already in Liberia....resulted in a massacre


    I actually thought about Liberia as I was typing that up, lol.


    Why Elites?

    Well, if we as Americans go to buy land in any African nation and build structures in it we will be looked upon as "elites" ANYWAY...so we might as well learn the role and learn it well.

    We will be EXPECTED to have more resources and skills than the local population.


    I hope you don't expect Black Americans to strip themselves of their valuables and live as paupers in the name of "humility".




    The Position  of being an Elite must be earned.....not the result of Corruption and Collusion


    Not necessarily.
    Some people are BORN in the Elite class.
    Also, Elitest are often some of the most corrupt.


    Not sure where you got the idea that Elite = Pious

    Elite simply means an upper class who are separate or set apart from others.
    Like most forms of power, it can be a good thing or bad thing depending on each individual.






    I can see you have learned well the ways of the whiteman....Abuse of Power and Influence peddling.


    As long as we've lived UNDER the White man, we should have learned SOMETHING from him.
    Like POWER matters
    Money and wealth matters


    In order to ABUSE one's power...one must HAVE some power to begin with!

    Negroes aren't used to power, so they are too often AFRAID of it or don't know what to do with it ones they get it.


    First let us get some wealth and power and worry about "abusing" it later.





    There is a difference between Abuse Use and Help....If you do not know the difference then Self-destruction is a must.


    Whole lot of Arabs, Indians, Chinese, and White folks over in Africa abusing the hell out of many of the people.....
    Raping the people and the land.
    They don't look like THEY'RE "self destructing" anytime soon.
    Look like they're doing whatever the hell they want to do.

    They are over there to exploit...not help, like we would be.

    So again.....
    I have NO PROBLEM going over and setting myself up in the Elite class and getting special privileges AS LONG AS I'm also helping the people by bringing wealth, technology, and other benefits I have access to as an American.

    If you want to strip yourself of your Western attire and valuables and live as the locals in the name of humility.....fine by me.
    I'm not.

    If it were up to me, I'd go over with a GROUP of Black Americans and buy some land and build a compound and contract with the U.S. government to supply our group with money and military protection in exchange for us producing goods, natural resources, and services.


  2. frankster



    Full of Book Knowledge but no Wisdom....Dangerous and Self-Destructive.


    Whatever category their knowledge is in....it's helping them to rule over most people of color on this planet.

    If they have no wisdom, what does that say about the people they're able to master?


    One can only assume that those in power think it best to do what it is they are doing.


    Perhaps "best"....not in a moral sense.
    But "best"...as in best for their own selfish interests




    It is worst than the wild west out there.....Plenty of Risk and Great Rewards to smart brave willing soul


    This is where the controversy comes in.....

    I'm an American citizen.
    Although I'm a Black man, we ARE American citizens and we should use our wealth and status to our advantage.
    I think we SHOULD buy land in a lot of these places and set ourselves up as the "elites" of the society and use our U.S. citizen status as well as our wealth and connections back in the U.S.


    Why not?


    I've been with women from different countries and I have NO PROBLEM using the fact that I'm an American citizens who can help them with certain things....to get some "cookies" from them.


    I've helped people get jobs by teaching them how to fill out resumes, tell them where to go to get licensing, etc....
    Some I've done for free, others I've done for favors.

    We SHOULD be using our position and status here in the U.S. to benefit ourselves as well as our people abroad.

  3. ProfD


    Only a handful of Black countries have ongoing violence.


    Like Stefan mentioned....that's being REPORTED in the media atleast....lol.


    But I put the reporting of war and violence in 3rd world nations in the same category I place crime -unreported.

    Most 3rd world nations don't have extensive and sophisticated data-bases for documenting and tracking crime and acts of violence like more developed nations do.

    Like my boy told me about his trip to Bolivia....
    Here he was thinking it was safe and peaceful until he strayed about a block away from his hotel and ended up being chased back home by a bunch of kids with machetes....lol.




    Authoritarian and hybrid regimes, flawed and failed democracies lead to violence and instability. 


    That's another problem all together.

    Democracy is a GREEK system of governing.
    Africans, Asians, and Native Americans...in my opinion...have no business looking to ancient Greece as their ideal form of governing.

    Democracies DO NOT WORK.

    The U.S. ain't even a Democracy....so why is it being encouraged in other nations.

    African nations need to develop THEIR OWN forms of governing outside of the boundaries of what their former (current?) colonial masters prescribed for them.

    We've been on this planet establishing civilizations for BILLIONS of years.
    How were we getting along then?
    White folks haven't been on this planet over 7000 years.
    We not only survived but THRIVED without them before that time.
    Why do we need them NOW to give us a model of governance and civility?

    We need to use the Creativity The SUPREME BEING gave us to develop our own systems of government and civilization which will EXCELL anything ever dreamt up by the West.








    The problem for most people is that they are unaware these battles and some wars are being fought. It is not that enough people are not dying or suffering. This is mostly due because news editors do not believe such conflicts are newsworthy.


    The conflicts and problems just aren't documented or reported in the media.
    Probably because of the subconscious belief that the PEOPLE aren't worthy of the attention.

    The mentality of, 
    "What's the news?
    Those people are always stealing from and killing eachother.
    If we did a report on it everytime it happened, we wouldn't be able to talk about anything else"


  4. ProfD



    Man, I saw all of them line-by-line responses and I thought that might have been frankster's post at first....lol.




    Small Business Administration and regulations were established to help.


    To help AfroAmerican businesses?




    There are laws specifically designed to keep AfroAmericans on the bottom. 


    I personally believe MOST of the laws in the United States were designed to suppress AfroAmerican success.....stated so or otherwise.
    I come to that conclusion based on observation and intuition.





    As AfroAmericans, we need laws specially designed to help us i.e. a hate crime bill.  Asians got it instead. 


    Yeah, we could use one but..........





    White folks don't really believe laws were made to be enforced against them.


    Which is one of the reasons I said they WEREN'T.
    They know certain things we don't.

    They know a law or rule doesn't have to be labeled "anti-Black" in order to be used against AfroAmericans.
    They are organized enough to realize that .all the racists have to do is just USE IT.


    They don't have to go around advertising their intentions like negroes do...lol.





    Federal law regarding marijuana means it cannot be trafficked across state lines and is prohibited in places under federal jurisdiction.

    However, states have a right to make their own laws 


    Please forgive any ignorance of mine on this issue, however I haven't heard that much detail go into it.
    From what I've heard and read...Federal law CLEARLY states that Marijuana is an illegal Schedule 1 substance, period.
    No exceptions.


    The states are free to make their own laws however Federal law SUPERCEDES state laws.
    So it doesn't matter whether the states "legalize" something or not, if the Feds say it's illegal then it's illegal.

    They'll CHOOSE not to prosecute a person for it to give the illusion that it's legal.

    The so-called "legalization" of Marijuana in these different states is little more than a TRAP in my opinion.
    Designed to target and lock up more Black men who are ignorant of these laws and how they work.

    There's an old saying, "You can't cheat an honest man".

    If some of our brothers would try to build up our communities the RIGHT way instead of smoking so much dope and now trying to make a fast buck growing it and selling it....the devil wouldn't be able to trick and trap them so easily.

  5. ProfD


    Consensual. She never pressed charges. Just casually wrote about it her book. Craziness.

    It was "consensual"....atleast according to her...LATER ON in the relationship; but she said out of her own mouth that she was RAPED by him at 19


    Mackenzie claimed in her 2009 memoir, High on Arrival, that her father raped her on the night she married Jeff Sessler when she was 19

    Not only is rape a crime....it's a violent felony what law enforcement prosecutes REGARDLESS as to whether the victim presses charges or not.
    Since when do prosecutors ask victims for "permission" to go after violent criminals?

    Sounds like a shell-game to me or 3 card molly where....like I said in the other thread about laws and regulations, they pick-n-choose who to go after.

    Honestly, I also blame a lot of the Black judges and prosecutors who have the power to go after some of these White deviants but choose to ignore them also.


  6. Has anyone else noticed that Black women are disproportionately featured in commercials that not only sell feminine products but also commercials about STDs and foul smelling vaginal odors?

    I'm not trying to be funny, but I happened to notice this over the years.

    You almost never see a commercial of an Asian woman sitting on a toilet complaining about "vaginal odors" or symptoms of STDS.

  7. frankster


    Racism pure and simple is Ignorance.


    Ignorance means lack of knowledge.
    The White racist elites who run the world tend to be pretty knowledgeable...lol.
    They often know more about Black people, than Black people know about themselves.




    Prior to the 1500 Race was about Ethnicity Nationality and Kinship....Cultural and or Religious Affinities.

    After The 1500 Race was about Groups of people sharing common physical characteristics.....that differs from what other groups have in common.


    Perhaps the fact that the WORDS: race, black, white, yellow, brown
    Weren't used prior to 1500 also clouds the fact that race was often used as a category to make people for mistreatment.






    Who knows what their goals are??


    I certainly don't.
    But I can guess, based on their past and current actions.

    If they didn't do anything to help save the Palestinians in the PAST and are CURRENTLY not saving them, what would the logical assumption be for their future plans?





    Outwardly they profess to be about World Peace and Human Rights....hence the Arabs Look to them for help among others.







    The Congo they are experiencing war too....lets generously help the Congolese


    I'm with you  💯 on this issue.
    I actually have been thinking about buying land in the Congo for quite some time now.

  8. frankster


    Every Ethnicity is Racist Against Black people....even black people are racist against Black people.


    I don't talk about this much, but I actually divide racism against AfroAmericans into 2 parts:

    1. Ignorant Racism

    2. Authentic Racism

    Ignorant racism is the racism that comes from other people of color who have been brainwashed by the White racists into believing certain things about AfroAmericans.
    They can be some of the most vile OPEN racists....even more so than many Authentic racists.
    But all it takes is a good 10 years of living around AfroAmericans to dispel the myths and get along with us.

    Authentic Racism comes from the Caucasian racists who KNOW our greatness and seek to suppress it.
    They are the most dangerous because being good and decent around them only infuriates them and takes away their ammunition to help oppress our people.




    Maybe that's a function of Capitalism and the Ethnic divide Intersectionality.


    It's not Capitalism.
    This hatred of the Black people by Caucasians have been going on for THOUSANDS of years.  Long before Capitalism.


    It's a function of TRICKNOLOGY.
    The science and protocols that Yacub taught his people for conquering and subjugating the Black nations they came across.



    I am sure they are doing, what is Geopolitically Expedient.


    I'm not sure WHAT they're doing.
    But whatever it is, according to the media reports it doesn't seem to be saving the Palestinians.
    According to media reports, they are being killed by the thousands.






    That's what the UN is For....

    Has the U.N. stepped into ANY of the conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians and stopped them?
    If they haven't done it before, why would one think they'd do it this time?





    All the more reason to be kind as in helpful and generous.


    What do you have in mind?

  9. So why wasn't there a criminal investigation?

    Not sure if incest between two adults is a crime, but rape certainly is.

    Interesting how they have NO problem going after Black men like R.Kelly, Bill Cosby, and Puff Daddy.....over crimes that happened decades ago.
    But when it comes to White men's sexual offenses....they remain in the "rumor" realm until they are dead and gone.

    You gotta read a damn MEMOIRE put out by some obscure publishing company to find out what White men have done.
    The news won't tell you.

    Even in the interview, she's calling him her "favorite guy".
    How the hell can a damn dope addict who raped his own daughter get the "favorite guy" award????

  10. Phillips Sisters Reveal Dad’s ‘Dark Side’ After Incest Claim


    Actress Mackenzie Phillips has opened up about her relationship with her father, the Mamas & the Papas frontman John Phillips, on her sister Chynna’s YouTube channel on Wednesday. Chynna Phillips, who is married to Billy Baldwin, called their father “one of my favorite individuals in the whole wide world,” but someone who had a “dark” side. “I loved his laugh. Yet there was this whole other side to dad that was kind of, like, monster,” Chynna said. “He had a very dark side,” Mackenzie said, with Chynna saying: “He was so dark, and you just didn’t know who you were going to get, right? It was very unpredictable.” Mackenzie claimed in her 2009 memoir, High on Arrival, that her father raped her on the night she married Jeff Sessler when she was 19. She says the sex with her dad became consensual for nearly 10 years as she battled a drug addiction.




    Phillips Sisters Reveal Dad’s ‘Dark Side’ After Incest Claim (thedailybeast.com)



    Interesting to me how some of these women both Black and White can come out IMMEDIATELY and make claims against famous Black men.
    No problem.
    No hesitation.

    But when it comes to making claims against White men who do things as heinous as this and even more....they either DON'T TALK ABOUT IT PERIOD....or wait until the man is dead and just a pile of smiling bones before they get on some talk show with a bunch of tissue in their hands crying and talking about how terrible it was.
    Don't say SHIT about it while the man is still alive and can be prosecuted though.....they make sure of that.

    That's why I said in the other thread it's hard to feel sorry for many of these "victims" of sexual abuse.
    It really is.
    When you can sit up and pick and choose which one of your violators to go after.....
    One you send the police after to lock up....but the other, you bend over and ALLOW to violate you over and over again....

    And look at the language being used in the story.
    "dark side" and how "dark" was.

    First of all how are you going to be 19 and NOT know that your father raping you was disgusting and wrong?
    Second, what the hell do you mean "dark"??
    Did the bastard's complexion change when he was doing it or something?
    Did the room get dim?
    The hell you mean his "dark" side????
    So psychologically we won't even think this was a White man doing it but some "dark man" raping his own daughter.
    That's the image you get in your mind.

    They're using that term "darkness" and "darkside" more and more in the media now after we CHECKED them on it years ago......now they're bringing it back.
    But that's a different subject all together, lol.


    Too often you call yourself "helping" somebody else out and they'll turn around and get with the person they WERE fighting and both of them double team on you.


    We all can agree that the land was stolen from the Palestinians and they are being oppressed; that's not the issue.
    For me atleast.....

    My issues are.....

    1.  Although the Palestinians are oppressed and face racism from the Israelis.....many of THEM are racist against Black people.
    They'll go into Africa, the Caribbean, and the ghettoes of America to set up businesses and oppress BLACK people just like the Jews were doing before them.

    2. Not just the Palestinians in particular but the Arabs in general have CENTURIES of history of enslaving and being racist against Black people..
    In many Arab communities today you have slavery going on and Black folks are routinely called "Abeed" and harassed and oppressed.

    3. If the Palestinians are being oppressed and slaughtered.....there are nearly a DOZEN Arab nations with weapons, food, medicines and other supplies to come in and help them out....why aren't they doing more to help their own?
    Why are they waiting on "the world" to help the Palestinians when THEY can help them?????

    Neither one of them have been very nice to our people, so I say: my name is Mr.Bennet and I ain't in it.


  12. ProfD

    No, it's not just the Catholics....it's religion in general.

    Read about the different battles the Muslims had with other Arab tribes and with the Romans in the early history.
    Killing and fighting.

    Read the Bible and how the Israelites went into different lands fighting and killing people....in the name of religion.

    Men tend to lie, cheat, and steal in general....and they use excuses to do so.
    Religion is one of them.

    I don't have a problem with a man who wants to secure some of this wealth for himself.
    If a man wants to get as much money, bang as many ADULT women CONSENTUALLY as he can, buy the finest cars and wear the finest jewelry....I personally don't have a problem with that in and of itself.

    It's the LYING and STEALING that I have a problem with.
    And even worse than that is if he claims to do it in "God's name".....I REALLY have a problem with that.
    Don't try to lie on God and claim God told you to do something if God didn't.

    Just leave religion out of it and do your thing to get what you want.


  13. ProfD

    Most of it comes from laziness.
    Not all of it.....but most of it.

    Laziness isn't a PHYSICAL thing.....it's a MENTAL thing.

    They'll come to the U.S. or Europe and got a job doing the hardest shit like breaking up concrete with sledge hammers with their bare hands for less than minimum wage.....just to stay in and carve out a living in the West.

    But if they were organized and had good sense they would STAY in their nation and just use a FRACTION of that energy to plant a grove of trees, grow some fruit, and sell it at home and over the internet.

    But then again, they also are trying to get away from the violence that exists in a lot of these nations.
    This is where politics and religions plays a role.
    Most of the violence in these 3rd world nations is either tribal, over religion, or a mixure of both..


  14. ProfD



    Laws and rules were created because when businesses were allowed free reign they monopolized the game. 
    Laws, rules and regulations are checks and balances that supposedly give others a fair shot at getting in the game. 

    But have they?

    Compare the amount of AfroAmerican businesses in 2023 when we have MILLIONS of laws and regulation with the AfroAmerican businesses in 1923 when we only had a FRACTION of the laws we have today.....and you tell me if all these laws, rules, and regulations have helped us.

    In the United States, most laws and regulations IN GENERAL were made in order to suppress the success of AfroAmericans.

    My evidence of this?


    From 1776 right up to 1865 the CONSTITUTION was pretty much the only law of the nation.  
    You had some state and local laws but they were only a FRACTION of what exists today.
    After 1865 when AfroAmericans were so-called "freed" and allowed to become citizens, THEN all of a sudden you had a "law" for this and a "law" for that from the Federal all the way down to the Local level.

    White men sitting on their ass whipping up and writing out all kinds of laws for everything from loitering to trespassing to chewing gum to spitting it out on the damn sidewalk.

    ....aimed at Black folks.



    Because the 14 Amendment allows them to make a slave out you again if you are convicted or breaking one of the MILLIONS (literally) of laws in the nation.

    So we don't need excessive rules and regulations.
    Just enough for our safety.



     Some folks can figure out a way to get around anything.


    Or in the case of a lot of racists...just IGNORE the laws and have your boys in authority to protect you.


    One of the problems with having a ton of rules and laws is that those charged with enforcing them can PICK AND CHOOSE.....


    1. Which ones they want to enforce


    2. Who they decide to enforce them on and who they don't.


    Federal laws are clear that Marijuana is illegal....all over the U.S.
    Doesn't matter what the state of California or State of New Jersey says.....FEDERAL law rules.

    If the Feds say it's illegal...it's ILLEGAL.

    So why are SOME people going to jail for selling it while others are allowed to grow it and even open up businesses and advertise it?

  15. ProfD

    Like Tariq Nasheed said.....these folks are BURNING UP MAD that Black folks are staying out of it.

    They keep pulling, pushing, poking, prying, just TRYING to get Black folks in the mix.
    And are angry that so many of us are ON CODE and remaining silent on it.

    They can't STAND IT.

    You got Michael Rappaport and 'em all over the internet cussing and walking up and down the street making videos talking about he's keeping a close eye on those who speak out AND those who "remain silent" on the violence.....lol.
    He even said he was "making a list and checking it twice" to determine who stood with them, against the, and on the sidelines!!!....lol.

    Man, these folks are something else.

    That's how you KNOW you're on to something.....when you start seeing them get this angry and frustrated over your refusal to speak or take a side.

    But back to manly-looking Julianna.......
    That clown kept trying to tie Black folks in with "queer" folks....as if we are in the same category.
    She said  Black folks are "even lower" than the Jews so we should have more of a motivation to stand with them and fight.

    I say.....let's keep doing what we're doing and STAY OUT OF IT.


    • Like 1

  16. When you're stuck in a jam, sometimes you have to put things in REVERSE and back up out of the mess in order to turn into another direction and make it right.

    Much of the poverty in the U.S. is caused by too many laws, rules, taxes, and regulations that have been imposed on businesses both small and large.

    One of the first steps is to dismantle much of the system and erase most of these unnecessary ultra-restrictive laws.

    It should be so simple that if you have a PRODUCT or SERVICE....the only time the governments (Federal, State, or Local) will get involved is to make sure it's SAFE and doesn't pose a danger to other humans.
    Other than that, they'd stand down and make sure contracts are being honored.

    Let people sell whatever they want to sell as long as it's not harmful.
    Stop putting rules and restrictions on them, what they can do, how much they can sell, what time they can sell it, etc.......and I think THAT would go a long way towards ending poverty in the U.S. atleast.

  17. On 11/30/2023 at 11:30 PM, ProfD said:


    Maybe a cataclysmic event forcing AfroAmerican unity will happen in the future.😎

    I've often wondered that.....for quite a while.

    Would a major cataclysm FORCE Black men to get up off their asses and do for self and start building a society for ourselves, women, and children like we should be....instead of hopping on trains and boat FLEEING their crumbling nations to come live up under White folks in Europe and the U.S.
    -fighting with other lazy niccaz who are already here trying to do the same thing.

    Maybe a global flood....lol.....or being hit by a comet....lol.

    But then  think back about what happened in New Orleans after Katrina when there was a huge disaster that was merely regional and how law and order broke down so quickly.

    ....don't  even GET INTO the nightmare that was.

    It's one thing for NORMAL men to have to face a challenge and are forced to unite to overcome it.
    But when you got these dope smoking, pot bellied, MAN-CHILDREN running around with braids in their heads -if there ain't a White man standing around telling them to let the children eat first and check the food to make sure it ain't spoiled.....you might have a GLOBAL "Superdome" situation on your hands.

    Like Neely Fuller Jr. says.....
    You got people around the world with hungry babies in their arms ducking and dodging bullets and sitting on dirt floors and making rafts out of twigs and straw, all asking one question:  Which way did the WHITE PEOPLE go????


  18. ProfD

    I've never been a victim of molestation.
    I've come close to it as a kid when I was in middle school and a dude (never will forget his name) tried to groom me and some other boys in the name of "mentorship".
    But I sniffed out something funny right away although I couldn't nail down exactly what was wrong.
    This was back in the 80s where the public awareness of it wasn't as extensive as it is today, but I  INSTICTIVELY knew something was wrong with a grown ass man constantly hanging around 11 and 12 year old boys offering them rides and stuttering and blinking his eyes when he talked to you one on one....LOL.

    Stayed away from that mutha-

    So I'm not sure what kind of pain and suffering victims of molestation are going through.
    However I would say that the prisons are filled with people who committed violence for offenses much less.
    IF...and that's an IF....you've decided to live a street/thug life anyway, why not get back at the person who violated you?

    Like I said earlier.......
    I'm going to look at ANY young man who claims he's sworn off sex with women in the name of being "holy", a bit sideways anyway.
    Because I'm inclined not to believe or trust him, especially these perverted ass Catholic priests.

    Perhaps women and some silly men respect a man like that.....but I KNOW better.


  19. 5 hours ago, Troy said:

    You know how many "stupid" people gave birth to geniuses?


    No, but I'm sure the numbers were a lot less than those who gave birth to more dumb-ass children....lol.
    Running in and out of traffic with strings of snot hanging out of their nose.


    Don't just fuck and pop out kids you KNOW you can't take care of talking about, 
    " I ain't wurred....
    Jeeeezus will make a way fo' um".

    In all seriousness.........
    People can't help the genes they were born with and I don't blame people SIMPLY for having low intelligence for whatever reason.
    Now behavior they clearly know better than to do and know it harms others.....that's a different story.
    However as a society WE can help it and influence the collective intelligence and image of our community by promoting desired and beneficial characteristics like intelligence, expressed creativity, disease free bodies, etc.

    Most intelligent people around the planet instinctively know this.
    That's why so many marriages are ARRANGED around the globe....especially in African and Asian nations.

    • Haha 1

  20. Ofcourse it's Caucasians in general......

    But as Neely Fuller Jr. and other AfroAmerican Social Scientists have observed about Whites........
    The larger the numbers of Whites....the more "refined" and sneaky the racism is.
    There is no need to be "nasty" with it because you clearly have the numbers.

    But as the Black population grows and pretty soon the Blacks start approaching the same or become predominate in their population....the Whites often have to be more brutal and violent to maintain rulership.
    This is what happened in the South.

    In the North you didn't have but a HAND FULL of Black folks scatted in places like Philadelphia and Chicago....and they were busy trying to get to Canada.
    The Northern Whites could let them play around and write poetry.
    But in the South where the Black population equaled in in some cases out numbered the Whites.....they decided early on that they were going to clamp down hard and keep FIRM control over every aspect of Black life including the population, reproduction, residency, ect....so that they didn't get over ran like the Whites in the Carribean in places like Haiti and Jamaica.

  21. I'm looking at the title on the video and wondering.......

    🤔 How could the attack on Cambodia be a damn "secret" when it had to be ordered by the President and go right down the chain to the Chief of Staff, Airforce generals, all the way down to the pilots?

    And ofcourse the U.S. had intelligence on the ground giving the information on where to strike.


    Secret my ass.

    There are no SECRETS in warfare.
    They knew what the hell was going on and PURPOSELY kept it from most of the American public.

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