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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. ProfD




    Show me Black folks anywhere on the planet who are willing to kill white folks. 

    The bruthaz on North Sentinel Island don't seem to have a problem with it.....lol.


    "Let's groove tonight....................."







    AfroAmericans are placed in those positions and they are powerless against racism white supremacy. 

    Wasn't a Black man named Keith Ellison the Minnesota Attorney General who prosecuted Derek Chauvin and helped get him locked up?


  2. frankster



    They Have merely changed on who they depend on.....Now they depend on Many Johns - instead of One Husband

    But they can pick and choose their Johns as well as each circumstance (for the most part) they engage in.


    With a house-wife, only one husband controls the entire show.
    And if HE fails...then SHE fails along with him.

    Little control over her destiny when she's tied to him.




    As he in turns depends on her to be his Partner in Life.


    I wouldn't call it "depending" on her as much as EXPECTING her to fulfill her role.

    He's IN-dependent.
    She's the one dependent and depending on him.





    Yes...When and if business is good.


    Lol...and when ISN'T it?




    Prostitutes are Objectified and Stereotyped...suffer from Mental Health Issues on the level of people who survived Combat ....That's way pass being a Police

    Is it the prostitution causing this trauma, or the STREET LIFE that comes from engaging in otherwise non-violent activities that  are illegal?




    Pimps and Madams call the shots.... they make the money - Prostitutes are Sex Slaves/Prisoners/Traffick/Drug Addicted/Kidnapped.


    Pimps and Madams MANAGE the prostitutes (who choose to have them)...yes.
    However the husband MANAGES the housewife.
    It's a trade of power for "security".

    I don't consider sex-slaves prostitutes.
    They are just that....sex SLAVES....as the sex isn't mutually consentual.

  3. Sometimes I wonder which proves to be the biggest threat.....White racism or Black laziness.

    White racists are powerful.
    However they aren't "almighty".

    If they were THAT powerful and absolute in their suppression of AfroAmericans, none would be Congressmen, Mayors, Governors, or even police officers.
    They'd be essentially powerless.

    You do have a lot of Black folks in positions of power, but most of them aren't USING that power constructively.
    I think the laziness and indifference of Negroes in power is almost as big of a threat to our community as the racists themselves.

  4. frankster



    No all I did was tell you what you were doing.....edifying.


    No, I told YOU what I was doing and you misconstrued it.

    Helping isn't the same as abusing or exploiting.





    They are are his Indiscipline Carnal Desire...Not his Natural Desire - Not the fault of Scripture.


    His lack of "discipline" isn't so much of a problem as his LYING.

    We all lack discipline in certain aspects of our lives, that's part of being human today.
    But lying about them and being a hypocrite is unnecessary EXCEPT when you live in a society that condemns that which is natural...like sex.




    It Matters not....Corruption anywhere is still Corruption and because others are corrupt does not mean you should envy and follow them.


    1. I'm glad you feel that way because for some reason I got the impression that you thought the U.S. had some sort of "monopoly" on corruption and immorality.


    2. Usually people don't follow corrupt people because of their corruption....but for other impressive reasons that make them attractive.
    Like having wealth, power, respect, talent, etc...





    Vassal State equals Failed state.


    1. Israel is not a vassal state
    2. Vassal doesn't mean failed.

    Not sure where you got either impression from, lol.




    Yes though we make progress... racism still run the USA and its Military


    I agree...
    So we should focus on continuing to make progress and remove the racists where we find them.




    Then You miss the point....Racism prior to 1500's was more about Kin and Nationality and Religion"


    THAT wasn't racism.....
    That was tribalism, xenophobia, and sectarianism.
    Racism has ALWAYS been about race.



    Whilst today it is about Physical Features and skin Color


    It was that way back then too.




    Caste system would be more Classism than Racism....as when it comes to color of skin all caste having all hues within their ranks

    Racism IS a form of Classism.
    Your race is your class.





    99% of our Heroes are Dead


    Not MY Heroes...lol.





    ....Soldiers purportedly died so you might live(free)

     - What's your point?


    It wasn't a point so much as a question.....
    Again, how can a man who is said to have died for people's sins be an "example" of how to live?


    An assumed man of color dying at the hands of White people and a White government.

    What kind of example is that to set?





    It is standard among them to accept Jesus as a Prophet or Avatar or Messiah


    Do you have any proof that Buddhists or Hindus accept Jesus as a Prophet or Messiah?






    Jesus was not a Christian and he also quoted Scripture.


    The scriptures he allegedly quoted in the Bible isn't the same AS the Bible itself that you quote.
    Some of them are CONTAINED in the Bible, but they aren't the same.






    ....Plus most of what I quote is common to Africa and Asians Spirituality.


    ....in that they are following their COLONIZER'S religions and holy books.

    If YOU, the AFRICAN, and the ASIAN are all reading from the same Bible that White folks GAVE yall, then ofcourse you'll find commonality....lol.






    Only because I am Most familiar with it and am in the West where it is considered an Authority/Oracle by many.


    Because they consider White folks themselves the "authority" on most matters.






    Yes...I dare say all were written by human hands -

    Errors and out right misleading Information and Interpretation are mostly found in those meant for the Consumption of the General Population/Public.


    So we can agree that those books are NOT holy and shouldn't be accepted as the "Words of God", right?






    So let me ask you a hypothetical question:- Where should the Supreme Being put such communique? or How?


    I'm not qualified to say where The SUPREME BEING "should" put them but where The SUPREME BEING often puts them is in dreams, intuition, flashes of inspiration, direct communication, Spiritual visits, and many many other methods.

    But they are usually given to the INDIVIDUAL on an intimate level.
    ...not mass produced by the hands of man, like a book.


    When a Spirit comes to you directly and gives you information, that carries  FAR more rate than the information you get out of some book.





    King James who was referred to as the Black Boy by his Contemporaries only Translated the Bible


    I don't think that's true.
    I've heard that crap being spread by Hebrew Israelites to justify why they're still reading a White man's Bible.

    They're trying to MAKE King James "Black" even with no evidence of it period.

    Just go ahead and SAY it and MAKE it true anyway.




    You Obviously do not know your History...Ancient Greece was a Black Civilization

    That's not accurate.
    That's like saying the United States is a Native American nation.

    Ancient Greece was not a Black civilization.
    Ancient Greece was an early Caucasian civilization.

    The civilization that existed where Greece exists today WAS originally a Black civilization.



    Most of not all of the Early church Fathers were Black

    That's debatable.

    The early followers of Yeshua and his disciples were dark skinned Middle Easterners...many of whom would be considered "Black" today.  But it should be noted that they didn't see themselves as the same as sub-Saharan Africans.

    Nor do I believe they called themselves a "church".
    I think that may be European term beyond the Roman Empire.



    An automobile is based on a horse drawn carriage...Are they the same? 

    But what's the difference between Scripture and scripture?






    Based on Newton's Third Law of Motion they do...Karma


    But Newton doesn't MAKE the laws, so he doesn't get to define them....lol.






    Then what is meant for us


    Nature and what we sit down, discuss, and decide for ourselves as a community.


    Infact...that's how much of what you call "scripture" was chosen.

    When we decided to write laws and rules for Caucasians to follow to clean them up and civilize them, we sat down and discussed and decided which ones would be effective and fitting for them given their nature and condition.


    Black folks don't need a "script" to follow.
    We have natural Creativity and Guidance in us as long as we are being OURSELVES and aren't being influenced by Caucasians in our thinking.

    You don't have to TELL Black men not to lay with their mothers or eat animals who've already died like the Bible does.

    You have to tell people that who were DOING it....so they could stop.

  5. On 12/10/2023 at 11:13 PM, ProfD said:


    A drop squad would be great. But, I'd also like to see it operate similar to the ADL (anti-Defamation League whenever Antisemitism raises up.😎

    You have 2 branches who work hand in hand:

    The ADL (Anti Defamation League)
    And the JDL (Jewish Defense League) 

    The JDL is the militant branch that takes matters to the next level when the ADL simply talking doesn't work.....lol.

  6. ProfD



    Regardless of laws, both women and men have been using prostitution as a means to an end. 


    Which I think is perfectly FINE as long as it's CONSENTUAL.

    With so many men and women CONFUSED as hell over what sex they are, men and women screwing eachother for money should be the least of society's concerns.








    Prostitution weed is basically legal.  Both can be easily purchased by anyone marginally motivated. 


    Easily purchased and legal are two separate things.

    And we must remember that Marijuana is NOT legal.
    A lot of people are getting locked up right now for possessing it.




    I think equating a housewife with a hooker is overly simplistic.  Some housewives are actually loved by their mates, it is not a purely an exchange for sex and keeping house. 


    You're right.
    I produced that comparison to make a point.

    Just because a position is "accepted by society" that doesn't necessarily mean it's the most beneficial for an individual.

    As many have already mentioned the benefits of being a housewife to a GOOD husband....go to any women's shelter for abused women and ask THEM would they rather get back with their abusive husbands or be a hooker if that were their only choice -and wait for the answer.






    I do not Agree.

    Provide your Evidence of this?


    The evidence is in the statement itself.

    How could you not logically agree that a prostitute is more independent than a housewife?


    -A housewife depends on her husband for money and for sustenance.
    -A prostitute...even one with a pimp or madam...makes her own money and pretty much supports herself.



    Maybe a lucky few....but a what cost


    The same question can be asked about a woman who works construction, as a police officer, or late at night at a gas station.

    Danger is danger.




    Most if not all of them that are married to Wealthy men.....They greatly outnumber successful Prostitutes

    The problem with that is, they have to WAIT ON finding a wealthy man....that may not come...in order to be successful.
    When they are prostitutes, the make their OWN success.

    That can be said of any profession a woman chooses though.







    Right is at its Essence based on whether and to what extent it is Life Supporting and Life Giving to the Greatest Number in the Long Run.


    Not sure if this is correct.

    An argument can be made that giving and supporting life....in some circumstances...MAY be inappropriate if that quality of life is so horrible that a person would wish they were dead OR they are causing more harm in society than they're worth.

    Like I said in another thread  Right = CORRECT

  7. frankster


    I make no charges.


    ...yet you make accusations, lol.




    His behavior is not recommended by Scripture....False teachers shall and do lead many astray - con man.


    While his behavior may not be recommended by scripture, it is CAUSED by scripture because his natural desires are in conflict with what he "believes" to be right according to those scriptures.
    It sets up COGNATIVE DISSONANCE in his head.







    We Living in the USA in which Corruption Collusion and exploitation is common place.


    Not that you're wrong, but let me ask you.....
    Do you think there is LESS corruption in most other nations?




    And I maintain it is a fail state....Any state that cannot support itself but need the help of others to survive is a failed State.


    Perhaps if that support is taken away...it WILL fail.
    But as long as it maintains that support, but defacto it has NOT failed.

    You can't be fallen and supported at the same time, that's a contradiction.






    They are many Organizations and Institutions in the USA that Have a racist Agenda....Afterall Racism was legal in The USA for most of its existence.


    The good thing about the USA is that there are also many organizations and institutions here that fight AGAINST racism.
    So we have choices.




    The Racism of today is fairly recent started in the 1500's


    That's a no-brainer.
    Saying the racism of today is recent is like saying the people of today are recent.


    However racism itself is THOUSANDS of years old.
    Look no further than ancient India when the Caucasians Aryans invaded the Indus Valley region and slaughtered and oppressed the Black Dravidians and set up a Varna (caste) system based on color and race.




    His Life is an Example....The man Jesus has shown they WAY for us to live.


    How can a man who allegedly DIED for humanity be an example of how to live?

    Caucasians really did a number on our people when they forced and convinced so many of them to accept his obviously illogical religions.



    That Example has saved Many who choose to follow in deeds his words and lifestyle


    Since they follow his alleged example, does that mean most followers of Jesus also die at 33 or before they're 40?




    We are One human Family

    The Egyptians Ethiopians and Indians and Chinese have there ancient works.


    We're all human, not sure about all being from the same family.




    cool if you say so.


    Those are the facts.




    Ideology yes......Dogma and Theology no.


    You must study the SCRIPTURES in order to be considered a "theologian".

    Dogma and ideology are very similar.
    Both rely on writings = scripts




    Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus believe in the Bible and Jesus Christ are they Christians?


    Lol...what Buddhists and Hindus have YOU talked to who "believe in" Jesus?






    Fine.....I never Once said I was a Christian.


    You don't have to.
    Your scripture quoting says it all.





    You feel Judged.


    ....and occasionally insulted, lol.





    No...I have not read them all in Entirety... but I have read parts of many enough to know that most have some things in common.


    Yeah, most of them were written by the hand of OTHER HUMAN BEINGS....that's what they have "in common".

    Which means they are likely prone to be in error and outright fabricated.

    What The SUPRREME BEING wants us to know can be delivered to us DIRECTLY without middle men.




    The Bible was written by Black African and sourced from Africa


    King James wasn't Black.
    Guttenberg wasn't Black.
    The Greeks who wrote the New Testament weren't Black.

    What are you talking about?????






    Yes... Religion is based on scripture but not Scripture


    Oh my....lol.
    I think I know what you mean by this, but could you please extrapolate?




    There is no action without reaction


    But the reaction doesn't always equate to the action.



    Scriptures are man made tools to set Man free.


    The scriptures that the first 5 books of the Bible YOU read were made to set the CAUCASIANS FREE....from a life of savagery while they were confined in the caves of the Caucasus mountains.


    As I said before, those scriptures WERE NOT meant for us.


  8. frankster


    Good for you..


    It was good for MOST of them too...lol.
    I had close relationships with a few.




    Mutual consent doesn't mean it is not Exploitive and corrupting.


    But if it IS consensual, then other factors must be considered in order to make those charges.




    He is full of shit.....
    Why blame Scripture for his behavior.


    Because his belief IN and/or promotion OF those scriptures (whether he really believes in them or not) is the MOTIVE FOR his vile behavior.

    It promotes an atmosphere of shame and hypocrisy in which a person has to hide their true feelings and desires and pretend to be something they aren't.

    AfroAmericans...for the most part...can't live by the scriptures of the Bible NOR were they meant for us anyway.




    Knowledge and Wisdom is not the same.


    I know.
    Wisdom is the proper understanding and application of knowledge.





    You living in it....what further evidence is needed.


    How so?





    Sure...if that is your desire


    I wouldn't necessarily call it a "desire" but I don't see the need to keep going in circles.

    You said that Israel was a "failed state" and I showed you that it's not.
    Instead of accepting this, you start producing "reasons" for why it's not instead of focusing on the fact that it IS NOT.




    Yes.... in that type of Progress - We are carrying forward the goals of white supremacy at the cost of The Black and or African.


    The Black or African FAILING in life and as a community is one of the "goals" of White "supremacy".

    If we are successful through building a progressive community and living progressive successful lives...that COUNTERS their aims and objectives.


    Using the United States to help ourselves HELPS US.
    ...forget about the racists.





    Yet you are willing to use the US Military The very Arm of Racism to secure Black and African Progress


    The U.S. Military is NOT the "very arm" of racism.
    Racism existed long before the U.S. military or the U.S. itself did.

    Remember I talked about the Romans in the other thread and how they had their own military.

    Like most things in this society, it can be USED by the racists to achieve their aims and goals. 





    Have you communicated with all living things to know that they do not have a conscience?


    Nor have I made the sweeping claim that they don't...like you made the sweeping claim that they did.

    I said according to science NOT ALL of them have a conscience.



    That which Jesus Christ of Scriptures Represent is our Saving Grace.


    What evidence do you have that the Jesus of scripture HAS saved you or others?
    Why have so many who believe in him dead, in jail, or in trouble?





    The Scripture is the  learned Wisdom of Our Ancestors.


    But the scriptures you quote from didn't come from "our Ancestors", they came from the ancestors of the Caucasians.





    Any form of Payment for sex.


    That's not the LEGAL definition.
    But I understand what you mean.





    The manner in which you procured sex is Abusive and Negative...to all involve


    That's not true, that's you OPINION

    We both got what we wanted and what was promised from the exchange.
    That was a success on both sides.




    Your own words..Sounds to me like she is in need.


    I can't argue with what something "sounds like" to you....lol.
    But again, her NEEDS weren't threatened.
    She could eat, had a home, had clothes, and apparently had decent health...or atleast didn't say anything was wrong with her.


    She had what she NEEDED.
    She WANTED help with certain things, and got the help she wanted.





    I have said or implied no such thing....


    You imply it when you suggest that a person shouldn't use sex to get what they want or need.

    You imply that having sex is more sinful or wrong than accomplishing a particular goal.



    Not When Sex is involved


    More OPINION...not fact.
    Sex is no different and you can't prove it.





    People usually need a resume so as to get a job to feed themselves and those near and dear to them.


    But you're jumping from one conclusion to the next to the next to support your assumption.

    All you know of the situation is that she wanted help with a resume....for what other purposes, you are ignorant of.




    I Quote Scriptures not dogma, theology or ideology nor do I subscribe to Western traditionalist views of Christianity.


    Scripture is a FORM of dogma, theology, and ideology.

    And if you believe in Jesus Christ and the Bible, you ARE a Christian whether you accept the term or not.






    According to my understanding it is Fornication if One party is Married


    Lol...your understanding is wrong.

    Fornication is the Christian term for sex between unmarried people.




    Serial Cohabitation can tend toward moral decay.


    Do you have any evidence of this?


    Also, what IS "moral decay"?
    Show me proof of one's morals "decaying" because of serial cohabitation.





    I Do not Judge


    You HAVE judged through out this thread.





    All the Scriptures of the World....especially Africa


    1. So you've read "all" the scriptures of the world?

    2. That may be part of the problem, you've read and believe in TOO MANY scriptures because some of them contradict eachother.

    The scriptures of the Bible weren't even meant for us as Africans.




    Scripture is not Religious....You confuse the two


    Religion is partially BASED on scripture.

    In Western theology, no scripture = no religion.




    That is not the fault of Conscience but Prejudice and Discrimination....or how clearly we Discern and Obey Conscience


    How do you obey something you don't have let alone have access to?



    Prostitution is Abusive

    Celibacy is Self abusive... if the body burns with the want for sexual passions.

    So, since you consider both abusive...would you make both illegal?






    What you call "liberally and freely" is a euphemism for being ensnared in the flesh selfishness greed gluttony and there attendant evils of obsessive compulsive and addictive behaviors usually brought on by search for or the seeking of  pleasure for pleasure sake


    OR looking at things from a logical and open-minded point of view instead of through the lense of indoctrination.


    White people MADE UP a lot of this religious garbage that much of the people of color around the world follow...and thus having made it up, they KNOW BETTER than to believe in it...lol.

    That's one of the reasons you see so many rich and powerful White folks who arrogantly break the laws of the Bible and of their so-called religions without the fear of consequences.


    They know the truth about them and their origins.

    They know that for the most part, their religions (including their scriptures) are just man-made TOOLS used to control the masses.

  9. Based on my observations, most Black folks.....especially in the recent past....went to Church for entertainment and socialization.

    It was the center of the AfroAmerican community, especially down South.

    You went there to sing, dance, find a mate, get psychological counselling, etc....

    I didn't care too much for the environment, so when I got old enough I stopped going and started reading the Bible deeply on my own.


  10. frankster


    Then you are lost in the Western ideology.....it is not about the man - but the Message and the Lessons


     What is the lessons?


    According to the Bible, Jesus was allowed to be arrested and killed by the Roman government.

    Could one of the lessons they were trying to send all of the people of color they preached the Bible to was to not challenge White authority or you'll end up arrested and killed?

    Could another lesson they may be trying to convey is that they want you to believe that not even "the Christ" could withstand the power of Roman/White authority?





    Death is not want you and I think it is....To them it is something else.


    I know what I think Death is....not sure what you or they do.





    To the Wise true power reside in the ability to Control and Govern Oneself not Others...Matthew 16:26


    This sounds like a scripture to keep a person content with having NO power or control over anyone else except for themselves.


    Good teachings...for a slave....but not for one who would like to achieve power.




    anything that happen in the proverbial garden of eden or genesis is the beginning from a western standpoint


    I agree.
    The proverbial "garden of eden" is one of the starting points of Caucasian history.
    Western history merely a branch of that.





     And equally true many were cured of those diseases without medicine or knowledge of the cure.


    The question is, what percentage?


    And also, a good question would be are MORE people being cured today from modern Western medicines or were MORE being cured in the past from ancient African and Native American medicines?




    do you know the cause of cancer...?


    I'm not a high medical practitioner or master so I can't say I KNOW the causes; however I BELIEVE many of the causes come from the various chemicals they put in the environment TO cause it.

  11. ProfD

    Other communities tend to use both the carrot AND the stick to keep their people in line and from making fools of themselves and embarrassing the community.

    Racists powers can offer a fool all kinds of gold and money to make a clown out of himself and disgrace his people and he MIGHT except....but if it was made clear that there was no place he could go in the world without the fear of a bunch of goons coming to snatch his ass up in the middle of the night and make him disappear...he'll think twice.

    In a lot of Muslim nations, they cut off the hands of thieves.

    I'm not advocating that a person loose their hand for petty non-violent crimes but the threat of loosing your hand DOES counter-act the temptation to steal nearly anything despite it's value.

  12. It seems to me that the mainstream media REALLY uses these debates for the same purposes that they aired nearly all of Trump's speeches live......to promote right-wing propaganda.

    I remember back in the 90s C-Span was showing live speeches by Minister Farrakhan and Dr.Khalid Muhammad.
    They stopped.
    They stopped because "too many" people were hearing the message and waking up so they ended it.

    Now they've turned to promoting Nazism and right-wing extremism with airing the Republican Debates and Trump speeches while claiming "the public" wants to hear them.
    Or with the claim that CNN likes to make that they're "exposing" Trump by airing all of his speeches when they clearly became his biggest promoter.

    If they were fair, ALL  presidential candidates would get equal debate time for so many debates right up to the nomination and all would get the same amount of coverage.

  13. I Judge no one....


    Lol..you've been judging me and my behavior all thorough out this thread.






    I have no religion.. i share my thoughts


    a) You believe in the Bible so you CLEARLY have a religion, in my opinion

    b) You share more than just YOUR thoughts, but you share the thoughts given to you by the scriptures you believe in.





    like i said you would not appreciate them...


    Can I be the judge of that?





    Prostitution is Legal in Nevada...That's in the US 


    SOME PARTS of Nevada, it's legal.

    That's only a small part of the U.S.
    For the most part, it's illegal in the U.S.




    The means by which you attain such heights is important......Payback is Karma


    Karma is a Hindu term that means "action"...not pay back.




    Neither Am I


    That's obvious.
    However if you DID try to build one, it sounds like it would be based on that...lol.






    Let your Conscience be your Guide.


    Not good enough.....

    As I've said before, not everyone has a conscience.
    And for those who do....not everyone's conscience tells them the same things.

    If we are all living together in one society, we should all be on the same page of what's right and what's wrong.


    Can't have one group of men who thinks prostitution and having 10 wives is ok...and another group who thinks prostitution should be banned and a man should remain celibate all his life.


    We have to have compromise and agreement for a society to remain stable.

  14. frankster


    Book learning not Wisdom.


    If they are able to APPLY what they've learned in those books to rule over people, then they also have WISDOM to a certain degree.







    Yes they have Power.... by creating an evil corrupt system of Exploitations with Power garner from Corruption and Collusions...more suffering - 

    What goes around comes around.


    Do you have proof or strong evidence of this?
    Or is it more WISHFUL THINKING from those who think they don't have the ability to defend themselves from the corruption and evil afflicting them?






    If you cannot survive on your own... then you are dependent - Vassal State.


    You called them a failed state.
    Clearly they are not.
    We can move on if you like...lol.






    We have Progress...Within the System of White Supremacy because we have played by their rules and by adhering to their goals.


    So in other words, progress IS achievable.





    Black African and African American....is Antithetical to White Supremacy - Today the US is One of the Major Practitioner of Racism on the Global stage.


    Tell me something I don't know.

    We should focus on making MORE progress.
    Not lamenting over the obvious.





    But Right and Wrong as in Good and Evil goes beyond Mores and Social Values...It is of the Fabric of Consciousness 


    Not sure if that's true or false.

    Animals are conciouss.....do all of them know "good" from "evil"???






    We have been here before.

    All living things have a Conscience.....that small still voice - Intuition.


    Have you communicated with "all living things" to know this as a fact?




    I am not religious..
    Yes I learn from Scripture


    Do you believe Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior?


    Do you believe the Bible is the word of God?




    She came to you for help?


    Yes...and found it.



    The exchange of goods and or services for sex is prostitution


    Exchanging MONEY for sex is prostitution.
    Not goods or services.



    Whether with you or anyone else it is still prostitution....Considered abusive - to all involved.


    Considered abusive BY YOU because of your Westernized view of sex.
    Obviously, you've been taught to believe sex is negative outside of certain confines.





    We can agree she needed help?


    She WANTED help.




    but she wanted your help....You accepted - a bargain was made.


    Now we're getting somewhere....lol.






    Plenty have don't so....oldest among professions - it tends to have undesirable consequences.


    So does being a virgin, being celibate, and NOT engaging in sex when God created us to.

    Doesn't your Bible say that man wasn't made to be alone?



    No not at all....A fair price is all that is required


    "Fair" is what BOTH PARTIES AGREE upon.






    You saw you had an Advantage and took it.








    What is the opportunity some in need and wanting your help.


    She wanted it, she didn't need it.
    The opportunity is in and of itself...my opportunity to have sex with a woman I found attractive.





    Maybe so Maybe not....I do not know what that means to you.
    please elucidate?


    You quote Biblical scriptures, so obviously you believe their is truth and validation in them to a certain extent.
    That's the point of view you're coming from.


    The Bible for the most part teaches against sex outside of marriage which it calls "fornication".
    If you want to believe that...as I once did...fine.
    Just don't force it on others.





    If by my morals you mean European Western Morality ...then you are Wrong - Admittedly they are overlaps in both African and European Morality.


    So outside of Biblical scripture...which was translated BY Europeans....where else do you get your moral and ethical code/beliefs from?





    What are you implying here....that Africans do not have Morals?


    Absolutely not.
    The word "morality" ITSELF came from the Moors who were African.





    Biblical Style Courting is loosely based in African Cultures.....African Americans have forgotten.

    True....because of colonialism many Western European sexual habits have been FORCED upon Africans.
    Usually through religious indoctrination.

    In order to find out if it's TRULY "African" or not, we have to study the cultures that have been relatively untouched by the Europeans, Arabs, and other outsiders.

    It's not so much that African Americans have FORGOTTEN them but our proximity to Caucasians have taught us....among other things...how to think more liberally and "freely" from religion and religious indoctrination.
    So unlike many other people around the world who believe UNQUESTIONABLY in religious scripture, we have learned to question it and in some cases abandon it.





    Clear cut case of Abusive..

    Then why pretend it was anything else??


    Because it was not abuse.
    Again, you have an anti-sexual point of view based on Western/Biblical moral codes.
    That colors how you look at sex and sexual activity, especially outside of the confines of marriage.


  15. ProfD



    Illegal prostitution doesn't have the best benefits package (medical and dental) and retirement plan.


    Neither do most marriages....lol.
    And you're STUCK with the partner until you get a LEGAL divorce or separation.




     There's also the hazards of unsafe workplace conditions and physical security issues. 


    Same thing with an abusive marriage...lol.
    And even when a woman tries to LEAVE the fool, he often still stalks her.


    How many johns stalk their ho's vs how many ex-husbands stalk their ex-wives?




    Housewives married to a strong provided have much better job security and benefits and retirement package. Especially if she becomes a widow i.e. out-lives provider who has accumulated savings, investments, pension, etc.

    While there are exceptions to everything i.e. women who have been *successful* prostitutes, the odds are lower than a more stable situation. Housewives have fared better overall. 


    You're talking about "best case" or "better case" scenarios with marriage.
    Not the typical average marriage in the U.S. where there is physical abuse, emotional abuse, substance abuse, often unwanted pregnancies, and financial strain and stress.




    Over many decades, women have been able to choose how they want to live and provide for themselves. No pimp, John or husband required.


    That would be ideal, but women in the U.S. are NOT allowed to choose because prostitution is illegal for the most part.
    I say make it legal (not human trafficking but sex for money) and let people have a CHOICE as to whether they want to engage in it or not.







    How about the house wives who are also hookers? the best of both worlds huh


    Many already are....both literally AND figuratively


    If a woman's ONLY job is cooking meals, keeping the house clean, and giving her husband blow jobs in exchange for him taking care of her, buying her a few gifts, and giving her a weekly allowance...isn't that basically exchanging sex for favors?

    Call it whatever you want....but that's the reality.









    Hello to you too....lol.

    You might want to capitalize the "B" when you talking about Black people 😉






    ProfD & Cynique


    No one said anything about prostitution being "ideal" for women in general.
    For SOME women it absolutely IS ideal....if they have a talent for sexual pleasures.

    However I support it being legal for those women who WANT to engage in it.
    Give them the CHOICE.


    Everyone has gifts and talents, including when it comes to sex and sexual activities.

    If a woman OR man was given a talent for sex and pleasing people sexually, why should they be suppressed and restricted because of some hypocritical RELIGIOUS BASED laws?

    Keep it real...

    If people weren't conditioned by the Church to look at prostitution and even sex itself as a dirty or evil thing, they wouldn't have the opposition and mixed feelings they have about it.
    It would be just another natural act similar to eating and sleeping.

    It should be legal and regulated for the safety of both parties.

  16. @frankster

    Let me make it clear that:

    1. I support the institution of marriage when done PROPERLY.
    2. I believe children should be raised by atleast a man and women in a committed relationship.....usually marriage.

    Having said that though..............

    I would argue that historically, women have found more independence and success as PROSTITUTES than as old fashioned traditional HOUSE-WIVES.

    A lot of women have become successful and made lots of money being call-girls, escorts, and eventually Madams of their own brothels.

    As important is it is, how many have become wealthy from their position as subservient and obedient house-wives?

    I'd further argue that in recently history, house wives have experienced more domestic violence and physical abuse from their husbands....than prostitutes have from their Johns.

    The reasons I make this point is because "right and wrong" should based on BENEFIT to us as a people, not based on out-dated moral and ethical guidelines given to us by our enemies (the racists).

    We want a society based on TRUTH...because facts and knowledge solve our problems.
    Not just another one based on lies and eye-bucking superstition that will have you going around in circles over and over again trying to figure out what's wrong.

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