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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. Last couple minutes of the show............

    Tariq could probably make millions doing stand up, or probably have a political comedy show like Bill Maher.

    But that's true though, I have met women with that musty "side breast" smell from working all day or wearing certain un-breathable clothes.

  2. Kenneth

    We don't value or pay workers like maids, janitors, home health, childcare workers, cashiers, or fast food employees.


    We wrongly disdain politicians and hate taxes while complaining about how messed up society is because government doesn't take care of people at home over foreigners and immigrants. 


    We idolalize rich people and wealth while never questioning certain negative things it takes to get rich and stay that way.

    Although I understand what you're saying, I wouldn't be so liberal with the word "we"...lol.


    You and I have LIMITED control and say-so over how much these healthcare workers, cashiers, teachers, and maids actually get paid.
    We don't own most of the companies they work for or set the standard wages/salaries.
    Those who DO....should bare the brunt of responsibility for their lack of adequate compensation or appreciation.


    I don't believe in COLLECTIVE punishment.
    I believe those who are actually responsible for the misdeed should get the reprimand....not the entire society at large.




    All of this cuts across racial lines and is true of ordinary working people who are the key to changing things. The problem is with all of us to some extent.


    You're right.
    However "to some extent" is the key term!
    The extent is determined by the level of authority and power on holds.

    We can't make this an "all lives matter" issue where people want to hug and embrace EVERYBODY and try to help them out.


    And again, most White people...including the same White people actually WORKING these low wage jobs...actually WANT things this way.


    I don't know how many times I've gotten into arguments with White folks working on the same job as me over wages and how much we should be getting paid.
    Whether working at a fast food joint or a Home Depot or stocking boxes at Target....the vast majority of the White workers receiving those low wages AGREE to them and  what turns them off the most is hearing a Black man complain about the wages or conditions of the jobs.


    Like I said, most White folks WANT things this way.
    They don't even want Universal Healthcare.
    They'd rather keep the system the way it is rather than have a Universal Healthcare system that allowed Black and Brown folks to receive the same standard of health-care they receive.



  3. frankster



    By Media I mean Society at large.


    However I DO understand their skepticism.



    I have been reading up on these things so long...


    Me too.
    And that's the thing...reading and researching.
    But it's to the point that it's beyond reading other people's research and interpretation.
    It's time for DIRECT POSITIVE experiences in Spiritual enlightenment.

    You can only learn so much from the writings of others.
    Even when it comes to a movie and the reviews of it.
    You get so much more of a perspective from direct experience or observation.

    As for the word "Krist" or "Christ".....I admit I do have reservations about the use of that word for various forms of spiritual enlightenment.

    These methods and experiences......I've been told...are TENS OF THOUSANDS of years old.
    Long before the time of Jesus Christ.
    Long before the term "Christ"....which is a Greek term...came into being.
    So what were they called before then?
    Certainly not Christ.

    My concern is that the word "Christ" is merely injected into these beliefs and methods as a way to maintain ties to Christianity, which is not only deceptive but dangerous because it dilutes the purity of the yogic method or practice with Western/Christian concepts -thus causing confusion.

    Humanity doesn't need more confusion.

    If Christ is the way...then they should accept Christ wholly and purely and not mix the belief in him with the dozens of other concepts, religions, and belief systems.



  4. Troy

    I can't speak for others but I'm not confused on many of the causes of poverty.
    I know many of the causes VERY well.
    Which is why I'm beyond questioning why White people aren't doing more to prevent it or alteast alleviate it.

    I know they are CAUSING it and DESIRE it's presence.




     Monopolies are bad. The idea that this is now up for debate is why we find it difficult to solve the problems of poverty.

    So if we completely eliminate monopolies.....that will eliminate poverty?


  5. frankster



    Take it from me....The media say they are lying 


    Oh, the MEDIA says they are lying????




    The Christ(deity) within you has Arisen(kundalini).


    I know about the Kundalini.
    Connecting it with Christ......not so sure of.

    Seems like two separate concepts from two separate religions/belief systems....that somehow got merged in the West.

    Christ is a Greek term that early Christians used instead of Messiah.
    Somehow a lot of spiritualist have coined the term "Christ consciousness" to describe a type of enlightenment, however I question if that was the original meaning behind the word Christ.


    I was on the path....life women alcohol drugs laziness family and fear distracted me.


    LOL.....I definitely hear that!


    Actually, for me personally....women and wealth is what DROVE me and is DRIVING me on the path of deeper Spirituality.

    I wanted and still want both however I want to get them the RIGHT way....not in a way that will cause more damage or destruction.

    I wanted nice cars, money, and to be surrounded by women.....but I didn't want to sell dope or engage in illegal activities to do it because I saw the end results of that activity.
    So I sought out other means.


    This is why I can't get with religions and spiritualists who insist that people live lives of poverty and want.
    If you claim to be on the right spiritual path but are poor and have to beg from those LESS spiritually enlightened for money and food....to me that's evidence that you might not be on the right path.

    You claim you got the right religion....but you're on food stamps.
    You're working on a job owned by atheists or people of a different religion, relying on THEM to support you and your family.

    Come on man........



    It very well may.....diet heavily influences mood and mood influences thought and vice versa - hence may lead to a change of environment.


    However him changing HIS mood alone....while the rest of his community survives off a diet of junk food, poison vaccines, and dope....does little to change the environment.

    Perhaps a change in diet and attitude will give HIM the good sense to MOVE away from such a destructive environment, lol.

  6. Lol....Black men wearing dresses.

    I think many Black men in this society grow up secretly wanting to be a WHITE WOMAN.

    As the young people say "no cap".

    I truly believe that many Black men in this society really believe that if they were a White woman their lives would be so much easier.

    They look on television, in the movies, and in society and see how much more respect and dignity and support White women get....compared to them.
    The society in general holds White women up as smarter, more educated, more moral and with a higher ethical standard.
    Whether you're on the job at the work place, or on a college campus.....all you have to do is have a group of White women behind an idea cheering it on and it becomes policy and the rest of the people will just go along with it.
    Including Black women, Asians, and certainly White men.

    And don't even talk about the violence and how White women are seen as so fragile that they often get more protection from civilians as well as police than other groups.
    White women aren't expected to fight or even know how to fight.
    They aren't expected to be tough and brave.
    A Black male growing up in the hood where there is tremendous pressure on him to  be violent and show he's not a punk....often constantly.....will look at this with envy.

    Black boys grow up looking at this and saying to themselves that if they were a White woman...things would be so much easier for them and next thing you know they are putting on dresses and blonde wigs and acting like....not just any woman...but a WHITE woman.


  7. frankster


    To many of a Spiritual Inclination this physical life is a sojourn in Hell....Now there are caveats.


    I've heard others say this.
    I don't believe it however.
    This physical life contains both bad and good.


    I'm more inclined to look at this particular physical life as sort of a "kindergarten" where you graduate from it to move to a higher grade/level of Reality.






    Yes....Who knows what happens behind Palace doors and in Palatial homes.


    However we KNOW what happened to Dr.King on that motel balcony.

    His fate in this world wasn't done in secret and left up for assumption and guess-work.
    Hoover....on the other hand....we have do wonder and hope he "got his".

  8. Most of our people can't fathom the fact that White people collectively....including most of the "poor" ones actually SUPPORT the very system that keeps so many people in poverty and destitution.

    It's like Black folks at a job constantly offering White managers ideas to improve the job and make the situation better....but their ideas constantly get ignored.
    They have YET to "get it" that the White managers WANT things on the job to be a certain way for their own specific reasons.
    They don't want improvement....they want things to stay as they are because they make money "solving problems" that they made up themselves.

    The same with society in general.
    Many of the problems in this society like poverty and disease and injustice are CAUSED by the very White people who claim they are trying to solve them.

    If YOU as a Black person want to do something about poverty.....then DO IT.
    Stop trying to appeal to White folks to help you or accept your ideas when they know more about poverty and the causes of it than YOU.
    You can't tell them shit....they wrote the book on it.
    Just DO YOU.

  9. 5 hours ago, Stefan said:

    I stand by my post. You were just incredibly foolish to to quickly blame Biden for the reasons that you did. 


    See, this is why reading is fundamental..........

    1. I didn't say Biden....did I?
    I said the "racists in power", especially in the Democrat Party of which Adams belongs.

    Now if the term "racists in power" is synonymous with President Biden in YOUR opinion, then you may want to re-consider your support...lol

    2. I said I SUSPECT this is coming from them.
    Because unlike you....I don't automatically jump to conclusions and cast dispersions based on pre-conceived assumptions.
    I wait for more facts to come out.
    .....but this seems to be the case.

    • Haha 1
  10. I'd like to second what the Professor said, that most White folks who are in poverty in the United States CHOOSE to be in poverty for one reason or another.


    Most White Americans have a rich uncle or rich grandmother or someone in their family with wealth whom they haven't talked to in years after a fight over Thanksgiving or Christmas Dinner.

    All they have to do is go over and apologize to them and all is forgiven and they'd get a $5 million loan to start a damn company.


    Most Black Americans don't have that option.


    I've been homeless before and I know from first hand observation that most homeless Black folks have next to nothing.
    They are really barely getting by and on the street forced to beg.
    But most White homeless people have resources and people trying to help them but they often REFUSE the help out of pride and arrogance and not wanting to be told what to do or for political reasons like not wanting to live around Black folks or Latinos.
    Others don't like "the government" and refuse to take what they consider a "hand out" from them or some other crazy ass belief.


    Others do it as a fad called "slumming" but later on clean up and start making money .


    You simply can not compare White poverty with Black poverty.
    They usually have different reasons and require different solutions to solve.

    Another thing is, not all "poor" White folks are actually poor.
    Many of them are PRETENDING to be poor in for law enforcement and politically deceptive purposes.

    A young White cop will hang out at a homeless shelter or sleep on the street just to get to know as many Black drug dealers and users so he can identify them later on to other officials.

    In reality, the same thing actually goes for most Latinos.
    Their poverty isn't the same as ours.
    As poor as a Mexican or Guatemalan is....they usually have the option of giving up and finally leaving America to go back home where they will live a better life.

    Black Americans don't have the option to just "pick up and leave" unless they came from an African nation.

    In my opinion.....
    We should be concerned with helping OURSELVES first and foremost and once we get on our feet and have enough wealth to sustain ourselves and our children...then we can focus on the needs of others.








    If poor and working class whites could get past racism, anti statism, and a kind of radical individualism there might be a chance to change America for the better.


    That's like saying if dogs would learn to stop running around  biting people and pissing on other people's property, there would be no need to spend so much money buying leashes and we wouldn't have to keep them confined behind fences!

    While this is true, it's not likely to happen anytime soon....lol.

    Just like barking, biting, and marking their territory is part of a dog's nature....racism and hatred is part of White identity in general.
    It's part of their genetic and psychological make-up.

    You don't focus on CHANGING them....you focus on  ADAPTING to them by having a code of your own that allows you to be Successful INSPITE of their opposition!

    In my opinion, it's a waste of time to continue expecting  White folks magically change their mentality and behavior.
    Instead, we should accept that they are how they are and focus on designing and building a culture and code that allows us to navigate through and over-come their racism and hatred and be SUCCESSFUL.

  11. On 11/16/2023 at 8:27 PM, Troy said:

    @Pioneer1 so you would not take me at  my word, but given my word is all you have to go on, it does not seem like you ultimately believe me —or anyone.


    I believe those who provide PROOF or STRONG EVIDENCE.

    Those who don't.....I don't necessarily think they're lying or making it up nor do I believe them.
    It's neutral ground.

  12. On 11/17/2023 at 1:23 AM, Stefan said:

    It was NOT Joe Biden. The culprit is a junior aide named Rana Abbasova.

    Biden appears innocent in Eric Adams brouhaha


    Sounds like a PLANT to me.
    Especially with that Russian/Slavic name.

    I don't have a lot of trust for White people in politics.
    Even the young ones.

    Sounds like she may have been a plant installed in his campaign to be later used against him if he decided to go rogue.

    But I know you anti-conspiracists would find that so HAAAAARD to believe that it probably isn't even worth mentioning.


    "A political 'plant'???
    POPPYCOCK I say.....
    For crying out loud,
    how ridiculous can one get!"



    Unless some turkey-necked middle aged White woman in a business skirt comes on ABC News with her legs crossed and does a story on it....you won't even CONSIDER it as a possibility.


  13. frankster



    Physically King is dead....We all going end up dead - Hoover is dead.

    Spiritually we all Living Better Physical Lives.....regardless of Color because of King..


    I can agree with that.





    Is this about Spirituality, Physicality or Morality?


    All three if it involves DIRECT communication with a Higher Being.
    But the focus is on DIRECT contact and communication....not wishful thinking or what we read in books and scriptures or are told by other human beings.


    Is it number of years or quality of years that is Important?


    But I understand your question and I would say that QUALITY is more important than QUANTITY.





    They have both contributed to society.....I much prefer MLK.


    I agree, I prefer MLK also....but the questions are:

    1. Did the Higher Powers prefer the works of MLK over Hoover's?
    2. If They....like us....DID prefer the works of MLK over Hoover's, then why was Hoover allowed to stay here almost twice as long dying at 77?

    I don't expect YOU to answer these questions.
    You could try if you like; however these are questions that in my opinion should be answered by the Higher Beings Who made the decision to allow King to be taken away and let Hoover stay.



    Who say they haven't...


    I'm not sure if they have or haven't.
    I am only going by the limited information I've been able to gather.

    According to that information, Hoover died in 1972 of a heart attack.

    I haven't read where he suffered from a long painful illness as some sort of punishment of for all the wrong he did, before he died.
    It said he died 77 of a heart attack.
    ....which...if fatal...is usually relatively brief.

    Could he be facing consequences in the Afterlife for what he's done?
    I haven't read any reports on it nor have I heard any mediums make that claim, though.





    It is Law - You Reap what You Sow.

    Psalm 73:3-17
    Interesting passage.
    Have you personally seen examples of it?
    How many rich and powerful people who were evil and contemptuous have YOU seen end up getting pay back in "the end"?

  14. ......not more bullshit and wishful thinking.

    I met and had a deep conversation with a group of Hebrew Israelites a few days ago, and it made me a bit disappointed.

    None of these brothers were over 35 and infact most of them were in their 20s and they were very sincere about Black folks and Latinos being the 12 Tribes of Israel and even more disappointing was the fact that they believed slavery was a "curse" from God for breaking the commandments of the Bible.


    I was taking these brothers and schooling them not just with their own Bible that they hadn't read thoroughly but also with basic common sense and logic like if slavery was a "curse" then why weren't ALL Black people enslaved and only just the ones captured?
    Or why weren't White people....who routinely break those commandments in the Bible....not enslaved.
    We went for hours and hours and it was entertaining and disappointing....but more entertaining, lol.

    What was really disappointing wasn't just the falsehoods that they believed.
    The disappointing part was that they were so young but STILL believe in this slavery teaching that I thought we had ridden ourselves of a generation ago.

    Back in the 90s you couldn't pay me to believe that in 2023 you'd have young Black people who ran around reaching that King James was "Black man" who translated the holy scriptures and that Black folks were in slavery because of a "curse". 

    In my opinion, we don't need more religion.

    We are in need of the TRUTH today......


    That which will produce TANGIBLE benefits.

    Not more bullshit and rhetoric that will keep the next generation going in circles arguing over books and "scriptures" that aren't solving the problems we are facing in this world.

  15. frankster



    Let's  grant him the benefit of our doubt....Take him and his doctors  at their word.


    I'm not saying he, the doctors, or Al Jazera are lying.

    But because I personally haven't met him and am basically getting this story from the other side of the planet from the internet....I haven't confirmed it or the facts of it.

    I'm basically taking in information and weighing it.




    Maybe we already are acquainted with this Deity...Yogic Practices.


    I'm not sure if Yogic Practices in and of themselves would be considered a "Deity".
    Maybe given to us BY a Deity.

    However I'm seriously considering them.


    Many of those practices come from who I call the "Original Asiatic Black Man".
    The very first people of India (and quite possibly the first people on the planet), known as the Dravidian people.



    You can Make Contact with this Deity if you Choose to


    Have you?  -to confirm this.








    The Breatharian and Indian holy man should be teaching more folks how to eat to  live and not just because the McDonald's French Fries are hot.


    Changing one's diet probably won't have much of an impact if they are still living in a dysfunctional and polluted environment.

    A boy living in Detroit, Chicago, or East Los Angeles can stop eating meat or stop eating food all together and become a "breatharian" if he wants.
    But will it stop him from being hit by a stray bullet?

    Health and prosperity seems to be a WHOLISTIC lifestyle.

  16. On 11/16/2023 at 3:35 AM, Stefan said:

    What threats? One more time. What threats? I don't need to threaten anything. I just leave when I want to. 

    Answer those questions smiley, did Blacks do all as you demanded? 


    You.....and your....delusional based attitude is one of the reasons we as a people have problems working together collectively.

    Even when the agenda and the paths to achieving it are clear, the emotions and misunderstandings fueled by mistrust and self-hate get in the way.

    I started this thread to get a sincere response from you on how you arrived at your religious beliefs, and instead you respond with a barrage of unfounded and baseless insults.

    Instead of answering the questions (or not....which you have a right to do)....that twisted imagination of yours churned up a ton of assumptions and delusions about my intent and reasoning behind the questions.


    Your intellect is sound, but your emotions are short-circuited.
    Until you get this fixed, you're going to continue to have the problems with people you currently have.


  17. Apparently I'm not the only one who recognizes this.

    I came across this video just this morning although I posted what I said last night!





    It's heavily anti-Democrat and obviously bias but the information it contains does support much of my argument that this is retaliation by the higher powers in the Democrat party against Adams for not going along with "the program".




    Both my Parents were Christian and me and my brothers went to both the Baptist and Methodist church off and on until I was a teenager and old enough to stop going on my own....lol.

    We didn't see any "modesty".

    I saw people showing off their new suits....especially during Easter.
    Men chasing after women....women chasing after men.
    Women often fighting over men....lol.
    Pastors and Bishops driving nice cars.

    Maybe I should have went to church in New York, lol.


  19. Although I don't know this for a fact......I SUSPECT that this is retaliation against Mayor Adams by the racists in power.

    The plan to flood Black areas through out the South and Midwest.....with non-Black Latinos is CRYSTAL CLEAR.
    The full scope of the plan isn't.

    The plan of the racists in power seems to be to either:

    a) COMPLETELY replace the AfroAmerican population with non-Black Latinos 
    b) Curtail the AfroAmerican population and especially AfroAmerican political and economic power bringing in non-Black Latinos and providing them with jobs, housing, and education to compete.

    Adams is passive-aggressively fighting that.....angering the racists in BOTH Parties...including the racist Democrats in power who helped put him in.

    Mayor Adams....being a Democrat....has to atleast PRETEND that he welcomes immigrants to stay in good standings with the Democratic leadership.
    However he's no fool and he clearly sees the plan is to bring these people in by the millions be it legal OR illegal and support them by whatever means.
    .....and he doesn't like what he sees so he's fighting that plan but in a passive way; which ain't fooling the racists, lol.

    So this entire probe/investigation is probably a warning being sent to him to be more like his Chicago counter-part Brandon Johnson who is basically doing whatever the hell he's told to do to accommodate the illegals even at the expense of his own people.


    • Haha 1
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