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Everything posted by Chrishayden

  1. While poverty was prevalent when I was younger, it was not crushing as it is in a 3rd world country (no one was starving) (They were starving down in the Mississippi Delta back in that time. Do the research)
  2. A return to the simpler things in life can also involve civility. Young people, in particular, seem more disrespectful and brazen now than they were in the past. (Let me see--how civil were white folks to black people in the South during those times? How civil were the cops to black arrestees? How civil were the cops and workers to each other during strikes? How civil was it when a white kid could walk up to you and call you a girl if you were old enough to be his grandma? You were a young person yourself during that time--how civil were YOU to the old folks? Come on, Cynique. It's all in your mind. I would rather be a black man today than at any other time in history But how Civil was it in Korea? How Civil was McCarthy to suspected communists? How civil were non Jews to Jews?)
  3. Don't be fooled by the announcements about the 20 billion Dollar fund, et al. They have already started moving the goal posts with the announcements that they will put in 2 billion here, 2 billion there over the next five years, yada yada They made that announcemet to buck up the stock--which was tankging--which I would sell as soon as possible. If you are still skeptical--have you seen that "agreement" IN WRITING? If you ain't got it in writing, you ain't got nothing. Remember what they said they were going to do with all the Stimulus money. Remember the TARP funds.
  4. Not quite right. There was an African American by the name of Ira Aldridge who played Othello during the 19th century, I believe. I saw that one with Omar Epps. He should have his actor's equity card burned.
  5. OH NO! Thump Don't know Neither!
  6. The other problem was that there warn't no Janelle Monae back then, too.
  7. British Petroleum is gonna declare bankruptcy and bail and leave Barry holding the bag. You heard it here first. Alas, poor Obama! I knew him well, Cynique!
  8. Last night I saw a DVD of Lawrence Olivier playing Othello. Sir Larry was a howler. He sported some makeup that photographed gray for some reason. His Fro looked like a dead muskrat. Part of the time he chewed the scenery like he was on angel dust, the other time, he declaimed in the high manner of Noble Johnson playing one of them chiefs in a Tarzan movie, Mantan Moreland, or a cook at a rib joint in Harlem back in the 30's. The best actor in there was Derek Jacobi as Cassio--his costars needed an Oscar for keeping a straight face while Larry was freaking out. I know the play was written by William "Thou canst get no whiter than he" Shakespeare. Are there some better performances I might check out (Othello is my favorite Shakespearean play--the Plot is so O.J. Simpson--Negro marries white woman and they pay for it with their lives) I saw Fishburne in the title role but he wasn't too good. I heard Robeson was good. And James Earl Jones. And I heard William Marshall did a decent job. Any suggestions
  9. It only SEEMS simpler. It is true that time heals all wounds. After a while you forget all the bad stuff, and just the good. I would rather live now than at any other time in history.
  10. So when are you going to interview her? When are you going to start dating her? When are you going to get into a torrid romance that winds up all over Mediatakeout.com? LONG LIVE JANELLE MONAE!
  11. Are black people under-achievers because they have been brainwashed into believing they are inferior? (Now, there is some more of that slavery thinking. There are lots of black people who are OVERACHIEVERS because they believe they are inferior. Different people react to it differently. Some people believe that and you wouldn't even know it the way they act. But it eats at them, oh yes it do!) I think they are just unmotivated. The underclasses have become superior in figuring out how to get over on the System. Members of the middleclass are superior in exerting their individuality and independence. (You always want to make this about class. This thing ain't about class. Negroes at the very top of the food chain can be the most cringing Uncle Toms you ever seen. Penniless Negroes can be extremely aware. You must not recall how they made Negroes suffer for standing up--there are lots of Civil Rights veterans who are broke because they are blacklisted or undependable, even t this day. Members of the black middle class are superior mostly in licking white folks' butt. Let's be honest. There are plenty of talented Negroes starving. Why? They can't get along with white folks. Negroes get promoted in white system because they are perceived as no threat or getting along with white folks. I used to think middle class and upper class Negroes were unaware of this. Then I attended a party thrown for a black man who was appointed to the Federal bench. Those Negroes spoke honestly right there, and I almost fell out. I thought they didn't know. They KNEW! They knew what games they were playing and why. I don't begrudge them. All I ask is that people acknowledge the real deal. I used to see this all the time with Africans and Black people come in from the Caribbean. Oh, they were going to show us dumb Negroes how to do it. They walked into those white firms strutting and came out switching. And mad as hell. A certain segment of the black populace seems to be possessed by a compulsion to have more children than they can take care of. (This must be a personal situation. You bring it up all the time. According to some our problem is too much abortion. What is it? It can't be both) Black America just seems to be in a state of limbo. All problems don't have solutions. Sometimes they just morph and work themselves out (I see Negroes doing better than ever and the more well off Negroes obsessed by a number of blacks that ain't doing so good. Guess what. This is a CAPITALIST system. It is dog eat dog. It IS a ZERO SUM game. In order for there to be a Barack Obama, got to be a bunch of niggas who fall by the wayside. Until you change it, you got to make sure you aint one of em. That's all you can do)
  12. Chris in some ways you sound like Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks. (Damn! You must be psychic! I AM Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks!) White and Asian women make their hair less straight. Are they trying to be Black? (When they wear them Afros, they are. But they are just trying to get attention--they don't wanna be black--unless they are basketball players or singers or something or wish they had more booty) What hair style would YOU like Black women to have Chris? Oh mighty arbiter of acceptable hairs styles for Black women. (Any kind they want, as long as it ain't blond or some other unnatural color and as long as I can put my nose in it and it don't stink. I have been thinking I'd prefer them to go bald if they got a nice shaped head. Then I can rub that mf all I want) The whole idea of trying to equate chattel slavery pre 1865 with modern day America, on any level, is fucking ridiculous. (This of course is not what I did. They are not equal. You resist the idea that you, Troy Johnson, business man,New Yorker, Sophisticate, might be thinking the same in 2010 as Kunta Kinte in 1850. Understandable. The type that exists now is even more pernicious. Negroes back during slavery could not deny the chains, the whipping, the breaking up of families all that. Negroes today can deny that they had any effect. I resisted this idea myself when first broached. Then, I watched Negroes. I watched myself. I watched the so called upper crust negroes closest of all. And I seen it. Then I seen what I was doing. Let's take a little quiz. Ever go to an affair and you were the only black there? Ever go to some black folks afterward and that was the first thing you told them about it? Hmmmm? You think it's harmless. And taken by itself it probably is. But piled up on top of the hundred other things Negroes do, well Chris remember this: Freedom is not Free. You, nor anyone, else will be free, unless you WORK at it. Sometimes you have to fight for it. But always have to learn and educate yourself. You never be free sitting around complaining about our ancestors being enslaved. (What does this have to do with this conversation?) bet if one of our enslaved forefathers saw read the ideas you were espousing -- they'd slap you upside the head! (I bet if he looked around and saw how Negroes were acting, he'd shake his head and moan that ain't a damn thang changed)
  13. Having said alllllllll of that, are bloggers nothing more than nasty, promiscuous attention whores? Are we not in need of attention? Come on now, aside from the word "whore", do we all in some way seek an audience, and ultimitely, hope they pay attention to our words? (Nope! After all, nobody can actually see you or anything. Sure there is an element to "Look, Ma! No hands!"--ie showboating to every activity one undertakes in front of others--but I just think you got something to say that you want to share with others.
  14. Tell these squares about Janelle Monae before I have a seizure all up in heah! I know YOU know! You are hip, and can dance almost as good as me!
  15. How would I know it existed Had not I been brainwashed my self? In any case, it would seem that what Brainwash Accusers desire is for Blacks to not physicaly emulate the white race but simply mimic what it does to achieve success. (Would that it were only that. Why do the black kids STILL reach for the white dolls when asked to choose the PRETTY one? These kids ain't thinking about success as you call it. They are revealing what their parents have been teaching them--what they have seen on television, et al. I can still remember, back in the 50's being in an all black gradeschool class, and all of us drawing people, and all of us using making the drawings of WHITE people to the approval of the BLACK grade school teachers, and the one kid getting in trouble using a brown crayon. Denial is not just a river in Africa. You cannot be healed until you admit you are sick. You resist. But your resistance is weakening. If what I said was preposterous, you would all laugh it off instead of making these long posts. No pain. No gain.
  16. So Chris, I probably would be still loving her if my prejudice didn't get in the way. (so--now let me get this straight. If it was a BLACK man that is an AFRICAN AMERICAN man that is a SOUL BROTHER you would still be lusting after his wife, disrespecting the bounds of connubial propriety, seeking to destroy an increasingly rare event in the black community. I just want to get it straight now. But since she was married to a WHITE man, you backed off. I just want to know brother cuz I respect you and you carry weight on the street and with the PEOPLES, you dig--
  17. I CAN'T STAND IT! I have accused the AALBC Brain Collective of being everything--fat, horny, strungout, bodacious, loquacious, medacious, Cretacious, Toms, ROMS, Goms-- but I didn't think you were a bunch of SQUARES Until nobody here knew who Janelle Monae was http://www.jmonae.com/?cmpid=yt_watch/janellemonae_home The Pain! The T fucking PAIN! I'm all curled up now in a fetalposition. Typing this with my nose. Fading away, slowly, slowly....
  18. First of all, NPR stands for Natural Poobutt Radio. They are as racist as Rush Limbaugh, but hide behind a facade of genteel liberality, exposed when they do all them "In the Bush" African stories. Listen to that crappy station and you'd think all Africans lived like they do in Tarzan movies. She probably wouldn't lick their pale asses Is she a McBragg, or a Munchausen. And how do you know--exclusive of what they say on Natural Poobut Radio?
  19. I never thought so, but it looks like they are turning it into that. Remember, perception is everything in the United States of Amnesia http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/17390/111965?RS_show_page=0
  20. We Black folks here in St. Louis felt the same way about Mark McGuire. Turned out he was a steroid shooting SOB in the end. don't agree that the only way the Blackhawks' Stanley Cup win can be described is as the emergence of a totem for racists. (You wouldn';t--you're a rodent that wears a hat and a coat. White folks love hockey cuz there ain't no Negroes, blacking it up.)
  21. Chris you were never enslaved, nor was your father or was his father before him... How much longer do you want to use this as an excuse or a reason for not going to school or doing the work required to succeed? We did it right after slavery ended, why are we stopping now? (No, I was never enslaved--but I seen the slave mentality. You think it just went away overnight, especially since we were kept in a sort of semi servitude until the 60's? I used to reject this notion too. It was Ishmael Reed who hipped me to it. You see, like they said of the mythical Vampire, the secret of the slave master is to get people not to believe in him. Ishmael Reed said that the old institutions of slavery did not go away. They merely mutated. And they have. You got the House Negro, the Mammy, all that stuff. Didn't your mother ever talk to you about GOOD hair? What do you think she meant? This still has never gone away. The Israelis are still screaming about things that happened 2,000 years ago. Read the literature of the Jews, it is full of how the centuries of mistreatment affect their conduct EVEN TODAY? Ever heard of The Masada Complex? The Jews insist it is strong although it is based on events that happend in Palestine 2,000 years ago. Let us come up to today and white folks in America. When they are racist, do you think it is based on something they learned YESTERDAY, or racist beliefs hundreds of years old? Dig again--you know how they train an elephant? They chain his foot to a stake. After a while they remove it. And the elephant goes no further than that chain let him, even though it is gone. I feel you loosening. You resist this. As soon as you accept it, you will be that much freer. Let's go back to my other question. Would you like to live like we had to in 1950 or even 1960? When you couldn't even use the same TOILET as a white person? When the best an educated Negro like you could think to do was work as a teacher or at the POST OFFICE? Blame that on Negroes. Say it was because they wasn't good enough. Didn't have the chops. There was a black judge here. McMillain was his name. They let him go to law school. He graduated first in his class. Nobody would take him--first job? Slinging mail sacks at the Post office. Now you'll talk all that positive keep on pushin' bullshit. A Negro like you couldn't live one week in the 40's and 50's.
  22. Suppose she had been married to a BLACK man? What would you have done then?
  23. I never knew that my AALBC Fam was a bunch of SQUARES! NOBODY knows who Janelle Monae is! Well, get Funkafized! http://www.google.com/#q=Who+is+Janelle+Monae%3F&hl=en&sa=G&prmd=nv&source=univ&tbs=vid:1&tbo=u&ei=xlASTPSXGMSLnQf7mY2RAw&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=8&ved=0CEUQqwQwBw&fp=19d13023017841d
  24. Amen! Don't let the door hit ya, O!
  25. (This is so incoherent I can't reply to it) The " I am not important" part of your statements, is reminiscent of those that do not have a defined reason for voicing negative rethoric about Obama. Although they may have a reason or excuse for their actions, they cannot define what they hope to achieve. (I do not have to "define what I hope to achieve". What I hope to achieve is to voice my displeasure of him and his actions. Now, I know Negroes hate free speech and democracy. They just want people to agree with them. I go to discussion groups for discussion. This seems to amaze Negroes that you have discussions on discussion groups. Troy, when you say we can't blame everything on slavery, look at this. Back in them days we all had to agree of course and say the same thang. Old habits die hard, eh? Like not splitting the pole when you walk down the street with somebody...) ore importantly, they seldom look at the risks and costs and rewards (if any) of their negative banter. (Whuss gonna happen? The boogie man gonna git us?) In short Chris, if you and others do not feel as if you make a difference, then why even talk about it (Of course this makes no sense. Look, in a way I feel bad for the man. But he ain't Jesus and he ain't my daddy and I have talked about all the others and will say what I want about him. The big wimp. I bet you can hit on his wife right in front of him and he won't do nothing) Other people are listening... that DO vote. (They hopefully will make up their minds and not listen to either one of us..especially not you) Now we've come home. How does our words affect the vote in 2012?
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