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Everything posted by Chrishayden

  1. Women's Hair. This is an extremely complex issue and I would not simply say it is women trying to be white -- not in the 21st century. This seems to be Burrell's position. It is a different dynamic today. (How is it different. Answer me a question--these weaves, perms, etc--what kind of hair are our women trying to get doing it? I'll answer that--straight hair. What group has straight hair? I'll answer that. White folks. What other group are they trying to emulate, that is, if they don't have naturally straight hair. Let me ask you this--when MALE Negroes processed their hair--who were they trying to look like? Did you ever see the Movie Malcolm X. Denial is not just a river in Africa. Negroes are sick with this. And then Negro women wonder why their men go to white women. Hell if they are trying to look white, maybe I should go to the source. I mean, if I want a white woman, why shouldn't I have a real one. Haters, commence!) Burrell, thus far in the book blames all of Black people's woes on slavery. (You hate it, don't you. Repeat this 400 times. Our ancestors were SLAVES! SLAVES! SLAVES! Until it don't hurt. It should be a mark of pride--what other group has come from NOTHING like we did to where we are? I blame all or most of our woes on the fact that many--if not the majority--of Negroes hate their own black face! They can't stand it and are mad with God for making them that way. It is not as bad as it was when I was coming up, but it is still out there. Negroes as a whole won't do nothing until this is eradicated) This premise does not explain, at least in my mind, the ground that we've lost on many respects. We made great strides after reconstruction creating universities, communities, churches, in a MUCH more hostile environment. Today we can't even get our boys into college -- let alone create one. (What happened? Some Negro cut you off in traffic? Some Negro owe you some money? Did you embarass yourself in a restaurant ordering watermelon? It don't take much to set it off. Let me ask you a question. Would you go back and live in 1950? Or before? I am sick of all this crap of how we regressed. Here you are, college educated, got a business, and talking about going back. We got more Negroes in college today than ever. And cut out this WE shit. If YOU don't go to college now, how is that the fault of 40 million other Negroes. No you can go if you want. It would be a waste of time for most that don' go. College don't teach you how to run a business. It teaches you how to work for somebody. Where are all these jobs for all these folks. NEGROES! Take a look at this! The man who posted these comments is one of our best. How the hell can WE do anything if they are thinking like that? I quote the movie the Black Klansman: "You're all useless! You're a bunch of cowardly, useless Uncle Toms! YOU AIN'T WORTH SAVIN'! I'm gonna save ya anyway!
  2. Returning to the subject of the Booty contretemps (or the Case of the Contemptuous Cakes) where is the outrage over this? Every other day somebody is on here ranting about young black men wearing their pants down low and showing their butts. Now Venus gyrates her gluteus maxiumus and nary a peep. It seems that Black Women can do no wrong in the Bizarro Universe!
  3. They said she looks like Grace Jones, dances like James Brown and sings like Little Richard, or something like that. She does look weird. Who is she, anyway?
  4. See, your response is very familiar to the negro naysayers that talk that BS about Obama, but can not produce a replacement. (Another false choice. It is not up to me, a Negro of no importance to produce a replacement. Corporate America produces the replacements. I just vote for them, just like in the Old Soviet Union. Don't even gimme that "we gotta voice" and "we gotta vote" shit. If it was that easy YOU'D be up there running for Prez. When they have got done scapegoating the poor SOB, they will bring in a white man to ride to the rescue. When I look at what is happening, I realize even GOD is against the poor sumbitch. But didn't nobody MAKE Barry take the job. He jumped in there. This ain't nothin' In South Carolina a Republican officeholder called a REPUBLICAN candidate for governor a raghead--as in "we don't need ANOTHER raghead in Washington like we got in the White House" We are gonna see some stuff, especially in October, that will drive us ALL to walk around with our asses out. And November 2012? Good God, Mama Call the Police!
  5. Cynique, they are carving the tombstone for marriage as we speak. (This is what it is all about. If you notice, rich people are still marrying. Rich white men still rule their homes. Rich white women kowtow and go along to get along. It is those in classes below who are not getting married. What better way to control the society. You control the schools, the churches, the government, now you destroy the family and you control them too. Will it work? I don't think so. One day they will need everyone to pull together and work together and they will just have a bunch of cut throat individuals screaming "Me! Me! Me!" It has happened before you know.
  6. (I thought I had squashed you once and for all. I thought I had sent you screaming and whimpering and crying out on de lawd for your son, Grendel. I thought I had purged the Cyberverse of the Curse of Cynique, Queen of the Blues. I was mistaken. My powers are not what I thought they were.) Why are these figures so hard to believe, Chrishayden? What other explanation can be given for the fact that single black women are increasingly outnumbering married ones. (First of all, the New York Times is a lying rag that hates black people and poses and liberal. They are in a big battle with the Wall Street Times, and, rather than uphold the righteous standards of the founders they are chosing to pander to their subhuman racist audience. Second, I know from several instances in my OWN family where the women DID NOT WANT TO HAVE A HUSBAND and STATED SO. This includes a couple who had babies by NON WHITE MEN. Thirdly, where are the facts? Where is their study? Where are the numbers. To paraphrase the very Reverend Jeremiah Wright--GODDAM THE NEW YORK TIMES and everybody who works there, their relatives, friends, neighbors, heirs and assigns) And surely you are not denying that black men are the chief "offenders" when it comes to forsaking their own women for females of other races??? (Let's see the facts. I want numbers. Not anecdotal evidence. You never forgave Richard Wright for marrying that white woman, did you?) The future looks gloomy for sistas who more and more are being relegated to the ranks of babies' mamas, rather than daddys' wives. H (See above. Unlike before, when it was a mark of shame, a single mother can get good credit, good job, drive a good car, be a pillar of the community. With the white devil-yes, I said it--white devil-- doing all this purposely to destroy families (not just black ones)if I was a woman today I wouldn't even have no babies. Why the fools are having babies without guarentee of a husband leads one into speculation about sex and intellect of black women I'd rather not go into. They are obviously better off. This is why they do it. All a man is going to do is take their money, beat on them and cheat on them anyway. God knows if I was 40 years younger that's what I'd be doing.) . How ironic that the only glimmer of hope has to do with the growing possibility of marriage, itself, becoming extinct. (They don't need it. They got money. You can have love or you can have money but you can't have both. You can't have it all. You probably can't have any of it. What have these swine done to deserve a good and happy life anyway. What makes you think they are happy getting married? The youngerones seem to be Gay, Bi or Tri Sexual anyway (Try a man, try a woman, try a child, try a dog... Why do you care?
  7. What was happening? I missed it? Are you really Newbie, Troy?
  8. http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn06042010.html Americans don’t care to have a wimp in the White House. They’ll take almost any outlandish vulgarity from their commander in chief and give him a positive job-rating. But wimpishness? No. Until Obama, the last president to earn wimp ranking was Jimmy Carter whose chances of reelection thirty years ago expired when he gave wimpish speeches about America’s “malaise” and was photographed beating off a rabbit that swam up to his canoe and tried to board it. Obama isn’t in that sort of trouble yet, but he’s drifting close. The fates soon sniff out wimps and deal them bad cards. Obama was all set to make a big speech in Chicago on Memorial Day. Not only was the speech rained out but he started quavering to the crowd about the danger of lightening before scuttling off with his Secret Service guards and getting bogged down in a traffic jam. One of America’s greatest heroes is Ben Franklin – featured on that symbol of optimism, the hundred dollar bill -- who made a sporting effort to fry himself, courting a lightening bolt with his kite. Wimps can’t emote convincingly because they’re worried about going too far. The White House press corps – until recently without a presidential press conference for ten months – quizzes Obama’s press secretary about Obama’s evident inability to project anger about BP’s oil spill, now bidding to be the greatest environmental disaster in the nation’s history. Obama’s flack claimed his boss was “enraged” at BP. “Can you describe it?” asked Chip Reid of CBS. “Does he yell and scream? What does he do?” The best Gibbs could offer was evocation of Obama’s “clenched jaw”. At least half of any US president’s job is play-acting, pretending to be in charge, on behalf of We the People. Most of what actually happens in America is beyond any president’s ability or political inclination to control. The banks run the finances. The oil companies and Israel vie for control of US foreign policy. The arms companies arrange the wars. The insurance companies figure out who should live or die. Bill Clinton was so servile to big business that he took a phone call from a Florida sugar baron, even though Monica Lewinsky was giving him a blow-job when the call came in. He surely shocked the feisty intern with his obsequious manner as the baron issued a crisp command to kill off Al Gore’s impertinent talk about environmental clean-up of the Everglades. But Clinton could still scream and throw his weight around in the manner expected of a president. The all-time presidential champ at bullying was Lyndon Johnson who once lifted up the Greek ambassador by his lapels and snarled at him, “"Fuck your Parliament and your Constitution. America is an elephant. Cyprus is a flea. Greece is a flea. If those two fleas continue itching the elephant they may just get whacked by the elephant’s trunk. Whacked good....” But Johnson was as servile to the Texas oil kings – most notably the Murchisons – as Clinton was to the sugar baron Alfonso Fanjul. LBJ would delightedly unwrap the bundles of cash Murchison regularly sent up to him. Obama isn’t into lifting anyone up by the lapels. It’s the other way round. Week after week he’s being hoist off the floor of the Oval Office and thrown against the wall, by everyone from Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan to Benjamin Netanyahu. When Obama tries to bark, it comes out as a yip, like a Chihuahua aping a pit bull. A year ago Obama gave his famous speech in Cairo, addressing the Muslim World in a constructive manner. He vowed “to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world”, declaring, “Islam is a part of America” and “is an important part of promoting peace.” It was a great act, but one utterly disconnected from the realities of American politics. Wimps love to be crowd-pleasers. But a year later the crowd – world opinion, in this instance – is remembering the speech as one betrayed commitment after another. It’s clear enough the White House knew of the impending Israeli attack on the relief flotilla and contented itself with a private, purely pro forma call for restraint. In other words, a green light. It may even encouraged the lethal violence, as its own signal to Turkey that its initiative with Brazil to defuse the Iran crisis had not found favor with the US government. The public White House response to Israel’s international piracy was comical in its wimpishness. “The United States deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries sustained and is currently working to understand the circumstances surrounding this tragedy,” deputy White House press secretary Bill Burton demurely declared in Chicago. A friend of mine gave a good parody of the servile posture of the US government and press: “I think,” he wrote to me, “that matters are close to the point where if Hillary Clinton and a group of senior American officials were meeting the Israeli leaders for negotiations, and Netanyahu expressed his displeasure at the American positions by pulling out a gun and shooting her dead, then having the entire American delegation beaten to death by his security guards, there would probably be a small item buried in the next days' American newspapers that due to conflict with the Israelis, Obama had decided to nominate a new Secretary of State.” There’s a political price to be paid for manifest wimpery. Obama is running up a hefty bill.
  9. I don't believe it. In fact, I say it's a lie. This is the newspaper that printed all that false crap that got us into Iraq. This is the newspaper where you've had all those plagiarism scandals--what was that Negro they caught stealing stuff? This newspaper hides beneath the liberal facade while shaming and slamming black people. If and when they find out its a lie, will they print a retraction? New York City. Sounds like Mississippi in 1920 if you ask me.
  10. There were people who could not enjoy the Cosby show, because they could not get past a Black doctor, being happily married to a Black Attorney with five intelligent, well adjusted children. (This is utter bull. That was the top show on TV for many years running. Anybody who did not enjoy it for those reasons was statistically insignificant. Maybe they could not enjoy it because after so long, it was not funny no mo. All Bill endlessly mugging while his stooges stood around smiling idiotically at his foolery. After a while I started watching "The Simpsons" instead.
  11. This is a false choice, created by a pinhead. I will answer it anyway. NEITHER!
  12. He wrote this in 1996--was he an alarmist or a prophet? http://www.amazon.com/Coming-Race-War-America-Wake/dp/0316759805
  13. I swear this Negro is a ring tailed wonder. Proof that White Folks education screws your mind up. He comes out as an ecological President. Turns his back on his Green base and talks about okaying offshore drilling just in time to walk into the BP disaster. He sits back and lets an obviously clueless BP (remember when they proposed shooting all the tennis balls and crap in there a few weeks ago and were laughed at? Then they try it and) take over, in deference to his Coporate Whores, then he lets everybody maneuver him into taking responsibilty for something ("The Buck Stops Here," he said a few months ago) that he got no control over. Now everybody is screaming he should do something and get mad. He is totally deballed and denatured. He can't get mad. White folks wouldn't like it, he found long ago so he never would get mad. And, to top it off, in this time of emergency the clown has a party with Paul McCartney last night. I am beginning to think he should step down, for the good of the nation. He just ain't ready. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/06/02/obama.oil.spill.tone/index.html?hpt=T2 http://www.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/06/02/borger.obama.spill.image/index.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/02/AR2010060202527_pf.html
  14. At some level you have to suspend disbelief, relax, and try enjoy too yourself. Otherwise Chris, go to the museum. (Just relax and enjoy the rape, eh? I have a better idea-- When you know it's that kind of thing--stay away from the theater. Life is too short to devote time to that trash Hollyweird is spewing out
  15. (At first I thought he was gonna git on Venus' case. Then it seems he went off on a tangent. He's been doing that a lot, lately. He may be drinking or losing it. Maybe his pariah status in the black community has got to him.
  16. (I knew posting something about what ABM has labelled BOO-TAY would get a rise out of yez. My take on the issue, is that she was making a statement. She was showing all those prim, uptight, hypocritical white tennis folks who have hated these African women coming in and dusting all their fair white virgins her ASS and saying screw it! It ain't what I would do, but--I dunno. I remember a Cardinals baseball player here, Vince Coleman. You might remember him. He grabbed his balls and gave the finger to the home crowd at a game here once. It was Ladies Day. At first, I was horrified like the rest. But, now, I believe I understand why he did it.
  17. (Good one! Far be it from me to advocate restriction of one's Constitutional Rights By all means, Bitch! But don't just bitch to the choir--bitch at those who got you bitchin'! In this case, one could bitch at Ms. Steffans or her publisher. Or Oprah! Yeah, Oprah! She must have had something to do with it. The Oprah National Anthem: Where there's life There's hope! Where there's dirt, There's OPE!
  18. http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/columnists/crouch/index.html ABM! Where are ya?
  19. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/derrick-crowe/the-iraq-and-afghanistan_b_594839.html
  20. Take plenty of business cards and stuff to sell--get your picture taken lots. You are the King of Black Books on the Web. Use it!
  21. This is America. Love it or leave it.
  22. Obama will also be laying a wreath and giving a speech at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery here in Illinois. (Rained out--a bad omen. Joe Biden's speech at Arlington went fine--could we be having a new President soon?)
  24. http://www.allvoices.com/s/event-5928773/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5zaG93Yml6c3B5LmNvbS9hcnRpY2xlLzIwNTIwOS92ZW51cy13aWxsaWFtcy1leHBvc2VzLWhlci1iaWctb2wtc2V4eS1ib290eS1hdC10aGUtZnJlbmNoLW9wZW4tcGljdHVyZXMuaHRtbA==
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