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Everything posted by Troy

  1. I never hear of a Liger before. I assume they can not mate, like mules. @Chevdove, it is not like a have an degree in genetics. But the issues of race and genetics is of interest to me and I think I have a good understanding of the basics. [1] By your first question are you implying that Black and white people have different blood? [2] Sure science changes if they discover new information they update what they know. SOmetimes the new information is radical and people refuse to adopt it for some reason or another. There are people who believe man and dinosaurs roamed the earth together, but this is because they believe the earth was created 6,000 years ago. [3], [4], and [5] OK
  2. Well @Delano one does not need exactly need a cyrstal ball to see the country is going down the drain. But you nailed this one:
  3. Like I said I've eaten there. The food was reasonably priced tastes good. Leah is missing part of a finger... I kept thinking it might have ended up in someone's gumbo
  4. Yes you did start the conversation @Pioneer1. Perhaps the reason we, as men, find the image unflattering is in reality our reaction to racism
  5. I had a conversation with a woman today on a related issue: Basically, a book of photos came out and one of the shots rubbed me the wrong way. It was a photo of someone I've met once and have become friendly with online. Another friend help me understand my feelings and explained they were, in essence reacting to the women simply because of the way she looks. She pointed out that dark skinned Black women have the additional burden of having to worry about looking like a golliwog simply because of their physical features. This is something that a white woman, or even a light skinned Black woman, never has to worry about. Now I know some of you all have been trying to explain this to me in one way or another but sometimes you have to hear it, in real time, to understand. The sister I was talking to was not telling me I need to completely eliminate my thoughts that these photos might indeed be racist, and these issues are worth contemplating. She did not feel the Viola photo was racist and thought it was a nice photo. While I still can't get myself to like the photo, I have to pull back on my impression the ideal that it is racist.
  6. This question does not make sense on multiple levels; Black and white people have the same blood. The notion that someone who white looks phenotypically "white" but is really "Black" because of a "One Drop" rule, illustrates just how ridiculously arbitrary the term "race." Again this is not founded in science. @Chevdove this is becoming exasperating; any combination of any two humans will produce the same species. If does not matter how you vary the question all of humanity belongs to the same species. Homo Sapiens. What? Same goes for question [4]. Chev, Neanderthals and all other human species (as far as anyone knows) migrated out of Africa. I've read your description explaining why scientist have contradicted themselves. I can't follow the reasoning. My knowledge on the subject of DNA is admittedly limited, but much of what I understand conflicts with some of what you have written. I don't understand how horse coats get their color and how that related to human skin color, but I doubt there is much of a relationship. If you want to believe that man is made up of multiple species and that these species related to the different humans races and that Neanderthal DNA plays a factor and this is all explained by cat hair color... it is a free country.
  7. @Delano, what is your take on the article?
  8. This video was at the top top of my Feed on Facebook. Leah is the chef at a restaurant called Dooky Chase's in New Orleans. It is a restaurant I've gone to a couple of times. I guess Facebook new I was contemplating going to New Orleans in a few days. This video just about convinced me to go. Remember, don't put no corn in your gumbo!
  9. @Delano what!? Are you minimally familiar with Malcolm X's life? If so, why ask a question like that? @Cynique I think that 45's supporters run the gamut of the racist and the disaffected people you described -- not just racists.
  10. @Delano always go with the last thing I wrote. Have you never changed your mind or corrected an mistake? After I made that first post i recalled a brother that I met that claimed to be virgin when he got married. I considered not sharing but then I felt it would be less than honest.
  11. You know I've seen a number of posts at the top of my feed of Black women coming to Omarosa's defense because 45 called her a "dog." -- I never scroll my feed, so I know Facebook's algorithm is pushing this content. I have a great deal of difficulty conjuring any sympathy for Omarosa. Yeah I know, she is Black, but 5 minutes ago she was dick-riding 45. Now all of a sudden we are supposed to feel sorry for her because she was called a name? Are Black women gonna buy this book? Who was this written for anyway? If I had a physical store I wouldn't even stock it. Am I wrong? Am I overreacting?
  12. @Delano What? @Cynique I think it is a combination of all of the people you described, not one or the other. Sure there are some Black lowlifes, who would be evil under the best of conditions (same for white folks). Also, I do believe there are some misguided white folks (let's not forget the Black ones), who voted for 45. But I do believe his base are racist white people and greedy business folks.
  13. @Mel Hopkins, speaking of Black women with Blond hair: I was in Atlanta for a few days covering a book event. I've been sharing links to over 20 videos I've created over the past few days. There were at least three Black authors with Blond hair, either dyed, wig or weave. I just happened to notice this as I was publishing the videos. One such video is shared below. Admittedly, to @Cynique's point, I do not think these women are self-hating Black women trying to be like white women -- quite the contrary. One woman, in particular, is simply unique and does what she wants to do despite what anyone else might think. She is an example of a powerful person. Considering these sisters and additional contemplation, I'm backing off my position of categorizing these women being under the direct influence of marketers in relationship to how they they style their hair. This may have been true at some point, but in 2018 it has grow way beyond the simple explanation I have asserted. That does not mean I don't not think profit driven marketers don't have an adverse influence on us all (cigarettes, social media, etc), but when it comes to what women do with their hair and why it just is far more complex -- You go Bey LOL!
  14. Yeah, I've heard Robert talk on this issue previously and I read the article. Robert Reich, is a really smart and thoughtful guy. He probably surrounds himself with similar people, people who are willing to change their positions given facts, new information, or a different perspective; the kind of people who have time and education to contemplate big ideas and are not worrying about how to put food on the table. Finding ground with these types of people, opened minded and reasonable, would work using those 10 steps. Try reasoning, in this manner, with a poor white racist to help them understand that Black people are no different that they are (or God forbid that genetically we are all the same). Depending upon who you are talking to it might get you killed. Some people's minds will never change, the only way to get then to comply -- if at all -- is with a foot up their ass. Seriously, force is what freed the slaves and got us the right to vote. Finding common ground sounds good on paper (or the screen), but in the real world, as the Four-Eyed Gangsta once said, "you need a bigger gun and the willingness to ue it."
  15. @Pioneer1 this statement, with all due respect, reflects sloppy thinking. I've exhausted every possible means I have at my disposal to help you understand why, but obviously someone much more skilled than I is needed -- but I doubt that would make a difference, because you very rigid in your opinions. Since you've failed to find evidence of a genetic race test. Can you then explain how some "Black" people have more in common, genetically with some white people than other white people. There is not a single physical characteristic of any so called race of people that is not present in indigenous Africans. You may not know this but African has the greatest genetic diversity of any place on Earth -- no other places comes close. This is because man originated in Africa and migrated out of Africa. Yes most Europeans have a small percentage of Neanderthal DNA, but this does not make them, Neanderthal -- or "white." They are still SPaiens like the rest of us. Maybe if they had 75% Neanderthal DNA it would be a different story. This is true, but I fail to see the contradiction. Please explain why you see this to be contradictory. You mean like one phenotype being smarter than the other, more prone to crime, or more inclined to prefer polygamy? Is this really what you are saying?
  16. @Delano, honestly I have met Brothers like this too. They may say they were a virgin when they got married and have never had a desire to be with anyone else, but one can never really know the truth... In any case, I believe this is very rare. Given the actual behavior of people versus what they say, I tend to doubt very few men only want one sexual partner for their entire life. Again they may say this, perhaps to conform to their religious values, but actual behavior is usually different.
  17. Yeah I just added this book to the site. Does "Unhinged" refer to Omarosa, 45 or both of them? Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House by Omarosa Manigault Newman Publication Date: Aug 14, 2018 List Price: $28.00 (store prices may vary) Format: Hardcover Classification: Nonfiction Page Count: 368 ISBN13: 9781982109707 Imprint: Gallery Books Publisher: Simon & Schuster, Inc. Parent Company: CBS Corporation
  18. @Pioneer1 LOL! You do you man! But I think I'm more suited for a woman under 60 right now
  19. LOL! Here we go! @Pioneer1, man made constructs like race have no basis in genetics. No man, it is not. We are talking high school biology here. But it is not your fault I did not learn this in school either. Again, no. There is a chromosome or set of genes which allows us to conclusively identify one's gender. There is no chromosome or set of gene one can use to identify one's race. If you can find any source claiming such a genetic test that you assert is possible, I'm interested in reading about it.
  20. True dat! No; this is a contradiction. Yes race is a way to categorize people, but it is not like sex which is actually genetically determined. The way we use race changes over time and differs across cultures. Even the U.S. census uses different terms to describe the same people every decade. The term is confusing because it is purely arbitrary. If there were a genetic test for race, we could just test everyone for their race, the way we test for blood type, but as previously stated this is not possible.
  21. Absolutely! Most men today are like boys. I watched Cadillac Records for the 2nd time last night. The character Howling Wolf is a prime example of manhood.
  22. Well @Pioneer1 I admit my position is changing on this issue. I always viewed pro athletes as entertainers, you know people you provide amusement for others -- they have no agency besides what their owners provide. Colin exhibited a minor form of protest and he was summarily executed -- obviously the NFL colluded against him and was never punished, while Collins lost his livelihood. Seemingly there was nothing anyone could do about it. Today, it appears others, clearly risking their own careers given Colin's example, are "standing up," for themselves and Colin -- invoking their right to engage in a symbolic protest, however minor -- against the will of 45, the NFL owners, and many of the fans. This is can be a powerful thing. If this protest continues and builds momentum, the NFL and the general public, will have no choice but to yield to the protests -- they can't fire everybody. At some point the media will have to consider why they are kneeling -- forcing the public to reconcile the outrage decent people feel about police killing black people with reckless abandon. Our million-dollar-slaves will will gain some power and control in their role -- who knows where else that will lead. I honestly don't think the protest will grow to a point when it comes to a head, but you can always hope.
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