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Everything posted by Troy

  1. I guess technically it is alleged because Tavis has vehemently denied all allegations. These photos was taken during the launch of Tavis Smiley's publishing company Smiley Books. As the numbers of sexual predators continue to rise and the careers and reputations of seemingly reputable people are deservedly destroyed, it really makes you wonder do all people with an ounce of power abuse it to the determinant of others? It has been my experience that many successful people will stop at nothing for more money and the power it brings; enslaving people for hundreds of years--cool; commit genocide--where do do I sign up; take people's homes--no problem; give people cancer, you got it. Taking advantage of others sexually, as bad as that is, pales in comparison. It comes as no surprise that anyone willing to do anything for power will abuse it once it has been obtained. It was interesting to hear the comedian turned Congressman Al Franken, complain, while he was getting the boot, that 45 gets to remain in the Whitehouse for doing more or less the same thing. Franken reminded me of a child who rats out another kid, who did the same thing, but escaped punishment; not at all concerned with the problem of his own behavior.
  2. Do you mean to say that it will be common knowledge that we will not finish his term? I ask for clarification, because some pundits have already said he is on his way out.
  3. Please provide some constructive feedback on this video. Let me know what was good and what could be done better. Y'all know I have thick skin so don't worry about being perceived as hypercritical. I'm working with a book club called called The Tea, and am hoping to use videos like this to promote the best of Black literature, and I want to make them better. No matter what you think please subscribe to The Tea's and AALBC.com's Youtube Channels to keep this videos like this coming. The books highlighted in the video include: Unseen: Unpublished Black History from the New York Times Photo Archives by Dana Canedy, Darcy Eveleigh, Damien Cave, and Rachel L. Swarns I Am Alfonso Jones by Tony Medina I Am Loved by Nikki Giovanni, Illustrated by Ashley Bryan Defining Moments in Black History: Reading Between the Lies by Dick Gregory Ballerina Body: Dancing and Eating Your Way to a Leaner, Stronger, and More Graceful You by Misty Copeland Keep #readingblack
  4. THIS CODE IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED A list of Black-Owned bookstores to share for those in the #readingblack movement (a commitment to read books by Black writers and to buy those books from Black-owned bookstores). The list of bookstores, shown below may be shared on your website by adding the line of HTML code to your website. As we update our database your website will be automatically updated. You may adjust the style parameters to suit your website. <iframe src="https://aalbc.com/bookstores/readingblack_stores_share.php" padding=0 width=90% height=1000 style="border-style:none"></iframe> The code above produces this the list of bookstores below. Sharing is easy!
  5. The first short video describes some of the reasons. I have not watched the longer documentary yet, but I presume those questions are answered in it.
  6. Based upon feedback it looks like it would be best to abandon the proposed boycott of Amazon and redirect the energy to emphasising the purchase of books, especially books from Black from Black booksellers.
  7. Regardless of what you might think of Roland, we desperately need MORE programs like this not less. I knew Koreans had a lock on Black Hair care but I had no idea how serious it was. Shoot, we should open up Chinese take out restaurants too. Here is the full documentary referenced above. We need to own this industry nationally. The Bronner Bros are large in ATL, why is this not replicated in other cities?
  8. I would presume because the Brothers did not vote in meaningful numbers. If 98 percent of Black women voted for a candidate that is effectively everybody. You can't get 100% of anyone to do anything. 100% of Black women didn't even vote for Obama, and I don't think Jesus Christ (the white one) could have earned a higher percentage of the Black woman vote than Obama.
  9. Yeah Peppermint Patti presented butch, but was was strickly-dickly. She even had a thing for 'ol Chuck B., But Cuckie boy's amorous energies were directed to toward the more feminine little redheaded gal.
  10. @Pioneer1 why would I have a problem with TV, Movies, and Magazines being filled with nothing but beautiful Black people? I knew colorism could be bad in the Black community, but I thought that died out long ago. Why treat our sister like a red-headed step child?
  11. A wonderful interview with a terrific writer, Elizabeth Nunez: Distinguished Professor, Hunter College. Dr. Nunez also has helped a large number of writers both in and outside of the classroom. I consider her a literary activist, though I doubt she would describe herself as one.
  12. @Pioneer1, my sister, Danzy is Black, whether you like it or not That is how subjective and arbitrary terms work.
  13. Wow, I did not know about Tavis until just now. I'm not surprised at all. Now if someone accused Barack Obama I would be surprised, but Tavis Smiley not at all. This is not to suggest that I think Tavis is slimey I have no reason to think that. I actually thought he might be gay. At any rate, maybe he mistreated some women or treated them unfairly. This would not be an unusual thing for a powerful Black man to do. Plenty of people are legally fired without "due process," Why did BET get rid of him? I seem to remember people being outraged about that and wanting to do something about the loss of his show. Interestingly i have not heard anything about this regarding Tavis this time around, they way I have already heard outrage for Martin, but it is still early. Maybe someone will create a platform for Roland and Tavis to do there thing.
  14. Del you posted the video I watched it he look great and was obviously not dead, when he made the statement, that is why the impact of the video in my opinion was minimized. By today's standards it gets a big yawn and a so what?
  15. As discussed the focus of the club has changed from the negative (boycotting Amazon), to the positive, supporting the businesses to support Black books. On social media the hashtag #readingblack will be used and doman readingblack.com will point to this website. My initial goal will be to encourage folks to read books by Black writers and to buy those books from Black booksellers and to provide the services device strategies to facilitate this process.
  16. Based upon feedback it looks like it would be best to abandon the proposed boycott of Amazon and redirect the energy to readers to purchase books, written by Back writers, from Black-owned bookstores. I'm joining an effort, started by a booktuber (folks on Youtube who create book review videos), Denise D Cooper. I registered the domain readingblack.com and will point it to this club. I'm seeking feedback on the meme below let me know what you think? This is a play on another meme I saw which used the phrase "Buy local or bye local."
  17. "The combined market capitalization of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google is now equivalent to the GDP of India. How did these four companies come to infiltrate our lives so completely? In a spectacular rant, Scott Galloway shares insights and eye-opening stats about their dominance and motivation -- and what happens when a society prizes shareholder value over everything else." I Think Scott does a really good job of presenting data in a way that connection on a emotional level.
  18. Brenner still looks pretty good in the video. Maybe if they cut to a video of him wasting away on a lung machine in the hospital, followed by a shot of him in the morgue or his tombstone it would have had more of an impact. In any case, the best solution would be to make cancer sticks things illegal, and throw the execs in jail. It is absolutely criminal big tobacco can kill so many people in THIS country and nobody wants to do anything about it...
  19. Ok that is why I don't recall Franklin's broken chair. I don't remember this cartoon, but it is the Thanksgiving, not the Xmas special.
  20. Hmmm, I did not mention a relationship between size and sexual prowess Zero curiosity huh; I guess you consider ignorance on that particular subject bliss
  21. Yes I did. But I primarily used graphs, charts, and forms of data to try to convince other why they should too This approach makes people's eyes glaze over at best. Data does not persuade lay people. They need to "feel" why it matters to them. If the argument does not resonate on an emotional level it will not work with most people. It is like telling people that cigarettes kill more than 500K people a year and 1/10 of these people die from 2nd hand smoke. This is a staggering figure, but we still allow these things to be sold. Now studies have shown showing one diseased lung or someone cleaning out their tracheotomy hole is much more likely to convince someone to stop smoking and preventing more from ever starting.
  22. Hi Janeice, thanks for sharing information about your event. I also appreciate you formating it in such a way to facilitate me adding it to my database" https://aalbc.com/events/index.php?st=Michigan#African-American+Family+Book+Expo I also added your book store to our bookstore database: https://aalbc.com/bookstores/store.php?store_name=Detroit+Book+City
  23. A Charlie Brown Xmas was my favorite holiday cartoon it was neck-in-neck next with the How the Grinch Stole Xmas. I watched it every year when it came on TV up until my kids were young. Eventually I purchased the VHS, but once I was able to which it anytime I wanted the allure of watching it during Xmas wore off. I have not seen it in years. Funny I don;t remeber Franklin and the broken lawn chair. I aso enjoyed the music. I actually brought the sheet music to "Linus and Lucy" and an expensive electronic keyboard to learn how to play it. I never got around to actually learning how to play it.... Don't tell me Ezra Jack Keats sexually abused some woman. What kind of flack did he receive and for what?
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