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Everything posted by Troy

  1. No, not any more, because you can easily look it up yourself. Now I know you won't look it up, because you know what they say about where to put something if you don't want knee-grows to discover it....
  2. I've never read any of Feynman's books, but I really enjoy his videos--one of the greatest things about the web is the ability to hear someone like him speak. I doubt I I would have heard of him otherwise. Del is the only other person I know who has mentioned his name. I would imagine most scientists would say astrology is rubbish. To me that is like saying a belief in God is rubbish, as I'm sure many would. I agree with almost everything Pioneer wrote in the post above. Yes the U.S. has some of the best universities on Earth, indeed this is where many of these foreign students are educated...for now. I teach at one of New York, best pubic schools, and have been for several years. I've taught hundreds of students but less than a handful of Black Americans. Of course the the countries most prestigious Private schools in STEM subjects. A girl who graduated after I did from under grad was he first Black woman to graduate my school with a civil engineering degree! Absolutely, a complicated lie which sounds good is always more desirable than the complicated truth. I often think those with the most willingness to tell these lies can achieve the most financial success in America. ----------------- Skip to the 17:30 mark, it is my favorite part of the video.
  3. Mel I apparently did not communicate that point clearly. Allow me to elaborate. First, there is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning to understand; it is absolutely crucial to learning. I teach web design to college students. I don't have a degree in web design nor have I ever taken a course in it. I learned by doing. One of the assignments this semester was to critique my website. Of course I know a lot more about web design than my students but I also know I can learn from my them too. But the subject is web design and much of it is very subjective and almost anyone is qualified to have an opinion. I took a course in astrology many years ago and have some passing interest in the subject. Del has studied it intensely for a long period of time. Now I might debate Del on the various qualities of sun signs but his knowledge greatly exceeds mine and there will be areas where I'd be much better off listening rather than talking. I doubt Del has a "degree" in astrology that does not to me for he has demonstrated a knowledge of the subject. As far as string theory is considered Michio helped invent the theory. I don't have enough of a background to understand the underlying principles, let alone question him on any of it. I think calling that "bowing down," is a bit much, but it would be silly for me to challenge the theory on any level because I simply don't know enough. That does not mean that he is right, and he would not say he is right. Again, I understand that I don't know enough to speak on the matter. All I can do is marvel at the idea of 11 dimensional vibrating strings as the most fundamental building blocks of the universe--assuming that even comes close to describing it I'm not saying I should not be challenged because I have a couple of engineering degrees, but what I am saying is that people, in general, feel way too comfortable challenging others on subjects they know nothing about. I did not believe with Al Gore when he first introduced climate change to the mainstream media, he was just a guy with slides, sort of like Del with his spreadsheet analysis. But over time, based upon the overwhelming consensus of 97% of scientists, climate change is both real and something we really should be working on. There are smart and decent people voted for 45, deny evolution, and deny manmade climate change. However, society would be better off if we understood how this thinking--indeed humanity's survival may actually dependent upon it.
  4. No the film is certainly not a "comedy," despite the comic relief that you described. I had no idea the Academy called it a comedy, I don't really follow the awards. I just ran a few queries, but i don't see any indication that it was described as a comedy. Can you share a link.
  5. Oh Brother Del. Just forget it... What in this video, which addressed all of your points refuting climate change, do you still reject? The video is only 6 minutes long.
  6. I think Michio is correct. I also think he may be understating American's precarious position. There is no "rise of conservatives" they have always been here. I know this is really hard for folks who come from big cosmopolitan cities like New York City, but most of the country is not like NYC. Shoot, most of New York State, including Staten Island (which is part of NYC) is not like NYC. I think I'm the only tagged on this conversation with an actual engineering degree (two). But my education has never stopped anyone less credentialled from questioning my knowledge of the subject. This is a curious thing. For example, I would never question Michio's knowledge of string theory and more than I would question Del's knowledge of astrology. They clearly know more about the subjects than I do. This is also why I believe what the world climatologist tell us about climate change. When people create an analogy between belief in "religion" and belief in "climate change," they are making a mistake. Belief in religion is based upon faith. Evidence is not needed, all that is required is belief. However climate change is based upon evidence. This may come to a surprise to people who live in big cities, but there are many American who reject the theory of evolution--despite ample evidence against it. The fact that the majority of scientists believe in evolution means nothing to these people. Of course it would take very little effort, especially today, to find "evidence" and scientists who reject evolution. It is possible for people to create their own realities and there are plenty of resources available today to help reinforce any hairbrain scheme out there. Yeah, Michio understated America's educational predicament.
  7. Del you are asking the wrong question. I know you want to make the science of climate change about me and what I know. I guess this is a mental trick you are playing with yourself, because it is much easier to disagree with me rather than the vast majority of climatologists who believe climate change is real and that man is causing it. For the bazillionth time, I did not make the measurements, collect, and interpret the information. I'm reporting it to you. In much the same way I'd report on evolution or the structure of an atom. The question that you should be asking is: Does this one guy, even with a nobel prize in an unrelated subject, know more than all the other scientists who study the subject? Why do you take Ivar Giaever's word over Dr. Neil deGrass Tyson's? Of course the answer is that Ivar's opinion agrees with your opinion--even though Ivar's information conflict with what the vast majority of scientists tell us. Listening to Ivar was like listening to the GM exec Lutz (I hope Lutz's home in the Florida Keys home was flooded this year) contradict everything that Tyson was saying.
  8. Sorry about the typos. I corrected the sentence. I'm not arguing that the social construct is not real. I'm arguing it is based upon outdated information. Social constructs do not have to be, and usually are not, based upon genetics -- in fact, that is what makes them social constructs. For example, the fact the Barack Obama is "Black" and not white is social construct, made upon by man with no basis in genetics. It seems race is an important aspect of poverty as it relates to the so called Black man. White folks used "race" to justify turning another human being into chattel. Since Black people were of an inferior race, they could be lumped in with other animals like hogs and mules, 'cept it was cool to have sex with them to make more... @Pioneer1, do you think white folks were justified in the beliefs that the so called Black race was inferior? It seems to me if you believe white people and Black people belong to different races, then is is fair to assume that those differences can make one race superior to the other. Since white people dominate the planet win, all the Noble prizes for science, and Black folks can't seem to earn as much money, stay out of jail, or live as long as white folks, wouldn't it be fair to assume that white people are indeed superior? It seems most of our most successful Black men marry white women. Maybe you are right Pioneer, maybe white folks are a different and superior race. This is a perfectly logical conclusion given your understanding of "race."
  9. LOL! @Pioneer1, I'm surprised you did not embrace that quote without reservation. Unfortunately the holidays are a very depressing time for some, as their lives fail compare the the fictionalized versions we see everywhere we look. My biggest compliant about this time of the year is how hyper-commercialized the season has become. It was bad when I was a kid, but is seems crazy now. Do people really have nothing better to do that spend money on more things they can't possibly need? I got a big of email from different folks today claiming it is "Giving Tuesday." Where the heck did that day come from? They really should make it the Tuesday before Black Friday, and Cyber Monday when people still have some money left... Well sounds like you have a fine day, despite it all. I'm glad
  10. @HICKSON, where are you in the London Reign photo?
  11. Hmmm, It is interesting that you asked Pioneer if he looked at your slides before responding, but you clearly did not watch the videos before responding to them. The video in which several of your bullet points was address is the one I posted in the other conversation. No, I do not think the video will answer any questions to your satisfaction. That video does not exist. Your beliefs are cast in concrete. While I'd hoped the video might have some impact on you, the video was not just posted for your benefit, but for others who may have questions on the subject.
  12. Pioneer, I've previously shared tons of information about the fact that there is only one race. If I repost the information it will have not have a different effect on you--you've made up your mind. The problem with "race" is the colloquial use of the term here in the United States muddles its technical meaning. I'm not going to debate the use of the term with you. I've previously related that the term has no basis in our genetics, but you've rejected the known science. So the conversation is really over. Now I feel we should as a society should stop using racial terms like Black and white and I completely understand why someone would would disagree this because it is just my opinion. But once people start disagreeing with science. I have to learn to stop debating folk. Again this is like debating with someone about evolution versus creation... there are simply better things to do.
  13. Del, my Brother, I have moved on from trying to convince you to agree with 97% of the scientist on the issue of climate change. This is a different conversation. I know I can't help you see reality. I'm just trying to understand why I've failed. I can tell by your bullet points that you did not watch the video, because several of the points listed were directly addressed--indeed that was the point of the video to address the concerns of climate change deniers. The answer I would give you would come from the science as related in the video. I doubt the video will change your perspective, you are too dug into your beliefs. I have to admit it would be interesting to learn why you are so rigidly opposed the science and so easily drawn to conspiracies.
  14. Del, since you failed to point out what I wrote that was inaccurate, I'll take it that to mean you retract the allegation that I misrepresented what you wrote. If you are talking about the question you asked from the other conversation; I chose not to answer it. You've already made it clear there is nothing that I could write that would change your position. I posted a video there that I felt could explain things more simply, but not surprisingly it had no impact. As a result, I decided to more on. The video I posted here was really not about you specifically. Sure I mentioned you by name but that was because I wanted alert you in hopes that you would watch the video. Keep in mind there are actually other people who read these posts, I decided to share the video, because I know I'm not the only one puzzled that otherwise intelligent people would deny science. Did you watch the video Del? Indeed did you even watch the other video?
  15. “Amazon’s business practices are scorched-earth capitalism.” —author Dennis Lehane Amazon is a destructive force in the world of bookselling. Their business practices undermine the ability of independent bookstores—and therefore access to independent, progressive, and multicultural literature—to survive. Additionally, Amazon is harmful to local economies, labor, and the publishing world. Read more at Social Justice Books
  16. How Independent Bookstores Have Thrived in Spite of Amazon.com Ryan Raffaelli set out to discover how independent bookstores managed to survive and even thrive in spite of competition from Amazon and other online retailers. His initial findings reveal how much consumers still value community and personal contact.
  17. @Delano, explain how I misrepresented your position. What did I write that was inaccurate? Del did you watch the video?
  18. This well help you understand why people like @Delano and 40% of Americans, some very well "educated," are deniers of man made climate change and why those who believe the science not not moved to do anything about it. There are many videos and books on the subject of why people deny science. They explain why people reject the efficacy of vaccinations or even evolution. I've taken a keener interest in this subject recently because when trying to explain the downside of say an Amazon monopoly or the adverse effects Facebook's dominance of internet, I fail. I tend to come at people with data and facts. You really have to find some common ground and appeal to people on an emotional basis. Obviously climate change is a FAR more serious problem than Facebook or Amazon could ever be, but they all three share the characteristic of not being perceived as immediate problem. Facebook and Amazon can actually be dealt with in the future, climate change, however, is unique in that if we wait too long to actually deal with it; there will come a time when it will become too late for humanity. Some believe we have already reached that tipping point.
  19. Hey @Delano watch this video on climate change (climate science: what you need to know). And let me know if it changes you mind in the least bit?
  20. Well the first question is easy I recognize that what I believe is not the same as what everyone else believes. I also knw operating in the world in which there are white racists (and Black ones too), I have to behave accordingly like setting up websites which I hope will tell both Black and white people we are not inferior. I'm glad you are not becoming a grammarnazi or using typos as part of your argument.
  21. Harry we must be on the same wavelength. I just added Vashti Harrison's work to the website. How did you learn about this book? Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History by Vashti Harrison
  22. @Pioneer1 what I wrote would appear to be a contradiction to your because you reject the scientific meaning of race. Yes, skin color is based upon one's genetics--but not race, because there is only one race. To Harry's point (and perhaps yours). I'm not naive to the fact that a white racist does not consider science. They see my Black face and they feel hatred. They could give too shits if we have a common enemy in the plutocracy. For the racist, perhaps most white folks, race trumps class. Race trump gender. Race even trumps nationality. Some Black people like to exclaim, "Black people are not a monolith." Of course this is true, but when the klansman is putting the noose around your neck, or the racist cop is gunning you down, he does not care about that; all he sees is a less-than-human Black person. This racist attitude is completely understanding, given the fact the racism is built into the American culture. This website exists in direct reaction to white racism. The fact that there is only one race will not end racism. Too many people reject science and are unwilling to shed old ways of thinking. I guess this is natural too; we are human.
  23. Yes, you have it human and race are synonymous. What you describe as race are various forms of skin color, ethnicities nationalities, that are applied differently at different times across different cultures. It is a human construct with no basis in our genetics. We can communicate much more clearly and perhaps have a better understanding of each other if we got rid of the concept of racial differences in Homo sapiens sapiens.
  24. What does DTC mean, "Direct/discount to Consumer?" When I went to the Amazon store I installed the app. You really have to do it. I later uninstalled it because I don't ever intend to buy a book from an Amazon physical bookstore--boycott or not. The data these aps collect is very valuable, so I get the incentive The other problem is all these apps sap storage space and battery life from cell phones.
  25. No lets stick with with yes or no Del. Do you understand the climate better than the vast majority of scientists? One can find alternative evidence to anything on the web. Sometimes conspiracy theories can be quote convincing
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