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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Del 45 is the President holding perhaps the most powerful office on Earth. Why is that not analogous to being king? If it because some think he is a joke? Every president --even Obama, who you identify as an Alpha male, had his detractors and people who thought he was a joke. Indeed, the large number of Obama detractors is part of the reason Trump is in office (ignoring fake news, media bias, and psychogenic manipulation). Besides you are not in disagreement with me your issue is with Merriam Webster ;-)
  2. Yeah I was a youtube video (I did not watch it), whose subject was astral sex. I'd be content just to explore the universe for now :-) Cynique, you are fortunate, for many who are fortunate enough to reach your age, their memories seem to fade... I think we will all benefit from you relating your experiences as you move through your twilight years.
  3. Del regardless of what we think of "45" (I like that name for him), he is the prototypical alpha male. His rise to presidency just reinforced this.
  4. I never mentioned the quantum realm. I'm not sure why you introduced that since I used a planet's orbit to make my point. If you are unhappy the word "wrong" how about "less precise." Though I suspect if you were a passenger on a spacecraft headed for Mercury you'd want to use the correct calculation, not the "less Precise" one. Here is a blog post with describes, in lay terms, why Newton's laws fails to accurately describe Mercury's orbit. Don't worry about the point I did not understand. Let's just stick with this issue for now. Were you previously aware of Einstein correctly explaining the orbit of Mercury? If not, does this new information change your thoughts on the accuracy of Newtown's laws at the macro scale?
  5. Del I don't really understand the first point. As far as the second, sure Newton's equation work well enough to predict come movements, but it fails to predict the orbit of Mercury which is how it was discovered to be wrong. The example, of Mercury's orbit, is well known and you can easily find it on your own. If you have trouble finding it let me know. -------------- Cynique, you are twisting my words. I never wrote, nor do I believe, that one should not keep an "open mind" profound matters. What I reject is holding on to a belief that has been proven to be wrong. Also one does not have to believe in "race' to fight racism. There is a difference. I know full well trying to break down the science of race to a racist as he slips the noose around my neck would be futile. This very website is a consequence of racism, not race.
  6. Cynique, I think I feel more like Del more in this regard. I know Del came to this realization about himself much sooner than I. For example, I know people judge me and value what I do by how much money I have and make. In fact, I valued myself the same way, without any real consideration for my nature. This is what followers do. They do what they feel is important in the eyes of others rather than themselves. I this regard I try not to be a follower. Case in point, a follower can not run a website like AALBC.com. But not being a follower is not what makes on an Alpha Male. To Del point about seeking followers, leaders do not they seek followers; they inspire people to follow them. Now I occasionally do things that impress people, but I don't think I inspire followers. For example, I've been engaged in an on going effort to get indie Black webmasters to work together for mutual benefit and while this effort has had small successes, on a larger scale this effort has failed thus far. This is an attempt to lead that is not succeeding very well--but I keep trying. If I ever succeed in this effort I would consider myself a real leader, but still not an "Alpha male." "45" is an Alpha Male. I don't perceive myself as an Alpha male. Maybe I'm the Alpha Male of Black Online Booksellers
  7. Mel I think I understand. Del I'll look into the book though I'd be interested in more detail about astral projection, I'll also consider your advice too. Cynique, did you always have these vivid recollections or is these lucid recollections a relatively new experience?
  8. @Cynique, of course if evidence comes along to prove a previous idea is wrong that is terrific, and a great thing because we advance knowledge. But to cling to old ideas when evidence disproves it is just silly (as in the case with race). Further to conjure up ideas without proof to dispute something that has been proven is just silly and an exercise in magical thinking. For example, Newton's laws of gravity were proven wrong by Einstien. No reasonable person--certainly not a scientist--will cling to Newton's laws in the light of new information. But in terms of our day to day struggles and getting through this thing called life, being aware that gravity is a warping of space-time is largely irrelevant. So what people believe and how that reconciles with science is a completely different conversation. ----- @Delano, Matter is indeed matter the formula E=MC2 is an equation describing the vast amount of energy matter has not what matter is. The mind has finite ability so our perceptions of what is real is indeed a function of the physical limitations of our brain. But we have not fully explored the potential of the brain or it's energy, so there is a lot we don't know about the brain's potential and what it is capable of doing or even perceiving. There are people who theorize that we are part of some complex program. This seems perfectly plausible for a sufficiently technologically advanced civilization to create. So this could all be as fake as the news we consume. Actually the fact that doctors can stimulate the brain in such a way to create the NDE experience we so often hear about; the feeling of happiness, the beckoning bright light, etc is one of the things that make me skeptical about those NDE accounts being other worldly.
  9. Laoth, I not a novelist, but I'm a reader. So while I won't try to tell you how to write, I will tell you how I've interpreted what you've written. Also, these are my opinions and I'm not asserting that this is the "right" way. "Person of color" is so nebulous a description it is meaningless. It is a description that can be applied to the vast majority of people on Earth. But the way you've used the term is perfectly acceptable. I simply would not use it for the reason stated--it is not clear that you are talking about a Black person. "Black" would also be acceptable because it is so commonly used, and clearer. "Colored" is an anachronism and would not be appropriate unless you were writing a period piece or trying to be snarky or funny. But since you are engaged in creative writing you might consider dispensing with these terms altogether, and figure out another way of expressing the thought. But here I'm entering an arena beyond my expertise
  10. Yeah, I'll have to ponder the Alpha male thing too... Mel I don't think the conversations Del, Pioneer, and I have been a having are a function of our gender. Indeed I think the even the ones Cynique commented on were on a higher level than the exchanges she had with Sara. If you were around for any of those let me know if you agree. While the Cynique and Sara debates always devolved into something very childish and crass, I would not attribute it to the innate behavior of women--even thought it confirms to the catty behavior stereotypically associated to Black women. You see my point? As far as "45" being in the office, those articles you shared helped explain how it happened quite well. @Delano I just now fired up some incense I never thought to look at the brand name before. What I just lit up is from HEM. I also saw a ton of astral project audio files on youtube. Honestly much of what I found on YouTube strikes me as nonsense--like "astral project today in 4 easy steps". Is there a book on the subject of Astral Project that you can recommend?
  11. Well you've come to the right place. The only ignorant question is the one not asked. So that I understand where you are coming from please use the term in a sentence here are some examples. This morning, on the bus, a colored person sat next to me and I quickly changed my seat. A black person entered my store, and I made sure I kept my eye on them. Over dinner I learned my daughter is dating a person of color; I hope it is just a phase. If you share your sample sentence I can tell you the appropriate phrase to use when describing someone.
  12. It sounds like your experience was a bit different from astral projection when you maintain your individuality, a sperate consciousness. It sounds like you integrated into a larger consciousness. Did you learn or experience anything that you can relate that might help me understand better? Maybe some information you learned that has served you well. Again I don't even know what to ask or what is an appropriate question as your experience is so different that anything I have ever experienced.
  13. @Pioneer1 You must also appreciate that both what you know and believe do not have to be true. Indeed you've demonstrated that numerous times on this forum. For example, you do not believe in man-made climate change or that there is only one one human race, despite both of these things being true. But you are not unique, this is the human condition. People live their entire lives believing things that are demonstrably false. Largely this is due to ignorance, but often it is hubris. Now some things can not be proven or disproven. We can, of course, have beliefs in these areas. But asserting knowledge without evidence or experience is foolhardy. Christians speak of "faith," which is their "proof" of things unknowable. @Mel Hopkins, actually I do believe in other dimensions, a spiritual realm, higher vibratory level, or whatever it is called. I'm actually excited when I hear these stories of personal experiences from people I know. I might have faith in you, and believe your story, but knowing it to be true will take a lot more for me.
  14. OK @Pioneer1, you wrote a lot of things but avoided answering a direct and simple question. Even though you conceded that I did not bring up ethnicity, that did not stop you run rambling on and arguing points I never made. Unless you are willing to acknowledge that there is one one race there is nothing I can say that will make sense to you.
  15. I hear you Cynique. But don't you think asking the public to smarten up and not be so easily duped is a bit like blaming the victim, or asking someone to pull themselves up by their bootstraps? Do you know why I really bailed on social media? Sure I part of it had to do with how they killed organic reach, but the final straw was how social media was used, in part to influence the outcome of the election. I'm not sure if you read any of the articles Mel shared, on the issue, but I immediately stopped using social media after reading one of the articles. One company working for the Trump not only used data from social media to influence who people voted for, but they also used the data to prevent people from voting! With laser-like precision, they targeted the right people in the right districts and won the election with 3 million fewer votes. I already shared on these forums, a couple of years ago how Facebook was busted manipulated people moods. Obviously, companies have not stopped there. To me this level sophisticated psychometric manipulation is unacceptable and should be illegal. The idea that we know this is being done to us and we let it go boggles my mind. But we let tobacco companies sell cigarettes... So no, I can't blame the people--they don't even know they are being manipulated. Even if they knew their Facebook activity was being used to manipulate them in ways they can not fathom; they still would not quit--because they are hooked! Like a cigarette smoker. I don't blame the smoker I blame the tabacco companies. Big data companies have taken subliminal suggestion to the next level. Why isn't mainstream media reporting on this? Instead, we are treated to stories about Kellyann putting her feet on the sofa!?
  16. Cynique speaking for myself I do not feel, in the least bit, that Pioneer has slurred me in any way close to the way you and Sara did each other. I definitely would not put anything Pioneer or I wrote in the same category. I'm very surprised you have drawn that conclusion. Share with me something specific that I have written about Pioneer that has insulted him that way you and Sara dissed each other. Or find something pioneer has written against me that you feel rises to the level of your exchanges with Sara. Maybe I missed something. As far as Del and Pioneer, speaking with my moderator hat on. As Del just wrote the S/N ratio on the spirituality thread is higher than I would like too, because there are some potentially good things that could come out if it. For example, I'm going to try to astral project again (no, I never wrote that I did this myself previously). It has renewed my interest in the subject. Back to Del and Pioneer. I do think Del has gone in on Pioneer a bit hard, harder than he normally does to others. But this is not Del's normal pattern and as he said it is not a pattern he wants to maintain. He does not do this in every exchange with everyone, the way Sara did. Pioneer really has not changed his pattern, but again he has apparently irked Del on the spirituality thread. So if Del asked me I would suggest that rather than reply in the sarcastic or condescending manner he has, he should just ignore Pioneer for now. I know you did not want me to ban* Sara, but she was getting progressively more vulgar. Kola got my the last discussion banned by Google, and immediately stopped posting after she shit all over the place. I'm not keen on having this happen again. Besides when she called you a "nig-er bi-ch." she crossed a line. As liberal as I try to be I have to draw a line somewhere. *BTW Sara (and Kola for that matter) are technically not banned they can post here anytime. They just can't get a buck wild.
  17. @Mel Hopkins, you know what would convince me if you told me something that only someone back from the dead could know... but I don't even know what that could be. Obviously, it is nothing personal (am I'm glad you haven't taken it that way), but I'm a natural skeptic, so it takes a lot to convince me something is true... just as it take a lot to convince me something is impossible. Does that make sense? I friend of mine studied Reki. I spend the night at her house once and she and her boyfriend told me they both saw a UFO (alien spacecraft) while they were driving down the New Jersey turnpike. Needless to say they were amazed and pulled their car over to watch it more carefully. They also told me other cars were pulled over watching it too! Now this is a smart sister and she is educated, but I found her story hard to believe. One would think something like that would at least make the news... Now I don't think she was lying to me or yanking my chain, but I have no way to disprove her story and while find it hard to believe I have not ruled it our of the realm of possibility. I'm an open minded skeptic. Of course, if she took a photo that would have helped. If I saw it myself, that would help even more. But even if I saw it with my own eyes, I probably would not believe it right away. I would consider very strongly more likely causes than a visit from extraterrestrials.
  18. If anyone is in the area, this weekend (Saturday, March 11th) I plan to attend the Punta Gorda Book Festival. The following weekend I plan to attend the South West Florida Reading Festival Saturday, (March 18th) in Fort Myers, Florida.
  19. I don't think you did Maya then. You must have done it via email. I can query the archives, when I get a chance, to see if I can nail down a time frame. Did you do it around the same time you did others on the website?
  20. A name is different than a definition. If we can't agree on what the word "race" means; debating the subject is certainly a waste of time. Lets see how Pioneer responds to my question Sure people can find any reason to oppress someone else. White people have oppressed each other throughout recorded history. Yeah it might be idealistic to believe that humanity will ever behave as if we were one big happy family, but if we insist in asserting racial differences puts us classes and caliber of humans we will never be one be a happy family. I wonder if racism persists in the astral realm?
  21. No, quite the contrary, I wish the media was stronger and not the punks they are now. I'm not arguing that Trump's tweets are not newsworthy. What I'm arguing is how the media are handling them. Rather, than saying these tweets are the raving of a lunatic and help the public understand why. The media, for ratings, they just parrot what he says while challenging very little of it. This allows some to view Trumps lies as plausible; lending credibility to his statements. Sort of the way the media give wing-nut climate change deniers equal coverage as 99.9% of the scientists who study the subject. This sets up a false equivalency and confuses people, which leads to bad decisions. Covering innate tweets also takes resources away from the more serious things we chose be covering in greater depth. Like why my damn taxes went up dramatically this year. It is pathetic that comedians (John Oliver, Bill Maher, etc) are the only ones challenging Trump in no uncertain terms. But as comedians, we can just laugh and not take them very seriously. When will journalists state that our emperor is nuts. I'm also not arguing how this plays out is not historically significant, most tragedies are, and the collapse of a civilization always is.
  22. I just noticed Mahogany Books is also using the events calendar. They get it. I'm also modifying my website's code such that if they offer any deals, the buy links on my website for that book will only go to Mahogany Books. Generally, when they offer a deal the book is priced less that Amazon and often signed. Now I know people may still choose to leave the site and buy from Amazon, but they will have discovered MahiganyBooks. Who knows maybe somewhere down the road, that reader may ultimately choose to support and Black indie bookseller over Amazon.
  23. As far as I know @Del and @Delano are the same person. The differences in writing styles I assumed were due to the platform being used. The bad writing I assumed made have been on a cell phone or similar device where typing and correcting errors is harder. Del speaking of readings last night I was talking to Maya about this conversation and the first thing Maya said was, "When is Del doing my reading." I was actually surprised cause I know you did it, but I thought I gave it to her. Apparently, I did not. Do you happen to have a copy? I'm sure I have a hard copy, but all my Astrology material must be in FL.
  24. @Pioneer1 Do you understand that there is only one Race? Can you answer that very simple question yes or no? Of course people look different, but saying those differences are based upon race is scientifically unfounded for the reasons stated a bazillion times. Of course our physical differences are genetically determined, but this is not based upon differences in race--because there is not difference for Christ's sake The so-called racial categories you like to use are arbitrary and there is no genetic test check for these Pioneer I did not mention the word ethnicity once. Ethnicity has nothing to do with genetics, why you introduced this part of my argument is unknown to me. It reflects you state of mind not mine. If you chose to group people based upon their phenotypes, fine. Just don't; attribute those differences to race. Further, when a blond haired, blued eyed, light skinned person says they are Black, your racial categorization of people based upon what they look like becomes meaningless. Doesn't it?
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