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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Sure I remember Mel and we are still talking. As much as I love Mel, I'm not convinced that she went to the other side; at least not yet. Indeed I don't even know what that means, really. Did she go to where all the people who die go, or some other realm? Obviously, she experienced something very profound that I can't explain or fully understand yet. So tell me @Pioneer1 , was Mel's statement the thing that convinced you that people can die, transition to the afterlife, and come back to tell the tale, or did you previously believe this? If so why?
  2. THE COLOR OF CHILDREN'S LITERATURE CONFERENCE "Join us at the New York Times Conference Center in midtown Manhattan on Saturday, April 8, 2017, 8AM-5PM as we prepare to honor Walter Dean Myer's legacy with a conference that celebrates our voices, our stories, our truth. Kweli's spring conference is an excellent opportunity for writers and illustrators of color to learn, get inspired and network with others in the industry. We have an exciting line up for the day with a keynote address by New York Times bestselling author, CYNTHIA LEITICH SMITH, and panels and workshops with 2017 Caldecott medal winner, JAVAKA STEPTOE , Coretta Scott King award winner PAT CUMMINGS, FRANCISCO X. STORK, winner of the 2010 Schneider Family Book Award for Marcelo in the Real World and TRACEY BAPTISTE, whose latest novel, The Jumbies, was named to Bank Street's Best Books of 2016. Please note that there will be three separate tracks this year: a Publishing Track, a Novel Track and an Illustrated Books & Nonfiction Track. Our panels and workshops will cover topics from the craft of writing to the business of writing. Top editors, agents, and authors will discuss crucial steps to help launch a writer's career and offer carefully considered manuscript critiques. Critiques will run concurrently with panels, and books will be available for sale and signing. More information on all this soon."
  3. @Pioneer1, I'm not aware of anyone who has made it to the "other side" and has come back to tell us anything, at least nothing revelatory. @TSegal, do you mean like extrasensory perception?
  4. I don't like the term "bi-racial" or "mixed" either, all of humanity is mixed; the term is superfluous. In fact I like biracial even less because it implies a mixing of characteristics that are arbitrary and randomly inherited. This is why one sibling can come out looking 100% Black (using your terminology), and another can come out looking 100% white--but they are both bi-racial?! The people I was thinking about who are very dark but have straight hair live in southern India, as well as other parts of the world. I assume you would put this young lady in the "Black" category, since she has naturally straight hair. I would then have to presume kinky hair is not a requirement for being Black. Of course, I could provide additional examples of humans without broad noses, thick lips, and or even dark skin, that you would probably call Black, or not, depending on your arbitrary definition. But I doubt any of this will have any impact on your belief in race, you as well as most people since to want to rigidly adhere to the belief in race. @Cynique, has anyone ever asked you "What are you?" As in what is your race. The question may sound pretty innocuous, but what they are really trying to determine is what "race" you are, so that they can associate all of the characteristics of that race too you. It is a lot easier than actually getting to know you. Over time I hope humanity will come to embrace reality, and dispense with archaic racial categories, and the resulting prejudice and bigotry that accompanies it. Perhaps without racism as a distraction, we can deal with our real enemy.
  5. Well the media broadcast every inane thing Trump says without ever challenging him. I wish some journalist would simply say you are lying and here is the truth. There are now people who believe Obama tapped Trump because the media have given legitimacy to the statement by repeating it.
  6. Well yeah if you put it that way the Brother does sound wacky. I do remember the statement about Obamacare being the worst thing since slavery. Even if he wanted to stress how bad he thought The American Health Care Act was that is a terrible analogy because it is so hyperbolic it is ridiculous. I can't really think of a way anyone can justify that one. So Ben said the enslaved Africans were in search of a better life?! That makes no sense... so little sense it is hard to imagine that is what he meant. I would need to hear the whole statement in context to judge it. But I probably won't because I don't go out of my way to hear anything Carson or anyone in the Trump administration has to say. But based on how you have related Ben's statement it too is ridiculous. Cynique you (as well as Harry and QueenX) are probably right about Ben, as you've paid more attention to him. At this point, I'm tired of the media covering their silly statements as if their stupid statements is the news. Meanwhile, the planet is heating up because of our activity and most people don't even believe this is a problem... Corporate run media have failed the American people.
  7. If Trump says Caron is mentally unstable, that means nothing to me because Trump appears mentally unstable himself and has demonstrated a willingness to lie about anything. It is not clear from Harry's post exactly what Ben Carson said and in what context. Nor was it clear what point he was making since technically speaking kidnapped slaves were immigrants, albeit forced. It would be hard for me to make an assessment of Ben Carson . On one hand, you have the accomplished surgeon who has been the subject of books and a movie. Were it not for his run for president I'm sure he would still be revered by all in the same way the Hidden Figures mathematicians are. However, he ran for president as a republican, instantly making him persona non-grata to many Black people--but not all. Carson is both a Christan and conservative so he did have an appeal to a significant number of Black people who found his candidacy appealing. So if you watch liberal news and SNL Carson is a clown. If you listen to right-wing news Carson is a much more respectable figure, a worthy man to be president. I don't know what to think about the man. I've be given such a distorted view of him, from both sides, it is impossible for me to confidently assess him. As result @Cynique I would not feel so confident to say that Ben Carson has "no common sense." I don't see how one gets through medical school and become an accomplished neurosurgeon without at least some common sense. Why don't you see that as a sign of a little common sense?
  8. Cynique I had my DNA checked because I was interested in tracing my family tree. I'm discovering family members, close relations, all the time. In fact, you don't have to go back very many generations to find a common ancestor for all 7 billion people alive today. Genetics is a fascinating subject. Humans are influenced by what they feel than even what they see. When presented with facts versus emotions, emotions wins every time. I will always tell people when asked that there is only one race and while many older white people will go to their graves believing they are genetically superior because they have white skin, it will be more difficult for their children to internalize these beliefs. Continuing to use the terms is what helps propagate the lie of racial differences in humans. I don't what you mean by "exact science." If you say that biology is not an exact science, how can you say that DNA can be extracted from bones to make a factual determination about the so-called "stock" using an inexact science? Besides, I never read anywhere about a test that can check for one's race, as you've indicated. In fact, everything I've read on the subjects suggests that there are so many genes involved in one complexion we don't even know all of the genes required to determine one complexion. If you have information to counter this please share the reference. Cynique you know there are people with much darker skin than you or I have, but who also have very straight hair. Are they "Negro?" Given your complexion are you Negroid? If not, what are you? If so why do you consider yourself negroid? Do you see where I'm going with this? You can't simply can't reliably group people into a handful of buckets based upon a few superficial physical characteristics. If we did that we could start saying that women with large breasts belong to a different race than flat chested women, Short people belong to a difference race than tall people. Then you are presented with issues like where do you draw the line with cup size or height. The same way we have problems with drawing the line with skin color. Do you see why this is no different that saying someone with kinky hair and thick lips belongs to a difference race? Even ignoring the science surely you can see how flawed the logic is. Again, I know the reality and how the word is used today. I know Black people are dumber, more violent and sexually promiscuous than members f the white race. Indeed Barack Obama is only as smart as he is because of his white mother right? All I'm saying is that the concept of race it is factually inaccurate, scientifically flawed reasoning, that has caused Black folks nothing but misery in the last few centuries
  9. I knew it They used to say, a little knowledge... well they don't say it anymore 'cause that is all we've been conditioned to consume, just a little. Like quantum physics, race, and other issues like climate change caused not by our mere presence but by our activity, I rely on people who study this for my information. So the information on that site I linked to had no impact on your ideas on race @Pioneer1? There is an interestI g documentary that goes with the site. It changed view on the entire subject. Creating a great deal more interest in genetics on my part.
  10. Harry why do you listen to anything Trumps says or does? How can you reasonably be surprised when he is caught in a lie? This is what he does. People were manipulated into either voting for him, or not voting at all. We are paying the consequences of this. The last straw with me and social media was the realization that the platforms are used to collect data to manipulate us. When I see people all around me mindlessly scrolling through screens on a handheld device I get scared for humanity. We are liable to be manipulated into doing anything.
  11. Wow confusion abounds Working backwards The racial classifications everyone is throwing around have nothing to do with science. Racially classifications are a purely social construct. Science tells us there is only one race; the human race-dammit! Cynique when you say "pure African," genetically speaking that means nothing. The people who live in Africa are the most genetically diverse people on Earth. It is more accurate to say that all Humans are "pure African." Sickle cell has nothing to do with "race." Greek people carry the trait, so do Jewish people. Carrying the sickle cell trait makes you less likely to get malaria it is about geography, not skin color. Of course there was confusion on the plantation sometimes the child of a raped slave came out looking "white." if they were lucky they got to pass, or at least work in the big house. Sure Cynique if you want to put people into buckets based upon skin color and pioneer if you want to attribute behavioral characteristics to people in these buckets go ahead, but don't make that bad practice worse by defining it as race. Why is it so hard to accept that all of us make up one race. We are FAR more alike than different. Do y'all deny the impact of man on climate change?
  12. Yes using each other's sites they way we try to use social media, as long as both sites link to each other it is all good. If someone discovers say, your review of VL Towler's novel on AALBC.com they can discover your site (and so can the search engines).
  13. @Cynique, sure I understand if you, like @Pioneer1, are not convinced about race being an artificial construct. This fiction has been pounded into our heads since it was invented. Sure people can look at people like ay Barrack Obama see that he has some color and put him the in the Black category, based strictly on a 19th-century Americanized evaluation on the way he looks. This of course completely ignores his so-called "white" genetics, but this is not about science. And that is the problem. While we are all indoctrinated about "race" we are woefully ill-informed in science. Look, the typically African American is a pretty genetically diverse lot. So much so, that a Black person can have more in common genetically with a white person that another Black person (but I'm repeating myself). They way we look is a complex combination of ancestry, genetic makeup, gene expression, and environment. Racial classification is purely subjective--because there is no gene for Blackness, or whiteness, or any so-called race. In fact, as I demonstrated with the photo I showed many people defy racial classification. If one's race could be scientifically determined it would be possible to put everyone into a racial category. Race, however, is a necessary tool of the racist to justify explaining why people with more melanin are inferior to people with less melanin. I understand why the racist tries to perpetuate the lie of race, but it is less clear why the victims of racism choose to hold onto this fiction even after it has been scientifically debunked. Pioneer, I'd encourage you or anyone else confused or interested in understanding more about the illusion of race to visit this website . It can explain these scientific concepts better than I. What you choose to believe after that, is up to you.
  14. Well, Del I hope we "agree" on the fact that there is no genetic basis for race. The other stuff like my feelings about Rachel are purely subjective. Though I have to believe you are not in favor of using racial stereotypes.
  15. If every author used the events widget, the authors would benefit, the events would benefit and readers would benefit. I'm not aware of any resource that provides this information so freely. Mel I have almost 3,000 authors on this website. I know I link to at least 1,000 author websites (benefiting their sites more than mine as I have more traffic than 99.9% of them). Now if they all linked back to AALBC.com and generated just 2 visitors to the website a day that would be about 3/4 of a million visitors a year--an extra to this site! That would allow me to finance more and better content and less dependency on the large corporate sites. I'd be able to reach more readers and help them buy the books they will enjoy--everybody wins. It really is just that simple. Jamacia... oh my! @Mel Hopkins, I failed to update the query on the widget I just updated it. Please refresh the page, it is fine now. The Jamaican Festivals (Kingston and Calabash) are not until 2018. But you are correct the widget is a really cool thing. I'll remind people that it is available. By the way, I started adding an icon to the sites most popular pages to make it easier for visitors to share out content via email.
  16. The neighborhood analogy works for me. I may actually use it. So many Black websites have disappeared it is not funny. As I've migrated old pages to the new format, Virtually all of the links I had to other sites were broken and in most cases the domains were no longer active. It is astonishing how much Black content has disappeared from the net. Again, I think indie website are the way to go. The list below is traffic from other websites (excluding all search engines) The counts are from my first full day of not posting anything on facebook (March 2 to March 5th. For perspective: More people visited my website from the newsletter I sent this week.than ALL of the sources below combined including Facebook The traffic below is a tiny fraction of the traffic I get from organic search This is also an environment where webmaster simply do not link to other websites. Most of this traffic, like the 27 visitors from Wikipedia are there because I have added content on Wikipedia that links back to AALBC.com. I have not added anything to Wikipedia in over two years but Wikipedia consistently generated more traffic to my site than Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ combined--and I have posted on these sites, daily, for years You see I get more traffic from other sites organically than I get from Facebook. Again I was posting on Facebook daily for years, which doing very little to generate the traffic I got from the other sites. Now imagine a world in which sites like Ebony, Black Enterprise, The Griot actually reciprocated and linked to AALBC.com. Image if every author, publisher, or writer I linked to linked back to at least their page on AALBC.com. The number below would look very different. Today all the links provide and promote, as indie Black sites all goes to social media, but not to ourselves. So my strategy will be to work other websites, the way I did social media. Again if I get more traffic from these sites doing almost nothing than I do from Facebook posting everyday. I should get a better return for my time. Right now spending zero time on social media is a get benefit in and of itself ;-) Count Site 133 facebook 28 l facebook 22 mobile facbook 3 lm facebook 186 Visitors from Facebook 283 Visitors from other sites 27 blog / (not set) 27 wikipedia 20 disq 19 kennesaw 13 twitter 13 madmimi 12 secure-nym 10 pinterest 9 en 9 blavity 7 googleplus 7 aol / organic 6 outlook 5 feedburner / feed 4 theleadstory 4 email12 4 kidrex 4 plus 3 twitter 3 blackboard 2 blakink21 2 aalbc / banner 2 ahrefs 2 blacknews 2 culturalpolitics 2 ecosia 2 email02 2 fortworthtexas 2 iprism / referral 2 jimisound 2 publishersweekly 2 tvtropes 2 welcomewhitefolks 1 wm 1 absolutewrite 1 advertserve 1 api 1 aplanguagemrphillips 1 app2 1 atlantablackstar 1 avg / organic 1 biography 1 blackrefer 1 cafepress 1 chrisdburns 1 cn 1 cuyahoga 1 dailykos 1 de 1 delta-search 1 earl-brooks 1 getpocket 1 goodreads 1 guides 1 harlembookfair 1 hunter 1 images 1 informationvine 1 it 1 izito 1 libguides 1 linkedin 1 lipstickalley 1 mail-attachment 1 mail 1 mail 1 messenger 1 mg 1 mswritersandmusicians 1 olatodera 1 redfordlibrary 1 reference 1 research 1 s1 1 school 1 scs 1 shirleyshowalter 1 theblack-board 1 theblacklist 1 therealmerkabah 1 thereviewreview 1 thumperscorner 1 web03ds 1 wunderlist
  17. Simply follow the link posted in the original message above and follow the instructions on the Book It website.
  18. This event has been updated in our database of events.
  19. The address is shown here, under the commissioned book review section.
  20. @Cynique, @Pioneer1 ignored Britanny's post because there was really nothing he could say to reasonably refute what she wrote. What I don't understand about Pioneer's position is that he is consistently arguing against facts. Pioneer, you seem completely unwilling to accept the fact that race is an artificial construct. Look, you can find many instances of me using the word "trace" but that does not prove that race is a genetically meaningful term, it is a social construct and I use it becaus, unfortunately, it is how people view the world. No, I was not "offended" by Rachel Dolenzal's claim of being Black. I couldn't care less.. Apparently, the people who selected her to run their NAACP chapter did not care either, until it became a farce in the media. Two, I have no way of proving her claim one way or the other. Again, I thought we'd already ascertained that you can't look at someone and determine their race. Surely you are aware of the practice of "passing" in this country, right? I'm not sure why you want to deny the science in this regard Pioneer, why are so fixated on using race? I won't even get in the racial stereotypes you keep advancing, for they are beyond silly.
  21. Yeah, I heard about that text too Cynique. I also understand doctors and induce the experiences people commonly claim they have went going to the other side, the white light, feeling of calm, etc. Del if the person swore me to secrecy I would not have shared anything. They just did not want to relate the story here and I chose to make them anonymous.
  22. When it happened to me I was just startled, but not hurt, perhaps I experienced something else..
  23. I assume once my body was shed and I enter the spiritual realm, I would just know all of that stuff @Pioneer1 Plus I would assume all the mundane behaviors humans would be as interesting to me as the behavior of an ameba
  24. The Jewish cemetery in NY was a victim of poor maintenance, not desecration. #bewareoffakenews
  25. @Delano , some one I know really well and person you have met, reminded me about their astral projection. They were hovering over their body and actually observed some one else in the apartment. They noticed each other but did not communicate. The person said the observed what appears to be a cord connecting them to their body. I read about that cord and hear if it breaks you will not find your way back to your body and you will die. Sometimes when people are discovered dead for no known reason this could be the cause. Still it could be a mind trick... They say if you ever feel like you've been dropped into your bed. That was you returning to your body.
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