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Posts posted by zaji

  1. 1 hour ago, Mel Hopkins said:


    ...you know I was all over that website  this morning LOL!


    You probably won't believe I but I wrote about this before ever hearing about Sheldrake... my 3000 + word essay is called "God left the box, last night" and it talks about how science and religion attempt to have us believe in an unchanging god - so that we can forget our own true nature... I wrote and wrote but didn't finish it because I scared myself.   I couldn;t figure out how I knew what I did without ever learning it... now I understand how I can know it.  If one of us knows it we all know it. 


    My experiences all day, everyday. No clue how I know some things. I will say or write something that I've never read anywhere, then go look it up to see if anyone has thought about it. I will sometimes find conversations on the topic (very few), but I've reached a point where many things that are coming to me, no one is discussing. When I put the question or idea to others who have never heard it before, they look at me like dear in headlights. Then the "WOOOOW, I never thought of that. That's deep!" invariably comes. LOL. Next, comes the idea beginning to surface. It's all very interesting. 


    When my sister died, I cut myself off from it all because I didn't want to know anything anymore. Many things stopped coming, not all. It is only recently since I've been opening up again that things are beginning to flood in. Strange yet familiar feeling.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Troy said:

    Racism is real.  The claims being made by so called Black people are perfectly valid.  However, the foundation for the claims made by racist, like white superiority, are baseless. 



    Yes. I agree. It is irrelevant whether race is real or not real in this context. Racism is real because it is a behavior based on a belief. If a psycho BELIEVES that I am a demon and that all demons sent by Satan should be killed, he/she will ACT based on this erroneous belief.  Am I a demon? Maybe. Maybe not. But it won't matter to the psycho who has power over me and thinks I'm a demon, and, who might even be hallucinating and physically seeing me as a demon. He will try to kill me based on what HE sees, NOT what I see and believe I know to be true about myself.  


    To me, the truth matters, but it doesn't matter to me when it comes to someone harming me. Don't touch me...I don't care if something is true or false. Believe whatever you want, just leave me alone and don't oppress me because of your belief if I'm not bothering you physically. I don't have the energy for people's psychosis. That's my thing.





  3. 9 hours ago, Mel Hopkins said:


    this is what I experienced when my body died briefly.  I mentioned here before that I returned to THE ONE MIND where we all shared one thought (or the same thoughts ) It was only when I individuated and separated with thought of needing to return to this dimension that I was jettisoned  back with the speed of light.   I believe when we individuate with our thoughts and mind  that is how THE ONE MIND expands - and when we seek peace - we return to THE ONE newly expanded MIND.  

    By the way, I believe we do read each other's mind.  When we shut down the "I"  we can hear each other clearly. 


    @Mel Hopkins  Yes!!!


    I have had far too many "coincidences" for it to be only a coincidence when I tap into folks. 


    I dreamed a rather frightening dream 12 years ago. I have found that I tap into numerous aspects of my abilities, in dreams, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, etc. In the dream, I was losing my teeth. I learned from my grandmother about what this dream means, but never took much stock in it. I figured it was foolishness, old wives' tales, whatever. So I went about my life not thinking about such nonsense. Typically in the dream, one tooth falls out. In my dream, all my teeth were coming out. This was strange to me given that at 50 years old, I've never had a cavity. Ever. I was terrified and woke in a frenzy. Given that I've had other strange occurrences, some dream related some not, which i always shared after an incident happened, I decided this time I would tell someone about it in advance. I called up a friend and told him about the dream. I then sent myself an email, typing out the entire dream. Although I wasn't fully on board, it was unnerving this time around because it was the third time I dreamed of teeth coming out and someone died shortly after. So by this third dream, I was virtually converted. The first two dreams, only a single tooth came out. This was on a Sunday. My father called me on Wednesday to tell me that my 16 year old sister, with no illness, no previous medical conditions, collapsed during outdoor gym and died on the spot. 


    Throughout my life, I've had numerous things like that happen. I would say something to someone and they would tell me they were just thinking that. Knowing who was calling when my phone rang...before caller ID. Now, with caller ID, sometimes knowing who I will soon get a call from. Thinking about someone heavily for a day or two, someone whom I hadn't spoken to in over a year, then they call me. My lover saying something that I was thinking, but we'd never discussed. So many stories. Too many. 


    I agree on how THE ONE MIND expands and how we seek peace. THAT is the crux of how I see it, at the end of it all. When we return to one mind, seeing each other's thoughts, we return to peace. Nothing in me panics when I imagine sharing one thought with numerous people, or not so much a single thought, but a connection to all thoughts. In Deep Space Nine, there is a being called a Changeling. This Changeling comes from what could be called a sea, or ocean. The ocean is all the Changelings together in their original form, knowing every thought and experience of every Changeling that has gone into the world to form as a "solid" to experience what it is like to be a bird, or human, or object.


    That is how I view The ONE. The Changelings individuate to learn, then come together to share and be at peace.

    3 hours ago, Troy said:

    ... I missed replying to the wine invitation :) You know I'm there, You still live in the country?  Still hosting those gatherings?



    My 2 years in Germany was 27 years ago. LOL. Jamaica trip was 2 years ago. I am still here in America.

    I haven't hosted a conscious gathering in a while given that I had moved to Florida. I would host them yearly. I might do one this year before I head back to Florida. We'll see how that goes. The last one I did, 30 people attended and spent the weekend at the house. It was amazing. We had a group of drummers who drummed up the ancestors. We performed a rite of passage ritual for a young man. Our strawberry picking excursion as a group was all smiles; it was a new experience for many. So many great conversations and revelations. We all went away transformed. 



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  4. Yes @Delano and @Mel Hopkins. Anytime you are not allowed to make a scientific inquiry about a conclusion (basically ask questions about why a thing has seemingly changed), it is censorship. If I, a lay person, is not allowed to ask a scientist about their conclusions on what they've observed, that is censorship. All science should be transparent so that any human on Earth, if they decided to, could conduct the experiment and reach the same outcomes...then, be allowed to come to their own conclusions about the outcome.

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  5. 59 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Without some sort of currency or monetary system, what incentive would there be for MOST people to work or atleast do enough to keep the society functioning?

    I say "most" because ofcourse you have some people who would do things for free for the good of the community, but I don't think most people would.


    It's a strange question for me given the way I think and imagine the society can be restructured. Remember, I believe anything is possible. LOL. Edward Bellamy created the culture I've imagined in his fiction novel, Looking Backward. I really enjoyed the work because I see the way that writer sees. Others may not see his work as valuable or possible, but I see the culture working well the way he created it. Grab a copy if there is any interest.


    LOL @ "Trump is putting an end to that. Indeed he is trying his best. 


    I don't know, but from what I see, this culture's egregore is nuts. Plain unstable. It's all madness to me. But, so it goes. I do what I do and hope something will be undone.


  6. 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    ....but whatever European language was imposed upon them wasn't sophisticated enough to capture the intent, style, swag, and depth of most African minds.


    This language can never fully capture our minds. We think in far more dimensions than this language can even begin to communicate. 

  7. @Troy Yes indeed reference television, et al. I believe social media, television, etc., are all wonderful, in the right hands. But because of what I've seen, I don't believe they are in the right hands, so I leave them alone. Because I believe they are more toxic than helpful, I don't bother. But I can only speak to what has changed for me since discarding the television. I've become a far better person in every area of my life, especially intellectually. 


    I'll keep a bottle of wine chilled for you if you ever visit.  :D


    Because of the way in which I envision telepathy, I believe it would far better. I see it a certain way and have dissected how I think it unfolds. No way for me to explain it here (requires a round table discussion), but I've seen writers dissect telepathy in a way that makes it clear to me that it would clear up a lot of problems we have today. But again, that is just my opinion.


  8. 7 hours ago, Cynique said:

    Words can get in the way. Thoughts can be things, and maybe at some day in the distant future, we will have evolved to the point where we be able to reach other's minds and not have to verbally communicate.  



     @zaji i would be interested to hear if you deliberately used the noun "effect" as  a  instead of  "affect" which is a verb?  


    I love Octavia Butler's Mind of My Mind because her characters use telepathy in an interesting way. I have believed for some time that it was possible we once only used telepathy, and verbal language has been a degeneration away from our purer state of communicating. Basically, something ruined us. Maybe processed food, bad air, bad water, or a disaster on Earth, dunno. Just some thoughts/ideas I play with.


    @Cynique I learned not too long ago that effect is the proper word when writing effect change. I went through several grammar websites. Effect change means to "bring about" change. Specifically, bring about a different state of affairs. So yes, it was deliberate. I want to bring about change....change the state of affairs in this world.

    11 hours ago, Delano said:

    It is not odd to me. I got into the occult because I was looking for some keys. After a while I realised that was pointless. Or wasn't the purpose of the occult for me.  Which radically changed me and my relationship with the occult. 




    I'm glad it's not odd to you! I have had a couple writer friends tell me it is strange since I love to write! LOL. But that is the nature of communication. There are some things one cannot get folks to understand. No amount of words anyone told me over the course of my life could get me to TRULY understand the pain that is child birth. I was told it is horrible, it hurts like hell, it's the worst pain ever. But hearing all of that STILL didn't instill in me an understanding. It would have required telepathy for me to understand them prior to having my own child. When I had my own children, THEN I understood. LOL. So it is with many things I want to get folks to understand. I am fully aware that they won't, because they do not understand the way I think. I believe I think in 7 dimensions. LOL. How do I explain some of the off the beaten path ideas I have to people who have the ability to think in 7 dimensions, but have been trained by this world (all of us were) to think in only 2 or 3 dimensions. I believe we ALL have the ability, but so many are stuck on following the status quo and repeating what talking heads say, and the news says, that they can never escape the trap of their dimension. 


    This is why i tossed my television in the trash over 10 years ago. I saw what it was doing to me...keeping me stuck in a single dimension. When I got rid of it, my learning increased 1,000 fold. I began to see things differently, I dreamed differently, colors looked different. Everything changed for me by the single act of not letting something else think for me, speak for me and provide me with images of the world. Images that always remain the same across all news sources. New questions were never asked. I began to know more about the world than those who watched television. LOL. I also began to realize what I needed to know, what was important, rather than what the television told me was important, and I needed to know about the world by its reports.


    Anyhoo, I ramble again. But yeah, again, glad you don't think it's odd.



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  9. 2 hours ago, Delano said:

    There are differnt types of magicians. Some use words to effect changes: writers. Some use plants: pharmacist. Some use feelings: musicians.


    As I writer, I use words to effect change. Yes. Interestingly, it has been this writing life that has led me to see words as a hinderance. Odd, I know. But it is what it is. From what I have observed, the more words we create, it seems there are more problems in the world. The dictionary got bigger and wars increased. But, that's just how I see it. Others may see something else.

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  10. 4 hours ago, Cynique said:

    No harm in re-thinking things. A flexible mind stretches the intellect. i went back and made minor revisions on what i first wrote. And i now have second thoughts about calling language a "prison".  Life as captured by language, and communication through words are what make us uniquely human.


    My posts are usually drafts that need to be revised and edited because typing them is a mystical spontaneous exercise.  i place my hands on the keyword and my fingers connect with my brain and away i go, just putting  my thoughts down, and some of the things that pop into my head don't always make sense.  i usually have to re-arrange random paragraphs and put them in sequence. 


    "Magus", huh?  i don't know what i am, except crazy.  I will admit that Pioneer was probably right in saying that he energizes me.  But so do all of you; only in a positive way.  i feed off what you say. You stimulate my mind.  :o 



  11. 10 hours ago, Delano said:

    So after writing this i agree with your statement... sometimes. 


    Trust, even I agree with my own statements only sometimes. There are always nuances and factors that can cause me to adjust slightly any idea.  I allow myself to always ask, "what if?" What if I could be wrong? What if there is something I don't know? Something I am missing. Simply, what if...?

  12. 39 minutes ago, Delano said:

    Although I don't know about whether we should or should not get hung up on words. If my goal is straight forward communication then I would agree. So after writing this i agree with your statement... sometimes. 


    I appreicate your thoughts overall.



    15 minutes ago, Cynique said:

    i certainly can identify with all of this.  I love language, but it is, indeed, a prison. Even so, words can be weapons.  The world exists outside the constraints of symbols and syllables. Sights and sounds are subjective experiences.   i especially appreciate conciseness and how brevity is the soul of wit.    


    As i mentioned before,  Zen encompasses this esoteric realm.  The impact of spaces and pauses, the power of what is not said, the reading between the lines, the awe of silence. There's so much to life that is not spoken. Emotions are a wordless language.


    My daily ritual includes working a patternless crossword puzzle that runs in my daily newspaper.  It's me against a totally blank grid.  No black squares are included. A list of numbered clues are provided under the headings of Across and Down.    One has to fill in the blanks with words that have to be separated from each other by blackening the square/squares between them.  In the course of doing this, instead of the grid being my challenger, it gradually become my enabler.  i read the clue and stare at the space provided for the answer.  Sometimes the clues are easy but the hard ones require that i wrack my brain for an answer. Without fail when the answer is not forthcoming, after staring at length at the blank, the word comes to me, as if it was there all along and i just needed to bring it in focus.  And as the completion of the puzzle finally begins to take place, it's like the grid has become my alter ego and together we have brought  blank spaces into a completed pattern.  it's a very intriguing exercise, one that provides a lot of fufillment because i am always successful in finishing the puzzle   Whatever.  My take away is that  everything we need to know is right before our eyes just awaiting concentration and fruition. 





    10 minutes ago, Delano said:

    Cynique I think i am having an eargasm.



  13. 29 minutes ago, Mel Hopkins said:

    Your sentiment is beautiful, Zaji.   Goddess level.  


    @Mel Hopkins


    Yeesss!! I SOOO think in images!!!


    I know when to be silent. When I see people are shackled to words, I drop the conversation, because I know they cannot understand the images I see and the meaning I've derived or created from those images. 


    The cartoon you posted is so on point. LOL. 

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  14. @Troy 


    As you might remember, I worked with the founder on the Harlem Book Fair over 10 years ago for one year, then more recently for a single year. I worked in-house with him that decade ago. I am painfully aware of a list of reasons why the event has declined. 




    Just read your comment on that site. I agree 100%. It is NOT gentrification at all. And certainly not promotion.  

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  15. @Mel Hopkins


    It is interesting that you posted this. I just responded to something stating that we shouldn't get hung up on the words when it comes to certain things. 


    I have had long discussions with folks on the difference between definition and meaning. This culture is focused on the words in a dictionary and keeping us trapped in that. When in many old world cultures, meaning was what was primary.  I try to think in terms of meaning, rather than merely words. Words sometimes confine us, cage us, and keep us unable to see beyond the word itself. We tend not look within because we don't trust our own thoughts, ideas and meaning. So many need words to ground them in ideas. I don't. 


    Meaning, in my opinion, is a far more enriching way to live and understand each other and the world. It opens us up to myriad thoughts and ideas unconfined by the words we let dominate our thoughts and emotions. 


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  16. 3 hours ago, Troy said:

    how many races do you believe exist and why?




    Let me first set the stage for my answer. I am NOT hung up on words/terms. So the term race means nothing to me in the context of my overall ideas. Race is just a word that a human created to describe something they are observing. The word (race) is a filler for their conclusions around an observation. I am focused on the observations and then, how I interpret what I observe, not how someone else interprets this very real observation of phenotype. So try to not to be attached to the word race too much, even as I use the word to forward the conversation at times. I live in the space of ideas and thoughts where there are no words interfering with my observations. For example, before there was a word for gravity, it existed and people knew it existed. They didn't need a word for it. We don't need a word for it now. We experience and know it is there, doing something for or to us. Having a word does not make a thing real or not real. So race is just a word. The conversation for me is whether or not there is something observable here. And there is. Some have decided to interpret this observation one way (with the word race) and others have decided to interpret it another way (with the word phenotype or ancestry). Again, don't jump on the words and the definitions humans have given to them. Focus ONLY on the observations made visually and biologically, then you will come to your OWN conclusions about what is being observed, rather than the conclusions being handed to you. 


    To your question. I have absolutely no idea how many races exist, if there are even what we call races. Remember what I told you...I believe that "races" is just a cunning term for "phenotype". Essentially, it is a construct. BUT, being a construct does not mean that phenotype, where I think they derived the term/idea race from, doesn't exist. Phenotype is real and observable. I believe it is POSSIBLE, based on observation, that there are differences in our DNA that make us look the ways that we do. Looking at what makes us the same, doesn't mean there is nothing to see that makes us different. Someone with Down Syndrome doesn't cease to be different overall biologically from humans. Their 99% sameness to the human species is irrelevant. The DNA clearly shows an issue that they have pinpointed scientifically that makes someone who has Down Syndrome LOOK the way they look. So the sameness as a species, that can be discerned by DNA, does not negate the fact that there is a difference that can be pinpointed, by DNA, as has been done with Down Syndrome. 


    I also try to remember that the inability to prove something ALSO does NOT make it untrue. Air existed before we could prove it. It wasn't until we created instruments and scientific methods that allowed us to understand air. The atom did not cease to exist simply because we didn't believe or know it exists. We merely didn't have the ability to observe it. Is it at all possible, in anyone's estimation, that we simply do not yet have the scientific ability to see/know/understand that there COULD be a gene(s) for phenotype(s)?? Isn't this possible? History shows this to be a fact, that there can be a thing we theorize that exists, even though we can't yet prove it.


    The Dogon people knew about Sirius B, yet could not prove to the people they spoke to that it was there. How did the Dogon know, without proof to present to the world? We may never know.  


    Again, I don't know anything for sure and like some, won't pretend to. I learn and reconsider my ideas daily. I block NOTHING just because it makes me uncomfortable. I do NOT 100% reject the notion that race doesn't exist. But I also do NOT 100% reject the notion that it does. What boggles my mind is that we so easily shift with the tide of science without questioning it as an overall institution. Did you know that the co-founder of the DNA Helix, James D. Watson, made a statement that blacks are less intelligent than whites? LOL. I've been sitting with his statement and what it all means. I'm still dissecting it and letting it unfold into what it implies scientifically. And why he, one of the fathers of Western DNA discovery, would say this.


    I am not an all powerful being and cannot know all. And that goes for every single human being on planet Earth. It is dangerous for us to always fall in line with only how others interpret real scientific observations. We shouldn't dismiss every single thing that comes our way, but we shouldn't be afraid to question it either. That is how we invent, by questioning our observations...by questioning gravity so we can invent the plane. Questioning a thing doesn't mean one believes it doesn't (or does) exist. It simply means they are attempting to see it differently, so they can understand it and create from that new understanding. That is why we are able to fly today. No one denied that gravity exists, they simply did not accept it as the end of the conversation. 


    I do not deny that race is an illusion, I simply do not accept this as the end of the conversation, hence why I entertain the other side. I'm here to invent flight baby!! LOL. 




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  17. 45 minutes ago, Mel Hopkins said:

    Zaji seems to vibrate as a scientist and seems to be fluid.  I do find it interesting that your ideas resonate with her...  I feel there's a connection to you but it's more like a test subject because your words and ideas are familiar to her at another level.  Maybe another dimension or plane?     In fact, I feel like she's studying all of us - I feel that's her nature.  But like I said, these are just feelings. 


    @Mel Hopkins, you nailed it. LOL. I observe you, me, us, human nature and beliefs in general. I watch to see how we dissect our own ideas and how we dissect our observations. I reject no observation made by us humans. What I question only is how we interpret those observations, which can be varied. This is what we as a species can't seem to accept. I experience gravity, another person experiences gravity, but our conclusions can still be different based on how we see the world. One will say it cannot be defied because of the observable fact that they cannot jump off a cliff without damage to the human body or death, and another will say it can be defied and go forth to invent something such as...I don't know...an airplane. LOL. All because they did not fully go along with the observations made by every human on Earth. Observations are not conclusions. Those who never imagined it could be defied, invent/create nothing. Creation happens in a space of fluid being, not accepting or rejecting a thing, so creation and discovery can be possible. Taking a solid stance on any side of a subject blocks creativity, and, to a degree, the ability to be aware of possibilities. I stay fluid.


    So yes, I operate, when I am aware and awake enough to do so, outside of this status quo of thinking and processing information. I try to live in that other dimension/plane. I'm an adventurer. I want to explore ideas without being told that I'm not allowed to do so. Those first people who discovered flight were rejected, laughed at, told they were being ridiculous. That their experiments were dangerous and would lead to nothing because humans cannot fly. Had they fallen in line with conventional "science" we wouldn't have planes today. Frankly, they didn't even need science to tell them anything. Our personal experiences SHOW us that we cannot fly. Yet, someone decided to go against even their own personal observations and create something that defied what they knew to be true. I'm that person inventing the plane in this discussion. LOL.


    And no matter what anyone says, we gonna fly!! Cause I'm looking at ALL sides of the wind and my creation to figure this thing out.


    Thanks for your words Mel! 



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