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Posts posted by Kalexander2

  1. 3 minutes ago, Troy said:

    This is why you can simply consume american propaganda.  We have to read widely and outside out culture.  If one did that they would not need to visit any place to learn this.  It would take less time and be far cheaper.  


    The American propaganda reduced to reading the material, especially college textbooks is yet another reason to visit the source destination for accurate data, brother; trust me, there's material here the U.S. would never allow to be taught, let alone available for public consumption.  How many times have you, yourself acknowledged fallacies in the 'printed' reading material?  More on point than sister @Mel Hopkins example, why travel through outer space when one need only to read make-up of the planets to know where they are and existence of life?  

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Troy said:

    I think we put too much weight our personal experiences in terms of what we believe to be true. We simply can't experience more than we can read in a book.  


    Indeed our collective hubris believing that we can is responsible for repeating historical errors and failing to lean from the experiences of others.



    Maybe, but brother, prior to actually visiting her in the Near East I was of the opinion that most, if not all Muslims were terrorists, believed America was a country of devils, and that Christ Jesus as God's son and died on the cross.  Fact is, it was all bullshit.  Not from just interacting with the people, the elderly but by going to the libraries and universities reading about all sides of the story.

    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, Troy said:

    Fuck Zuck!  That scumbag is so greedy he is more concerned about making money than he is about providing a platform for the propagation of fake news and information. For a fee his algorithms make sure the information disseminated by holocaust deniers is pushed into the news feeds of people stupid enough to believe it.


    Hehe! Yeah, brother, you're so right.  He's such a scumbag the damn Jew turns on his own for a miserable profit, which is just another why the protocols are so interesting.  What 'Zuck' is doing is the same as wealthy Jews did during the Holocaust.  I, as one, wonder if he could be part such a nefarious plan as "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion."

  4. Please feel free, brother, but be advised this is one of the most profound controversies of the 20th century, carried on to the 21st century.  It is the subject and bases for Holocaust deniers.  Mark Zuckerberg has, within the last few days brought the Protocols back into focus with his assertion that Holocaust deniers deserve a voice.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-44883743?ocid=global_bbccom_email_19072018_technology.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Troy said:

    "Google House Nigga."


    "Right-on" to the miserable profits of being a bought and sold member of the house, welcome.  But what are your long plan(s) when the 'Massa (master') house burns down?   Think it'll all be worth it?


    16 hours ago, Cynique said:

    Whatever.  The Republican faithful are all weighing in, doing damage control and making up excuses for their fearless leader. United they'll stand because that secures their power base.


    Damn it, again, making us guys look like complete idiots!  Am I the only one listening to you here?  As I previously posted:


    On 7/17/2018 at 1:58 PM, Kalexander2 said:

    Any new rhetoric of impeachment, removal need only a few steps forward to encourage an overconfident congress.


    Impeachment legislation just short of votes to get it passed will be enough to give American’s a good night’s sleep, followed by more rhetoric.  It’s worked for them before, it’ll work again.


    "Damage control" is nothing more than the Republicans version of crowd control, BS to help people get a good night's sleep to only have nightmares all day.  

  6. 5 hours ago, Chevdove said:

    book is suppose to be the work of the Jews, with this modern word 're-definition' of Jews, and that to me is part of the scheme--tying in these modern Jews with the Original Jews


    @Chevdove: Well, here's what we do know:  The ships and captains that transported Blacks from Africa were owned/operated by Jewish corporations; we know it was Jews who kept financial records from the slavery blocks where Blacks were sold.  And according to some controversy commentators, It was Jews who developed - outlined methods that broke the spirits of proud Black men and women by using fear, jealousy, ego, and greed to brain-wash them into a "slavery" state of mind.  Psychological methods used today by the CIA, but for a variety of predictable outcomes.


    We also know that those identified as Jews make-up more than 70% of all medical doctors and lawyers in the US; of all the branches of government, Jews make-up more than half the leadership.  "UNICOR" and other for-profit-prisons are Jewish own/operated corporations.  The Department of the Treasury, big bank institutions, News media worldwide, and even social media: Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc.


    But we mustn't buy into common conspiracy theories; simply because all the facts justify a theory doesn't mean there's some global conspiracy scheme for global domination.  Though we must admit, it is an interesting theory.

    • Like 1
  7. House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said the notion of impeaching Trump will not be addressed…unless Democrats retake the House in the upcoming midterm elections. Fox News’ Chad Pergram tweeted about it. There’s been an uproar from pretty much everyone on the Hill over President Trump’s Helsinki meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in which many are accusing the president of botching the moment to address Russia’s 2016 election interference.  Just came across this piece of info.  WARNING, THIS COULD BE FAKE NEWS!  But I doubt it.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Cynique said:

    It's about the upheavel that will erupt if any attempt is made to remove him from office and how inhibiting the prospect of this could be


    Yeah, sister, brother Troy and I discussed the possibility of a civil war should Trump be removed by an act of Congress.  Though he disagreed with much of my theory, he concurred with the possibility.  As have many other people; I've since shied away as such can be misconstrued as inciting a riot, or worse.  Indeed, that's scary, to say the least; more so now than before.  Notwithstanding Trump's impeachment/removal, when America awakes from its slumber to realize the state of affairs, mainly economic, all hell's going to break loose.  The national guard, militarized police, and Homeland Security, etc., is going to face a crisis that'll change or destroy America.  Just my opinion, of course!

    • Like 1
  9. @Cynique: Yes, my initial wishful thinking was based on the Russian investigation and Trump's behavior in office, not silly assessment of the behavior of planetary alignment; I failed to include Congress and the GOP base in that assessment.   Not only does he still have "a lot of support out there," his support in Congress is strongest.  Now, I strongly doubt an impeachment will happen before November; and if it does, he won't be removed before 2019.  If he's removed at all that is.  That's why I now know that $50 dollar bet with brother Troy is a win for his favorite charity, money well lost.  


    @Troy: What I took away, brother, was two white leaders of the most powerful countries on earth used 'stomping grounds' of their white counterparts to show the world how matters (will) should be.  What they accomplished was rebel rousing white folk sitting on the sidelines.  What happened at the summit was great for white folk worldwide, a warning to humanitarians and equality sympathizers, and a message for Black/Brown people worldwide.  What did you take away?  

  10. A bold US government agenda requires an even bolder approach to disseminate, they’ve set the state of American delusion.  Any new rhetoric of impeachment, removal need only a few steps forward to encourage an overconfident congress.


    Impeachment legislation just short of votes to get it passed will be enough to give American’s a good night’s sleep, followed by more rhetoric.  It’s worked for them before, it’ll work again.


    Congress, the GOP, and the Democrats couldn’t care less about democracy and the American people. They figure not even the children and elderly into their equation of autocracy.  Don’t fool yourself, Democrats were the first true autocrats and neither side never really shared ideas of the US Constitution.  Treasonous traitor Donald Trump simply amplifies ultimate intentions of white leadership by covertly allowing Russian influence into our government. 


    Perhaps it’s time for America to freshen-up on details of “Das Kapital, The Communist Manifesto, State and Revolution” text for comparative analysis.  You may find it's America under another name.  

  11. All is fair in the fight between principle and ignorance; provided that is, the principle is moral or aspect of a fundamental assumption.  Brother Troy's supposition, although limited, I'm sure, can only be based on what he knows about the other party.  With little more, it's perfectly permitted for him assume by way of intrusive questions that may be taken as insults.  And why should he care since he has no control over the other party's innocent, common core ignorance?


    Ignorance needs no validation - nor appreciation for being anything but insignificant ranting of a mentally exhausted mind forcing itself to maintain some form of clarity.  They value whatever their mind is capable, usually without sound judgment of definitive information.  Most may never truly know his-self because they will never accept the reality of being a 'loser.' 

  12. 33 minutes ago, Cynique said:

    think, in the process of change and resistance, "Americans" will one day look around and suddenly realize that, right under their noses, the country will have evolved into a land where people of like minds will have congregated in certain states which will operate independently, no longer beholden to the central government or its laws.  Who the president is, will be incidental.  This will be a gradual process in a world where change will be occurring on every level


    WOW, sister Cynique, very, very interesting perception using all five of your senses.  Thanks!

  13. @Troy: Yeah, I hate to admit it but you and sister Cynique,  may very well be right!!  Please send the name of that charity again so I write it down this time.   Even 'without' his supreme nominee, the Democrats seem skittish about impeaching or removing a sitting president; and Muller appears apprehensive as well.  But I hope the mid-terms encourage some these crooks to get opportunistic and get that con artist, at least.  Anyway, I'm MIA for a while; on vacation here in Dubai for the next several weeks, then on to London for about a month.  But I'll be monitoring off and on for you, sister Cynique, Mal, and other interesting members.  


    Also, brother Troy, I attempted to subscribe, several times to no avail.  I try my brother to do it for me upon my return to Jerusalem.  !!STAY - UP!!

    • Thanks 1
  14. 26 minutes ago, Cynique said:

    My late husband didn't think so


    To nab a woman like you, he knew, just played it cool.  Lucky man!!


    28 minutes ago, Cynique said:

    @Pioneer1Definition of a liar:  Someone who makes things up.


    Yes, everyone knows that - I just no longer have the patience for his BS.  Everything he says and does is definitely uninteresting at this point.  He has gone beyond participation to a disruptor of intelligent conversation.  Such a loser!!!

  15. 3 minutes ago, Cynique said:

    Just for the record, the long-nosed woman in the picture Pioneer posted is not me. Guess he chickened out and decided not to accept my challenge to come up with a phony photo shopped picture



    Not at all surprised.  Though I am very interested of the racy picture, you have a distinct exceptional nature about that intrigue a man's mind.  

    • Haha 1

    Delano said:

    1 hour ago, Troy said:

    I can't speak to why Del has not answered your question, but the Brother knows a lot about Astrology -- it is not even worth questioning this any further. Now that may not be enough to remove your doubts, but that does not change the facts.


    That would be clear to rational people, yet it is not clear to K2. A little thinking and the average person would know why this would be true.

    I'll give you a vowel K2 Troy took a course on astrology. And unlike yourself [,] he has an opinion after having studied astrology. Having an opinion without knowledge is ignorance. Holding on to an [a] position that is wrong is irrational and shows that you are beyond reason (my MBA from a top[-] tier grad school).


    My exposition is not for you since you are either incapable or unwilling to see reality. I am addressing the larger group to illustrate th[]at you are a person that fights the weak, will lie, and look for weak spots. Yet ask me to confess a flaw. These are all statements that you have made. You can be nothing other than what you are, which is becoming increasing[lt] apparent to the forum. The forum is a place to do battle with ideas, you are getting slayed.  [slain]


    Well, at least you're speaking for yourself but still saying nothing.  Cynique nor Troy knows you better than you do, and you probably told them only what you wanted them to know, as far as I'm concerned.  Delano, you've proven nothing except your dependence on others to vouch for you.  I do not and will not with something contrary to my opinion.  WHAT FACTS are you talking about, the fact that brother Troy said you know a lot about astrology, or that you have an advanced degree in the subject?  WHAT FACT?  The one true fact is you're quite touchy about it, is clear.


    And what exposition?  "A comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory," please direct me to it. 


  17. No, Troy did not, the brother said he "can't speak to your credentials," but hey man, you can say you have a Ph.D. from NASA and only a person such as myself would care.  Because you do not communicate as someone with a Ph.D., or B.A. degree.  An A.A. degree is also considered an advanced degree.  You are whoever, or whatever you want to be in this world, but what's unreasonable is when you attempt to pawn yourself off as having more. 

  18. @Troy:  In one instance you speak of inaccessibility to the Black audience because they are unwilling to spend money and; in another instance, you say Black folks are just not interested in AALBC.com because there's no attraction; and still about issues with design/operability of the site as not having time to explore other avenues.  Get angry if you want, man, I don't care!  But it seems to me you have more excuses than ideas for solutions. 


    The site caught my interest almost immediately while I was researching book various indie publishing and editors.  And I see a lot of great discussions happening here, even/and especially the bickering and viciousness.  You obviously love the site and expect more from it but make seem to make a lot of excuses.  

  19. 7 minutes ago, Troy said:

    I can't speak to why Del has not answered your question, but the Brother knows a lot about Astrology -- it is not even worth questioning this any further. Now that may not be enough to remove your doubts, but that does not change the facts.


    I understand you speaking-up for Delano instead of Delano speaking for himself as the 'fact' you claim "the Brother knows a lot about Astrology" in what sense, brother Troy can that be a fact?  You, yourself have, numerously, referred to the concept of 'fact' and claim someone else (as a matter of fact) knows a lot.  But okay!


    15 minutes ago, Troy said:

    As far as credentials I can't speak to Del's but sometimes, often even, one learns much more from study and experience than they can learn in a classroom of some degree granting institution. 


    Again, okay that you can't speak to his credentials but know for a 'fact' he knows a lot about astrology; is odd because if astrology is something he learned on his own what's the problem with him saying so himself?


    25 minutes ago, Troy said:


    I, for example, have never taken a course in web development, but I know enough to teach it at the college level.  I also know that I could not have gone as far as I have based upon something I read in a book.  What I do is too complicated and specialized.  I also know that much of what I knew to be true years ago is only now being discussed in mainstream media and still largely rejected in the Black community.



    As did I, was programming in basic computer language since 1982, or shortly after IBM's patent expired.  I also web development on my own after one college course in HTML&CSS; I've recently learned HTML5 on my own.  Any public library is the greatest free college.  But people who learn and excel in such academics have pride in their accomplishments; Delano talks a mediocre game but lets you speak for him.  What difference is that from P1 surveying the group for support or approval?  Should not the members stand on their own, or am I inappropriately asking a question of Delano that I should not ask?  

  20. @Troy, the citation was inserted almost spontaneously; another reason I doubt Delano's expertise and credentials on the subject of astrology - though I understand and, except my doubts could be unfounded; but since he hasn't responded to my inquiry; which he doesn't have to respond if he so chooses as it does nothing except casts more doubt.  

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