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Rep. Jasmine Crockett Zinger of the Year

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While it could be viewed as a scene from a Mean Girls movie, Rep. Jasmine Crockett (TX) delivered the insult of the year at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) (GA). 


Rep. MTG made a comment about Rep. Crockett's eyelashes getting in the way of her ability to read.


A few minutes later, Rep. Crockett crushed it when she asked a question that included the alliterative bleach blonde bad built butch body in reference to Rep. MTG.🤣


As someone who has a strong appreciation for comedy in general and the ghetto version of it (Jonin' (DC slang) or dozens), Rep. Crockett delivered a perfect 10 if it was insult gymnastics.


Surely, our elected officials should be doing more than hurling insults at each other but if someone decides to go there, don't half step.


Word is Rep. Crockett has already trademarked the zinger and ordered swag containing it. I approve the move. 👏🏿😎


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Yeah I heard about this and curiosity got the best of me. The whole situation was embarrassing. 

Marjorie Taylor Green Should have been immediately disciplined for the initial insult. It was childish and mean spirited. I’ll go as far and say it was raciest as I suspect there is no evidence of her disrespecting a white person like that.


It is disheartening to know people like Green are elected and help craft our laws.


Rep. Crockett’s response, while humorous, was also out of place. As former First Lady Obama said when they go low we go high.

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1 hour ago, Troy said:

Rep. Crockett’s response, while humorous, was also out of place. As former First Lady Obama said when they go low we go high.

Rep. Crockett soared like an eagle in her response to stupid azz Rep. MTG. 🤣


I respect former FLOTUS Obama's statement in general.  Black folks do enough of that already.


However, Black folks cannot continue the non-violent and silent treatment every time racists come for us.  We have to clap back.  Only way bullies will learn.😎

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4 hours ago, Troy said:

Rep. Crockett’s response, while humorous, was also out of place.


If the committee chair recognized Rep. Crockett, she could ask questions or seek clarification about Oversight Chairman James Comer's ruling regarding Marjorie Taylor Greene's behavior. 


"I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling," Crockett said. "If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blond, bad-built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?"


She asked a question about committee members' behavior while being as descriptive as possible to avoid confusion.


Rep Jasmine Crockett never resorted to name-calling as MTG did when stating that Representative Sullivan's “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.”.


MTG was the only one out of place with that personal attack. 




Sometimes, you have to use the rules to get clarification.  Bravo Rep Crockett!!!


The House Oversight and Judiciary Committee still voted to advance resolutions that would hold AG Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for allegedly failing to comply with a subpoena to turn over audio recordings related to the classified documents cast against President Biden.

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On 5/28/2024 at 10:26 AM, Troy said:

You can't come to a reasonable conclusion based upon an out of context clip -- I should know better


Yep! That is the challenge with today's broadcast media, and our representatives play into it because they know they can fundraise off of drama. I wonder what politics would look like if we outlawed fundraising for political campaigns. 

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2 hours ago, Mel Hopkins said:

Yep! That is the challenge with today's broadcast media, and our representatives play into it because they know they can fundraise off of drama. I wonder what politics would look like if we outlawed fundraising for political campaigns. 

If there was truly campaign finance reform, politicians would get more work done for the American people instead of catering to special interest groups and their lobbyists.


Back in the day, politicians seemed dull and boring.  Most of them looked uncomfortable on TV.  They certainly didn't appear to have celebrity aspirations. 


No shortage of today's politicians who look forward to licking hot mics as if they are ice cream cones.


Even the lower level politicians believe it's all about them.  Misappropriating funds from personal spending to lavish trips at taxpayer expense.


Once they have stolen enough money and/or gotten themselves booted out of office, some former politicians become political analysts on TV and radio.


I would not be surprised if there's a future reality show in the making...Real Former Politicians of Capitol Hill starring [insert names here].😁😎

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On 5/29/2024 at 3:56 PM, ProfD said:

Real Former Politicians of Capitol Hill starring [insert names here].😁😎

Bravo @ProfD If we're not living through episodes of Black Mirror, I don't know what this is! I bet the show's writers probably already suggested this show! I stopped watching because it got too creepy (i.e., true to life). 


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Black Mirror was great. I did not know it was back on.  Seems my NetFlix recommendation engine is not work very well.  It is always pushing The Chi and other Black stuff to me...

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