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The Isley Brothers were the best rock ‘n’ roll band ever!

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It's great to see a book written about the Isley Brothers contribution to music and highlighting how racism carries over into the business of music. 


The *problem* remains the same. Until Black folks run the businesses and write the narratives, we'll keep getting the shorter end of the deal, accolades and recognition. 


The Isley Brothers were extremely successful. Sold millions of records. Had millions of fans. Made a lot of money too. Overcame adversities. They're great in the grand scheme.😎 

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@Delano, ProfD, & Troy:

Hummm. Over the years,  I or anybody I  knew ever considered the Isley Brothers anything other than a funky, soulful R&B music group. Back in the day, we even  went so far as to refer to their slow jams as "baby making" music! Their popularity and longevity are firmly entrenched in the annals of black music. They were and are "Evergreens". Their music timeless.

Now, it is being hinted that Rock and Roll is the gold standard of pop music and when it comes to prestige, it takes precedent over R&B. So in order to bolster their status and  enhance their legacy, the isleys should submit to a make-over, embrace a new identity that emphasizes their trailblazing incursion into the white dominated realm of Rock and Roll.

Puleeze. To me - and the crowd down at "the club," the Isleys will always be the epitome of funky soulful, black R&B music.

And that's good enough for us. 😉

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4 hours ago, Troy said:

@ProfD 7 decades of music — what other band can say that?

No other band can make that claim.  The Isley Brothers can own it. 


However, the most successful, longest tenured band is The Rolling Stones (Bones). 


I'm glad Ronald and Ernie Isley are still performing and sounding great.😎


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