Nationally Syndicated and other Cartoonists of African Descent

Do you know there are very few nationally syndicated African American cartoonists?

Read profiles of nationally syndicated and other cartoonist on  If you are looking for a specific cartoonist or book, the search engine at the top of all web pages.

Jump Start

Herb and Jamaal

Boondocks characters

Robb Armstrong- Jump Start - United Media
Ray Billingsley - Curtis- King Features Syndicate
Stephen Bentley - Herb and Jamaal- Tribune Media Services
Barbara Brandon - Where I’m Coming From (aweekly) - Universal Syndicate
Charles Boyce - Compu-toon - Tribune Media Services
Jerry Craft - Mama’s Boyz (weekly) - King Features Syndicate
Charlos Gary - Working It Out
Kerry G. Johnson - Talented cartoonist creator of Harambee Hills.
Keith Knight -
(th)ink, K Chronicles
Aaron McGruder - Universal Press Syndicate (Fall 1998)
Bill Murray - Appearing in over 450 publications around the world
Chuck Siler - Un syndicated both worthy acknowledgement
Morrie Turner (The first black cartoonist in national syndication) - Wee Pals - Creators Syndicate 

Peanuts character Franklin The students at North Star Academy, led by Leshell Hatley, are embarking on a development of a website on African-American cartoonists and animators.  One of the first things they point out is; Franklin, was the very first animated African-American character.

photo Friday Foster: The Sunday Strips Friday Foster: The Sunday Strips by Jim Lawrence

Syndicates race into cyberspace - (Article)“There’s no way you can survive as a cartoonist on syndication alone, unless you have at least 300 papers. It used to be that the low rates papers paid were subsidized by staff jobs. Now that the jobs are disappearing, $10 a week doesn’t cut it anymore. If papers don’t want to hire a staff cartoonist, they should triple or quadruple their rates for syndicated work. You can’t have it both ways”
―Ted Rall, Editorial Syndicate Cartoonist

photo All-Negro Comics Where to Submit Your Portfolio

The starred* companies are the largest comic strip syndicates.
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Chronicle Features
c/o Susan Peters
870 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Creators Syndicate*
5777 W. Century Boulevard, Suite 700
Los Angeles, CA 90045

King Features Syndicate Group*
c/o Jay Kennedy
235 East 45th Street
New York, NY 10017

Los Angeles Times Syndicate
c/o Cathy Irvine
218 S. Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Tribune Media Services*
c/o Mark Mathes
435 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1500
Chicago, IL 60611

United Media*
200 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Universal Press Syndicate*
Lee Salem, Vice President and Editorial Director
4520 Main Street
Kansas City, Mo. 64111

Washington Post Writers Group
c/o Allan Shearer
1150 15th Street NW
Washington D.C. 20071