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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2011 in all areas

  1. Well, look who oozed out from cracks of that hairy ass that he keeps his pin head stuck up in while groping around the desolate territory of that rag he calls a blog where taking his daily ego trip is comparable to him taking a crap since, without even checking it, I know he is talking nothing but crap inasmuch as bull begets shit. Old blubber mouth carey still fancies himself the guardian of wimps and can always be depended on to come to the rescue of whiners convinced that the world is supposed to regard their every effort with awe and praise, inflated with their delusioned sense of entitlement, unable to withstand constructive criticism, living in a bubble. Anybody who can't take feedback from what they put out there and who skitters away like a scared cockroach instead of exhibiting some guts would naturally be somebody who is a prime candidate for the stroking of cary who can't even do a credible of job of the name-calling he always resorts to because his arguments are so weak. An "old maid" is a spinster; and a spinster is a female who has never been married. I am a widow and if my spouse had been a boring, obnoxious, self-important, limp-dicked dufus like you, carey, I would've been a young divorcee, happy to luxuriate in the solitude that a coward like you can't appreciate because you're afraid of being alone in the company of your true inadequate self, so you think anybody who relishes privacy is lonely. Get outta here. Go find some new material. You're like a broken record. Same ol same ol. >>yawn<< And, phew, I thought that BigBuck & Co. were repulsive, but you have once again reminded me that the foul smell of carey transcends mere garbage fumes. ugh. In any case, I join you in lamenting the exit of Mr. Turner. I thought I had found myself a new sparring partner but, no, he wasn't equal to the task. A little nose-tweaking was all it took to deflate his vanity and send him skulking away with his tail between his legs. tsk-tsk. Chalk up another one for the spineless loser team that carey is the self-appointed coach of. And what a good role model a wanna-be numbskull like carey makes for the thin-skinned wussies he defends.
    1 point
  2. Oh me, oh my, why am i not surprised. I see Ol'Medusa has put her evil spin on another writer. It's a damn shame that an old dog can't learn new tricks. Mr Turner was happily plying his craft when the Black Swan came by to poo-poo on his enthusiasm. I see she's yet to find an ounce of compassion or respect. Some things never change and the old maid will continue to treat visitors to Thumper's Corner as if they are the new pretty girl or popular guy on her playground; those that may disagree with her or steal her glory. Her jealousy, envy and hyper cynical view of life, has proven to be a very destructive force that drives people away. It's very hard to sit around a person that poops on their hands and then spreads it on other people. Mr Turner, do your thang man. The hater is not going to change. She's stuck and she loves it. She's addicted to misery.
    -1 points
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