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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2016 in all areas

  1. I definitely believe that what we are doing is both creating and supporting the community. It's not even much of an effort to come in and check and respond. If more people did this, then the writing community would be a bit better for us. Now on to your name and your site... Here is an article that explains why your site isn't showing up as high as it should. Pay close attention to the info on Google Webmaster Tools. http://www.cbpublish.com/arch-marketing-sales-discussion-may-2014/
    1 point
  2. Yes, How did we have all those firsts among black people soon after and towards the abolishing of African slavery... how about the turn of the century 1900 I once did a black/women history tribute (february -march) and I was blown away be the large number of women who were: Union spies, awarded professional degrees, entrepreneurs, big band music managers, film producers, Writers, Journalists, Publishers et al.. I was astounded and kind of ashamed I wasn't doing more with the "freedom" I have today... So yes, I agree with Troy don't blame the victim not everyone is a leader, but I agree with you too! Those who are leaders need to do a lot more to make up the difference...
    1 point
  3. Thank you! As I mentioned to Troy, if you use the Google search engine to find me on the net - aalbc.com/melhopkins comes up as number 9 on the first page - my amazon page come up at 8. Guess where my own website comes in? It comes up on the 9th page! - in Google terms my own website bearing my name doesn't even rank! Lol! However, I'm not just linking here for a high rank - I believe in the goal of AALBC.com - it was mentioned in the forum, we don't control any institutions - so if that's the case, only we can change that "truism".. Do you agree putting an effort into our own product and into a product that serves as a commnunity to be step in the direction to change that reality held by some?
    1 point
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