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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2020 in Posts

  1. I appreciate you guys allowing me to become a part of this endeavor. I love my people and remain seriously concerned for our future. Here and in Africa.
    3 points
  2. What you know about Sheryl? That's my lady. Nile Rodgers is perhaps the most underrated musician of all time. He, along with Bernard Edwards playing the bass...there's nothing better in music for me. Norma Jean Wright, Alfa Anderson and Luci Martin were the vocalists and I love all of them. They were featured at different points between 1976-1980. God I miss black people MAKING music. 90% of musicians have stolen from black music. That said, the Stones were many of my close friends' parents favorite band. I don't know if I like them, or if I just associate a lot of their songs with childhood memories; thus I like them. Either way, they made an impact on me for sure. I always thought Mick Jagger was a crazy-looking mofo! LOL! His collab with Michael Jackson in the mid-80s was really when I start figuring out who Mick Jagger and the Stones were. Of course Michael normalized many of those Brits in our lives! LOL!
    2 points
  3. It really bothers me when I see Black people attack President Barack Obama because they think he didn’t do anything for Black America. President Obama was hamstrung by the political processes that govern our reality. He needed to get Congress on board for everything he wanted done. But here is what Obama managed to get done for our people: 1) His biggest achievement was definitely his ability to deliver healthcare insurance to 22 million Americans who didn't have it. That helped Black people immensely. 2) And he managed to stop a terrible recession, saving the country from a deep Depression. By doing this, he also saved most of Black America. 3) He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act which ushered in equal pay for women which helped our Black women workers. 4) Obama launched My Brother’s Keeper, a White House initiative designed to help young minorities achieve their full potential. 5) He put Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic ever to serve as a justice. Justice Sotomayer sides with Blacks on social issues. 6) Obama saved U.S. automakers that employ thousands of Black Middle Class workers who would have lost their jobs when their companies failed. 7) He signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act, which forced financiers and banks to clearly identify their fees for credit cards. This saved everyone millions of dollars. This helped Blacks, too. Obama improved school nutrition with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. You know damn well this helped Black school children. 9) He signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, making it a federal crime to assault anyone based on sexual or gender identification. It’s not Obama’s fault that jurisdictions refuse to honor this law and allow many racists and homophobes to get away with their crimes. 10) Obama tried to get Congress to address the inequities in our criminal justice system. Republicans in Congress ignored him. 11) He tried to push through his jobs bill which would have gainfully employed millions, including many Blacks. Republicans blocked this initiative. 12) The Obama administration financed a pilot police body camera program in many city police departments. The result was that complaints of police brutality went down about 60% in some cities. The Obama administration put $75 million towards the program. This is what Obama did for Black people. But that does seem to satisfy those who believe he should have done something to make their personal lives better. Well, get this: Obama tried to make everyone’s lives better, not just those of Black people. Because that’s what Obama was elected to do: To be President of these United States, not Black America. I think most of the discontent directed towards Obama is because too many expected America's first Black President to fix all the ills of Black America. Only Black people can do that. What did anyone expect Obama to do: 1) Cure the insipid hatred of inner city gangs who relish gunning each other down? 2) Make every Black parent care deeply about the education their children are receiving? 3) Instill a work ethic in every single Black male and female adult? Because not everyone has it. 4) Make every Black person stop getting high or drunk? 5) Magically make White Congressmen actually care about America's Black citizens? 6) Make the jealousy and envy many Blacks have for each other disappear? Seriously, what did you people expect Obama to do? Open a chicken place on every block? Raise welfare payouts to match that of middle class salaries? Give every person who wants one, a brand new car? Or did you expect him to be able to: Stop cops from killing our innocent and unarmed? Wrestle more money for our communities from racist White state governors? Force every company and corporation to hire any Black who wants to work? Make all the illegal guns floating around our hoods turn return to their factories? What Black people need to accept is that 40% of eligible voters sat on their rear ends during the 2016 election. The reasons are varied. So, now ask yourselves. Are you happy with Trump?
    1 point
  4. LOL! Yo I done tole y'all I don't put anything pass a group of people that would go someplace, kill all the people they found there, bring other people they kidnapped from another place and enslaved them for generation, and kill over 600 thousand each other over the spoils -- and that does not get us out of the 19th century... Greedy, evil people will do anything for more money and the power it brings over others.
    1 point
  5. Oh yeah. The man is brilliant. Hate to say this, but I'm honestly shocked he's still with us. That brother is exposing science they don't want out there. I don't know what deal he made with the (literal) devil. But I'm happy he's still with us. I'm familiar with Dr. Wesley Muhammad as well. Another brilliant brother. Both these men are extremely intelligent. Just wish they had the moxie and IDGAF attitude that the brother Dr. Khalid Muhammad had. There will never be another like him. I hate to admit it. But me too. That's also why I don't really care if Trump is re-elected. He's going to destroy this country. I live in the boondocks and am well-armed. Any honk-boy mass chimp outs in 2021 and beyond aren't going to effect me. White billionaires will get richer. White inbreds will get more inbred. What else is new? I watch from a distance. Just know you're always welcome down here if the shit goes down and you can navigate your way to the southwest. Bring @Troy with you so you, I and @Chevdove can snap the brother out of his "they wouldn't do that to us" mentality!
    1 point
  6. @Chevdove I know it's a pretty obvious clip but what the hell. Are you into the Stones at all? You know, those little bleeders who stole from black music ha ha. Heres a vid of them covering a great great Stevie Wonder track. https://youtu.be/3G9NqDP_esg
    1 point
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