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Posts posted by frankster

  1. 12 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:


    I believe the Migration is in the Opposite Direction....Out of Africa.

    Most people  believe this.....because it's the CURRENT theory that Western/Caucasian archeologists and historians have proposed.
    It lines up with their "Theory of Evolution".

    It tickles the ears of most Black people when they hear White scientists say that all humans came from Africa.
    But they don't understand the diabolical and insulting REASONING behind them making that claim.

    Whites claim....and others now believe because of it....that humanity EVOLVED in Africa, left the continent, and spread out around the globe.
    Which implies that those who remained behind....Africans themselves...are LESS EVOLVED than those who over time left and spread out continuing to evolve.

    The Main reason now Given is because when you trace back all Human Genes they all converge in Africa and Africa still have the most diverse Genetic pool...which is collaborated with both Archeology and paleontology and several other schools of thought.

    But I Most like Runoko Rashidi's Ideas as it based on the study of Civilization and Cultures in which he show at the based or beginning of Most human societies or ethnics groups are African


    White skin is not seen as an  (Evolutionary) Adaptation but  seen more as a Mutation(Natural Selection) in that it does not increase "Fitness" - Survivability.



  2. 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:



    Truth mixed with lies is Propaganda...


    Yes....among other things.

    I tend to call it "Tricknology"..lol.



    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    No..they use it as a tool to achieve power.


    Which...although I don't agree with it...IS more respectable, IMO.
    Atleast they KNOW it's a bunch of lies and use it for their benefit.

    I have no respect for those....who rob rape and murder.

    Like all tools it can be used for Good or Evil.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    But how can I respect those masses who know or atleast suspect it's a bunch of horse shit and still base their lives around it and "want" it to be true?

    They aren't using it to ACHIEVE power, they are using it to remain powerLESS and give their power to others.

    They Know but do not Understand....or are incapable of making proper use of the Knowledge.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    it still is an increase in suffering....regardless of who is suffering



    According to the Bible, Jesus asked what kind of "good parent" would give their child a ROCK if they asked for break or a SERPENT if they asked for fish?
    Most people naturally look out for their OWN before others.



    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    We can try sharing.


    Ask the Africans and Native Americans who tried "sharing" with White folks what the results were.




    Some people love to learn the HARD way.

    Proverbs 24 :19-22.

  3. 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    The Emperors of Ethiopia in the early 1800's referred to themselves as Aryans/Caucasians as of these teachings due to a language distortions that the Europeans made seemingly advantageous...Noble/Nobility means Aryan.

    The Stories about Hindu Kush does lend some credence to why the Emperors adopted the term as at One time Ethiopia Ruled from Africa to the Indian Continent...The original Aryans are believed to have come from Afghanistan Iran And India....all Dark Skinned Peoples (Before the Ottoman/Turks)


    The fact that Aryans invaded India and slaughtered and oppressed the Black Dravidians hasn't been discredited.

    Maybe so.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:


    It has just been IGNORED by racist White and near White archeologists both in the West and in India who don't want to accept the truth about their racist origins.

    There is a STRONG connection between the Ethiopians, Somalis, Yemenis, and other Black and "Blackish" people of that region because many of them are descendants of the original dark skinned Dravidians who migrated from the Indus Valley region across Arabia and down into Africa.

    I believe the Migration is in the Opposite Direction....Out of Africa.

  4. The video seems to be Propaganda put out by supporters of Apartheid South Africa...Trying to Equate African Tribalism and Bigotry with Western style Apartheid  Racism as Normal Global and Historical.

    He is Spouting what is called "The Hamitic Theory"(now discredited) That was taught in all schools prior to the 1970's especially in North Eastern Africa as a means of divide and conquer. In it  was taught that Hamites though Black skinned were actually descendants of Aryan Race of Caucasians and were responsible for all significant achievement on the African Continent...

    The Emperors of Ethiopia in the early 1800's referred to themselves as Aryans/Caucasians as of these teachings due to a language distortions that the Europeans made seemingly advantageous...Noble/Nobility means Aryan.

    The Stories about Hindu Kush does lend some credence to why the Emperors adopted the term as at One time Ethiopia Ruled from Africa to the Indian Continent...The original Aryans are believed to have come from Afghanistan Iran And India....all Dark Skinned Peoples (Before the Ottoman/Turks)

  5. 7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:



    I accept Scripture and eschew Western Religious Dogma and Ideology...

    Based on...is not the same

    I understand that, however Western Religious Dogma and Ideology is the PRODUCE from those Scriptures you accept and believe in.

    Yes...in part


    7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    Western Religious Dogma and Ideology is filled with lies and hypocrisy.


    7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    If those Scriptures produced a dogma and ideology filled with lies and hypocrisy for the West, what do you expect for them to produce for YOU if YOU accept them?

    Truth mixed with lies is Propaganda...


    7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    You're LITERALLY following the same "script" as them.

    Do you expect for things to turn out different?

    No..they use it as a tool to achieve power.


    7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Seeking to control and power over others only increase suffering.


    ....perhaps for some of those you have power and control OVER.
    But not necessarily for YOU, because YOU'RE the one who has the power and control!

    It still is an increase in suffering....regardless of who is suffering



    7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    Look at it another way.....
    If you don't seek power and control over THEM; they will seek it over YOU.



    7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    But SOMEBODY has to be on top and in charge.
    I'd rather it be my people.

    We can try sharing.

  6. 6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:



    Without Discipline there is no Progress....Only Regression


    A BALANCE is required.
    Too much discipline is limiting and leads to stagnation; but as I said before, the preacher's problem has less to do with discipline and more to do with the brainwashing and miseducation him and his community received about what is actually right and wrong.

    Too much Discipline instilled from without is actually a form of  Punishment ....Self Discipline is about Control Transmutation and Training.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    You intend to  brainwash to your liking.


    Some of our people DO need to be brainwashed and programmed, but most need to be taught simply how to think for themselves.

    They need education...


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    The Writer is obviously Saying that all Mankind is One Family.....And All Muslim whether Black White Arab or Non Arab are all Brothers...


    I understand what was being said.
    You asked for an example of how racism in the past was built upon skin color and I showed you how it existed in the past as evident by Muhammad's telling his followers not to engage in it.

    No I disagree....

    People always engage around their differences....

    In many cultures people with red hair(Gingerism) were feared and killed or ritually sacrifice is that racism? and if not why not?

    In many parts of Africa albino's were discriminated against is that racism?


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Classism is based on Social Status and Wealth.


    Look at that word "social status".
    Social status could be based on many different things, and RACE is just one of them.

    As I said before, racism IS a type of classism.
    In a racist society....your RACE or SKIN COLOR is your Class.


    Social Status is in some societies dictated by color but in a Classist society Wealth Supersede Race.

    In a racist society Race supersede Wealth


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Casteism is Based on Work and Heredity


    Actually, "caste" is an English term.
    The original word in Hindu is VARNA which literally means "color".
    The original Caste/Varna system in Hindu was literally based on skin color from darkest to lightest, and this is THOUSANDS of years old.

    Yes...it does mean color and if we are going to split hairs let me remind you what I said.

    Color and physical Features/  common physical characteristics ....you leaving out the features.


    Below is picture of some Brahmins...the  highest caste - they run the spectrum of hues and if you go to Tamil you will also find blue black Brahmins.




    On Dec 3 I posted the following "Racism as we know it today...is pretty recent development - thought it has antecedents."



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I have shown you That  Muslim do..Here is what Buddhist say last paragraph page 5


    Lol....I didn't ask you for evidence that Muslims do, I asked you for evidence that HINDUS and BUDDHISTS believed in Jesus.

    Well I did both....And I am sure you ask for muslim Evidence too.


    "For Hindus, Christ is an acharya. His example is a light to any of us in this world who want to take up the serious practice of spiritual life. His message is no different from the message preached in another time and place by Lord Krishna and Lord Chaitanya".

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hinduism/beliefs/jesus_1.shtml#:~:text=For Hindus%2C Christ is an,Lord Krishna and Lord Chaitanya.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    "Furthermore, there are some historical writings that state that some Buddhists believed that Jesus Christ was the reincarnate of Buddha."

    Belief in Jesus is NOT a staple or established part of the Hindu or Buddhist religions.
    Pointing to a FEW Buddhists or Hindus who mention Jesus doesn't mean it's part of Hindu or Buddhist doctrine.
    You, there are probably Catholics who believe in Satan.....but that's not established doctrine in Catholicism.

    The point is he is recognized as a Holy Man by them all


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Yeah....they translated in their language for their people - but the Original is not theirs.


    Then who does the "Original" belong to?

    And where are those people today who have the "Original" Scriptures?

    Some parts of the Originals have been found in Egypt and Sumer....


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Start with your most convincing argument or fact of Greek Roman Ideology that does not line up with African Morality and Ideology?


    Not sure what you're asking.

    I cannot be any Clearer....basically ethics and morals that greco-roman that has or shares no African influence.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    We cannot experience or observe everything...what of the rest?


    Nor do you need to.
    You experience and observe what pertains to YOU and what helps you solve YOUR problems.
    The rest is to help others....or perhaps yourself later.

    Often times our problems are interpersonal....of a nature none of us has experienced or observed before.

    So as you posted coming from one perspective.... yours - will not solve those issue.

    your solutions would most likely be selfish and self serving hence no solution.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Who should communicate with you directly??

    W/whoever is righteous and wants to, and wants to ensure that T/their message gets to me UNTAMPERED with.

    Exactly and how would God do that?


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:




    I agree 

    We are talking about those who receive the visions etc...they can be control manipulated and discredited.


    If a person receives a direct Vision FOR THEM....it doesn't matter if others don't believe them or try go "discredit" them because the information they received will help them regardless.

    If the information is not accepted....it cannot help anyone.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Now if they receive a Vision and then are INSTRUCTED to share it with the entire society, then that may be where some problems arise.



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    However, Whoever gave them that vision would hopefully have FORSEEN the problems that may arise from this and planned things accordingly.



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    See, this is why I question many people who CLAIM to speak for God but have problems getting their message out.
    Because if God wanted THEM to deliver a particular message, it would be delivered period....and there is nothing human beings could do to stop it.

    If they are being blocked and their message being suppressed, I have to question who actually sent them out.

    According to the Ancients...we all get the message - but our prejudice perspective and perceptions blinds us.

    The message is delivered....but Man is greedy  selfish and prone to making mistakes - confuses and or misunderstands.

    The Proverbial Free Will God has been reputed to have given Man...cannot be Abrogated.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    However if YOU have a problem and YOU seek Divine Counsel and receive a Vision or Message to solve that problem....YOU shouldn't worry about whether others believe it or not....as long as it works to solve YOUR problem.

    We are social creatures so my problem usually involves others...if they not aboard they solution my not be so effective.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Yes but would you believe a stranger?

    Saying he or she has a message from God

    It really would depend on the circumstance and the various factors involved.

    That's not an answer.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Generally speaking, I believe that God's messages for ME are given DIRECTLY to me from God, not from another human being whom God knows I may question.

    However that doesn't mean God still wouldn't use a human to deliver a message to me.


    So the question remain how would you know it's from God?

    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Worst maybe the one who had the vision don't speak a language you know....you will find yourself in need a translator.


    I'd have to question if it actually came from God or not because God knows I don't speak his language, so why send him?


    Even a mere human being knows not to give you important instructions in a language you don't understand.

    So I'd question if that message was actually meant to me AND I'd question who actually sent it.

    But you accept scientific facts from any language once interpreted...


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    They individually contain enough Truth...for the lost to find their Way


    Or enough truth to keep you lost and going in circles.

    That too


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Some of the best lies contain many elements of truth; but while you're consuming the great tasting truth, you're also consuming the poisonous lies along with it.


    Let's make it easy......

    We can put religion to the side and decide what's true or false by the impact and success it has on our lives.



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    If you have a problem and APPLY what you read in that Scripture to that problem....and it solves that problem...IT WORKS.
    If it doesn't....it DOESN'T work.
    Plain and simple.
    No need to go in circles or travel the globe looking for translations and interpretations....either it works or it doesn't.



    So we will end up recreating the wheel and be at the disadvantage to those who have the Ancient Knowledge


  7. 6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:




    Discipline is His Problem....Delayed Gratification


    You say "discipline" is his problem, I say HYPOCRISY is.

    If he would be true to himself and weren't influenced by religion to hide his behavior....he wouldn't need to discipline his behavior.

    Without Discipline there is no Progress....Only Regression


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    Ofcourse the rest of society he lived in would have to be de-programmed from the same brainwashing HE received; because they too have been conditioned to believe sex with multiple women is wrong also.

    You intend to  brainwash to your liking.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    t matters how they get it.....The Means doesn't always justifies the Ends.


    But even if that got it the "wrong" way, there are various levels of wrong.


    I don't put a woman who lied and cheated her way to the top of an Insurance Agency to become a millionaire - in the same category as a drug dealer who stole, murdered, and kidnapped his way to being a millionaire.

    Both did immoral things to get to the top, but one was clearly worse than the other  IMO.

    Both are Wrong and each will receive their Just Reward.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Vassal States Cannot survive on their own....hence a failed state


    Babies and little children can't survive on their own....do that mean THEY are failures as humans?

    Yes....by human standa


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Not True....provide your links or evidence

    Let's start with an excerpt from a sermon said to have been delivered by Prophet Muhammad around 632 AD

    "This sermon was delivered on the Ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah, 10 A.H. ( 623AD) in the Uranah valley of Mount Arafat in Mecca. It was the occasion of annual rites of Haj. It is also known as the Farewell Pilgrimage................All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action."


    That was nearly 1500 years ago dealing with color based racism.

    The Writer is obviously Saying that all Mankind is One Family.....And All Muslim whether Black White Arab or Non Arab are all Brothers...

    There is obvious differences between human beings which the writer was addressing...

    There is no way modern racism would posit "white have no superiority over black" or "Muslims constitute one brotherhood"



    "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly."



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Racism today is based on skin color and physical features....cannot say the same ever for both casteism or classism


    Again, Racism is a form OF Classism.

    Instead of wealthy or sex, RACE is your Class.

    Yes..Racism Classism and Casteism are all similar and overlap.

    Racism is based on skin color and physical features

    Classism is based on Social Status and Wealth.

    Casteism is Based on Work and Heredity


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Name those Living Heroes?


    I don't know of any humans I'd call my "heroes" outside of my Parents.

    Well God bless them for being Alive and Here Now.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    It tells you the nature of the people and their government....in which The Lives of People of Color are not valued the same as those of whites


    It also tells you that they were very powerful and sends a message that you should be careful going up against them.
    That's the message it sends....subconsciously and openly.


    They show you Jesus speaking out against the Roman Government and then show him suffering and killed for it.

    BTW...I asked you for proof or strong evidence that Buddhists and Hindus believe in Jesus.
    So far you haven't produced any.

    I have shown you That  Muslim do..Here is what Buddhist say last paragraph page 5

    "Furthermore, there are some historical writings that state that some Buddhists believed that Jesus Christ was the reincarnate of Buddha."



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    True....But they have more in common than they differ.


    Not quite sure about that.

    I am


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    White folks did not Write the Scriptures of which the bible is composed.


    If you're going to let them TRANSLATE it and ARRANGE it...you might as well say they wrote it, lol.

    Hell, after THEY tamper with it....sure can't accept it as pure or original anymore.

    Yeah....they translated in their language for their people - but the Original is not theirs.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Africans Considered the ideas contained in the bible authoritative before Europeans did.


    Sure, some of them.
    Like worshipping God, respecting your neighbor, not lying or cheating.
    That's only a FRACTION of what the Bible says and advises one to do though.

    I could spend a month on the New Testament alone showing you how much of it is Greek/Roman ideology and doesn't line up with Africa morality and ideology.

    Start with your most convincing argument or fact of Greek Roman Ideology that does not line up with African Morality and Ideology?


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    God's Messengers carry His Words....So it is accurate to say they are God's Word 


    True, but we have to FIRST make sure they are actually God's Messengers before we believe in the message.



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    But Mankind is Greedy Selfish and Lying....How do you discern the Truth?


    You know what's true to YOU because you've either observed and/or experienced it.

    We cannot experience or observe everything...what of the rest?


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    It's about Communicating directly with US as individuals.

    Who should communicate with you directly??


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    When access to these Individual is control and the words of these Individual are manipulated or discredited....then what?

    No O/one controls or limits access to an Individual from The SUPREME BEING.
    Absolutely No O/one.

    I agree 

    We are talking about those who receive the visions etc...they can be control manipulated and discredited.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    If The SUPREME BEING Intends for you to get a Message -you WILL get it no matter what.
    No chance or possibly of that not happening; neither in actuality nor theoretically.



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    At any rate ...he only translated the bible


    Some would say that the book is only as valuable as it's translation.


    A dream or Spiritual visitation DOESN'T NEED a "translation".
    Unlike man-made "holy" books, it conveys the message meant for you crystal clearly.

    Most people who have had Spiritual experiences say that the message conveyed to them was so clear and accurate that answers to their questions often came to them before they could even mentally form the question.

    Yes but would you believe a stranger?

    Saying he or she has a message from God

    Worst maybe the one who had the vision don't speak a language you know....you will find yourself in need a translator.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    No...its more like how Ancient Egypt was Black African and now Arabs are claiming it.


    Either analogy would fit.
    But my main point is, if it's Greek or Greece...it's probably not Black.


    As quiet as it's kept....lol....I actually kicked around the idea that the first Romans and Greeks who actually built those buildings and structures were probably Black.

    I don't have enough evidence to support that though.

    I KNOW the civilizations that sat on that land before Greece or Rome were Black, so I choose to focus on them.

    I am talking about Greece


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    One is thought to be Original or closer to Source and the other is accepted as commentary or further from original.....One is about Truth whilst the other is about mundanity or  worldly affairs


    For theological purposes, you'd like to be pin-point accurate and know which source was the oldest.

    But from a moral standpoint...does it matter?

    If we have already established that BOTH have been tampered with and were crafted by the hands of man...neither can be held up as THEE standard.


    You have people arguing over Dead Sea Scrolls vs Bible and which contains the most mistakes.
    If EITHER contains mistakes...then does it really matter outside of using them for references?


    When you look for God's word, you look for PURITY.

    I don't see that coming from the hands of humans anytime soon.

    They individually contain enough Truth...for the lost to find their Way

  8. 5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:



    Is that what you get from it?....if so you are steep deep into western ideology.


    How can you believe in the Bible yet accuse others of being "deep " into Western ideology?

    Much of Western ideology and most of it's theology is based OUT of the Bible itself.

    I accept Scripture and eschew Western Religious Dogma and Ideology...

    Based on...is not the same

    Most Propaganda is based on Truth....So is Misinformation and Disinformation - but they are far from the Truth.


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    A Slave has no Governance over his Body....He is a Slave to The Body(his or anothers) and its Demands


    Great point.
    Yet in still, that scripture seems to encourage one to NOT seek power and control over other people.

    Seeking to control and power over others only increase suffering...First control self - Self Discipline.



    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Now who would benefit the most from promoting that type of teaching?



    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Those in power, or those subordinate to them?

    Matthew 10:28.


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    More people was and is Being Cured by Traditional medicine than Western medicine. ...First Do no Harm


    And yet a lot of religious people would claim that Traditional Healers are practicing paganism, witchcraft, and magic and encourage their believers not to seek them for help.

    When infact, most Traditional Healers are the TRUE good people and righteous ones actually helping and healing the people.



    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    Seems like a Conspiracy not a Cure.


    Which is why our community have been told so many times by our leaders to grow our own food and do for self.
    Yet so many of our people are so lazy..........


    2 hours ago, nels said:

    Bullsh!t. If one has to rely on someone else to believe themself and others, then they truly have no mind of their own. The statement you made is completely antithetical to independent thought, and it demonstrated nothing less than an incapability to think, create and envision without having to rely on stock of others.

    If So then From Christ to Einstein is Guilty....For they both quote and reference others - I could think of worst company 


    2 hours ago, nels said:


    "I and Many others have not Experienced everything we have ideas and opinions about." - Then that puts one in the classes of dumb, ignorant, stupid, or perhaps all three. One doesn't have to have experience with something to express themselves. There's something called "don't speak to what you don't know"; it's obvious that this board is lacking in that area.

    That Maybe True...

    And by know you mean experienced for yourself?

  9. 16 hours ago, nels said:

    Relying on the opinions of others is a weak argument.

    Really tell that to every great personality that have ever lived....Even Christ quoted the Prophets 

    I and Many others have not Experienced everything we have ideas and opinions about..

    As such we rely on credible individuals who are regarded as experts on those matter..

  10. 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:


    No all I did was tell you what you were doing.....edifying.


    No, I told YOU what I was doing and you misconstrued it.

    Helping isn't the same as abusing or exploiting.

    It is what it is....I have said My piece.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:


    They are are his Indiscipline Carnal Desire...Not his Natural Desire - Not the fault of Scripture.


    His lack of "discipline" isn't so much of a problem as his LYING.

    We all lack discipline in certain aspects of our lives, that's part of being human today.
    But lying about them and being a hypocrite is unnecessary EXCEPT when you live in a society that condemns that which is natural...like sex.

    Discipline is His Problem....Delayed Gratification

    Yes it is Human to err

    With regards to Lying and Hypocrisy.... The only acceptable exception is to save a life or negate suffering.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    It Matters not....Corruption anywhere is still Corruption and because others are corrupt does not mean you should envy and follow them.


    1. I'm glad you feel that way because for some reason I got the impression that you thought the U.S. had some sort of "monopoly" on corruption and immorality.



    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    2. Usually people don't follow corrupt people because of their corruption....but for other impressive reasons that make them attractive.
    Like having wealth, power, respect, talent, etc...

    It matters how they get it.....The Means doesn't always justifies the Ends.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Vassal State equals Failed state.


    1. Israel is not a vassal state
    2. Vassal doesn't mean failed.

    Not sure where you got either impression from, lol.

    Vassal States Cannot survive on their own....hence a failed state


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Yes though we make progress... racism still run the USA and its Military


    I agree...
    So we should focus on continuing to make progress and remove the racists where we find them.



    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Then You miss the point....Racism prior to 1500's was more about Kin and Nationality and Religion"


    THAT wasn't racism.....
    That was tribalism, xenophobia, and sectarianism.
    Racism has ALWAYS been about race.

    Yes...but the Definition Use and Practice have Changed.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Whilst today it is about Physical Features and skin Color


    It was that way back then too.

    Not True....provide your links or evidence


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Caste system would be more Classism than Racism....as when it comes to color of skin all caste having all hues within their ranks

    Racism IS a form of Classism.
    Your race is your class.

    Racism today is based on skin color and physical features....cannot say the same ever for both casteism or classism



    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    99% of our Heroes are Dead


    Not MY Heroes...lol.

    Name those Living Heroes?


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    ....Soldiers purportedly died so you might live(free)

     - What's your point?


    It wasn't a point so much as a question.....
    Again, how can a man who is said to have died for people's sins be an "example" of how to live?

    By How he/she Lived.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    An assumed man of color dying at the hands of White people and a White government.

    What kind of example is that to set?

    It tells you the nature of the people and their government....in which The Lives of People of Color are not valued the same as those of whites


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    It is standard among them to accept Jesus as a Prophet or Avatar or Messiah


    Do you have any proof that Buddhists or Hindus accept Jesus as a Prophet or Messiah?

    How Jesus Christ Is Depicted In Islam


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Jesus was not a Christian and he also quoted Scripture.


    The scriptures he allegedly quoted in the Bible isn't the same AS the Bible itself that you quote.
    Some of them are CONTAINED in the Bible, but they aren't the same.

    True....But they have more in common than they differ.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    ....Plus most of what I quote is common to Africa and Asians Spirituality.


    ....in that they are following their COLONIZER'S religions and holy books.

    If YOU, the AFRICAN, and the ASIAN are all reading from the same Bible that White folks GAVE yall, then ofcourse you'll find commonality....lol.

    White folks did not Write the Scriptures of which the bible is composed.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Only because I am Most familiar with it and am in the West where it is considered an Authority/Oracle by many.


    Because they consider White folks themselves the "authority" on most matters.

    There is some truth in what you stated...

    Africans Considered the ideas contained in the bible authoritative before Europeans did.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Yes...I dare say all were written by human hands -

    Errors and out right misleading Information and Interpretation are mostly found in those meant for the Consumption of the General Population/Public.


    So we can agree that those books are NOT holy and shouldn't be accepted as the "Words of God", right?

    God's Messengers carry His Words....So it is accurate to say they are God's Word - Chinese telephone/whispers errors are possible and sometimes inherent.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    So let me ask you a hypothetical question:- Where should the Supreme Being put such communique? or How?


    I'm not qualified to say where The SUPREME BEING "should" put them

    Neither Am I


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    but where The SUPREME BEING often puts them is in dreams, intuition, flashes of inspiration, direct communication, Spiritual visits, and many many other methods.


    But Mankind is Greedy Selfish and Lying....How do you discern the Truth?


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    But they are usually given to the INDIVIDUAL on an intimate level.
    ...not mass produced by the hands of man, like a book.

    When access to these Individual is control and the words of these Individual are manipulated or discredited....then what?


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    When a Spirit comes to you directly and gives you information, that carries  FAR more rate than the information you get out of some book.



    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    King James who was referred to as the Black Boy by his Contemporaries only Translated the Bible


    I don't think that's true.

    And you would be Right...it must have been either king george or king charles.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I've heard that crap being spread by Hebrew Israelites to justify why they're still reading a White man's Bible.

    They're trying to MAKE King James "Black" even with no evidence of it period.

    Just go ahead and SAY it and MAKE it true anyway.

    At any rate ...he only translated the bible


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    You Obviously do not know your History...Ancient Greece was a Black Civilization

    That's not accurate.
    That's like saying the United States is a Native American nation.

    No...its more like how Ancient Egypt was Black African and now Arabs are claiming it.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Ancient Greece was not a Black civilization.
    Ancient Greece was an early Caucasian civilization.

    The civilization that existed where Greece exists today WAS originally a Black civilization.

    Rear Window - Black Athena Pt 1




    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Most of not all of the Early church Fathers were Black

    That's debatable.

    The early followers of Yeshua and his disciples were dark skinned Middle Easterners...many of whom would be considered "Black" today.  But it should be noted that they didn't see themselves as the same as sub-Saharan Africans.

    Thanks you prove my point.....I made a mistake and put "of" instead of "but"


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Nor do I believe they called themselves a "church".
    I think that may be European term beyond the Roman Empire.



    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    An automobile is based on a horse drawn carriage...Are they the same? 
    But what's the difference between Scripture and scripture?

    One is thought to be Original or closer to Source and the other is accepted as commentary or further from original.....One is about Truth whilst the other is about mundanity or  worldly affairs


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Based on Newton's Third Law of Motion they do...Karma


    But Newton doesn't MAKE the laws, so he doesn't get to define them....lol.

    Newton doesn't make or define....He described then


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Then what is meant for us


    Nature and what we sit down, discuss, and decide for ourselves as a community.

    Recreate the Scriptures


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:


    Infact...that's how much of what you call "scripture" was chosen.

    When we decided to write laws and rules for Caucasians to follow to clean them up and civilize them, we sat down and discussed and decided which ones would be effective and fitting for them given their nature and condition.

    Recreate the Scriptures.


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:


    Black folks don't need a "script" to follow.
    We have natural Creativity and Guidance in us as long as we are being OURSELVES and aren't being influenced by Caucasians in our thinking.

    You don't have to TELL Black men not to lay with their mothers or eat animals who've already died like the Bible does.

    You have to tell people that who were DOING it....so they could stop.

    Let your Conscience be your guide.

  11. 54 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:


    I do not Agree.

    Provide your Evidence of this?


    The evidence is in the statement itself.

    How could you not logically agree that a prostitute is more independent than a housewife?

    They Have merely changed on who they depend on.....Now they depend on Many Johns - instead of One Husband


    54 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:


    -A housewife depends on her husband for money and for sustenance.

    As he in turns depends on her to be his Partner in Life.


    54 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    -A prostitute...even one with a pimp or madam...makes her own money and pretty much supports herself.

    Yes...When and if business is good.


    54 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Maybe a lucky few....but a what cost


    The same question can be asked about a woman who works construction, as a police officer, or late at night at a gas station.

    Danger is danger.

    Prostitutes are Objectified and Stereotyped...suffer from Mental Health Issues on the level of people who survived Combat ....That's way pass being a Police


    "Research also shows that selling sex involves such repetitive exposure to trauma that PTSD is more common for people who’ve lived through it than those who have lived through military combat"

    https://www.caase.org/mental-health-impacts-of-sex-trade/#:~:text=All this can lead to,55% reported symptoms of anxiety.


    54 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Most if not all of them that are married to Wealthy men.....They greatly outnumber successful Prostitutes

    The problem with that is, they have to WAIT ON finding a wealthy man....that may not come...in order to be successful.

    The Average Divorcee or Widow is most likely worth more than the Average prostitute in terms of Assets and Wealth and Legacy....It is a fact of history and culture that the vast majority of women who prostitute themselves do so because they can find no other means of earning an income


    54 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    When they are prostitutes, the make their OWN success.

    Pimps and Madams call the shots.... they make the money - Prostitutes are Sex Slaves/Prisoners/Traffick/Drug Addicted/Kidnapped.


    54 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    That can be said of any profession a woman chooses though.

    No...Not on the level of Prostitution both in Quantity or Quality and to the Degrees(of Degradations)


    54 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Right is at its Essence based on whether and to what extent it is Life Supporting and Life Giving to the Greatest Number in the Long Run.


    Not sure if this is correct.

    An argument can be made that giving and supporting life....in some circumstances...MAY be inappropriate if that quality of life is so horrible that a person would wish they were dead OR they are causing more harm in society than they're worth.

    Hence the Reason I use the Term"LIFE GIVING" which means Vital Vitalizing Energizing and  Invigorating.


    54 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Like I said in another thread  Right = CORRECT

    It Should...

  12. 9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:



    I make no charges.


    ...yet you make accusations, lol.

    No all I did was tell you what you were doing.....edifying.


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    His behavior is not recommended by Scripture....False teachers shall and do lead many astray - con man.


    While his behavior may not be recommended by scripture, it is CAUSED by scripture because his natural desires are in conflict with what he "believes" to be right according to those scriptures.
    It sets up COGNATIVE DISSONANCE in his head.

    They are are his Indiscipline Carnal Desire...Not his Natural Desire - Not the fault of Scripture.



    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    We Living in the USA in which Corruption Collusion and exploitation is common place.


    Not that you're wrong, but let me ask you.....
    Do you think there is LESS corruption in most other nations?

    It Matters not....Corruption anywhere is still Corruption and because others are corrupt does not mean you should envy and follow them.


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    And I maintain it is a fail state....Any state that cannot support itself but need the help of others to survive is a failed State.


    Perhaps if that support is taken away...it WILL fail.
    But as long as it maintains that support, but defacto it has NOT failed.

    You can't be fallen and supported at the same time, that's a contradiction.

    Vassal State equals Failed state.


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    They are many Organizations and Institutions in the USA that Have a racist Agenda....Afterall Racism was legal in The USA for most of its existence.


    The good thing about the USA is that there are also many organizations and institutions here that fight AGAINST racism.
    So we have choices.

    Yes though we make progress... racism still run the USA and its Military


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    The Racism of today is fairly recent started in the 1500's


    That's a no-brainer.
    Saying the racism of today is recent is like saying the people of today are recent.

    Then You miss the point....Racism prior to 1500's was more about Kin and Nationality and Religion

    Whilst today it is about Physical Features and skin Color

    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    However racism itself is THOUSANDS of years old.
    Look no further than ancient India when the Caucasians Aryans invaded the Indus Valley region and slaughtered and oppressed the Black Dravidians and set up a Varna (caste) system based on color and race.

    Caste system would be more Classism than Racism....as when it comes to color of skin all caste having all hues within their ranks

    Yes some class do have a preponderance of a certain hue than others.


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    His Life is an Example....The man Jesus has shown they WAY for us to live.


    How can a man who allegedly DIED for humanity be an example of how to live?

    Caucasians really did a number on our people when they forced and convinced so many of them to accept his obviously illogical religions.

    99% of our Heroes are Dead....Soldiers purportedly died so you might live(free) - What's your point?


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    That Example has saved Many who choose to follow in deeds his words and lifestyle


    Since they follow his alleged example, does that mean most followers of Jesus also die at 33 or before they're 40?

    It is not so much quantity of years....but quality of Life.


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    We are One human Family

    The Egyptians Ethiopians and Indians and Chinese have there ancient works.


    We're all human, not sure about all being from the same family.

    One Human Family Race Specie - Homo sapien sapien.


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    cool if you say so.


    Those are the facts.

    Tell yourself that...not I


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Ideology yes......Dogma and Theology no.


    You must study the SCRIPTURES in order to be considered a "theologian".

    Dogma and ideology are very similar.
    Both rely on writings = scripts

    Similar in that they consist of Ideas but not the same....neither Am I a Theologian.


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus believe in the Bible and Jesus Christ are they Christians?


    Lol...what Buddhists and Hindus have YOU talked to who "believe in" Jesus?

    It is standard among them to accept Jesus as a Prophet or Avatar or Messiah


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Fine.....I never Once said I was a Christian.


    You don't have to.
    Your scripture quoting says it all.

    Jesus was not a Christian and he also quoted Scripture.....Plus most of what I quote is common to Africa and Asians Spirituality.

    Only because I am Most familiar with it and am in the West where it is considered an Authority/Oracle by many.


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    You feel Judged.


    ....and occasionally insulted, lol.

    That was not my intent ....but the truth is often offensive


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    No...I have not read them all in Entirety... but I have read parts of many enough to know that most have some things in common.


    Yeah, most of them were written by the hand of OTHER HUMAN BEINGS....that's what they have "in common".

    Which means they are likely prone to be in error and outright fabricated.

    Yes...I dare say all were written by human hands -

    Errors and out right misleading Information and Interpretation are mostly found in those meant for the Consumption of the General Population/Public.


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    What The SUPRREME BEING wants us to know can be delivered to us DIRECTLY without middle men.


    So let me ask you a hypothetical question:- Where should the Supreme Being put such communique? or How?


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    The Bible was written by Black African and sourced from Africa


    King James wasn't Black.
    Guttenberg wasn't Black.
    The Greeks who wrote the New Testament weren't Black.

    What are you talking about?????

    King James who was referred to as the Black Boy by his Contemporaries only Translated the Bible...Guttenburg Printed the bible

    You Obviously do not know your History...Ancient Greece was a Black Civilization - A Vassal state of Khemet by way of Crete.

    Most of not all of the Early church Fathers were Black


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Yes... Religion is based on scripture but not Scripture


    Oh my....lol.
    I think I know what you mean by this, but could you please extrapolate?

    An automobile is based on a horse drawn carriage...Are they the same?


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    There is no action without reaction


    But the reaction doesn't always equate to the action.

    Based on Newton's Third Law of Motion they do...Karma


    9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Scriptures are man made tools to set Man free.


    The scriptures that the first 5 books of the Bible YOU read were made to set the CAUCASIANS FREE....from a life of savagery while they were confined in the caves of the Caucasus mountains.


    As I said before, those scriptures WERE NOT meant for us.


    Then what is meant for us

  13. 13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:



    Good for you..


    It was good for MOST of them too...lol.
    I had close relationships with a few.



    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Mutual consent doesn't mean it is not Exploitive and corrupting.


    But if it IS consensual, then other factors must be considered in order to make those charges.

    I make no charges.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    He is full of shit.....
    Why blame Scripture for his behavior.


    Because his belief IN and/or promotion OF those scriptures (whether he really believes in them or not) is the MOTIVE FOR his vile behavior.

    It promotes an atmosphere of shame and hypocrisy in which a person has to hide their true feelings and desires and pretend to be something they aren't.

    AfroAmericans...for the most part...can't live by the scriptures of the Bible NOR were they meant for us anyway.

    His behavior is not recommended by Scripture....False teachers shall and do lead many astray - con man.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Knowledge and Wisdom is not the same.


    I know.
    Wisdom is the proper understanding and application of knowledge.

    Good start


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    You living in it....what further evidence is needed.


    How so?

    We Living in the USA in which Corruption Collusion and exploitation is common place.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Sure...if that is your desire


    I wouldn't necessarily call it a "desire" but I don't see the need to keep going in circles.

    You said that Israel was a "failed state" and I showed you that it's not.
    Instead of accepting this, you start producing "reasons" for why it's not instead of focusing on the fact that it IS NOT.

    And I maintain it is a fail state....Any state that cannot support itself but need the help of others to survive is a failed State.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Yes.... in that type of Progress - We are carrying forward the goals of white supremacy at the cost of The Black and or African.


    The Black or African FAILING in life and as a community is one of the "goals" of White "supremacy".

    If we are successful through building a progressive community and living progressive successful lives...that COUNTERS their aims and objectives.



    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Using the United States to help ourselves HELPS US.
    ...forget about the racists.

    They are many Organizations and Institutions in the USA that Have a racist Agenda....Afterall Racism was legal in The USA for most of its existence.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Yet you are willing to use the US Military The very Arm of Racism to secure Black and African Progress


    The U.S. Military is NOT the "very arm" of racism.
    Racism existed long before the U.S. military or the U.S. itself did.

    The Racism of today is fairly recent started in the 1500's

    Prior to that Racism was about Culture kin  and even Nationality....After Triangular Trade Route it became about skin color and physical features


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Remember I talked about the Romans in the other thread and how they had their own military.

    Like most things in this society, it can be USED by the racists to achieve their aims and goals. 

    Yes...In the US it has been used for Racist purposes overseas and at home...there have been exceptions


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Have you communicated with all living things to know that they do not have a conscience?


    Nor have I made the sweeping claim that they don't...like you made the sweeping claim that they did.

    I said according to science NOT ALL of them have a conscience.

    I that I have read and the few animals of other specie that have had what I considered a relationship with lead me to that All encompassing statement.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    That which Jesus Christ of Scriptures Represent is our Saving Grace.


    What evidence do you have that the Jesus of scripture HAS saved you or others?
    Why have so many who believe in him dead, in jail, or in trouble?

    His Life is an Example....The man Jesus has shown they WAY for us to live.

    That Example has saved Many who choose to follow in deeds his words and lifestyle.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    The Scripture is the  learned Wisdom of Our Ancestors.


    But the scriptures you quote from didn't come from "our Ancestors", they came from the ancestors of the Caucasians.

    We are One human Family

    The Egyptians Ethiopians and Indians and Chinese have there ancient works.



    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Any form of Payment for sex.


    That's not the LEGAL definition.
    But I understand what you mean.



    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    The manner in which you procured sex is Abusive and Negative...to all involve


    That's not true, that's you OPINION

    We both got what we wanted and what was promised from the exchange.
    That was a success on both sides.

    You are welcome to your own Opinion....I have stated mine.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Your own words..Sounds to me like she is in need.


    I can't argue with what something "sounds like" to you....lol.
    But again, her NEEDS weren't threatened.
    She could eat, had a home, had clothes, and apparently had decent health...or atleast didn't say anything was wrong with her.

    cool if you say so.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    She had what she NEEDED.
    She WANTED help with certain things, and got the help she wanted.



    I have said or implied no such thing....


    You imply it when you suggest that a person shouldn't use sex to get what they want or need.

    You imply that having sex is more sinful or wrong than accomplishing a particular goal.

    Please post that statement of Mine in which I said "Sex is sinful"


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Not When Sex is involved


    More OPINION...not fact.
    Sex is no different and you can't prove it.

    Fine by me


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    People usually need a resume so as to get a job to feed themselves and those near and dear to them.


    But you're jumping from one conclusion to the next to the next to support your assumption.

    All you know of the situation is that she wanted help with a resume....for what other purposes, you are ignorant of.

    If It's a Resume....It's usually to pursue employment of some kind


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I Quote Scriptures not dogma, theology or ideology nor do I subscribe to Western traditionalist views of Christianity.


    Scripture is a FORM of dogma, theology, and ideology.

    Ideology yes......Dogma and Theology no.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    And if you believe in Jesus Christ and the Bible, you ARE a Christian whether you accept the term or not.

    Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus believe in the Bible and Jesus Christ are they Christians?



    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    According to my understanding it is Fornication if One party is Married


    Lol...your understanding is wrong.

    Fornication is the Christian term for sex between unmarried people.

    Fine.....I never Once said I was a Christian.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Serial Cohabitation can tend toward moral decay.


    Do you have any evidence of this?


    Also, what IS "moral decay"?
    Show me proof of one's morals "decaying" because of serial cohabitation.

    Here are a few you may appreciate Psychology and Emotional Injury, STD's, Violence and Addictions.



    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I Do not Judge


    You HAVE judged through out this thread.

    You feel Judged.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    All the Scriptures of the World....especially Africa


    1. So you've read "all" the scriptures of the world?

    No...I have not read them all in Entirety... but I have read parts of many enough to know that most have some things in common.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    2. That may be part of the problem, you've read and believe in TOO MANY scriptures because some of them contradict eachother.

    The scriptures of the Bible weren't even meant for us as Africans.

    The Bible was written by Black African and sourced from Africa.....The Original Hebrews were Black.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Scripture is not Religious....You confuse the two


    Religion is partially BASED on scripture.

    In Western theology, no scripture = no religion.

    Scriptures are a Collection of Books procured by a particular people of there known Knowledge  which will include Religion but not limited to that alone.

    Yes... Religion is based on scripture but not Scripture

    No Script... no Sciences


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    That is not the fault of Conscience but Prejudice and Discrimination....or how clearly we Discern and Obey Conscience


    How do you obey something you don't have let alone have access to?

    We all have access to....for it is nearer than hands and feet.


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Prostitution is Abusive

    Celibacy is Self abusive... if the body burns with the want for sexual passions.

    So, since you consider both abusive...would you make both illegal?

    Why would I .....I have done enough by telling you what it is - The rest is up to you?

    John 8:7-11


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    What you call "liberally and freely" is a euphemism for being ensnared in the flesh selfishness greed gluttony and there attendant evils of obsessive compulsive and addictive behaviors usually brought on by search for or the seeking of  pleasure for pleasure sake


    OR looking at things from a logical and open-minded point of view instead of through the lense of indoctrination.



    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    White people MADE UP a lot of this religious garbage that much of the people of color around the world follow...and thus having made it up, they KNOW BETTER than to believe in it...lol.

    That's one of the reasons you see so many rich and powerful White folks who arrogantly break the laws of the Bible and of their so-called religions without the fear of consequences.

    There is no action without reaction


    13 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    They know the truth about them and their origins.

    They know that for the most part, their religions (including their scriptures) are just man-made TOOLS used to control the masses.

    Scriptures are man made tools to set Man free....Religions is used by the rich and powerful to control and rule the Masses

  14. 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:



    Then you are lost in the Western ideology.....it is not about the man - but the Message and the Lessons


     What is the lessons?


    According to the Bible, Jesus was allowed to be arrested and killed by the Roman government.

    Could one of the lessons they were trying to send all of the people of color they preached the Bible to was to not challenge White authority or you'll end up arrested and killed?

    Could another lesson they may be trying to convey is that they want you to believe that not even "the Christ" could withstand the power of Roman/White authority?

    Is that what you get from it?....if so you are steep deep into western ideology.



    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Death is not want you and I think it is....To them it is something else.


    I know what I think Death is....not sure what you or they do.


    According to Science The world is Round almost like a ball/pear....yet it damn sure looks flat.



    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    To the Wise true power reside in the ability to Control and Govern Oneself not Others...Matthew 16:26


    This sounds like a scripture to keep a person content with having NO power or control over anyone else except for themselves.


    Good teachings...for a slave....but not for one who would like to achieve power.

    A Slave has no Governance over his Body....He is a Slave to The Body(his or anothers) and its Demands


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    anything that happen in the proverbial garden of eden or genesis is the beginning from a western standpoint


    I agree.
    The proverbial "garden of eden" is one of the starting points of Caucasian history.
    Western history merely a branch of that.



    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    And equally true many were cured of those diseases without medicine or knowledge of the cure.


    The question is, what percentage?

    My guest is more than you think...


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    And also, a good question would be are MORE people being cured today from modern Western medicines or were MORE being cured in the past from ancient African and Native American medicines?

    More people was and is Being Cured by Traditional medicine than Western medicine. ...First Do no Harm


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    do you know the cause of cancer...?


    I'm not a high medical practitioner or master so I can't say I KNOW the causes; however I BELIEVE many of the causes come from the various chemicals they put in the environment TO cause it.

    Seems like a Conspiracy not a Cure.

  15. On 12/9/2023 at 7:16 AM, Pioneer1 said:




    Both Black People and white people are more likely to accept or believe it when coming from a whiteman...


    You got a point there.....lol.



    On 12/9/2023 at 7:16 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    Jesus did not do that either....we do not understand the science involve and the rules governing his abilities.


    We're (unless you had a personal experience with him) not sure if the Jesus of the Bible even EXISTED, much less the abilities attributed to him in the Bible.

    I'm not saying he didn't.
    I'm saying we simply don't know for sure one way or the other.

    Then you are lost in the Western ideology.....it is not about the man - but the Message and the Lessons


    On 12/9/2023 at 7:16 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    However if he did, even of HIM the question would be asked why were the Roman authorities allowed to kill him if only temporarily?


    Death is not want you and I think it is....To them it is something else.


    On 12/9/2023 at 7:16 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    True power tends to RULE...not get driven out of town, arrested, and even killed by the government.

    To the Wise true power reside in the ability to Control and Govern Oneself not Others...Matthew 16:26



    On 12/9/2023 at 7:16 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    Sickness and diseases has been here since the beginning.... It is said that as long as there is Sin....

    Then sickness and calamities will continue to plague the human family...Romans 6:23

    I don't believe in that.

    You are entitled to your own belief.


    On 12/9/2023 at 7:16 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    HEALTH was here since the "beginning" because humans were Created healthy.
    Sickness and disease came afterward.

    cool...we both right

    anything that happen in the proverbial garden of eden or genesis is the beginning from a western standpoint


    On 12/9/2023 at 7:16 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    I believe sickness and disease is for the most part a result of IGNORANCE.

    I Agree


    On 12/9/2023 at 7:16 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    Your nephew died of cancer...not because he was evil or your faith was being "tested".
    He died because you were IGNORANT of the cause of it or it's cure.
    If you knew how to cure him....you would have.

    There are many diseases people died of in the past that they know longer die of because they now have the treatment or cure for them.

    And equally true many were cured of those diseases without medicine or knowledge of the cure.

    do you know the cause of cancer...?


    On 12/9/2023 at 7:16 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    Our people need to come out of religious superstition and into the light of KNOWLEDGE.

    I Agree

  16. On 12/9/2023 at 9:58 AM, Pioneer1 said:


    Let me make it clear that:

    1. I support the institution of marriage when done PROPERLY.
    2. I believe children should be raised by atleast a man and women in a committed relationship.....usually marriage.

    I Concur


    On 12/9/2023 at 9:58 AM, Pioneer1 said:



    Having said that though..............

    I would argue that historically, women have found more independence and success as PROSTITUTES than as old fashioned traditional HOUSE-WIVES.

    I do not Agree.

    Provide your Evidence of this?


    On 12/9/2023 at 9:58 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    A lot of women have become successful and made lots of money being call-girls, escorts, and eventually Madams of their own brothels.

    Maybe a lucky few....but a what cost



    On 12/9/2023 at 9:58 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    As important is it is, how many have become wealthy from their position as subservient and obedient house-wives?

     Most if not all of them that are married to Wealthy men.....They greatly outnumber successful Prostitutes


    On 12/9/2023 at 9:58 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    I'd further argue that in recently history, house wives have experienced more domestic violence and physical abuse from their husbands....than prostitutes have from their Johns.

    I Disagree

    Provide proof or evidence?


    On 12/9/2023 at 9:58 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    The reasons I make this point is because "right and wrong" should based on BENEFIT to us as a people, not based on out-dated moral and ethical guidelines given to us by our enemies (the racists).

    Right is at its Essence based on whether and to what extent it is Life Supporting and Life Giving to the Greatest Number in the Long Run.


    On 12/9/2023 at 9:58 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    We want a society based on TRUTH...because facts and knowledge solve our problems.

    Not just another one based on lies and eye-bucking superstition that will have you going around in circles over and over again trying to figure out what's wrong.


  17. On 12/9/2023 at 9:09 AM, Pioneer1 said:





    Oh, I forgot to add.......there have been other women....actually more...who OFFERED to have sex with me for helping them AFTER I actually helped them (and yes I took some of them up on their offer....lol) than those I NEGOTIATED sex with for my help.

    I've helped men AND women.

    Good for you..


    On 12/9/2023 at 9:09 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    When I help men, they feel that I've done them a favor so they offer me other favors.
    Some offer money, other offer to buy me some liquor, others help me in other ways.

    When I help women, they often offer me other favors too but a lot of women feel like the best way to "reward" a man is with their body.
    Help her son with his homework or with some trouble with other kids,  fix her car or sink,  help her fill out an application, give her a ride to work....she often will OFFER a man sex.

    Mutual consent doesn't mean it is not Exploitive and corrupting.


    On 12/9/2023 at 9:09 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    Not every woman....but many of them.

    But again, we want a NEW SOCIETY built on TRUST and TRUTH.
    Not one build on a foundation of lies, hypocrisy, and perversion.

    I Agree


    On 12/9/2023 at 9:09 AM, Pioneer1 said:

    The people can SEE what's going on despite what you TELL them or read to them out of some so-called "holy book".

    A man can quote scripture all day long but if they see that man sneaking women into his house in the middle of the afternoon for "counselling sessions" for hours at a time while his wife is at work or see pictures of him on-line wearing lipstick and earrings in drag......they know he's full of shit.

    He is full of shit.....

    Why blame Scripture for his behavior.

    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:



    Book learning not Wisdom.


    If they are able to APPLY what they've learned in those books to rule over people, then they also have WISDOM to a certain degree.

    Knowledge and Wisdom is not the same.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Yes they have Power.... by creating an evil corrupt system of Exploitations with Power garner from Corruption and Collusions...more suffering - 

    What goes around comes around.


    Do you have proof or strong evidence of this?
    Or is it more WISHFUL THINKING from those who think they don't have the ability to defend themselves from the corruption and evil afflicting them?

    You living in it....what further evidence is needed.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    If you cannot survive on your own... then you are dependent - Vassal State.


    You called them a failed state.
    Clearly they are not.
    We can move on if you like...lol.

    Sure...if that is your desire


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    We have Progress...Within the System of White Supremacy because we have played by their rules and by adhering to their goals.


    So in other words, progress IS achievable.

    Yes.... in that type of Progress - We are carrying forward the goals of white supremacy at the cost of The Black and or African.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Black African and African American....is Antithetical to White Supremacy - Today the US is One of the Major Practitioner of Racism on the Global stage.


    Tell me something I don't know.

    We should focus on making MORE progress.
    Not lamenting over the obvious.

    Yet you are willing to use the US Military The very Arm of Racism to secure Black and African Progress


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    But Right and Wrong as in Good and Evil goes beyond Mores and Social Values...It is of the Fabric of Consciousness 


    Not sure if that's true or false.

    Animals are conciouss.....do all of them know "good" from "evil"???



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    We have been here before.

    All living things have a Conscience.....that small still voice - Intuition.


    Have you communicated with "all living things" to know this as a fact?

    No....I have not.

    Have you communicated with all living things to know that they do not have a conscience?



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:




    I am not religious..
    Yes I learn from Scripture


    Do you believe Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior?


    Do you believe the Bible is the word of God?

    That which Jesus Christ of Scriptures Represent is our Saving Grace.

    The Scripture is the  learned Wisdom of Our Ancestors.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    She came to you for help?


    Yes...and found it.

    Yes she did.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    The exchange of goods and or services for sex is prostitution


    Exchanging MONEY for sex is prostitution.
    Not goods or services.

    Any form of Payment for sex.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Whether with you or anyone else it is still prostitution....Considered abusive - to all involved.


    Considered abusive BY YOU because of your Westernized view of sex.
    Obviously, you've been taught to believe sex is negative outside of certain confines.

    The manner in which you procured sex is Abusive and Negative...to all involve - Sex is not  Negative

    Sex is Sacred and carries with it certain Responsibilities and Effects


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    We can agree she needed help?


    She WANTED help.

    Your own words..Sounds to me like she is in need.

    "I've been with women from different countries and I have NO PROBLEM using the fact that I'm an American citizens who can help them with certain things....to get some "cookies" from them."


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    but she wanted your help....You accepted - a bargain was made.


    Now we're getting somewhere....lol.

    You have Re-inforce or Introduce both you and herself to Prostitution.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    plenty have don't so....oldest among professions - it tends to have undesirable consequences.


    So does being a virgin, being celibate, and NOT engaging in sex when God created us to.

    Doesn't your Bible say that man wasn't made to be alone?

    I have said or implied no such thing....


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    No not at all....A fair price is all that is required


    "Fair" is what BOTH PARTIES AGREE upon.

    Not When Sex is involved


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    You saw you had an Advantage and took it.



    Exactly...You had the Advantage - She had the Disadvantage

    Advantage - a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position

    Disadvantage - something that puts one in an unfavorable position or condition.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:



    What is the opportunity some in need and wanting your help.


    She wanted it, she didn't need it.
    The opportunity is in and of itself...my opportunity to have sex with a woman I found attractive.

    People usually need a resume so as to get a job to feed themselves and those near and dear to them.

    Wants and needs are indeed different especially when individuals knows the difference....What happens when they don't?


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    Maybe so Maybe not....I do not know what that means to you.
    please elucidate?


    You quote Biblical scriptures, so obviously you believe their is truth and validation in them to a certain extent.
    That's the point of view you're coming from.

    I Quote Scriptures not dogma, theology or ideology nor do I subscribe to Western traditionalist views of Christianity.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    The Bible for the most part teaches against sex outside of marriage which it calls "fornication".

    According to my understanding it is Fornication if One party is Married..... The Married Party is committing Adultery - The Unmarried party is committing Fornication.

    People involved in Consensual premarital sexual relationships both party are engage in (especially)if living together or in an ongoing social and or personal relationship....Cohabitation/Common Law.

    Serial Cohabitation can tend toward moral decay.


    *except in cases of Betrothal/engagement


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    If you want to believe that...as I once did...fine.
    Just don't force it on others.

    I Do not Judge


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    If by my morals you mean European Western Morality ...then you are Wrong - Admittedly they are overlaps in both African and European Morality.


    So outside of Biblical scripture...which was translated BY Europeans....where else do you get your moral and ethical code/beliefs from?

    All the Scriptures of the World....especially Africa


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    What are you implying here....that Africans do not have Morals?


    Absolutely not.
    The word "morality" ITSELF came from the Moors who were African.



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Biblical Style Courting is loosely based in African Cultures.....African Americans have forgotten.

    True....because of colonialism many Western European sexual habits have been FORCED upon Africans.
    Usually through religious indoctrination.



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    In order to find out if it's TRULY "African" or not, we have to study the cultures that have been relatively untouched by the Europeans, Arabs, and other outsiders.

    Not True


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    It's not so much that African Americans have FORGOTTEN them but our proximity to Caucasians have taught us....among other things...how to think more liberally and "freely" from religion and religious indoctrination.

    What you call "liberally and freely" is a euphemism for being ensnared in the flesh selfishness greed gluttony and there attendant evils of obsessive compulsive and addictive behaviors usually brought on by search for or the seeking of  pleasure for pleasure sake.....Self Indulgence - It is a Gilded Prison with all the TRAPpings of FreeDOM but it is not what it appears to be.


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    So unlike many other people around the world who believe UNQUESTIONABLY in religious scripture, we have learned to question it and in some cases abandon it.

    Scripture is not Religious....You confuse the two

    Religion use Scripture as Propaganda and Scientism uses Science. 



    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Clear cut case of Abusive..

    Then why pretend it was anything else??


    Because it was not abuse.
    Again, you have an anti-sexual point of view based on Western/Biblical moral codes.
    That colors how you look at sex and sexual activity, especially outside of the confines of marriage.

    Please it is what it is...Abusive 

    A common Practice/Assault on those in need or want  exercise on them by those who have - The Advantage


    6 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:



    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I Judge no one....


    Lol..you've been judging me and my behavior all thorough out this thread.

    If my explaining to you what it is you are doing is seen by you as judgement...where is the condemnation?

    Your ignorance of what you were doing causes your conscience to inform you thereby you feel judge.

    I have no place or authority to judge you....I merely am informing you.


    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I have no religion.. i share my thoughts


    a) You believe in the Bible so you CLEARLY have a religion, in my opinion

    What religion is that?


    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    b) You share more than just YOUR thoughts, but you share the thoughts given to you by the scriptures you believe in.

    Yes they are my thoughts influenced and informed by scripture.


    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Like i said you would not appreciate them...


    Can I be the judge of that?

    Based on your reasoning they would not serve you well.....As you seemed to see the White Western  European Way of Things as the epitome against which you measure All Things


    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Prostitution is Legal in Nevada...That's in the US 


    SOME PARTS of Nevada, it's legal.

    That's only a small part of the U.S.
    For the most part, it's illegal in the U.S.




    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    The means by which you attain such heights is important......Payback is Karma


    Karma is a Hindu term that means "action"...not pay back.

    Karma includes Consequence as in action and reaction....Even reaction is action - only difference being showing a causal relation between actions

    So as not to leave any doubt  i choose the word "payback"



    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Neither Am I


    That's obvious.
    However if you DID try to build one, it sounds like it would be based on that...lol.

    You have no idea...


    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Let your Conscience be your Guide.


    Not good enough.....

    Whatever you suggest will be limited to Time and Place...at worst a new code of Morals and Ethics(Laws) - Religion


    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    As I've said before, not everyone has a conscience.

    And I Disagree.


    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    And for those who do....not everyone's conscience tells them the same things.

    That is not the fault of Conscience but Prejudice and Discrimination....or how clearly we Discern and Obey Conscience


    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    If we are all living together in one society, we should all be on the same page of what's right and what's wrong.

    Yes....but we all have our own goals and desires making you prejudicial toward your own interest - thus interpretation of  Ethics Morals Laws Rules Regulations become Discriminatory.


    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Can't have one group of men who thinks prostitution and having 10 wives is ok...and another group who thinks prostitution should be banned and a man should remain celibate all his life.

    Nothing is wrong with many Wives or Husbands so long as all are treated Fairly and with Respected....Polygamy, Polyandry and Polyamory*.

    Prostitution is Abusive

    Celibacy is Self abusive... if the body burns with the want for sexual passions.


    8 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    We have to have compromise and agreement for a society to remain stable.

    Yes....That is the best place to start.



    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:




    The Racist....who have been misinformed and miseducated


    Ok, thanks for clarifying what you meant.
    However I would question whether or not most racists have been "misinformed" or "miseducated".

    Some racists are HIGHLY educated and informed, which is why they have so much power in society and control over people.

    Book learning not Wisdom.

    Yes they have Power.... by creating an evil corrupt system of Exploitations with Power garner from Corruption and Collusions...more suffering - What goes around comes around.



    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Agreed they do not look like a failed state.....They cannot exist without the immense support of the US.

    As I said, they don't look like a "failed state" to me regardless as to who is supporting them.
    I'm not arguing the reasons for it, I'm focused on stating the OBVIOUSNESS of it.

    If you cannot survive on your own... then you are dependent - Vassal State.


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Black African and African American progress being loved or like by the US Government.


    Ask Obama, the first AfroAmerican President.

    Ask Kamala Harris, the AfroAmerican VP

    Ask the thousands of Black Congressmen, Senators, and Mayors whether or not the U.S. government can love or like them.

    We have Progress...Within the System of White Supremacy because we have played by their rules and by adhering to their goals.

    Black African and African American....is Antithetical to White Supremacy - Today the US is One of the Major Practitioner of Racism on the Global stage.


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Yes and the Right behaviour in any given situation is correct behavior...The correct Behavior is a Moral and Ethical one.


    You're correct on the first statement.....lol...but not so much on the 2nd.

    Morals and ethics aren't always "correct" because they differ from one person to the next.

    You have YOUR morals and ethics.....that's obvious...and I have mine.


    Morals are Social Institutions to Facilitate Social Interaction of what is Considered Fair and Upright/Honest...There purpose is to avoid mitigate and remedy Strife and Contentions.

    But Right and Wrong as in Good and Evil goes beyond Mores and Social Values...It is of the Fabric of Consciousness 

    It is almost Universal in that it is part of the make up of  Life and Living Things That are Conscious to be Conscientious...As in having a Conscience. - exercise it or not.


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Conscience almost always informs of of the wrongness or rightness of any action

    Conscience it can be said is embedded in all living things....whether they obey it or not is their Free Will.


    What about people who DON'T have a conscience, like a psychopath?

    We have been here before.

    All living things have a Conscience.....that small still voice - Intuition.


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    See, this is the problem when religion is involved....

    I am not religious..

    Yes I learn from Scripture


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Somebody...perhaps a parent or maybe preacher told you that "everyone" has a conscience to tell them right from wrong.



    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Science tells you that NO....not everyone does.

    Science have been proven wrong Before but more often that not the facts have just been misinterpreted.

    Please present you links to the above scientific fact you reference??


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    So now we disagree with eachother because you're "sure" of one thing while I'm "sure" of the opposite.

    As it often happens.


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    Not True she is coming to you for help...

    It IS true because she had other resources at her disposal that she COULD have used if she wanted to.

    She came to you for help?


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    1. I wasn't the ONLY one who could help her with writing a resume and filling out applications for certain programs.
    Infact, in some cases (there was more than one) the people they were living with could have helped them do it.

    Yes but she came to you for help?


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    2. Filling out applications and doing resumes aren't a basic necessity.

    It can be or is if you do not have a Job.



    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    It's to achieve benefit....yes....but not necessarily for food, clothing, shelter, or healthcare.

    As I said, these women wanted something and were WILLING to exchange sex for it.

    The exchange of goods and or services for sex is prostitution


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    You thought she was attractive and thought to bed her whilst hold the ability to fill out the resume in question....that's threatening


    "Threatening" to who?
    Certainly not her....who WILLINGLY engaged in it.

    As stated earlier, they had a CHOICE to either do it with me or do it with someone else.

    Whether with you or anyone else it is still prostitution....Considered abusive - to all involved.



    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    She needed your help....its not a fair exchange


    Slight correction....she WANTED my help.
    She didn't "need" it.
    As stated several times before, there were other people they could have went to.

    If that's your opinion fine..

    We can agree she needed help?

    but she wanted your help....You accepted - a bargain was made.



    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    And EVEN IF her options were limited....what's wrong with her using her sexuality to fullfill a NEED?

    Plenty have don't so....oldest among professions - it tends to have undesirable consequences.


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Are you suggesting that she should she just "do without"?

    No not at all....A fair price is all that is required



    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    You took advantage of someone in need.


    No, as I said before I took advantage of the opportunity.
    And would GLADLY do so again and again.


    Secondly, as I've said twice already they WANTED my help....they didn't NEED it.


    You saw you had an Advantage and took it.

    What is the opportunity some in need and wanting your help.


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    The Moral thing to do is court her


    According to YOUR morals....because YOU are coming from a Biblical/Christian traditionalist point of view.

     Maybe so Maybe not....I do not know what that means to you.

    please elucidate?


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    There is little evidence that YOUR morals provide the best example for AfroAmerican success because our community has TRIED them already and they've led to massive failure.

    If by my morals you mean European Western Morality ...then you are Wrong - Admittedly they are overlaps in both African and European Morality.

    What are you implying here....that Africans do not have Morals?


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    The Biblical style of courting and marriage usually leads to FAILURE for AfroAmericans.

    Biblical Style Courting is loosely based in African Cultures.....African Americans have forgotten.


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    ....Not dangle or use your helping her as a silent threat of denial in response to her denial if she should decide to deny you.


    Another correction:
    There was no "silent threat"...I made it CLEAR in some cases that if you don't have sex with me, I'm not helping your ass...lol.



    Clear cut case of Abusive..

    Then why pretend it was anything else??


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    If you don't like me, cool....go find someone else.
    Free society.


    I support CRYSTAL CLARITY...not assumptions, lies, and false expectations.

    In all businesses, I make sure the exchanges are CRYSTAL CLEAR.
    No room for misunderstandings.

    I Judge no one....


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    You court...Not trade


    No.....YOU court.
    That's not my religion.


    You practice YOUR religion if you like, but don't impose it on others.

    I have no religion.. i share my thoughts


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    To trade Goods or Services in exchange for sex is Prostitution.


    And I support it 100%...in concept.

    I don't support it in practicality because it's illegal.

    Which I think is WRONG and totally disagree with.

    You are entitled to your opinion


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    ..... it is Corrupting and exploitive - for all involved.


    What's you PROOF of this?
    ...besides your own Western-influenced concepts of sex and marriage?

    like i said you would not appreciate them...


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    There are MANY WOMEN who have made a good living being prostitutes....more than who have washing dishes or being secretaries.

    Of that I am sure.


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    In the U.S. prostitution is ILLEGAL and there is more child abuse, rape, transgenderism and other forms of perversion and abuse than other nations where prostitution between men and women are LEGAL.

    Prostitution is Legal in Nevada...That's in the US 


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    So again....PROVE what you say about prostitution being corrupting and exploitive.


    Also, what's your definition of "exploitation"?
    Does it only apply to sex?


    Seems to me you'd be more infavor of an ANTI-SEX Black Theocracy instead of a Progressive Black Nation....lol.

    There is evidence none of which you would appreciate....They would not be worth the expense of missing a sexual encounter


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    A guest in their country even if you are a Citizen.


    If I had it MY WAY or OUR WAY the land we buy would be OUR LAND and no longer legally under their jurisdiction so we would be full fledged CITIZENS...not merely guests.



    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Politicians and Huge white run MultiNational Corporations.


    What was your purpose of mentioning them?

    You ask who the US military answered to


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Yes they Rich or wealthy

    I am not rich like them are you?


    Not yet....lol.
    But we can get there if we follow certain steps.

    The means by which you attain such heights is important......Payback is Karma


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I am against most forms of exploitation.


    You SAY that, but I'm not sure if you are...

    1. If you haven't already can you DEFINE exploitation.

    2. Depending on your definition, how would you get workers to WORK for you and BUILD your society if you don't plan to use them to a certain extent?

    Use is not Abuse.....

    Abuse is Exploitation


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Also, you say MOST......but not all.
    What forms of exploitation are you NOT against?

     In times of War....In defense of the Weak and Vulnerable.


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I can tell you clearly, I'm NOT trying to build a community based on Biblical or Western-Christian ideology and their PERVERTED rules of sex, diet, and other forms of so-called morality.

    Neither Am I


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Their society was built on LIES and HYPOCRISY.
    The same preachers telling YOU not to have sex, were running around having sex with everyone in the choir, in the congregation, and screwing as many women as they could get their hands on.

    I Agree


    3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I believe following THEIR way is one of the reasons our community is in the shape it's in today.

    That old way CLEARLY didn't work and is not working for most of us, so we need a NEW form of morals and ethic to build our society on.

    Let your Conscience be your Guide.

  19. 5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:




    Again Wisdom has nothing to do with skin color or race/ethnicity.

    So when you said:


    Who were you referring to?

    The Racist....who have been misinformed and miseducated


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Israel is a failed state....it only exist because the West constantly support and defend them.


    But they exist.
    And they're wealthy.
    And they're powerful.

    I'm not sure of their future, but they don't look "failed"....not right now.

    Agreed they do not look like a failed state.....They cannot exist without the immense support of the US.


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Exactly and setting yourself apart will only further aggravate the situation.


    Do you have evidence to support this, or is it an assumption based on altruistic sympathies?

    In other words, do you have any laws or religious scriptures to support your beliefs that people shouldn't "set themselves apart" from others in the society?
    Or do you believe it because it just doesn't "seem right" to you that AfroAmericans with wealth and connections should go to a foreign nation and demand high status?

    It's often called In Group out Group bias or Othering or Alienation from a sociological perspective.


    The Concept of the "Other"


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I have no problem with that.....but the US Government may.


    The "US Government" isn't just one single individual but consists of MILLIONS of people with their own views and agendas.

    Some may have a problem with it...others may LOVE it and have been waiting on an opportunity to help us achieve it.

    Black African and African American progress being loved or like by the US Government......lol


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Righteousness is Goodness.


    Righteousness is CORRECTNESS.

    The "right answer" is the "CORRECT answer".....regardless as to how one feels about it.

    Yes and the Right behaviour in any given situation is correct behavior...The correct Behavior is a Moral and Ethical one.


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    "Goodness" if often very subjective for most people, especially based on religion and upbringing.

    What YOU consider "good" may not be my definition.

    Yes....Time and Place does change how and what people see as Good.

    Conscience almost always informs of of the wrongness or rightness of any action

    Conscience it can be said is embedded in all living things....whether they obey it or not is their Free Will.

    Free Will is Vulnerable to many Influences


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    There was no opportunity there....only you had an advantage


    Correction: Both of us had the "advantage".

    Not True she is coming to you for help...


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    She had the advantage of being highly attractive to me (and me to her).
    I had the advantage of knowing how to fill out resumes properly.

    You thought she was attractive and thought to bed her whilst hold the ability to fill out the resume in question....that's threatening


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    It wasn't one sided, it was a FAIR EXCHANGE between two consenting adults.

    She needed your help....its not a fair exchange


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Is a wealthy man who chooses a poor wife he finds highly attractive "taking advantage" of her?

    Did you marry the girl in question?....false equivalency.


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Then you failed to understand....when you poor and needy you do not know that you have options or choices - You accept what's offered.


    So then help me understand, what's your point.........

    You took advantage of someone in need.


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    -Poor people or people in need shouldn't have sex?

    The Moral thing to do is court her.....Not dangle or use your helping her as a silent threat of denial in response to her denial if she should decide to deny you.


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    -Poor people shouldn't have sex to improve their financial situation?

    Ask Harvey Weinstein?


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    -Or do you believe it's alright to have sex just for fun or make babies, but to actually use it to get something you NEED is "wrong" in your opinion?


    You court...Not trade

    To trade Goods or Services in exchange for sex is Prostitution....... it is Corrupting and exploitive - for all involved.


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    It is abuse when one uses the neediness of others to secure an advantage to benefit from

    Ooooh ok...

    So you believe getting benefits from people who are in need is abusive? 🤔 Hmmm........

    So charging poor people for food is abuse?

    Getting Sexual Favors in exchange for services is Abusive.

    It's not food.....


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    So when doctors and hospitals charge accident victims and sick people money for medications, surgeries, and other treatments...they're "taking advantage" of them in their time of need?

    They do not ask for sex in exchange


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Just want to be clear on your position here.

    I hope I am clar


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Yes that is true of some Africans and the vis versa is equally true....be yourself but remember you are a guest in their house.


    Not if we OWN part of the house.

    If we buy land and build factories...then we own THAT PORTION of the land.

    That would be the agreement.
    No "renting" but OWNERSHIP.

    A guest in their country even if you are a Citizen.


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Who Commands the US Military????

    Who does the US Military Obey??


    Us....when we're organized and involve ourselves politically in this country after recognizing that it's OUR COUNTRY.

    Politicians and Huge white run MultiNational Corporations.


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Are you worth Billions, control or have influence over thousands of US voters and teams of Lawyers, Lobbyist  and Marketers on your payroll


    I don't, but there are a few Black folks who DO...like Oprah and Magic Johnson.

    Yes they Rich or wealthy

    I am not rich like them are you?


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    And we'd get many many more if we'd realize our TRUE potential.

    Investing in Africa...I believe....will get us their VERY quickly.



    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Or would you rather let the Whites and Asians continue buying up land and exploiting the people instead?

    I am against most forms of exploitation.


    5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    If any "foreigners" get land in Africa.....I would rather it be the descendants of the formerly enslaved Africans who were kidnapped from there.

    I agree.

  20. 2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Yes....those videos raise a LOT of questions for me.
    Among them........

    1. In the case of the first video, why is the story of Mr.Toko being told by White men instead of Black Congolese?

    Both Black People and white people are more likely to accept or believe it when coming from a whiteman...


    2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    2.I understand the stories of him being killed and resurrecting again.  
    If they are true, my question would be why did he simply "go away' because the powers didn't want him?
    If he was a Savior for humanity then he should have STAYED and helped humanity with more Miracles and helped raised dead people and cure sick people.

    Jesus did not do that either....we do not understand the science involve and the rules governing his abilities.

    As soon as we do understand it ...it will immediately cease to be Miraculous.


    2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    3. AIDS came along after these men, but did any of them predict the coming AIDS Pandemic?
    And why was it allowed to happen?

    Sickness and diseases has been here since the beginning.... It is said that as long as there is Sin....

    Then sickness and calamities will continue to plague the human family...Romans 6:23


    2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    In general, I can't say I deny or accept what was said in these videos but IF what was said was true.....it still raises question about the exact purpose for these Holy Men coming among us in the first place if they weren't going to correct the wrongs done by the wicked in this world.

    They seemed to come to set an example...Not to stop (abrogate free will)or punish anyone.

    If they stop are punish they bring Karma(sin) on themselves....You can not fight for Peace or Love.

    You Must be Peace and Love.

    To every rule they are exceptions....following a Higher Law will appear as if you are breaking a Lower Law



    2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Why did they come?

    To show that there is more to life....Matthew 6:33

  21. On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:



    Wisdom has nothing to do with Ethnicity


    True...but that doesn't answer my question.

    Again, if you suggest that White people have book-knowledge but are lacking wisdom...I won't argue this.
    Perhaps others do....I'm not sure one way or the other, which is why I simply ask that you show me the race that DOES have more wisdom than them.

    Again Wisdom has nothing to do with skin color or race/ethnicity.


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    Then you know that it Failed...as it accentuate differences and not commonalities.

    It was SET UP to fail.
    The United States didn't set up Liberia the same way they and Britain set up Israel.

    You don't dump a bunch of newly freed Black folks off in the middle of the woods and sail away leaving them to fend for themselves..
    What did they EXPECT to happen?

    Hence we should not make the same mistake....

    Israel is a failed state....it only exist because the West constantly support and defend them.

    They have set themselves apart....which is what you are suggesting.


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    We will be seen as Foreigners Akata, Obruni or Oyinbo...Cotton picker or stupid and evil person.


    You're ALREADY seen as that anyway...that's one of my points.
    If we go over there and BUILD something and HELP people with our wealth and technology (comparatively speaking) perhaps they'd look at us differently.

    But at this point, many if not most of them don't see AfroAmericans in a very positive light ANY way.

    Exactly and setting yourself apart will only further aggravate the situation.


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    We certainly do not have more Resources than African, We do not have more Wealth than Africans And it can be argued we do not have more skills than the Africans.


    As AfroAmericans we COLLECTIVELY have more ACCESS to wealth, technology, and education than most Africans.
    We just don't use it properly.

    The Same can be said about Africans....with regard to wealth - we can argue education and technology.


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    A Black man (Charles Brown) is currently the Joint Chief of Staff leading the United States military.
    Before him another Black man named Colin Powell was in that position.

    We HAVE access and opportunities....but we haven't used them wisely.

    Leading the US Military is a Position of Authority not Power.

    Authority is confine to act within designated rules and regulations.

    Power is confined by its own Strength and Influence


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    What we have is Proximity to Power  and The Opportunity to influence that power....Access to Modern Technology.


    So why not USE them?

    Remember the old adage, USE IT OR LOSE IT.

    Many Latinos use what little THEY have to go back down to Latin America and build.

    I Agree


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    No....I expect them to built Industries in Africa.


    Well they have to be TAUGHT how to do this.
    You don't go from being a cashier at Home Depot to building a steel plant in the middle of Ghana.
    You have to be TAUGHT these skills.
    Which is why we should petition the U.S. government for skills and training.

    I have no problem with that.....but the US Government may.


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    That is Aristocracy/Nobility, ancestors left a heritage for them.


    However the hell they got it....they got it.
    What's wrong with it?

    It all depends on how they Got it?

    If it is through means of corruption....then it will not end well


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    What's wrong with Aristocracy and being upper class?
    What's wrong with being wealthy and elite?

    Nothing if it is earned in a moral and ethical way.


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    I'm not going to let White "liberal" theology trick me out of going against common sense.
    Wealth is good.

    True wealth is the Just reward for Goodness


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    True.....but why would you want to be a Corrupt Elite....


    I said ELITE...I said nothing about being "corrupt".

    You did and I quote below:-
    "Also, Elitest are often some of the most corrupt."


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    Let us try to keep it a good thing.


    Part of our success is in our RIGHTEOUSNESS.

    However as a people we need to be on the SAME PAGE as to what constitutes "righteousness".
    Lol, which leads us to this NEXT issue.....

    Righteousness is Goodness.



    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    We Knew that all along....but what you are proposing is to fleece the poor and needy 


    Is bringing factories, buildings, and decent paying jobs to them "fleecing" them?

    Because that would be ONE OF my intentions in buying land and establishing industry in Africa.
    Helping myself and other AfroAmericans primarily however helping them also.

    If as you stated earlier that we should learn something from the "whiteman" with regard to power and wealth, them that is being colonizer and fleecing is a kind word a more fitting world would be pillaging.

    I quote;-

    "As long as we've lived UNDER the White man, we should have learned SOMETHING from him.
    Like POWER matters
    Money and wealth matters"


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    You just Said how you got "cookies" by taken advantage of people in need.....you had the power and abused them with it.




    1. I didn't take advantage of the PERSON, I took advantage of the OPPORTUNITY.

    There was no opportunity there....only you had an advantage


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    It was a fair exchange as they had the choice.

    If they didn't want to have sex with me, they could have gone to someone else or just turned down my offer.

    Then you failed to understand....when you poor and needy you do not know that you have options or choices - You accept what's offered.



    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    No compulsion or extortion.

    Their Lack and Need is the Compulsion...That is the Advantage you exploited



    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    2. I didn't AB-USE my power I USED by power to get what I wanted by helping THEM get what THEY wanted.

    It is abuse when one uses the neediness of others to secure an advantage to benefit from


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    As long as sex is CONSENTUAL and MUTUALLY AGREED I have absolutely no problem with it.

    If one is under Duress/Pressure it cannot be mutual or consensual


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    We don't want to build a society based on HYPOCRISY.
    Not calling YOU that...but speaking in general.

    Of Course not...


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    We know most men want sex and will use different ways to get it.
    You're not going to stop this.  It's been going on for thousands if not millions of years.
    It's not likely to change.

    So long as it is Right Just and Fair...

    How long it has been practice does not make it Right


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    As long as it's VOLUNTARY and between ADULTS, we should accept that it's their own personal business and move on to more important matters

    Many a Boss thought having sex with their secretary was Voluntary and Consensual....until They appear in Court and all heard of her/his many fears and feelings of threat and intimidation if he or she did not acquiesce


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    But I understand you're PROBABLY coming from a Biblical/Christian perspective that believes that sex is more than a physical need and desire.

    It is but that not where I am coming from...


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    Power comes in many forms...And we all have varying degrees of power regardless of Race class or status





    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    First you must recognize The Power you already have and what you are doing with it.


    More facts on top of facts.



    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    You are setting yourself up as the "Other" very rarely good come of such behaviour.


    Good luck TRYING to blend in as being the "same" then.
    Some people will tell you that as an AfroAmerican, most Africans wouldn't see you as one of their "own" no matter how hard you tried to fit in or blend in.
    So you might as well embrace being the "other" Black man, lol.

    Yes that is true of some Africans and the vis versa is equally true....be yourself but remember you are a guest in their house.


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    We are Westerners and we should continue with our cultural ways whilst being Aware Accepting and Hospitable as Guests should be.


    I wouldn't accept "guest" status.

    If I buy land there, I would demand CITIZENSHIP status....for me and my offspring born there.

    You won't have to demand it ...Many African countries grant you the Right of Return - Automatic citizenship.

    Nevertheless you are still a guest and should always be aware of that an act accordingly - Circumspect


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    Not FORCED mind you.
    But "demand" as in....that would be part of the deal in exchange for the money and other benefits I would bring.

    Many countries grant you citizenship once invest over a specific amount.


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    They aren't going to just take the AfroAmericans money, use them up, and then kick him out when they get ready.
    Or when some other dictator takes over rip up the contract.
    Hell no.

    Dictators have Power....Not Authority - so they do what they want and face the consequences if any.


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    I could not agree with you more.....

    Why US Military.....Why not Create Our Own  or hire Private Black African Paramilitary Protection Service Company.


    I'll give you 2 good reasons:

    1. The U.S. military is one of if not THE best military among nations in the world.
    What country would have a better military to help us and learn from?

    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:


    Who Commands the US Military????

    Who does the US Military Obey??


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    They have someone of an obligation to help and protect us anyway.

    Are you worth Billions, control or have influence over thousands of US voters and teams of Lawyers, Lobbyist  and Marketers on your payroll


    On 12/5/2023 at 8:45 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    I love discussions like this because we can get things out in the open and eliminate misunderstandings.

    This is one of the many great things I've learned from the teachings of Neely Fuller Jr.

    There should be NO CONFUSION or MISUNDERSTANDINGS between Black people....especially when we set out to work together on a project or want to go into a business or buy land together.

    We should all know what the other believes and what their values are.

    Before we SET FOOT on our land overthere, we should have a CRYSTAL CLEAR understanding of eachothers wants, expectations, intentions, morals, and ethical values.


  22. 1 hour ago, ProfD said:

    Brotha @frankster strikes again.👏🏿


    Whole post was thorough but I wanted to highlight salient points.


    If AfroAmericans were to take their talent, knowledge, skills and abilities gained from the West and looked to build with Africans and others throughout the diaspora, the status of Black folks all over the planet would rise exponentially.


    However, AfroAmericans need to start with building an infrastructure right here in America.  Call it a laboratory or test run or proving ground.😎

    Exactly....we concur wholeheartedly.

    We have tried on so many occasions from Rosewood to Black Wall street...They are multi million if not billion dollar organizations whose  goal is to see to it that no such endeavor succeed - Time to diversify.

    Whilst we build ourselves again in the US we should also have things happening in Africa South America and the Caribbean - where ever African peoples are.

    Africa holds the most promise.

  23. 12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:




    Then you do not know history of Empires....From within an Empire they seem everlasting and all powerful - nothing is further from the truth.

    Whether we talking White power, European power or US power....None is older than 500 yrs and US power is less than 100 yrs - European Global Hegemony is less than 200yrs

    The Greeks were the Teachers of Their Roman Masters


    But the "wise" and studious Greeks never reached the level of power and influence around the world that the Romans did.

    The Greeks Influence is still with us


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    You seem to be under the impression that White people have book smarts but other groups have more "wisdom".

    Wisdom has nothing to do with Ethnicity


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Am I correct or mistaken?

    You are mistaken.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    If I am, what racial group in your opinion has more wisdom than Caucasians?

    How does one measure the Absence of fear and suffering.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Great Plan.... one I promote and endorse....Less the Elite s**t

    But why as Elites?

    Black Americans Tried something like that already in Liberia....resulted in a massacre


    I actually thought about Liberia as I was typing that up, lol.

    Then you know that it Failed...as it accentuate differences and not commonalities.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Why Elites?

    Well, if we as Americans go to buy land in any African nation and build structures in it we will be looked upon as "elites" ANYWAY...so we might as well learn the role and learn it well.

    We will be EXPECTED to have more resources and skills than the local population.

    We will be seen as Foreigners Akata, Obruni or Oyinbo...Cotton picker or stupid and evil person.

    Richer than most but poorer that many....Not Elites but Exploiters.

    We certainly do not have more Resources than African, We do not have more Wealth than Africans And it can be argued we do not have more skills than the Africans.

    What we have is Proximity to Power  and The Opportunity to influence that power....Access to Modern Technology.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


    I hope you don't expect Black Americans to strip themselves of their valuables and live as paupers in the name of "humility".

    No....I expect them to built Industries in Africa.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    The Position  of being an Elite must be earned.....not the result of Corruption and Collusion


    Not necessarily.
    Some people are BORN in the Elite class.

    That is Aristocracy/Nobility, ancestors left a heritage for them.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Also, Elitest are often some of the most corrupt.

    True.....but why would you want to be a Corrupt Elite....


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Not sure where you got the idea that Elite = Pious

    Where did I say That?

    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Elite simply means an upper class who are separate or set apart from others.

    Elite means Superior Ability or Talent.....Elite Class just means Gentry


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Like most forms of power, it can be a good thing or bad thing depending on each individual.

    Let us try to keep it a good thing.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    I can see you have learned well the ways of the whiteman....Abuse of Power and Influence peddling.


    As long as we've lived UNDER the White man, we should have learned SOMETHING from him.
    Like POWER matters
    Money and wealth matters

    We Knew that all along....but what you are proposing is to fleece the poor and needy - those whom you have authority over.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    In order to ABUSE one's power...one must HAVE some power to begin with!

    You just Said how you got "cookies" by taken advantage of people in need.....you had the power and abused them with it.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Negroes aren't used to power, so they are too often AFRAID of it or don't know what to do with it ones they get it.

    Power comes in many forms...And we all have varying degrees of power regardless of Race class or status


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    First let us get some wealth and power and worry about "abusing" it later.

    First you must recognize The Power you already have and what you are doing with it.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    There is a difference between Abuse Use and Help....If you do not know the difference then Self-destruction is a must.


    Whole lot of Arabs, Indians, Chinese, and White folks over in Africa abusing the hell out of many of the people.....
    Raping the people and the land.

    The White man as a group did that for about a 150 yrs without regard....That has changed plenty

    The Arabs as a group in Africa are over 80% Black African (less so in the Maghreb)or more....though they may not see themselves that way

    The Indians and Chinese are not innocent but cannot be held liable beyond their individual behaviour.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    They don't look like THEY'RE "self destructing" anytime soon.
    Look like they're doing whatever the hell they want to do.

    The White man in Africa has and is Self - destructing in Africa....as they continue to lose power and influence there.

    Looks can be deceiving.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    They are over there to exploit...not help, like we would be.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    So again.....
    I have NO PROBLEM going over and setting myself up in the Elite class and getting special privileges AS LONG AS I'm also helping the people by bringing wealth, technology, and other benefits I have access to as an American.

    You are setting yourself up as the "Other" very rarely good come of such behaviour.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    If you want to strip yourself of your Western attire and valuables and live as the locals in the name of humility.....fine by me.
    I'm not.

    We are Westerners and we should continue with our cultural ways whilst being Aware Accepting and Hospitable as Guests should be.


    12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    If it were up to me, I'd go over with a GROUP of Black Americans and buy some land and build a compound and contract with the U.S. government to supply our group with money and military protection in exchange for us producing goods, natural resources, and services.

    I could not agree with you more.....

    Why US Military.....Why not Create Our Own  or hire Private Black African Paramilitary Protection Service Company.

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