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Everything posted by Jeromex

  1. Blacks hate when people of color ( from India) come to this country with little or money but find a way to succeed through hard work and no excuses. It makes blacks look bad and it kills their narratives. While blacks are complaining, protesting, and rioting, Indian people are studying, working hard, and leading responsible law abiding lives.
  2. I do think some Blacks may be intimidated by the strong work ethic of some of the central and south Americans.
  3. We should NOT be allowing people to pour into this country illegally. That is insane, irresponsible, and stupid. The political Left hacks that endorse it arent affected by it. However, some smart, courageous republicans did something very smart- The blue cities that claim to be sanctuary cities anf display those ridiculous lawn signs that say “ no human is illegal and we welcome everyone, proved to be lying hippocrits. As soon as illegals get bused to their so called “ , welcoming communities “ they start complaining and send the illegals packing. just another example of fake compassion liberals.
  4. She did answer the question. What the heck does answering a question about a war that happened over 160 years ago have to do with running the country??? Its absurd and typical “ rear view mirror” excuses by the black community.
  5. Almost ALL the issues in the black community stem from young Black girls having babies out of wedlock with no stable man in the house. This leads to a total lack of structure and lack of discipline in the house. It also raises the possibility of the children becoming violent and engaging in crime by a significant amount plus it substantially increases the chance of those children living in poverty and repeating the “ out of wedlock” cycle themselves. Who is making sure those kids are doing their homework? who is making sure those kids understand their homework? who is making sure those kids arent hanging in the steets on school nights? who is making sure those kids are respecting their teachers? who is making sure those kids are respecting the police? Some young single black mom who can barely take care of herself ??? I think not !! A single black mom can afford to pay for a bunch of tattoo’s but then comlains about money? A single black mom complains about economic opportunities but then has more out of wedlock babies??? What !!!! All issues in the black community are self inflicted and that is the truth.
  6. This suns up everything that is wrong in the Black Community; All the problems in the black community is right here in this troubling article and its way too common in black america. problem 1) young mom having kids out of wedlock. problem 2) young mom having multiple kids out of wedlock. problem 3) no structure in the home. problem 4) no stable man in the home. problem 5) Violent young blacks. This article is disturbing but black leaders will falsly blame guns and whites when that is not the problem. We need to blame ourselves for irresponsible lifestyles. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna131280
  7. Violent crime is MUCH more of an issue in the black community.. Embarrassingly, the majority of violent crime is committed by blacks.. It a shame but I guess thats how the black community rolls these days.
  8. Stop with your race hustling bs. No one cares about your useless victimhood propaganda.
  9. Kamal Harris couldnt run an out house never mind anything else. She is useless.
  10. Troy you are acting like a race hustling troll. As usual you are leaving out the Truth. Just stop ! Out of those 1100 shootings; 99% were considered justified. So yes, blacks have a better chance at getting struck by lightening than getting shot unjustifiably by the police..If blacks arent breaking the law, they are not getting shot.. Stop with the victimhood propaganda.
  11. Give me a break ! Banning books, thats a lie. Your slavery time line has been known for years although I notice you conveniently extended the time line. Again, stop with the victimhood nonsense. No one cares !
  12. Troy with all due respect, you are doing a disservice to our community by constantly posting victimhood propaganda. We all know slavery happened. Why not make a post about how our community can improve and what can our people do to make their futures better rather than telling us we are victims and we are being held back by the 1800’s . I think thats so wrong. Did your post include how Africans hunted down their own people and not only enslaved them but Sold them to slave traders? Did you also include how Africa still engages in slavery today? You like to post about the past way too much and never really offer solutions. What you just did kind of embodies what many black leaders and the media does- you hustle victimhood. Im sorry but thats how I feel and its wrong.
  13. Another common theme; the blacks that do get shot by cops are Never leaving the office, coming out of church, dropping kids off at school, leaving the work site. They are up to no good and dont comply. by the way, blacks have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning than being shot by a cop. Blacks have a great chance at being shot by another black. Thats not my opinion, its a fact.
  14. When a black is suspected of a crime and told to step out of the vehicle and show his hands and he doesnt; he runs the risk of getting shot. when a black or white is told to stop and put his hands up 3 or 4 times and doesnt and then quickly turns around or reaches for a cell phone, he runs the risk of getting shot. the theme- those that get shot are not complying. This is why cops are taught to say “ hands up” .. Blacks just put themselves in these positions much more so than any other race.
  15. These so-called racially motivated attacks against blacks are very rare and usually done by mentally disturbed people. A black man kllled 2 white people two weeks ago in Oklahoma in what was called a racially motivated atrack but was swept under the rug because the victims were white. Racially motivated attacks against blacks are always sensationalized and exaggerated to cover up all the killings by blacks and the killing of blacks by other blacks. Whites and Asians arent a threat to us, other blacks are.
  16. The majority of Africa is a dangerous, violent cesspool. So many of our black brotha’s and sista’s love to bloviate about their proud African heritage. Of course not one ever even visits Africa never mind move there. Slavery currently exists in certain area ‘s of Africa and that pales in comparison to the indiscriminate killing and genocide that occurs. Next time a black brotha tries to speak negatively about these great United States, ask him why he wont go to Africa. The answer is abundantly clear.
  17. Pioneer Im assuming you are modeling yourself under the great American Pioneers such as Daniel Boone. I can appreciate your patriotism.
  18. What would I do? If they commit violent crime, they go to prison. More importantly, black leaders and black celebrities should pound the table in various media outlets about having babies at a young age and out of wedlock. The crux of the problem is lack of family structure in the black community. Blacks like to claim our sista’s are strong”, they dont need men. Thats a lie and an excuse for being irresponsible. We also need more blacks aspiring to go to trade schools rather than going to college and getting useless degrees. We also need to pound the table at an early age that being a thug is an embarrassment and being a criminal is a cop out. Most of the “thug stuff” would be solved by having a structured family. Finally, we stop with the victimhood nonsense at an early age. We need to take responsibility for our actions, we are the only race that cant seem to get our acts together.
  19. They most certainly did mention race. “ The suspects were described as 4 black males”. Watch the news reports. Trust me, if they were white or asian suspects it would of been broadcast on every single network 24/ 7. Thats part of our black privilege by the way. Its definitely not the fault of the police, its the fault of the young mothers and missing in action father’s plus our rap/ thug culture.
  20. A fake compassion liberal who wanted to sound “ down with the cause” and called for defunding tbe police recieved a healthy dose of her own medicine this week by getting carjacked and violently beaten by four Black Men with guns in front of her young children. So now she supports the police ?? I get it, she only supports them when her own life is affected. How selfish !!! Rather than call the police, she should of called BLM. She’s not so “ down with cause” now, thats for sure. A Democratic Party leader thanked the Minneapolis police and pushed to prosecute youths "running wild" after she was carjacked Tuesday, despite previous support for dismantling the department. Shivanthi Sathanandan, the 2nd Vice Chairwoman for the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, posted Wednesday on Facebook that she was "violently carjacked" by "four very young men, all carrying guns." She said they assaulted her in front her children outside their home in broad daylight. She also included a photo of her head injuries and reported having a "broken leg, deep lacerations on my head, bruising and cuts" around her body as well as feeling "rage" against the lack of accountability against criminals. "These men knew what they were doing. I have NO DOUBT they have done this before. Yet they are still on OUR STREETS. Killing mothers. Giving babies psychological trauma that a lifetime of therapy cannot erase. With no hesitation and no remorse," Sathanandan wrote. The suspects were described as four young black men. Police say the investigation is ongoing.
  21. Wait, I thought Africa was a great place to live ? Everyone keeps saying how racist and horrible America is but yet blacks from Africa are dying to come here and blacks in America will never move to Africa or any other country for that matter. All talk !!!!
  22. “ You gots to love “ ? I think you mean “ you have to love “.
  23. So what if Kamala’s husband is jewish; he is a white man. Kamala obviously prefers white men over black. She chose a white man and has absolutely nothing to do with blacks except suckering them into voting for her. Our community needs to wake up.
  24. By the way, who does Kamala choose to marry ? A White man., not a black man. She is Indian, grows up as Indian, marries a white man and blacks vote for her incompetence. Kamala is a hack and just uses blacks as props. Wake up !
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