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Mel Hopkins

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Status Updates posted by Mel Hopkins

  1. 51-eLhzN1mL._SY346_.jpg

    Angel Rich, founder of DC tech start-up,The Wealth Factory, Inc, and developer of the popular app, Credit Stacker, released "History of Black Dollar", last week.   Rich says The 144 page books answers the question of "why there's a financial gap between black and white America."

    From Amazon.com "reveals significant economic moments in history that have helped shape America - slavery, sharecropping, convict leasing, Little Rock Nine, Black Wall Street, civil rights, the great recession, Black Lives Matter and other important milestones - along with highlighting important figures, some lesser known, that have made these Black, financially historical moments possible through their personal diligent efforts.  This book aims to help older generations remember, while enlightening younger generations on the progression of America and its direct correlation to the support of Black Americans that will inspire both groups to continuing uplifting economic social justice. "

    1. Troy


      I wonder if corporate ownership of legislators and the resulting emergence of super-massive corporations who dominate the new tech economy are mentioned.

    2. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      Could be, especially since she's deeply entrenched in that economy. She is in the process of raising capital for her Tech company.

  2. Before digital social networks and social media, I used to keep a scrapbook for all the news stories I found interesting - here's one such article :

    Pioneer Aviator Bessie Coleman in this 1920s photos was the world's first black female aviator. She was licensed in 1921


    1. Troy


      Don't stop. Social media is no substitute for the archiving and sharing of these stories. 

    2. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      Thank you @Troy ! So true! - I'm integrating all my hobbies into my website...while not neglecting the hardcopy!

  3. Never Forget  - N'EM


    1. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins


      They said to say goodnight
      And not goodbye, unplugged
      The TV when it rained. They hid
      Money in mattresses
      So to sleep on decisions.
      Some of their children
      Were not their children. Some
      Of their parents had no birthdates.
      They could sweat a cold out
      Of you. They’d wake without
      An alarm telling them to.
      Even the short ones reached
      Certain shelves. Even the skinny
      Cooked animals too quick
      To get caught. And I don’t care
      How ugly one of them arrived,
      That one got married
      To somebody fine. They fed
      Families with change and wiped
      Their kitchens clean.
      Then another century came.
      People like me forgot their names.

      Copyright © 2014 by Jericho Brown. Reprinted from Split This Rock’s The Quarry: A Social Justice Poetry Database.

    2. richardmurray


      lovely share @Mel Hopkins  i saw it on vimeo before i saw you had it in the comments:)  I am one of those northerners that is near completely anti southern in my speech except when i talk fast, i have been told:) 


    Storytellers play the long game - 
    "We must remember, we’re a civilization rooted in story-telling.

    We share information filled with iconic imagery, symbolism, and sounds.

    Celebrities are no different.

    They use the media to tell stories that voice their platform position or opposition." ~Melhopkinsdotcom


  5. stone-heart11.jpgHOLD ONTO LOVE. 

    Shit happens — no need to immortalize it.
    If you survive it, internalize what's left.



    Happy Valentine's Day.

    1. Troy


      Happy Valentine's Day Mel and everyone!

    2. richardmurray


      Happy valentine's day to all

      @Troy what is your valentine's day album?


  6. Book Wish List 

    • Sympathy for the Devil: An Angela Bivens Thriller by Christoper Chambers - A metaphysical police procedural romance thriller with a Black female lead? How could it not be good? I must read this book! 
    • Trumbull Park by Frank London Brown - I found out about this book from my daughter. Her partner's grandfather wrote this novel about hostile integration at Chicago's Trumbull Park public housing in the late 50s. Ain't that some ish? Public Housing was reserved for whites only but, everyone's taxes fund the project. Good News, though, in 2020, the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame selection committee nominated Mr. Brown's novel for inclusion. It appears from this post from Richard Guzman he was inducted.  BRAVO!!


    • TBD
    1. richardmurray


      nice story


    2. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      I thought so too!

  7. Have you heard of Jelly?  It's a Q & A social media platform.  I answered this question " I need new shoes for walking/jogging long distance. My biggest issue is that  I have a men's size 16 shoe. Any tips on a brand?"  

    I linked to your FAQ on your site about 15 and up-personal shopping and my answer was helpful. Not sure if you're on Jelly but with your expertise in shoes - I think you'd do well there too!

    1. CDBurns


      Hi Mel! 

      I haven't heard of Jelly, but it likes something I should check into. You know I appreciate you putting the page out there. It's a great feature for those people that use it. I have some really good regulars using that personal shopping feature. I hope all is well and good looking out!!!

  8. news-010517b.jpg

    Why White Folks Love Hidden Figures by BAR editor and columnist Dr. Marsha Adebayo

    “It’s a feel good movie that demonstrates that even during one of the vilest and most racist periods of American history white saviors rose to the occasion.”


    1. Troy


      Ain't that truth ;)

  9. img_2301.jpg

    Smithsonian's National African American History and Culture Museum...

    1. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      Correction: National Museum African American History and Culture

  10. Kwanzaa 2017-2018


    I celebrated  Kwanzaa (first fruits) 2017-2018 through my thoughts and words.  In answering the phrase Habari gani  I wrote a separate blog post  in response.  It  put me in a positive community-focused frame of mind to start off the year.   

    From my blog on theleadstory.org.   

    Imani: Golden Rule

    Kuumba : The Chosen Ones

    Nia: Reasons

    Ujamaa: Until the Lion Learns

    Ujima: Yes We Can

    Kujichagulia Goal Minds build Gold Mines

    Umoja No Man's Land

  11. books-1655783_1920-sq.jpg


    You can borrow another  $100 -200,000 to get your Masters  or  you can



    "learn from the people who know what they're doing."

     ~Amy Astley 

    1. richardmurray


      i love photography,as you may know,where did you get this from?

  12. Quote

    A rich source of melanin is beneficial to those who need to survive the effects of radiation.   Some could ingest it because it's also found in fungi.   
    Using melanin to determine "race" is a slippery slope.  I rather not be someone's source of survival in an aftermath of a nuclear holocaust  because I'm dark skin. :o:D

      From ~ The Problem of Identifying Ourselves Based Upon Whites' Concept of Race

    Mel Hopkins replied to Troy's topic in Culture, Race & Economy 

  13. The Cooking Gene by Culinary Historian Michael W. Twitty  is The 2018 James Beard Award (non-cookbook) winner and as much as I can't stand awards I have to give them a second look now because without hearing that Twitty won the award I would not have heard of this book - which I now absolutely must have on my bookshelf.   

    I love to cook but I especially love to cook the foods that are indigenous to my family.   Anyway, I found this interview from Mr. Twitty  and African Ancestry's co-founder Dr. Gina Paige and it too is delightful!!!


  14. From left: abolitionist and writer Frederick Douglass, educator and writer Booker T Washington and American writer and sociologist WE Du Bois. Photograph: Getty
    Not so fast: Prolific Black Authors left out of a soon-to-be-published book of writers covering the past 2500 years.  The Guardian reports with too Black voices missing from the nearly 750 page book, a major US publisher cancels publication. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/may/16/whos-missing-top-author-stirs-anger-with-too-white-history

    1. richardmurray


      Al Sharpton said something a while ago, on a show on PBS, 
      This is the main strategic reality with black people in the anglophone<USA/UK/South Africa >, and is replicated by black people in other phones. In the article both David Olusoga or Hakim Adi display an idea that history in college should be of a certain moral code. The industry of history need to have a moral code. 
      The moral code is: history is only valid when absolutely truthful or fully comprehensive to all people. 
      Richard Cohen's book is not fully comprehensive, by absenting the stated works in the article or the fact Cohen needed to make additions to the book which were not suitable to the usa based book publisher. 
      But, do all histories have to be absolutely truthful plus fully comprehensive, to be histories ? 
      If a black person writes a history book and displays the names of all the peoples of Africa during the invasion by white european communities; if said black person gives details to each african community from eating ways to names to art styles, to religions as how influenced by invaders as comprehensive as possible. Is said book false when the white european invaders are mentioned only as blood suckers from northern lands. 
      By Al Sharpton's words, by the philosophy of the Black historians in the article, the answer is no. But is it?
      I found the show , find the quote in capitols 

  15. "RULE NO. 1 - NEVER LOVE SOMEONE http://nblo.gs/7hzzG

  16. In business etiquette, I prefer to kiss on the cheek than shake hands. Hands go everywhere but your face may have only touched some thighs.

  17. was just reminded that writing is a day job! I just replied to Mashable's great copy-writing article. Reply to me-> http://bit.ly/brVoSi

  18. Only dead people belong in a box. Open minds, free people.

  19. Since we don't pick our parents, I'm raising a glass to my mother and pouring one out for my daddy. Thanks for exposing me to the light.

  20. You ARE what offends you. Get over it. Get Light.

  21. What offends us we know well. What pleases us we strive to be. Where we are neutral is enlightenment!

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