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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Troy do you require further elucidation. I said it just yesterday you conflate things I say, and don't see the subtlety. I use my gut And my brain. K2 the word you mean to use is astrological not astronomical.
  2. Gold. I rest my case gentlemen and K2. K2 I don't respond because I can't make sense of your verbage typos and grammatical spaghetti. Half the active posters don't want to converse with you. Troy nice bait but I am not biting. ..this time.
  3. I love your mind too much. I think you need conflict. Towards the end you have been prickly in general. I don't look forward to conversations but your absence is worse. However you may be tired of hearing your own cranky raves. So do not project that onto me. I am more than capable of making nonsensical comments on my own. That is the epitome of condescension. Troy. But you may too arrogant to see that to be true. I agree on the first part. The second part is a display of your intellectual superiority to me. I miss her cranky ass. Who do you believe is needing or expecting an apology from you.
  4. I am not certain why acknowledging one person is a slight to someone else. I had a lot of issues with Pioneer's statements. Until you said he doesn't think conceptually, and then when he stated how he approached a subject of was struck by his statements. I don't often see people conceding the point in most discussions. However Pioneer will often ask a a question or ask for proof to either refute his position or prove the opposing position. You also ask questions because you want clarification. Some of Troy's questions don't have that same inquisitive feel. Mel questions are more about shaping the answer to the question. Clearly that's my perception. However I can't recall Pioneer admitting he was mistaken. Which Troy K2 will do more readily. Part of my past frustration was with Pioneer's style and content. It is a bit elitist of me to reject discourse and opinions that seem less attractive or polished. I am cool and detached until I care. So you are correct and wrong at the same time. I have sat done or talked with the following "people ": prostitutes, strippers, a transformation prostitute, transwoman, Ceo, Presidential candidate, former drug dealer. bouncers, bar manager, entrepreneurs, tattoo artist, Dj, performance artist, artist. plumber programmer, composer, dancers, astrologers, wizard, witch, teacher, administrators, bar tenders, actor , rock star. Researchers.
  5. @Cynique you are mistaken. Firstly your disagreement or agreement is not where your value lies. It's in your perspective. Pioneer had stated that he doesn't have the collegiate education so he argues simply. That is an honest and humble self assessment. I will post more rebuttals. However I have been struggling more with how Troy and K2 argue. At times I find them condescending. However wanting them to argue more like myself is just a different type of I am right you are wrong. I am also contemplating the point of any conversation. The binary is people agree or they don't. So I almost don't see the point. Except the one my partner made. Which was that doesn't sound good for a person who likes thinking to stop talking.
  6. Pioneer stated that his approach to discussion and his short comings. He did that with honesty and humility. So this misunderstanding makes my point about you conflating my statements. Pioneer is not humble on presentation however he is humble and honest in describing how he approaches the discussion. Your description of how you think is honest but is lacking in humility. Which makes his statement about his scholastic deficiencies more striking. K2 is counterpoint in that he thought I wasn't educated and proceeded to lecture me about the importance of education. I am trying to recall a conversation even briefly where my intellectual abilities were questioned. Some of my ideas or conclusions could be unfathomable but to say I lack reasoning and reckoning leaves me speechless. So I refrain from speaking with him. If this still isn't clear so it goes.
  7. I said with an honesty and humility. I feel sometimes you think I am splitting hairs or don't see the relevance of the distinctions I make. Or I feel that you conflate what I am saying. @Troy
  8. Or it could be that Black Lives Don't Matter. Tim Tebow kneeled and there wasn't any firestorm. In fact I hadn't even heard of Tim Tebow.
  9. If you can be objective you could put yourself in anyone situation. You wouldn't need to have their experience you could look at their life and understand them. Troy you were arguing to a woman that Feminism is of lesser importance than the Black struggle. I am making a subtle point here. It's not about whether it is in fact needed but that you don't think it's needed but it's irrelevant to you as a man. In that instance your subjectivity has blinded you and deafened you.
  10. I would say it is the reverse. I will think why am I having an emotional reaction to a statement. I think about my thinking. My arguments are generally about questioning a person's motivation. There's no objectivity because a person is shaped by their life and their environment. You can mitigate that by examining self rigorously. The unexamined life is lacking objectivity. I can have an emotional reaction that's being human: exasperation frustration or agreement. Those are a function of how the conversant feels based on how the discussion is going. Cynique is probably one of the most critical thinkers in the forum. She also from time to time has commented on psychological and emotional make up of the men. More so than the women if it all. She has also stopped posting because it is futile and nothing changes in the mind or the world. Everyone has a style Pioneer is the least egotistical. K2 is the most. Pioneer will make a statement and ask others about their experiences and to prove him wrong. I don't agree always with his conclusions because I thi nk more abstractly than emotionally. @Troy will concede the point but your position is you are right because you're an engineer and your read and think. However you will argue points with out reading what has been posted. You don't have the time nor inclination to read everything. Someone called me a science fan boy because I hold both Richard Feynman and Isaac Newton in high regard. I also hold David Foster Wallace in high regard. And Angela Davis Miles Davis and Prince. The quality of their "thought " is of an entirely different order than everyone else in their field. However Miles Davis, Prince, David Foster Wallace and early Newton , weren't balanced people. I don't know enough about Angela Davis to comment. K2 is more like a 50's dad/Reverend Ike kind of guy. He has strong opinions but will read and summarize what is posted. He also seems more willing or capable of changing his position. And then fervently believing his new viewpoint. I don't belive in facts or objectivity. I have been working as a psychic for over 20 years I have talked with literally thousands of women and probably hundreds of men and probably about 50 - 100 couples. What I have noticed is people's ideas shape their world and the world shapes their ideas. That's not really news. What is interesting is to ask those people questions or make comments about their reactions to events and situations. That I logically don't or shouldn't know. What then happens is the person can hear me when I suggest a difference of approach or talk about their motivation. That doesn't generally happen in discussions. It has happened on occasion because of statements made by Pioneer Mel and Cynique. The difference though is Pioneer self assessed and accurately. I can't recall anyone else doing so with such honesty and humility. That puts Pioneer in his own category. Which is why he has a special place as far as I am concerned . Also he brings humor to the proceedings. And it is directed at others and himself.
  11. I believe objectivity is impossible because we can never escape our experience. That's a purely theoretical statement. Why mention that my approach is emotional?
  12. So does every woman have an equal chance with you.
  13. How does your response make any sense. @Troy
  14. How can you discuss something much less think about something that is non experiential. Like being pregnant or another person or a cat. Even with imagination it's a function of our life.
  15. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44215656 Ukraine paid Michael Cohen to meet with Donald Trump. The details are interesting @Troy https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-manafort/judge-questions-ex-trump-campaign-chiefs-bid-to-suppress-evidence-idUSKCN1IO19F https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-twitter/trumps-blocking-of-critics-on-twitter-violates-constitution-u-s-judge-idUSKCN1IO2P2 Cohen and Manafort or getting some heat. Has been able interesting couple of days. Let's see what June has in store.
  16. How do you read a book without having the experience of reading the book. Everything you do is part of your experience. Sometimes reading can profoundly change your behavior like Malcolm X I likedon't what you wrote except the criticism of Pioneer. It's like you are putting him down to highlight your point. You may not mean it that way. And if Pioneer doesn't see it as a put down then I am projecting my methods on to you. I'll ask you a question later to demonstrate what I am trying to say.
  17. @Troy Think about what I am saying. How many views do you hold that aren't based on your experience. The view could support or be in opposition to your experience. If the view supportstory you are taking your experience and saying it applies generally. If it doesn't it could be an ideal that you strive for in your life. Even imaginary or unreal ideas and concepts are a function of experience. The only thing that isn't like that would be the invention of string or keyboard instruments. Since percussive wind and brass mimic sounds in nature.
  18. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/22/michael-cohens-business-partner-evgeny-freidman-agrees-to-cooperate-as-part-of-plea-deal-nyt.html Federal and State court are having a chat with his business partner. Let's make a deal.
  19. Can we ever describe anyone else's experience. I think we can't which means any ideas we have about the world are our ideas about our own world's. Which is why I say there aren't any objective truths.
  20. He isn't stable. He will be publicly humiliated and most likely stripped of his cash. We are watching a Greek Tragedy. I think one of his kids may turn on him. I feel sorry for him as a person. But he deserves what's coming.
  21. What's not a projection of our experience.
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