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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Thank You @Cynique . Yes what I have also found is that numbers or words (numbers and words are symbols) can also be used to read a person's unconscious minds. If you go outside on July 10 at 8:47pm you should see Venus near the Western Horizon. It sets around 10pm. Just watch for as long as you want, any feedback would be appreciated. Venus and Mars will be visible after the sunsets. Venus and Mars will be conjunct butV enus will be closer to the Horizon. I had a very strong memory from my childhood that I suspected never happened. If your beliefs and assumptions change then it will effect your thinking. As an aside we have to learn how to see. How we think is also conditioned by our language. So if you and Inuit are looking at snow, they will see far more than you. They even have words to describe different types of snow. Since their life depends upon being able to identify the different types of snow. This is an analogy to explain time markers. Time markers The best analogy is music. let's say we divide the audible spectrum into one hundred sections. And only one instrument corresponds to each section. When you see that frequency it is a category of one instrument. So when I see a transit, a zodiacal degree or a moment of time. I know its category. So I have a categorical system to qualify a quantity of time.
  2. What does it mean to be free to you? Or how would you describe freedom?
  3. @Troy I am not going to debate this because you haven't even checked one source. And you haven't answered the question I posed to you. Rape is sexual assault, but not all sexual assaults are rape. Who's throwing terms around without knowing what they mean.
  4. @Troy I remember what you say better than you, but you need to see your own words. If he raped the women in your family, what punishment would you give him. Pllease explain to me what it means to support Bill Cosby a man who by account, sexually assaulted 52 women over 43 years. And made a joke about it on his album in the 70's and made a joke on Larry King and also told a women in the audience to watch her drink around him. I am sure you can find these clips on Youtube.
  5. You said you originally supported Bill, so did you think he was innocent when you supported him.
  6. @Cynique an Astrological signature is something I have developed/discovered. Time has qualities and I have found a way to describe moments in time. Let me know your city or the nearest big city to you, and I will give you a time to meditate(if you're interested). You don't have to clear your mind. You can watch your thoughts or just focus on your breath. I have given times to three friends who are on different levels as far as meditation. All three said they had very strong sensations. Let me know what effect you would like. For example: relaxation; expanded awareness; clarity; insight et cetera I have about 100+ time markers (astrological signatures) which describe moments in time. The time markers are down to the second. Even though it changes every second not every second has a live time marker. They have to correlate with certain positions of the planets and planetary hours. Planetary hours divide daytime hours by 12 and each planet rules an hour. However because the length of daytime varies every day so does a planetary hour. Sunrise starts the first hour of the day and Sunset the first hour of night. Each day of the week is ruled by a planet. Sunday (Sun), Monday (Moon), Tuesday (Mars), Wednesday (Mercury), Thursday (Jupiter), Friday (Venus), Saturday (Saturn). This is hold for all of the Romance languages and about 3/4 of all languages (if memory serves) still in existence . I will try to explain what the planets feel like. It is very subtle, like when you feel that someone is behind you. It is like that but it happens sporadically and each planet feels different each time. My time markers is non a decimal system, kind of like time, so I am counting in a different base. In a way I have created a different alphanumeric system. I have been using it to decode the unconscious mind, read omens and signs
  7. What sources were you using when you initially thought he was innocent?
  8. Every opinion is subjective @Troy However this one is exact on the day. Also realise that I am just reposting what other Astrologers have said. I haven't looked at Cosby's chart since about 2015. I use Astrology to help me see a bit more than is obvious. Like Trump would win, and while I got hi removal wrong. The date that I mentioned was when his impeachment trial started. So I wouldn't suggest that Your interpretation of events, over rule good sense. Thanks I will have a look at his blog. Is he a graphic designer?
  9. It matters to me what happens Astrologically @Troy
  10. Also because Uranus is sudden changes it may mean he goes back to jail when it changes direction in August.
  11. Hi Cynique I am done with arguing with people. Now I mostly have conversation with the Tarot and the Stars. I was doing a monthly Astrological forecast for a business. I thought I should do one for myself. The first two charts told me to stop talking. I rarely post on FB or here, and I don't debate anywhere. My new hobby is trying to understand time. Here's something crazy for you. I have started to meditate. I choose the time down to the second based on an Astrological signature. I stop when it feels time to stop. I have found that I stop at time that matches the starting Astrological signature. I can "feel" the movement of the planets.
  12. A few of the FB Astrology groups have noted that Uranus making a return, exactly on the day. I haven't followed it or looked at it though. Uranus returns at about 84. @Cynique yours was between May 2017 - Jan 2019
  13. https://willieandlester.com/ Was it Willie Tyler and Lester Camille Cosby said the same thing. I think there was William Cosby Phd Jello pudding and Bill "The Pill" Cosby.
  14. One of the women who he drugged, said she was a freak and would do anything. She didn't understand why he drugged her.
  15. Pioneer pick any five women you know and ask them. Only one won't have a sexual assault story.
  16. Hey did it and he made jokes about spiking women's drinks and giving them Spanish Fly.
  17. I miss you, and I have been editing my posts, in order to make them readable(less obtuse) @Cynique Like this one.
  18. It was unintentional although you are correct.
  19. People have less problem with corporate bail outs than welfare payments. Hungry people don't have a platform to air their grievances.
  20. @Troy I am not certain but the adrenaline boost my cancel out the wind drag. Biles created her own move. She's getting some serious air.
  21. What about Simon Biles https://youtu.be/CmRHT4LdyMk
  22. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-organization-investigation-0748eb0e34dfd944a680205b90617661 Let's see what next week brings.
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