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Everything posted by Delano

  1. I was working across the strret from the WTC the day of the first attempt, so you have a point. However I just wanted to make certain that you were aware of the weather. Yeah some of the storms were beautiful.
  2. I missed this post will check out the clip. This analysis is incredibly relevant to what is happening today especially politically
  3. Troy may the President will commute your sentence and set you free. Yeah I even saw the hour long episodes. Often is not quite the same as never.
  4. I had a look at the weather. It appears to be similar to NYC, except it is generally cloudy. And they have 3 tornadoes a year. LAst year there was record number of Tornadoes in Tornado Alley
  5. You can't fight an invisible enemy. Look at Slavery. House Slaves vs field slaves, Overseers are still not eating with massa. So on the plantation noone has an alliance, from Miss Anne down to Kizzie.
  6. Which is why the class war is the only real war.
  7. As a teenager I was able to by Lucy's and Old English 800. Without id. There where numbers shops. And this Mafia cat owned a little store. That had gambling in the back. I even remember a place with pinball machines that had a functioning slot machine.
  8. Some Ancient Greek philosopher made a living creating weapons. It's was an still lucrative. Archimedes
  9. The matriarchal system is older than slavery, but it's used to justify slavery in the Usyis relatively new. My guess is that you can say the concept of race and racism coincides with the "discovery" of the Americas.
  10. In Rome Slave could become citizens. The US use Matriarchal lineage, so that any slaves born of a slave were also Slaves. I believe that was unique to US's system of slavery.
  11. Is that the case in every place that has Slavery.
  12. The Answer is Slavery, Slavery goes back a long ways. However the American Slave trade create the concept of White Superiority to justify slavery. So in the South you have White Women being the ideal and being seen as chaste. With Black Men being seen as sexual brutes, and Black women being temptresses. However that falls apart because White Plantation owners were raping Black Women and selling their own offspring. So you have a situation where Black Men can't protect their women, Black women are seen as sexually loose, and White women having to reconcile their perceived status with the reality.
  13. I have included some Black Science https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lFWrm2_d7VHCEbRYXsvLJrgF0zOJiAASQ
  14. I deleted that because it wasn't part of the book.
  15. There's a book called Guns Germs and Steel. It talks about why Europe not Africa colonised the world.
  16. I am looking at how Corporate America or the Military. Power resides with the ruling elite, which are a few families that have old money. Which as far as I can tell in the US doesn't include Black folks. So while it looks like racee it is always about power.
  17. Why do you suppose that is the case. That may not be true since the dominant culture seems to dehumanise us.
  18. @Troy have you been body snatched What you feel is more important than what other people think about your choices.
  19. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327802497_Corporate_Slavery_Does_it_Still_Exist
  20. Almost right . The tried to use Native Americans but they didn't survive . Eastern Europe is very different than the South in terms of climate . Your comment ignores "racial" differences Economic or Government I said what country for a reason. When I say Black I am only talking about US Blacks. It's always puzzled me how Africa has Gold, diamonds and Oil but has to get charity for clean water. Now this isn't the entire continent, however I am not certain it is the utopia you are painting.
  21. This is still unanswered The plantation system was rebranded: Massa -> Owner , Overseer -> Manager , Miss Ann -> Reception , House Slaves -> Middle Office , Field Slaves -> Back Office >.
  22. What country do Blacks call their own. What Language what culture, other than what grew out of Slavery. Yeah they got a few Casino what did we get?
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