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Everything posted by Delano

  1. @Troy can you name one newspaper that thinks Trump will be removed by the Senate trial?
  2. Perhaps review what I said before making statements. Why do you keep moving the target? You just keep asking questions without even a mention of my answers to your previous questions. Yet you say I don't answer your questions. You're making a statement that I am swayed by the media. Then you use examples of my comments to bolster your argument. Proving intent is very difficult, since you are imputing and internal state from external cues. Motivation is a bit easier to prove using actions. Most people are swayed by the media, data and technical arguments. Clearly I am not most people. Cynique is the finest mind on the site. She posted a statement about John McClain that I had seen from FB. It sounded false so I checked and it wasn't true. If you believe I am swayed by the media because everyone is then there's no argument I can make to demonstrate my mental independence. It's a weak argument especially by someone that has met me in person. I started out working on Wall Street by day and hanging out at night. I ended with being a psychic and not a stay at home dad in Oz. Clearly I follow my own path. Most of my adult life I haven't owned aTV. I also haven't owned a computer for more than a few years between 1991-2006. I didn't have a mobile phone until 2006. It is apparent to me that impartiality is not possible by the media. There is an incredible polarisation in the culture that prevents dialogue, in addition to the death of critical thinking. I have decided to take a break from FB ironically you have returned to the Face. Climate Change my position was initially the data doesn't support the claim. Correlation is easier to show than causality. I changed my mind because of Pascal's wager. Bill Cosby was one of the worst kept secrets in the industry. Ask anyone involved in entertainment. I had heard about his character back in 1997 or thereabouts. I haven't seen The R. Kelly documentary. However based on him marrying Aaliyah when she was a minor. And having many teenage girls living with him, makes him suspect. Actually unless you have first hand information. It's all hearsay and hearsay is not admissible in a court of law.
  3. It is fascinating what you don't remember and what you think i said. At what point did I say the Central Park 5 were guilty. You do sound like you aare on drugs though, because you are attributing things to me that I haven't said and not thinking about what I have said. So I will explain this to for the rational people. Somewhere around 2010 I thought I want to make up my own mind on Global Warming. So I didn't read what either side said. What I did was to do a statistical analysis on over 200 years of data. First I had to understand the drivers of weather. I also looked at the IPCC yearbook, and looked at their models and I read through the data. Interestingly they said it is not possible to model weather. Which is an interesting comment because they use several models none of which predicted temperature very well. In the end I changed my mind because the cost of being wrong and doing nothing is higher than the cost of being wrong and not doing anything. If you care to go back and look at my arguments none of them were in any medium. What you ar confusing is the agreement of conclusion, while a disagreed about arguments.
  4. Are you high on drugs? I can't defend Black Men who are rapists so you and I are different. You left out Elijah Muhammad.
  5. I looked at close to 300 years of data to arrive at my position. I read the IPCC papers. So you don't know what you're talking about @Troy
  6. So do you find any difference in he veracity or emotional content of the thoughts based on point of origin.
  7. Which newspaper did I get my position from, Troy Or maybe Bill Cosby and a R. Kelly are serial rapist.
  8. What positions have I had that where shaped by the media? Give me an example
  9. How can you tell. Does the idea feel different based on its origin.
  10. If you are playing roulette and 36 shows up six times in a row. The chances of it showing up on the seventh time hasn't changed. Even though it highly unlikely for the same number to happen 7 times in a row. Climate has long cycles, that extends past our lives and records. So to infer the future based on the past and or experience is faulty. However the cost of being wrong and doing nothing is infinitely higher than doing nothing.
  11. Your beliefs are preventing you from seeing my point of view. Trump and the media have always had a symbiotic relationship. Except Trump got more mileage out of the situation. It is similar to the the relationship Trump has with the GOP. He was not accepted, in the beginning and there was talk of changing the rules to keep him from getting the nomination. Then the realise he was a plutocrat and welcomed him into the fold. I believe the arc of their relationship will end with Trump saying et tu McConnell. In short can you name one newspaper that stated in October 2015 that Trump would win the nomination. Did that same newspaper say in March 2017 Trump wouldn't finish his term. My positions were neither echoed nor a function of media consumption. Also I stated there would be changes in the geopolitical system culminating by 2024. If you are so motivated you can search your site to see my position. You can also research why i didn't believe in global warming and subsequently changed my position. Which also weren't a function of any news I consumed. You simply can't comprehend my not being influenced by the media when it appears that I am consumer. I am not a consumer of the media because I don't buy their opinions. I am window shopping. What I have noticed is that the news has become increasing subjective and the appearance of Objectivity is becoming increasingly rare. For example the owner of the Washington Post has personal issues with Trump. And at times the paper is used as Jeff Bezos's mouthpiece. You will recall I said From the start Bill Cosby was guilty which also wasn't media driven. @Troy
  12. You and I think differently. What you can't imagine is actually my modus operandi.
  13. The Media was suprised by Trump popularity, They also didn't see him being impeached. Those were my positions ahead of the media so how am I influenced by the media.
  14. Where do your thoughts or ideas originate?
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jan/16/us-senate-impeachment-trial-donald-trump
  16. I think about issues then I decide. And I always think that I could ve wrong especially when I feel certain I am right.
  17. The interpretation is the Astrological prediction. I said January would be a turning point. You seem to be under he impression that nothing has changed, so what can I saw. I don't let my personal feeling impact a reading. I said that Trump would most likely win when he was running. Then I said a over a year ago that he wouldn't finish his term. You disagreed with both positions. So perhaps it is your experiences and information colour your positions. So if he is ousted between now and January is that an accurate astrological prediction for you?
  18. The bet was Trump would be out by Mid January. But I'll check if I said out or in the way out. Clearly you haven't been reading the news. All of Australia is not on fire. I know people who have been directly effected. Although it's has been smokey and I have seen some falling ash. The fires are about 55miles or 88 km away. It's really hard to get news. A lot of people hey their news from Facebook, bit don't bother to fact check. Although there may be a growing trend to do so. I trust the Guardian , the Onion and Dave Chappelle.
  19. I have pretty good recall for certain conversations.
  20. This is from two years ago @Troy. Can you guess who the sole like us for this statement?
  21. Yes he is the reason I studied Numerology. We have been friends since about 1987.
  22. Will listen to the clip. I have made post that reached 500 people without advertising, by sharing it to various groups. So don't pay them.
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