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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. Troy, I kinda think you are out of touch with everyday black people. They don't have a lot of lofty goals. They are just trying to survive and to them what Walmart pays is more than the minimum wage and the only skill it requires is knowing how to work a cash register or stock merchandize. The subject of black unity is not a compelling one to them possibly because they've learned that talk is cheap; just like the goods they can get at Walmart.
  2. Neurosurgeon Carson needs a brain transplant. He also talks out of both sides of his mouth. The only thing this hypocritical Christian ever said that made sense is that Trump is typical of how men discuss women amongst. themselves. The reason Trump's core support group excuses his crude remarks about grabbing "pussy" is because they talk this way, too. How about you guys on this board. Is it your experience that men make lewd comments about females during bull sessions??
  3. Black people can't help It. They are not satisfied with simply being celebrated among their peers. They want world-wide acclaim. Just like everybody else. And so it goes...
  4. Well, I guess all of the black people who work at WalMart, glad to have a job that pays a $10.00 an hour wage, and all the others among them who appreciate a place who's prices they can afford, would have to be regarded as collateral damage in a boycott of this super store. And, I guess a black monolith is akin to a battery ram. After it topples the system, will the old system be replaced with a better one? Or will power corrupt? Who knows? Who cares? You do. Soldier on.
  5. My family and friends would probably find Cynique a little over the top in her role as a polemicist. But I don't care. There are enough people around who hold their tongues just to keep the peace. In the twilight of my years, my mission is to seek the truth and be a free thinker. It's a destination that makes for an interesting journey.
  6. And what is a monolith made up of? Entities that are all the same. Blacks are not a monolith but they are a minority, and what is the incentive for the majority to share its power? Just askin...
  7. Kudos to you, Troy, for your dedication and perserverence in maintaining this site in the face of all odds, giving full sway to quality as opposed to quantity. We need more people like you! Carry on. And being one of those people who thinks that blacks are not monolithic, I'm surprised that you as a person who insists that we are not a "race" would have a problem with my claim. LOL
  8. You 2 have done an excellent job of analyzing and defining the subject under discussion but the more you conclude the more you reveal the complexity of the situation. Present company excluded, It would seem to me that unless someone is a best selling author or successful entrepreneur they don't have the luxury of plugging and supporting those they are in competition with. Their primary goal is to sell and promote their own product. Of course every one is eager to give free advice, and it's easy to be magnanimous when you are well off because being so is, in itself, a form of self-gratification. But when you are struggling to achieve, you tend to be self-absorbed. Expecting an individual to believe he/she will profit by merging with the group to achieve the common goal of success, is problematic. A peer group can be made up of one's rivals and the ever present ego drives the individual to best the competition. It is not everyone's nature to be a crusader, and creative people and divas want to do things their way as opposed to becoming a spoke in the wheel. On the way up, ambitious people do benefit from those who have helped them, but this help usually comes from those who have nothing to lose by offering assistance. An old African proverb says that "one who travels alone goes faster, but those who travel together go further" is wisdom lost on black folks tryin' to be a hot solo act. I agree that people are intellectually lazy - because ignorance is bliss. If something is too much trouble then they sidestep it, wallowing in their comfort zone, something I can relate to because I have long ago given up on trying to cure the ills of society by intellectualizing them. Those who seek challenges are a special breed and, for people of color, they can be the hope of the future. Just some rambling thoughts... As for my presence on this board, it is what I refer to as "my other life"; a place where I can come and rise above the role of Mommy, Nana, and friend to the religious and boring. So I am guilty of not being accompanied by an entourage to make up an audience of lurkers or contributors to AALBC's forums. "Cynique" is a name nobody is really familiar with in my personal sphere. Sorry, Troy, for not holding up my end.
  9. We also overestimate who ''our" people are. As previously noted, class is beginning to usurp race, and money is the bottom line. Middle class blacks who "make it" on their own and are better off than poor whites, are satisfied to sit tight, just glad to be surviving. They have no incentive to sacrifice their personal gains by taking on the monumental task of dismantling the racist system they have managed to circumvent. As we have all agreed, blacks are not monolithic, although they actually are all in agreement about the white power structure being their "opponent". How they cope with this depends on how much they identity with their race and how obligated they feel to align themselves with a black coalition intent on toppling a formidable system where they, themselves, have managed to become a "have" instead of a "have-not". Black unity is a dream hoped for, but it shows signs of drying up like "a raisin in the sun".
  10. This would've given some clues as to her identity, something which she definitely did not want known. Her anonymity allowed her to get away with saying anything because nobody knew who she was. She claimed her book was in libraries all over the country and that seemed to be her demograph as "teacher".
  11. In retrospect we can deduce certain things about the sara presence on this forum. Obviously, the book she reproduced here about the black Seminoles was the one she wrote. it also became apparent that dispensing information about black history topped her agenda because black studies were probably her field of "expertise". Consequently, in her avid eyes, she envisioned this forum as a classroom, and its posters and lurkers as ignorant pupils to whom she could impart her knowledge on black history, and every other aspect about black folks, something which motivated her to try and deconstruct my "black experience". Also because she was from Chicago she resented any remarks or input from anybody who threatened her self-appointed role as the resident authority on the subject of this city. Furthermore, by being from Chicago, she was in denial about anything that didn't put it in a good light, and that included herself whom she imagined to be infallible. The problem immediately arose when the "pupils" didn't cooperate, and her mission to school them fell flat, mostly due to her superior attitude and an assumption that we didn't already know what she wanted to teach us. This frustrated her because she was not used to being rebutted or ridiculed or disrespected. And when she couldn't get over, in desperation, she finally responded in the only way she knew which was to revert to her ghetto roots, resorting to lies and deviousness and profane vitriol, eventually at her wit's end because Cynique was unrelenting...
  12. We shouldn't be surprised at how ubiquitous FaceBook has become. Everybody talks about how insidious it is but it is a natural evolution in the ongoing transformation of Society. In the last century, trains and automobiles replaced horse-drawn carriages. Electric lights replaced candles.Telephones replaced way-of-mouth communication. Radios and movies replaced stage shows and plays. And these upgrades took place in just the first part of a century that subsequently saw more advancements like airplanes and television and other quick fixes that made our lives more convenient and enjoyable. Time brings change. So what would one expect in the 21st century??? Asking this question, may serve to keep things in perspective. Once the computerized age dawned and a new century began, what this introduced was not only convenient, but magical. Logged on to the Internet, with a few taps on a keyboard, a whole spectrum opens up to us, including sites where we can share our thoughts and our images with friends and strangers, near and far, - where we can be kept abreast of the worlds of pop culture, politics, sports and music, where we can exchange ideas and opinions And all it costs is the surrender of your identity to an icon or hash tag. In today's world that's progress. Like all of the other things that time and technology have modernized, social media is a condensed equivalent of gossiping over the back fence or dishing dirt at the beauty shop, solving the world's problems in the barbershop or shootin' the bull at a pool hall, praisin' the lord in church or fellow shipping with friends, bringing snapshots to work or sharing favorite dishes, having a heated conversation at a cocktail party or an argument with your brother-in-law at Thanksgiving dinner. The difference is, that a new way of doing all of this is just a click away. Welcome to 2016. Your alter ego has just found a stage! Critics call FaceBook and Twitter a trivial waste of time and an affront to intelligent discourse. But where is it carved in stone that we always have to cater to a higher calling? Social media is a fanciful facet of the prism that is our existence. We just have to avoid allowing it to reflect all of the light. It is a choice on the internet menu and as, in all indulgences, moderation is the key. For forum fans, what is an alternative to social media? You can continue to belittle it and focus solely on actually experiencing life in an attempt to derive some deeper meaning from it, or for it. But the harsh reality is that life, itself, does not promise to be more fulfilling; it's difficult, it's capricious, alternating between exhilaration and disappointment - even defeat A finger tap cannot download a better version of it, and you're left to your own devices and survival mechanisms to muddle through situations that even great mental prowess cannot vanquish. There is a reason why social media has become a favorite form of escapism. Philosophically speaking, in confronting the dilemmas spawned by the cyber world, retreating into the sanctuary of your skull, opening your mind and getting in touch with yourself is an ideal option. This, after all, is the ultimate destination in our life's journey. But along the way, can we take a break from time to time and just let it all hang out? A steady diet of serious topics discussed by the erudite can dull the appetite. In any case, it's not as if dissidents can do a lot about their aversion to social media or the white profits that it generates. But discussion forums will never become extinct because they fill a void in the field of communication and communication is one of society's pillars. Occurrences go in cycles so it's predictable that as the social media fad levels off, in the scheme of things, AALBC forums will revive and reclaim their popular niche and even inspire input from noteworthy black contributors as they come to realize their obligation to help their own. All is not lost. Meanwhile, as progress continues its course, a "black minds matter" movement could improve on the outdated "black lives matter" one, pointing us in a new direction that could hopefully benefit from the power of suggestion. Just another point of view... .
  13. I understand, Troy. I continually corrected sara's grammar to take her down a notch because she was so quick to remind us that she was educated, while in her blurred view, I was a sack slinger at the post office. LOL She constantly provided me with weapons to use against her. In fact, everything about her motivated my desire to keep her off balance because she was so self-important. I have thick skin and have never embraced the role of being a victim, never been put on the defense by sara's obsessive ageism because I think her vents revealed more about her than me. I found her to be an interesting case study, but obviously most people don't want to be dislodged from their comfort zone and prefer for everybody to "just get along". I, myself, am a case study for those who like to analyze people. I have never claimed to be a sweet old lady who makes nice. Or a wimp. There are enough of those in the world. I am devilish and never met a know-it-all who I didn't want to challenge for the title. But, still, I liked Shirley and Mel and everybody else on this site, so obviously sara and I were natural enemies who rubbed each other the wrong way. ( I even kind of liked that "Celestial" troll that showed up a while back because he was sooo over the top.) I also wondered why nobody ever came forth to take sara's side. Why didn't anybody step up and chastise me? And, actually, it wasn't a stretch when I needled her because she would leave herself open. Nat Turner not an inspiration? A ho-hum movie review about a film that had already been expertly critiqued? The south side not being the location of the majority of murders in Chicago? Tiger Woods being the first black pro golfer? The familiar plot of John Wayne movies about the Cavalry vs the Indians not applying to the black Seminoles vs the Army??? There are consequences to telling lies about me and minimizing my history... Nevertheless, I do apologize to you, Troy, for making your job harder and I do appreciate your patience with my "keeping up shit". If I have discouraged people from posting here, I am sorry that they do not have the courage of their convictions. Cynique will try and do better in the future.
  14. I remain mystified as to why sara was so determined to be a part of this forum. She did, on any number of occasions, make reference to the "ignorance" that abounds here, yet she stuck around, attempting to use this arena for her own personal agenda, regularly making reference to being a published author, name-droppin in the mode of a true wanna-be, bragging about being degreed while repeatedly denying the academic credentials of others. And she was determined from the beginning to discredit, distort and lie about anything that had to do with my recollections and where I come from. Yet she'd go into a frenzy if I returned the favor by dismissing her drivel As important and impressive as she imagines herself to be, you'd think she'd have something better to do with her time. Apparently not. tsk-tsk I don't care whether sara stays or goes. it ain't that serious to me. BTW, sarat. your comment should read: "an azzhole, not "a azzhole". You obviously didn't get your degree in English, or maybe you're par for the course at the college you attended. LOL
  15. All we can do when it comes to Hillary being elected is to hope that the will end justify the means. I still think her goal is to become a female FDR, and put America on the road to economic stability and social justice. The days of a "man on a white horse" appearing in time of crisis to save his country from ruin are over. If a bitch in a red pants suit can make headway in getting the job done, then so be it. Take cover and stay safe. Hurricane Matthew is merciless and color blind.
  16. So what is the takeaway from this? That if Hillary gets in she, with Bill at her side, will betray the country, ignore the constituency who put her in office, engage in sleazy sexual encounters, and do whatever she and her husband can get away with to increase their personal fortune? They are, indeed, ruthless people in the ruthless arena of politics. However, I personally think the Clintons simply compartmentalize their scruples and now that they have amassed a fortune, they're ready to nurture their hunger for power and sanitize their legacy by rescuing America and getting it back on track. Donald Trump's wife's history is equally appalling to me. Should he be elected, the first lady of America will be a skank who was once a paid escort and starred in soft porn movies, all of which also makes a mockery of the highest office in the land.
  17. No, Pioneer, I'm simply attempting to do what any objective person would do, which is to seek the truth and consider all options instead of falling in love with the one possibility that is compatible with my personal belief. CDBurns has suggested that too much attention is being paid to the best and the worst while neglecting the underachievers in the middle whose potential for rising is ignored. Troy has continued to blame the racist system, and I maintain that what they contend, along with your theory about lead poisoning, and mine about the deteriorating family unit, are all contributing to the problem. And, obviously, in the big picture, things are not as bad for some as they are for others. You, on the other hand, choose to ignore the possibility that lead poisoning is not the root of all black problems, brushing aside any evidence supporting this claim. I already gave my opinion to the question about the possibility of your being right. I said depending on black people to do what white people won't do, will just result in the problem remaining in limbo. And also since the effects of lead poisoning can't be reversed what is your remedy for this? Finally, what if you are wrong? Then what? You will have to find something else to become fixated on.
  18. @Pioneer1You continue to claim that we don't agree with your point about lead poisoning as being a problem. Nobody has denied that it is undoubtedly a contributing factor to the many woes of inner city blacks. And you also continue to ignore those young people who achieve and transcend their environment and make it out of the ghetto, apparently having no debilitating effects from lead poisoning and, in all probability, have been inspired and encouraged by an adult role model, whether a parent or other family member or someone who just took an interest in them. You also relegate all black street niggas to being brutish and stupid when many of them are quite shrewd and cool, eschewing the loud aggressive behavior you attribute to those with brain damage. These cold-blooded dudes may have grown up drinking sugary, red Kool Aid stirred into lead-infested water, but they are not lacking in swag, cunning, or stamina. I'm sure you would agree that there a lot of smart black brothers in prison. And, as I've opined previously, you are at risk of making lead poisoning a scapegoat for everything that's wrong with young blacks, - falling into the same category as those who blame racism or the media for everything and, in the process, provide a ready made excuse for failure. And you talk about white people manipulating the figures on black life expectancy but you are in denial about how black people did and still do, capitalize on these figures, angrily citing them as the result of a racist system that denied blacks adequate health care. Let's deal with reality instead of rhetoric. Furthermore, you can be right as hell about the detrimental effects of lead poisoning, but when did being "right" melt the hearts of the white power structure? Unless it can benefit from eradicating the conditions that handicap black folks, it will not extend itself to uplift poor blacks or the poor of any other race, but will simply give lip-service while applying bandages to massive wounds. Me, I think only a miracle will enable the black race in America to acquire the widespread influence, authority, and wealth necessary for it to control its destiny; especially since its members are not of one mind, - or of one class. But who knows? Perhaps I am being too pessimistic, and if black people continue do what they do best, maybe they can pray themselves into a promise land here on Earth. Are you listening, Jesus?
  19. Music to my ears.This should be required viewing for Hillary haters who want change for the sake of change! But it's too intellectual for Trump's millions of fanatical supporters. SMH. Angela Davis has said that she wasn't narcissistic enough to not vote for Hillary, implying that all of those Hillary haters trying to ennoble themselves by declaring they can't in good conscience bring themselves to vote for her, are full of themselves, reeking with smug self-righteousness.
  20. That didn't sound like a troll to me. That was typical sara vitriol. I have always been suspicious in regard to there being more than one person posting under the name sara. That's why I have accused her of having multiple personalities and of being bi-polar and at times having a childish playground mentality. I don't think you should block her based on that one post. it didn't bother me because it was a repetition of her usual blather.
  21. Well, if the government isn't going to do "it" and black folks have never gotten out of the talking stage of doing "it, then the media is who you have to go into cahoots with. You scratch its back, and it scratches yours. You get a vast amount of attention for whatever you want to communicate, and the media profits from the traffic you generate. It's the back-up Plan C, since Plan A and B have no traction. Calling attention to your cause is the first step in a long process. It's up to black folks to take things to the next level after a grievance is publicized by using the media to do this. IMO
  22. Too bad somebody other than an egocentric buffoon like Donald Trump hasn't filled the void for disillusioned people fed up with the status quo. Also too bad Bernie Sanders didn't captivate the pessimists with his pie-in-the-sky promises. What's really too bad is that neither of these 2 represent anything other than the faces of dissatisfaction. They, and nobody else can't fix America, a country that has outgrown its viability and whose problems defy solutions because the logistics of reform are overwhelming. While one percent of the population is thriving, the rest are in the various stages of surviving and this is not going to drastically change. America will continue "to do what it do" and change will evolve on its own. IMO.
  23. @TroyI am not denying that poor diet and polluted environment have a negative effect on people, and I would also add smart phones and the Internet and video games to the mix! My argument is and continues to simply be that the life expectancy of blacks(and every other race) is longer now than it was 77 years ago due to medical advancement! If you want to agree with Pioneer and what studies have revealed about something, agree that outside factors affect people differently, undoubtedly depending on their physical constitution. One man's meat is another one's poison, literally. I am a salt-oholic, and have never watched my diet, eating whatever I want including red meat and fried foods. I smoked and was a moderate drinker for years, but gave up these habits because cigarettes were too expensive and since my partyin' days were over, I no longer felt a need to get a buzz on. I am sure the infra-structure of the town where I formerly lived was outdated, and there may have been lead in the water. At 83, I am in reasonably good physical and mental health. What's killin' me has more to do with the political atmosphere that frustrates and depresses me. As for what it takes to put a child on the right path when it comes to successfully making it through school, - like the effect of diet and pollution on people, no one rule applies to all. What works for one child doesn't necessary work for another because of personality differences. I have also learned the magical effect of praise. - given when a child does well, it nourishes a desire to gain more. Acknowledgement that every child is not receptive to the regimentation of a class room situation is also crucial, and many kids thrive when they are allowed to learn at their own pace ala the Montessori method. I also think that reading is the most important skill a child can master, because once a child can read, the battle is half won, A healthy curiosity is the next best learning tool. Wanting to know and being capable of independently seeking out and comprehending available information is an education unto itself. And i don't care what anybody says, I think nowadays Wikipedia is a valuable quick fix. I would, however, agree with Chris that parents who are good role models are vital to the educational process and homeschooling is certainly a viable option. Children are not a cookie cutter population. They are all different. Assigning them to learning institutions is a way of managing them, and an attempt to train them. But public schools tend to fall short when it comes to stimulating the intellect, Eventually the intrinsic make-up of an individual is what will prevail and, in time, the cream will rise to the top, IMO.
  24. A prime example of a mentally disturbed person who keeps repeating the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. You are not the only degreed person on this thread, except in your deluded repetitive claim that you are. BTW, where ya been? In rehab? LOL And I see where Chicago State is in worse shape than ever. Which makes me all the more convinced that this is your alma mammy and this is why you won't reveal where you got your "degree" from.
  25. Nobody here has a "go-to" person because we are all capable of fending for ourselves, as opposed to a silly nit wit like you who has to rely of imogees to try and augment your attempts at being relevant. Once again, you are not the only degreed person on the thread but you are the only mentally disturbed fool on it. LMAO
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