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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. @Troy I have been hesitating as to whether I want to post my latest essay about my personal history as a black person because it can be judged "irrelevant". But I do think what I have to say may be interesting or even amusing to the generations who came after mine. It's a chronicle not so much about me as about my times. Warning: it's kinda long, Your thoughts?
  2. @Troy OK. I accused you of the things you had not previously clarified in your blanket statements. As a resident of a Chicago suburb, I get my information from people who do live there, so maybe the people you get your information from know more about the situation than the people I get mine from. As for guns, their purpose is to kill or maim; they can even do this by accident, not in someone's hand. Without a gun, a person cannot shoot and kill someone, so a killer is as much under the control of a gun as a gun is under his control. But this is an issue that will never be resolved. To say that those in authority have the power to end the killings in Chicago is rhetoric. Especially since you weren't specific about what solutions a computerized, class-conscious world offers in the way of reform. Or can you complain about the high rate of black incarceration and at the same time lament about what felons are doing to their own people. You can't villainize the police and then expect them to keep crime under control. Black apologists have no plan to turn things around. They just shift the blame and make racism the scapegoat. IMO, the situation will just have to play itself out because it involves changing the mindset of young black men. They will have to figure out for themselves if they are creating a better world for the offspring they are wantonly impregnating their aimless babymamas with, or whether replicating themselves will just perpetuate the problems they faced. Everybody on every front needs to make better decisions.
  3. You two just can't dismiss people as not caring. Blacks and whites and particularly the mayor do care about what's going on if for no other reason than because they have a vested interest in cleaning up Chicago's image and curbing the widespread crime that threatens everyone's safety. You guys who don't live in Chicago and as people who are always bitching about the how media manipulates the news are, yourselves, guilty of going by what you hear or read instead of what you know for sure. You aren't aware of what measures are being taken to try and combat the problem by local watch dog groups and neighborhood organization and havens that are being funded by both private and public donors and the small successes of these endeavors. And don't forget that included in the perpetrators of these 500 murders are also Hispanics and whites and other ethnic groups. You also reluctant to touch on the subject of easy assess to the fire arms that are the enablers of the kill or be killed renegades terrorizing the streets of Chiraq. GUNS! The bane of a peaceful civilization! The objects at the core of violence and aggression. The companions that Americans of all persuasions refuse to give up! The mayhem plaguing Chicago's ghettos has become epidemic and is feeding on itself. It's a sociological virus that does, indeed, seem to be a sign of the times and deconstructing the problem does not solve it because the times have changed.
  4. in the year 2016, there are organizations and leaders including religious ones who do care about what's going on in Chicago because it's affecting them. They recognize the problems created by lack of jobs and poor schools and a flawed criminal justice system, and are speaking out trying to attack the problem at a grass route level with whatever resources they can muster. The Mayor is under intense pressure to decimate the problem, and is promising reforms and resources. He fired the old business-as-usual-police superintendent, replacing him with a black veteran cop from the ranks, whose mantra is to get guns off the streets, and hire more cops to patrol the neighborhoods. He also wants laws put in place to prevent the early release of repeated offenders who go back to their old criminal ways once they are paroled. Police morale is so low they aren't efficiently doing their jobs because they're damned if they do, and damned if they don't. Race, of course has reared its ugly head creating a rift between anxious cops and the suspicious communities they are hired to serve and protect. If you listen to the inner city residents who are besieged by what's going on, they will say that's it's the outcasts within their midst who are to blame for what's going on because they have no regard for human life, and weren't raised right or taught any better. It's as if the problems that plague all urban areas came together in Chicago and produced a climate that gave rise to a perfect storm. And 500 murders is the result. IMO.
  5. @Troy Do "we know how to fix these problems without locking negros up and throwing away the key"? How? @Pioneer1There is probably an element of truth in what you say in regard to lead and toxins having an adverse effect on blacks. But why does this only affect certain ones? Not all black males in the ghettos embrace the thug life and some do escape their dire circumstance and go on to lead rewarding lives. What's apparent is that living and dying by the gun has gradually evolved into a way of life by many underclass black males, and in their fatalistic view, this is "no big thing". Aside from drug and turf wars, some of the violence is simply fueled by a determination to settle a personal "beef", or to retaliate for being dissed, or to avenge the murders of a "homie" or a family member. This situation can, in turn, result in the perpetrator of such acts being killed himself as the vicious cycle repeats itself, compounded by the killing and maiming of innocent bystanders, who relatives also want revenge. This is "how things go down" in the dead-end ghetto environment. Babies being born into unstable, fatherless households also play a part by supplying the future victims and victimizers in an atmosphere where wayward children grow up with no respect for authority or human life.
  6. I think what both sexes appreciate and look for in a partner is somebody who has their back. Being good at offering moral support during a bump in the road is a trait that doesn't discriminate when it comes to strong or vulnerable people. Anybody can be sympathetic and loyal to someone they care about. The ego can be a man's downfall. It can be over-inflated to the point where it exposes his inadequacies as opposed to displaying his capabilities. it is also a perfect target for a manipulative woman who is good at playing dumb
  7. @Pioneer1Independent movie makers usually need a big name star to get backers for their movies based on real people. Some times these stars look nothing like the people they're portraying but they just try to capture their essence. And, of course, others making movies with a shoestring budget have to go with unknown actors who don't command big salaries and fit the type of role producers are looking for.
  8. @TroyYou might be surprised to hear that I am not on Twitter. All I know about it is what I see on FaceBook, hear on TV, and read in the Newspapers. So I have to take your word that it is a vapid venue, that attracts shallow, self-absorbed, cruel characters who feed on celebrity gossip, political controversy and non issues, - gullible people who allow themselves to be manipulated by profiteers. Is it also possible that fans of this site go there because it's easily accessed and they enjoy interacting with posters from all over the world? BTW, I pick my online battles. I only spar with people who are belligerent and/or obnoxious.
  9. The internet allows people hide behind the anonymity that enables them to say or react anyway they please because they don't have to answer for it. If you are turned off by someone you meet in person or somebody you interact with regularly who disgusts you for whatever reason, you tend to conceal your revulsion. Most of us endeavor to maintain a civil facade to avoid a hassle. Human beings are very complicated entities, capable of a multitude of reactions, both good and bad. A passer-by will impulsively jump in the lake and save a drowning person he never met. Good Samaritans will spontaneously risk their safety to pull a passenger from a burning car. And doing a good deed seem to be contagious, because other bystanders will pitch in to help in such situations. But these same heroes can turn into villains under different circumstances Not too long ago I was moved by my experience in the check-out line of the Dollar store which is my second home. My credit card was denied, and the customer behind me offered to pay my bill which was over 20 dollars! Luckily I had another card with adequate available credit, so I was able to take care of things. But this person's generous act of kindness so touched me that while thanking the pleasant middle-aged white lady, I hugged her shoulders. I will not go into details as to how this incident inspired me to "pay it forward". Humans are capable of being very charitable, but the other side of the coin is that ordinary people have a dark side - because the devil on their shoulders urges them to be bad. That's why I described as a "fiendish delight", the malicious feud I had with the poster on this board who shall remain nameless. LOL
  10. Th U.S. is one big cesspool of contradictions, a fascistic democracy comparable to a crazy quilt made up of different ethnicities and opposing political persuasions. If aliens from another galaxy began to observe Earth, they'd probably be fascinated by the indications of what lies ahead for America.
  11. OK, Troy, here's your lunch!. Social media is all "a-twitter" over the latest flavor of the week, an uproar stemming from NFL bi-racial quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s choosing to sulk on the bench instead of standing up during the traditional flag raising ceremony that accompanied a rendition of the national anthem at a preseason football game last week The explanation he gave to avid reporters crowding the San Francisco 49er's locker room after the incident, was something to the effect that America is mistreating its citizens of color and this is his way of protesting injustice. Kaepernick is the offspring of a single white mother and an absentee black father and was given up for adoption to a white couple whose surname he took. So the "brother" obviously has issues Anyway, reaction was immediate. Patriotic white fans are burning their jerseys in outrage and posting the videos of them doing this on line. Football purists are reprimanding Kaepernick for committing the cardinal sin of not making his team the priority by creating a distraction that could interfere with winning games! Players all over the league are straddling the fence, but everybody has an opinion. Pro and con arguments abound, ranging from how people died defending the flag Kaepernick dishonored, to how he is exercising the freedom the flag symbolizes by speaking up for what's right. Many feel he should protest on his own time! As usual, the racial lines are being drawn. Having never been a flag-waving, American cheerleader, myself, I side with Colin even after I learned more about his back story. Kaepernick has recently converted to the islamic faith of his girlfriend, leading me to believe that this is what influenced his angry gesture. I have little use for organized religion, in general, and the Muslim one in particular which I regard as stealthy, dogmatic, and misogynistic. Personally, I'd have no objection if this bearded, disgruntled, pigskin passer who looks like a candidate for an Isis bomb thrower, would just fold up his tent, and fly away on a magic carpet with his Arabian sweetie-pie. I know I'm being prejudiced and irrational, but I don't care. Why should white people have all the fun? So far, Colin Kaepernick has not been officially penalized or banned from remaining seated during the national anthem, a gesture he intends to continue doing, but undoubtedly subtle repercussions will begin to kick in. Americans are such sports nuts, and athletes so idolized that who'd have thought these jocks would start risking their futures by taking to the arena of protest to speak out against racism? I concede that those doing so are worthy of praise, and more power to them. The 2 black Olympic track stars who raised their fists in a black power salute during the medal ceremony back in 1968 must be proud of them.
  12. My peers. Maybe not my entire generation, but my associates and I were fortunate enough to have gone to excellent schools that provided a liberal education. Time brought change and the quality of public schools deteriorated. Nowadays private schools undoubtedly offer good educations but those who attended, or are attending them do not blow me away. Also my generation was not immersed in the sense of entitlement that seemed to characterize those who came after us. We were grateful for any privilege that was bestowed upon us. We didn't have TV, computers, VCRs, CDs or cell phones. So we tended to be more creative and better able to improvise and amuse ourselves. Above all, reading books was a common way to pass the time.
  13. Why? Because they want to portray Hillary as someone with poor judgment who can't be trusted. This is the only way Republicans can draw attention away from Trump's lack of experience in global affairs. Politics is a dirty business, and lying or misrepresenting your opponent is a part of the game. Hillary has a lot of baggage, and her winning depends on how much the average America cares about all of the "trumped" up charges brought against her, most of which are half-truths. She really needs black voters to focus on the future and not her sins of the past. The ongoing problem of the violence that is saturating black neighborhoods is grist for Trump's mill, when reaching out to the black electorate, and who knows what effect this will have on disillusioned blacks? But this is a double-edge sword because Trump's supporters are luke warm about anything that will overshadow, blue lives mattering. And black people get very touchy when whites remind them how they're killing each other. A lot can happen between now and November. Sore losers might become the winners...
  14. "O tempora, o mores!" These are the words of Roman orator, Cicero circa 75 BC. "Oh the times! Oh the customs!" is the English translation of this phrase which I recall from my high school Latin class 65 years ago. Wiki explains: "this sentence is now used as an exclamation to criticize present-day attitudes and trends." So, there have always been lone voices like yours, Troy, decrying the deteriorating criteria for quality. The more things change, the more they become the same. It's the way of the world.
  15. Well, Angela, when you're in the business of selling your books, you want a provocative, eye-catching title, so I get that. i also understand that an octogenarian like me is not your demograph. It's a different world out there now from the way things were in my dating years, and I'm sure the current crop of mingling singles can relate to your advice. You don't owe me any explanations, but I do appreciate your gracious gesture of taking time to share your personal sentiments with me. Do your thing, girlfriend; the bottom line is an author's priority. Thanks for your feedback on my feedback and good luck on making AALBC's best seller list!
  16. Leslie is unique. She's a public figure who is controversial because both blacks and whites have a problem with her, which makes her a lightning rod for humiliation and disapproval. She's also a human being with pride and sensitivities and since there is no other way for black males to take the high ground and offer her support, the only choice is to utilize social media which provides them with an outlet to reach millions, and possibly create a ripple effect in favor of a beleaguered black female. Can a sista get a break here? Twitter has become a necessary evil, but it does provide a service for people who would otherwise have no voice. It has touched a nerve in a populace who seeks a stage for their narcissistic impulses, and a forum for their passionate opinions. And there's no reason to conclude that people are on Twitter because they have nothing better to do. They may have taken care of the better things they have to do before going on line because they are able to compartmentalize their time. Ya think?
  17. If you had watched the Republican convention, which I doubt you did, because you boycott so much of TV, you would've been stunned by the complete lack of black faces among the delegates. There have always been black die-hard conservatives, and maveriks who have taken refuge in the Republican party, but even they admit how little their party has reached out to Blacks. So if the unifying effect of being of one mind is not the solution to dealing with black political impotency, what specifically is needed to improve our situation???. Final question. Why don't you become a Republican on a matter of principle and put out a call for others to join you. LOL
  18. Everybody is racist, including bigoted black people. But there are degrees of racism. Democrats tend to not be aware of their racism; If they were staunch racists they'd join a party that would make them feel comfortable, which are the Republicans. What are the options to the existing situation besides being an Independent? What are the chances of blacks becoming of one mind when it comes to advancing their cause? And their internal dissent could be very legitimate because there is no one solution to the problems that beset us. For every Barack Obama who was elected President, there a Cornel West, a shrill critic who has little impact. Talk is cheap. Compromise is the only viable solution, unless blacks separate from America and begin to nation build. How likely is this to happen? In your new quest for the truth, what do you think. LOL
  19. These mischief makers have plenty of inspiration for the rumors they spread and since a mercenary con-man like Creflo Dollar is of the same ilk as Trump, this gives such rumors legs. I think it's ill-advised to actually invite Donald Trump to speak at a black church. if he requests an invitation to come, then it's a different story. It would be a real challenge for Trump to compete with Jesus as the savior who is going to answer their prayers. Of course he could always invoke the familiar declaration that God told him to go find flocks of sheep to lead (to the broken promises land.) For decades, certain spokesmen have been urging black voters to not allow the Democrats to take them for granted. but Republicans have never done anything to make themselves an attractive alternative. Not all Republicans are racists, but all racists are Republican. Hypothetically if blacks want to have their demands met, they would form their own party: the Ebonocats or the Blackwecans. In the real world, this ain't gonna happen. Becoming an Independent is all that's left, and all this offers are moral victories.
  20. It has been confirmed that Leslie's site was hacked. She has become almost like an embodiment of the familiar comedy/tragedy masks of classic theater. The story is all over TV via the tabloid magazine shows, which also reported that many sympathetic celebrities have also tweeted their support for Leslie. Why do you think black men making a gesture of public support for a sister who has been the target of cruel and racist attacks, is a silly issue?
  21. @Troy Am I violating any copyrights, etc? I just wanted to share this article because it was so apropos of what has been discussed on this board. Black Men Rally Behind Leslie Jones with #BlackMenSupportLeslie 4 CULTURE by Elle – August 26, 2016 Leslie Jones was the victim of a vicious hack on her website yesterday, with her nude photos and personal information, including her driver’s license and passport photos being posted. Thousands have voiced support for Leslie, labeling the attack racist and sexist, using hashtags like #LoveforLeslieJ and #SupportLeslieJ. However, a new hashtag came up that may have been a bit of a surprise, but also very welcome. Twitter user @BlakeDontCrack created the hashtag #BlackMenSupportLeslie for black men specifically to show support and love for Leslie Jones.
  22. I read on FaceBook that Mega TV Evangelist Creflo (Cashflow) Dollar is supporting Trump. Considering the source, I don't know how true this is but this is the same preacher who wanted each member of his vast congregation to send him $300 so he could purchase a 65 million dollar private jet to fly him around the country and overseas. Birds of a feather, flock together. Trump's pitch to the black underclass is very persuasive. "What you you have to lose?" he asks. Some might respond that what they have to lose could be their Section 8 housing, their free medical cards and the plastic debit cards that have replaced food stamps, welfare benefits that would unlikely be among the things that represent the America Trump wants "to make great again".
  23. Bottom line: A strong woman doesn't have to be muscular, loud and aggressive. She can be supple, subtle and reserved. Strength can come from within, like the proverbial "steel fist in a velvet glove".
  24. LOL. You seem to have led a very interesting life, Pioneer. And I don't feel the need to disparage the recollections you share with this board from time to time. I've also noticed how young people nowadays precede their answer to a question with the word "so". What's up with that? i guess it has replaced starting a sentence with "like". I think there is also a "black vibe" and President Obama personifies it. For want of a better description, I would label it as an essence of hipness. He speaks perfect grammar, is highly intelligent, and clean cut in appearance, but if you didn't know him, and didn't see him, and just heard him talk, at some point you could detect that he is black. His speech pattern is rhythmic and effortless. When you do see him, his demeanor is also hip. He has swag. I'd also say the same thing about Michelle. She is refined but listening to her speak, if I didn't see or know her, at some point, I would guess her to be black. But, maybe that's just me. .
  25. I don't think black women are being masculated. I agree that their being sex objects is more the case. But I do know that normalcy is boring and people are riveted by abnomalcy. Freak show always attracted large crowds at carnivals because people are drawn to what's bizarre. At the Olympics, runners in a race are introduced and the camera focuses on each one of them during this ceremony. Watching the race that Caster participated in, I was startled as to how much this runner looked like a man when they showed her. Apparently a lot of other people had the same reaction. This is not unusual or should it be surprising that her appearance became a subject that sparked internet discussion. The old newspaper credo about a man biting a dog being more newsworthy than a dog biting a man still stands. And why shouldn't it? I don't think people should be reprimanded for gawking at or following stories about oddities. A healthy amount of curiosity never harmed anybody and can be enlightening as was the case on this thread.
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