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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. In another read, one of our contributors who claims to be a Democrat said to another who claims to be a Republican:



    I believe you support Donald Trump for old fashioned ideals that we as Black People have gotten away from:

    1) Personal Responsibility

    2) Pride in supporting education

    3) Financial Illiteracy

    3) Pride in supporting and celebrating our offspring's success

    4) Love and Respect for our Women

    5) Rejection of charlatans, phonies and grifters in our communities

    These may be old fashioned ideals that many Black people have gotten away from, but my question is...besides Ideal #3....does President Trump embody these ideals and how does supporting HIM enable or restore these ideals in our community?

    Does President Trump take personal responsibility for his behavior and indescretions?

    Does President Trump support funding and improving and building more institutions that educate Black children?

    Does President Trump support Black people being financially literate and achieving economic independence?

    Does President Trump have a love and respect for Black women or women of any race?

    Does President Trump reject phony and charlatan behavior and does HIS behavior provide evidence for any answers given?


    These questions must be answered in order to evaluate whether or not a person who supports Donald Trump is a person who's doing it in the best interests of Black people.



  2. 22 hours ago, Delano said:

    "They don't want to be Rich or they just aren't capable of using their witness" paraphrasing Pioneer.

    Well, I see I haven't been wasting my time with you after all !

    Now, let's work on your spelling....lol.











    On 12/7/2020 at 10:06 AM, Troy said:

    ...then what about all the white people who are profoundly impoverished?  

    Many of them are in that position because they WANT to be.

    Nobody is actively "holding them back" and targeting them for failure by putting obstacles in their path to success like they often do to AfroAmericans.

    When you find a bunch of poor Caucasians with no teeth in their mouth living in trailer parks...most of the time they're happy as hell getting drunk and celebrating that no "n*ggers" are around, lol. 





    America's wackiest festivals


    "EeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHeeeeeee....tickle, tickle boy!"



    They don't want wealth.
    They just want to do their part in the system.

    Just like a chess game....in the system of White Supremacy you have Kings/Queens and you have pawns.
    Pawns are more disposable and they know this about themselves so most don't mind living a rough impoverished life for the maintenance of the system.  They accept their fate and have decided to live well with it.

    This is why so many of them are against Universal Health care and higher minimum wages.











  3. 5 hours ago, Stefan said:


    I admire you because you always express honesty. You do not try to denigrate anyone. 

    However, I am a professional writer. And I am personally disappointed with the writing in this forum.

    Because I am witnessing several adult Black people who can't seem to author two or three stand alone paragraphs on their own. 

    But the worst part about this is too many of them think this is okay. 

    It's not. 

    Then rather than crying and lamenting over it...........

    Why don't you petition Troy for your own forum on here to give free basic lessons in writing to correct what you perceive to be a problem?

  4. 10 hours ago, Troy said:

    Here are some folk invoking steps 1 through 5 right now in ATL: 


    19 Black families bought 97 acres of land, and they want to turn it into a city called Freedom


    See this is EXACTLY what I was talking about in the other thread!

    Too much focus in and around the Atlanta area.
    Black people need to focus on more than just flocking to Atlanta.

    We need to concentrate our population for economic and political power BUT that concentration needs to be congealed into certain hotspots instead of just one.

  5. A whole lot of  Arabs and other people from the Middle East are moving to Michigan by the hundreds of thousands and THRIVING despite the cold weather.
    Owning businesses, buying houses, and raising children.
    And they come from MUCH hotter climates than most AfroAmericans come from.

    Mexico is hot as hell but thousands of Mexicans straight from Mexico are starting to flood the state.
    Southwest Detroit used to be mostly Puerto Rican but now Mexicans have nearly replaced them as 1st place.



    Many Black people are being TRICKED into being herded all into a few central locations like Atlanta and Dallas.  That's not good.
    We need to keep a sizable presence all over the nation but especially in the South and Great Lakes region.

    I saw it in the late 80s and 90s when a lot of dudes I grew up with started going to college down south to places like Fisk and Morehouse and others just wanted to get out of town.  They all said they wanted to go to Atlanta for the job opportunities and beautiful women (before it became a gay capital).  That was a trick.  Now many former Black neighborhoods in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York have been replaced with non-Black immigrants while the Black population has been concentrated in and around Atlanta.

  6. Brother Ali


    Taking this on as its own separate point, in which i will be adding the second part later. The entire point of taking care and improving our own communities would also mean controlling the schooling system of our own children. This includes the elementary through high school education to forming associations in which we could promote that our children go to HBC's (historically black colleges) to stop the gentrification of these HBC's into PWI (predominately white institutions, not necessarily started by whites, but mostly white attended). Transform the education system of our communities and colleges into black dominated, and black educated people. 

    I agree with you 139%!!

    But let me also add that for the past 50 years or more there has been...in my opinion...TOO MUCH emphasis on Black youth going to college/university for success.
    Let me explain.....


    You and I both want INDEPENDENT communities, right?


    Well the only way to get that is to have a WELL ROUNDED society where you have the proper balance of doctors, lawyers, engineers, police, nurses, CONSTRUCTION WORKERS, GARBAGE MEN, FACTORY WORKER....ect.

    Look at China.
    They have a millions of students going to universities around the world but they also have millions more construction workers who build those sky scrapers going up all over China and millions more factory workers making the cars!

    When all you do is send your children to college to get a degree....really what you're saying is your preparing them to go work for someone else (usually a Cauasian) in THEIR firm or government.

    If you and I are SERIOUS about our own independent communities we would be encouraging those who are excellent in academics to pursue careers as doctors, lawyers, engineers, ect.....and those who aren't can learn trades like plumbing, carpentry, road construction ect.

    Somebody has to build the house!
    Somebody has to build the roads and bridges!
    Somebody has to grow the food and harvest it!

    If everybody has a Master's Degree in computer related science, who in the hell is gonna do all this?

    Are you gonna call the Latinos in to do all the manuel labor?
    If so....there goes your "independence"....lol.

    Same of course, but Jesus isn't a European invention. remember that. 

    Brother, "Jesus" is a post-modern Greek name.

    Most times in the English language when you find the suffix "is" or "es" or  "us" on the end of a word, it's GREEK in origin.







    The Early Ethiopians did refer to Jesus as they were one of the first to adopt Christianity as a nation, second to only Armenia, Jesus was a driving factor in the great paintings, inventions and philosophy of the Ethiopian Empire, and it is a gross misunderstanding not only to Christians but to Ethiopians themselves to assume otherwise.

    Did the Ethiopians call this person you're referring to, "Jesus"?

    Do you have any document that you can point to that they referred to a man named "Jesus" in their records?

    I know that the people of Palestine and the Jewish scholars refer to a man named "Yashua" in their records.

    I also know that the Greeks refer to a man named "Isous" in their records.

    But reading the original Greek transcripts that the New Testament of the Bible is based on.....no record of the name "Jesus".













    King Ezana of Axum was the first Ethiopian King to adopt Christianity and it led to Ethiopia becoming a mighty kingdom due to religious ties influencing trade. 

    Well brother......
    Are you sure it was "christianity" that he adopted?

    Did he CALL it that?

    Or was it a form of Messianic Judaism that some of the Abyssinians adopted called Nazarenes?

    Now you MAY say "Jesus" or "Yashua"....."Christianity" or "Messianic Judaism"...it's all the same thing.

    You may say it's just SEMANTICS.

    But listen brother....

    White Supremacists are master manipulators and they are experts at changing the NAME of things in order to create confusion and give it their own identity and definitions

    Remember in the Bible where it says that whatever Adam NAMED a things...that was it's name afterwards?

    That was symbolic of White people (people of Adam) being given power and dominion of changing the names of things to in order to RE-define them and control YOUR thoughts when that particular name (sound) is brought up in your mind.

    I can take a brother off the street and mention a nation named "Ayiti" and tell him it's full of lush forests, water falls, and beautiful dark skinned women who practice an exotic blend of Catholicism mixed with natural Earth religion.

    2015 Haiti Kanaval United In Happiness And Pain [Pictures & Video] –  L'union Suite Haiti girls empowered by Flagstaff knowledge | Columnists | azdailysun.com


    He'll fall in love with "Ayiti" and want to go there!
    He'll want to find a wife there and call that place his home!


    But if I ask him about "Haiti" he'll talk about of a place of extreme poverty and witch-craft and seek to avoid it!


    There is power in names and words in general.

    Do you understand what I'm saying brother?








    And reading the Bible reinforces my point. 

    Yes sir.
    And your referencing the Bible reinforces MINE....lol.
    That religion is a sticking point for most of our people and causes too much division.


  7. Brother Ali

    But yeah, I think that self reliance is one of the big things that we need to learn to advance as a race. I remember I was once watching this documentary of South African Blacks who remember Apartheid, and/or are the children of the people who participated in the marches and protests, and remember when Mandela came into power in the late 90s. One of them was a fashion designer dude, and he said, and I'm paraphrasing here, something to the effect of, "If you say you can't do things, or be successful because of apartheid, you're a lazy fuck." And that came back to me reading this section, because its so true. 

    But that's one of the tactics of White Supremacy.
    To take away your independence so that you will be totally reliant on THEM and under their control to obey their orders.

    I'm not sure how you feel about it but if you look at homosexuality and the LGBT movement that is happening around the world.  The HARDEST place for it to gain a strong hold in is the continent of Africa.  The sexual conservatism of religious (Muslim and Christian) Africans as well as it's pre-historical traditions that are averse to abnormal sexual practices makes African an exceptionally difficult place to establish a society where the LGBT movement can prosper and flourish.
    So what do they do?

    They go to the African leader and put conditions and stipulations on THEIR AID....and tell them if they have a poor record on LGBT rights or no record at all where those practices are strictly forbidden.....they will not get any aid!
    This threat and cohersion heavily influences and even twists the arm of nations who are TOTALLY dependent on Western aid for their very survival!

    Nations who are TRULY liberated and independent would never be so vulnerable to such a threat.

    The same things are done here to many AfroAmericans and our organizations.
    If you have a church, school, religious institution.....if you want to continue to receive federal funding you BETTER accept the LGBT agenda or atleast refuse to condemn it.

    You got a nice job?
    Better keep you mouth shut about this or that or we'll fire you and there won't be nothing under the tree for your children for Christmas!


    Christmas Trees | Stuff Fundies Like



    This is why it's so important for us to be independent and self reliant and LEARN TO SUPPORT OURSELVES.









    Of course. Jewish people own their own banks in their own communities in the United States, which is so admirable. Like you said, they aren't sitting around waiting for the Messiah, they are building their own havens on Earth, not waiting for Heaven's intervention. They help themselves, look at NYC Jewish Communities, you walk around, there are Jewish banks, jewish hospitals, which employ and work with Jews, and they have all this community and structure that they can see is their own. It's really inspiring.


    It's not just New York bro.
    I grew up in Detroit and in certain suburbs Jewish people own entire square miles of lands filled with strip malls, hospitals, apartment complexes, recreational centers, ect.....All you can do is just drive past them and see them walking down the street in black suits and curly locks engaged in conversation, lol

    But don't forget.
    Jewish people still are for the most part Caucasian (white) with just a TRACE amount of African ancestry going way back.  So while you can learn from them somewhat, there's only so much of what you learn from a Caucasian that you can actually apply to yourself because Caucasians have resources (both known and unknown) that you don't have access to.





    Well, in simple terms it means to build our own little communities and suburbs to live happily and have economic freedom, and be in control of the jobs and schools and everything. You know about Mormons, right? That one "sect" of Christianity in which they think that Jesus told them to have a bunch of kids, and polygamy was pretty okay with them. Mormons are some of the nicest people I've ever met, with not only some of the cleanest communities, but the happiest families. 

    Same thing I said above applies to the Mormons as well.
    As well as the Amish.

    They say only believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.
    The Amish and Mormons are being given resources and protections by White Supremacy to do what they're doing.

    Brother do you know that not only were they given the entire state of Utah and ALLOWED to practice polygamy where it is forbidden in other states....but they also have a huge data base where everyone's personal information is stored!
    Many high government officials are Mormons.


    There is far more to them riding around on bikes with back packs than meets the eye!








    And I want us as a nation to build our own little havens so that we aren't constantly moving into white areas to escape the violent negro behavior of the ghettos and instead build our own suburbs, and towns and cities.


    You're absolutely right.
    However it must be understood that part of that nation building is SELF-POLICING.
    Meaning we have to have OUR OWN laws in our own community that are often times separate from those of the greater Cauasian society....and we have to have our own police force to ENFORCE those laws.
    If not, the violent ghetto behavior will continue to follow our people around where ever they decide to move to.

    There was a strong Black man named Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad who used to begin some of his speeches with the phrase:




    "Black Laws for all Black people"



    This means we need laws specifically designed for US based on OUR mentality and psyche which is different than the Caucasians.
    What works to keep HIS society safe and in order doesn't necessarily work for us!

    Do you understand what I'm saying Brother Ali?

    You can't have "freedom of speech" in our community!

    Why not?

    You can talk about a White man's mama all day long and the most he'll do is turn red and walk away.
    You talk a Black man's mama and he's liable to pull out a gun on you!
    So you can't let the fool say WHATEVER the hell he wants to...if only to save his OWN life!

    We need OUR OWN laws and rules specifically designed for us.

    Most AfroAmericans get angry and violent when we get drunk.
    A society that celebrates everything by heavy alcohol consumption may be sad for White society but DEADLY and VIOLENT for Black society.

    Different laws are needed for us!

    AND we need to have our own police force to enforce them and keep us SAFE.

    Caucasian police officers for the most part arent' interested in keeping AfroAmerican community safe.
    They are more interested in keeping the crime CONTAINED in the ghetto....keep it from spreading into THEIR communities!

    We need a force that will keep OUR communities safe and in proper order.


    To be continued.........

  8. On 12/5/2020 at 7:49 PM, daniellegfny said:

    I voted for Obama twice. I wasn’t disappointed because his inspiration came from the ability to attain the office twice and not be assassinated. What is disappointing is that instead of seizing the opening created huge numbers have chosen to look at the shortcomings of America 🇺🇸.

    You voted for Obama TWICE?????????
    That was more than me....lol.

    After he didn't do jack for Black people his first term in office, that was enough to wake me up to his true intentions.








     I personally was never impressed with President Obama’s intellect.





    AWAYS A #WINNER#44thPresident #BarackObama #ObamaLegacy #ObamaLibrary  #ObamaFoundation #Obama.Org #ARTICLE BY BY … | Obama, Barack and michelle,  Harvard law school




    Incase you don't know the significance  of that position, let me break it down for you:

    -Just to be a lawyer alone you must go through LAW SCHOOL (read 3 books a night plus pass grueling exams) and pass the BAR exam -high intelligence

    -For the most part, to go to Harvard you must be brilliant (above average intelligence). -higher intelligence

    - To join a legal publication such as the Harvard Law Review means you must not only have the intellect of a lawyer that meets the standards of Harvard University but also be smart enough and articulate enough to communicate with other legal minds of the same caliber. -much higher intelligence

    -And finally, to become PRESIDENT of that publication and rise above all the other members of it means even HIGHER intelligence than most of those in it!  -SUPER NICCA!


    But YOU...(a man who follows a President who's main focus is trying to figuring out the best way to get sunlight to shine INSIDE the human body) ....aren't too "impressed" by Obama's intellect,  LOL ?




    "Da nicca ain't shit to me.
    Neva waaaz.
    I don't care what school he went ta."

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Stefan said:

    Umar Johnson is nothing but a con artist. Intellectual? He's as phony as his head is the size of a mini-Cooper. 



    Whether Dr. Johnson is "conning" the public or not is yet to be seen.............
    But to question his intellectual brilliance?????

    Anyone who has listened to atleast 2 or 3 of the brother's lectures know how LAUGHABLE that statement is, lol.


  10. Brother Ali



    Well I say this in my last section but I will say it again, Decentralize globally, centralize locally, and I would like to quote Brother Malcolm when you talk about unity, 

    Now understand brother.
    When you talk about decentralization as a strategy to focus and concentrate more on building up our own individual communities....remember again that White Supremacy is GLOBAL.

    It's a GLOBAL ORGANIZATION where Caucasian leaders all over the world impliment the same economic, religious, and political systems on the planet.

    We may TALK decentralization as a strategy but how can it be implimented when Black youth from all over the planet are being pushed to go to Western educational institutions in Europe?

    The Ayitian may not get along with the Senegalese who may not get along with the man from Vietnam....
    They all come from different nations/communities, but guess what?
    They ALL speak a form of French and they all are trying to send their children to a fancy university in France to be further indoctrinated so that they can come back to their respective nations and be successful in a French imposed system left by the French colonizers.

    Unless the Western systems imposed upon our people during slavery/colonization is replaced with a more just and wholistic system....all ATTEMPTED decentralization will do is further separate and confuse our people into thinking they are independent while they all still believe in the same White Supremacist goals...such as seeking a corporate job.


    I'll tell you how, because that's not what Jesus looks like. My mother knows it, my father knew it, and I know it, we all know damn well that that's not Jesus, not even close. Even the Ethiopian Orthodox Church knows that this ain't Jesus. That's why the Tewahedo which is the Bible but with illustrations from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, which is older than most if not all modern bibles depict Jesus looking like this...

    I believe your personal experiences when it comes to being around Black people who don't recognize Jesus as White but think he's Black.  But as Troy (the owner of this site) often says anecdotal evidence isn't always enough.  Because MY experiences have told me different.  I've met far more Black folks who believe that Jesus and the angels are White.  And even most of those who NOW believe different were most certainly indoctrinated in childhood to believe he was White UNTIL they came into consciousness.
    And we know how powerful early childhood memories and indoctrination is on the subconscious mind despite further education.


    Despite what people say, if you go to most churches and religious institutions all over this planet where our people live from what I'm told (because I'm not sure) there are STILL Michael Angelo paintings of Caucasians all over the walls and shrines.....psychologically indoctrinating the people.


    It's just a big mess.

    One huge mess brother.






    Most Black people got their Jesus from the Protestants who came from England and Germany, and guess what, the way that those Europeans depicted Jesus was, no shit, a European. Everyone has their own different Jesus. Mine is Black. Ghana got colonized by the French who introduced their own brand of Catholicism to the Ghanaians, which was obviously a white Jesus, but when left alone with their faith, people will choose a God that looks like them more often than they choose a God that looks like someone else. 

    Brother EVERYBODY got their "Jesus" from the same source regardless of religion or culture...
    The White people who enslaved or colonized their people hundreds of years ago.

    Notice I didn't say "Yeshua"...I said "Jesus".
    There's a difference.

    One was a historical figure, the other was a MYTH used as a tool to further subjegate people.

    The early Ethiopians in the pictures you depicted above didn't refer to Jesus.  Jesus was a Greek invention further used by the Romans.

    At any rate.........

    The effect is still the same.
    Creating a spirit of apathy in our people that encourages them to NOT work to build their own communities but to wait on a religious figure to come and save them.


    As I said in my previous post, they can afford to do so as long as they are living with Caucasians who are providing thier immediate needs for them.
    If we were to live in relatively independent communities as nature designed us to do....WE would be forced to feed and cloth ourselves and build our own infrastructures and would be so busy building and working we wouldn't have time to wait on Doom's Day or argue with eachother over religion beause there would be more pressing matters for us to attend.

    We can argue all day long about what color "Jesus" was.....lol....


    sweet crying black baby boy picture.jpg (1 comment)

    "Where my FOOD at?????
    "Where da' milk in this bottle????"




    But when the children are hungry and there is no more water in the well and the roof of the house is caving in.....and there isn't a White man around to call and take care of this......neither one of us will even be THINKING about that let alone concerned enough about it to argue it, LOL

  11. Brother Ali

    Whaddup fam!


    This is true, but i don't believe that it has to do with them being Caucasian more than it has to do with the growing secularism (aka society moving away from religion entirely) that has been spreading throughout the world. Most people want religion because they want to be apart of a community, so they will start putting titles on themselves to join a community and have a sense of brotherhood that is absent in their everyday lives normally. This is completely foreign to Black people of most if not all ethnicities because we have always felt a distinct sort of brotherhood with our own kind. We have a tight knit community whenever we are near each other in a community. 

    You're correct brother.
    We as Africans world wide have a natural communal spirit and psychological make-up.  Everybody is everybody else's business.  This is one of the reasons for that old African proverb that it takes a VILLAGE (not just two parents) to raise a child.  You aren't raising that child to live ONLY with you in your house alone...but to live and be successful in the rest of the society.


    You know,   I used to not care too much for that "nosey" in everybody's business mentality and thought the individualistic relatively isolatory mentality of Western civilization was preferable, when I was younger but as I got older I realized that it wasn't in our nature and that people pull energy from and give energy to.....and recharge eachother.  We NEED eachother.

    This is why  I said we as African people need to form OUR OWN societies with OUR OWN family structures....because imitating those of Caucasians don't work for most of our people and create more problems than they're worth.


    As far as Caucasians and their apparent "secularism" due to science and more knowledge.........
    It's hard to tell when a professional liar is sincere or not.  For thousands of years most Caucasians in power have KNOWN that most of their religions were false and man-made and for atleast hundreds of years MOST Caucasians in general despite their rank have known this.  How can you preach about a hell and etertal damnation yet SLAUGHTER other people (including your own....even if you believe other races are sub-human) with no fear of consequences?

    You obvsiously don't believe in that religion or it's doctrine and probably don't even believe in the god you're promoting.  It's obvioius you're using it for some sort of purpose.  So I'm not sure if Caucasians are "waking up" now with more science or just being more open about what they've already believed all along.

    I'm concerned that OUR PEOPLE no longer fall for the superstitiousness, division, and infighting caused by White-man-made religions imposed upon them during their subjegation.








    I agree, which is why we need to promote not only self actualization, but responsibility and actual work in the community. Everyone knows the hard work spiel that you learn in childhood, but we need to teach them that no one else is going to solve their problems, only they can solve their problems,

    I think one of the SURE solutions to this problem of psychological laziness and apathy that exists among so many of our people is INDEPENDENCE.

    It's easy to sit around and WAIT on a religous figure to come and save you when you have a "beneficient" Caucasian man feeding you, clothing you, giving you jobs and money and medical care.  You can wait for CENTURIES because your immediate needs are already being met by white people.
    But if they were to STOP doing it or you are no longer living in a society where they can do it for you...then you would be FORCED to get up and do it yourself and not waste time looking up in the sky WAITING on the world to end or on somebody from beyond the stars to come and save you.

    You'd go out and dig that well YOURSELF, not wait on Jesus or a Caucasian to do it.

    You'd come up with a cure for your disease  YOURSELF, not wait on a Caucasian to do it for you.....because you need IMMEDIATE relief and you realize the ONLY way you'll get it is if you do it.

    Take all of the recent violence that has been taking place in many AfroAmerican communities around the nation lately....

    Do you know what this violence is so pervasive today?
    Not because our people are naturally violent and thuggish....but because they are wating on White authority to solve the crime and other problems in their community instead of organizing a Black police force to do it THEMSELVES.

    You talk about Jewish Americans.....
    Do you realize that in most Jewish communities they have THEIR OWN police forces and abulances??
    They aren't sitting around waiting on the Messiah to return or for the Gentiles to help them...they are organized to help THEMSELVES as much as they can!

    Like you said, we can take a page from their book.

     To build havens on Earth in preparation for the Messiah's return.

    Talk to me a little bit more about that one bro.  








    And thats why I think that those communities of people should focus on how to improve their own community. If you are a Black Muslim living in a black muslim community, than use the Quran and Five Pillars specific to your community to improve the standard of living, if you are a Black Baptist living in a majority Black Baptist community, use the Bible and connect with your community to improve the standard of living, if you are a black catholic in a black catholic community, use the Bible and the Torah and even the Apocrypha if you have to improve the standard of living. Even if you are a Black Animist (aka Voodoo and other west african religions) use your tradition and your ancestors to improve the standard of living. Decentralize globally, centralize locally, in other words, don't focus too much about what's happening to black people hundreds of miles away unless the situation is dire of course, and bring more attention to what's happening to your people in your area, because you can do more in your area. 

    Well I think it needs to be a DUAL effort in which each community focuses on it's own personal isolated needs AND focus on building Pan-African links and networks and bridges that rectify our differences.

    Remember that White Supremacy is WORLD WIDE.  The same Caucasian that oppressed the Black people in Ayiti were opppressing the Brown people of India and the Yellow people of China.  They were and are an organized GLOBAL network....despite apparently isolated little nations.

    Remember....we were separate and isolated doing our own things in our hundreds of little individual tribes when Europeans/Arabs came in to take advantage of our people.  Infact they used this separation and isolation AGAINST our people.....because THEY were united while OUR people were divided and often times at odds with eachother.


    I'm sure someone as hip as yourself about the goings-on on the Black consciousness community has already heard of the ADOS movement that has been jumping off around the United States for the past several months.
    That isolatory philosphy of "we'll focus only on our own community" is at the core of ADOS ideaology.  I think it's a little dangerous because my interactions with many of them has shown a large gross ignorance about the history of not only other Black people in Africa but even other Black communities around the Americans who were ALSO victims of the Great Ma'afa (trans atlantic slave trade).  Many of them throuhg miseducation and indoctrination believe that ONLY Blacks in the United States have been enslaved and it's putting them at odds with various Black communities from all over the planet.


    I think the INTELLIGENT among us must build bridges and network together and keep the more foolish and reckless in our community isolated....lo.
    Let's keep THEM at home in a little room and don't let THEM go outside of our own ethnic homes where they could pose a danger to our international unity.







    Of course, everyone needs a code that works for them. And Blacks need to figure that out, but unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of time anymore to start figuring it out, we should be in the process of creating a new identity already. Which means that something crazy has got to happen, I don't know when it's going to happen, I don't know who is going to do it, but something either drastic or devious must occur soon that will culturally change the way that Blacks in America think about themselves. 

    I agree.
    I thought this global Pandemic and the recent "shut downs" that have been happening all over the planet would provide fertile ground and a great opportunity for our people to enact a Great RESET.
    An opportunity for our people to start all over again with building an entirely new society with new principles and values and a clear direction in whchi way to move with clear goals.

    We need to be careful not to get involved with the squabbling and fighting Caucasians are engaging in with eachother.



    Too be continued.........

  12. Bro Ali



    Of course. Like the Ethiopian Jews, who are Black. 


    Yes, Beta Yisrael.
    I've done research on them for decades.


    Keep in mind they don't call themselves "Jews".  They call themselves "Beta Yisrael" or  "House of Israel".

    The word "Jew" is a European term for a certain group of people.





    I do believe that the "scripture" that we all associate with religion is critical to increasing the consciousness of a population, though. Not that I don't think that magic and ancestor reverence isn't important, but I think that it's not about what's in the books themselves, but what the books can do to a population.


    Well, for sure we need a MORAL CODE.

    I mentioned this before that we as African people already have an internal moral code that governs our minds and our affairs.

    We can naturally get along with eachother and form societies WHEN LEFT ALONE.

    What's making much of the problems among Africans all around the planet isn't our own personal internal moral compass but these varioius Caucasian made religions and there many many sects and denominations that most of our people have been indoctrinated with that has confused them and fuels the division that exists among our people.


    How can the Ayitian Catholic unite with the Jamaican Methodist when one doesn't respect the Pope?

    How can the Black Christian from Mississippi unite with the Black Muslim from Kenya when one thinks Jesus is the ONLY way and the other thinks Muhammad is the way???


    This is why I believe if we would set many of these religions to the side and listen to OUR OWN NATURE as Africans we would naturally unite because it's already encoded in us as to what we should be doing.

    Black men don't need a book to tell us not to have sex with our sisters, or to cook the meat before eating it, or that we should call on The SUPREME BEING day and night.
    We automatically do this without being told.


    The only time our people DON'T do these things is if they join a religion that tells them NOT to.




    The thing is though, right, that most Haitians already fuse Catholicism with Traditional Haitian folk religion, things like ancestor reverence, and other stuff. My mother is a Catholic, my father was a Catholic, his father and his father before him were Catholics, and Catholicism isn't even a major issue, nor is it a problem because at the end of the day, a picture of white Jesus is just a picture,


    Well the thing is brother......
    When you worship a god who doesn't look like you.  When you as a child grow up seeing a White man whom your parents and all the adults in your community call "god" and worship the man in that picture and say he's your saviour.....


    "Come to me......"


    When the people who are oppressing you, killing you, exploiting you....look like THAT SAME MAN....how can you fight them?

    Think about that?

    A French/White man is whipping you, raping your female relatives, and working you like a dog.
    You get down on your knees to pray to God or Jesus for help and salvation and when you close your eyes you picture a man in your mind who doesn't look like YOU or any other man in your family but looks like the SAME MAN who is giving you hell!


    You can't defend yourself or go against that man....because he looks like the man you pray to.

    You look at the angels on church walls and in books... and they have long flowing blonde hair and blue/green eyes.
    So the next time a White person with blonde hair and green eyes mistreats you or decides to attack you....how can you fight an "angel"??

    The only religious figures with color in their skin are the red, brown, and black skinned devils and demons.


    Who are usually shown with big muscles...lol.


    Racist' statue of Archangel Michael has Ghanaians outraged


                                                   Statue In Ghana




    Yeah this isn't a new phenomenon unfortunately, nor is it something that I am estranged to. The era of Gangster rap was organized for the sole purpose of profit either not taking into account the mental side effects it would cause, and the shift in thinking it would cause, or even worse, deliberately knew what they were doing, and did it anyways because the appeal would eventually make its fans slaves to the music, and have it dictate them and their life choices. 


    Yes sir!






    Yeah, you're telling me. Sneaky, slippery, sly, scheming, shifty, secretive, skulking deceivers. Dessalines ordered French people to either leave or die, he wasn't playing games with them at all. Boyer was a hero of the Republic, and tried to improve people's lives while fighting a civil war, and eventually went into exile to avoid being killed in a coup. He was a master diplomat, even going so far as to help the Greeks win their independence along with uniting the entire Island without bloodshed. 

    Well that's another issue among Black people that has to be dealt with.....the excessive pride and ego.

    Every Black man wants to be "king" and "ruler".
    Can't wait for his brother to die so he can take over and get all of the respect, the money, and women (especially the women).

    One brother can't sit on the throne 5 good years before the other Black men get jealous and plot to get rid of him.  And as soon as they replace HIM then there's another coup....and on and on.


    Finally a White man comes along and takes over the throne again and the negroes are satisfied and stop challenging for the positions.....damn.

    This isn't new.
    We saw this thing with the Moorish Empire when they destroyed the Roman Empire and took over much of Europe only to collapse from infighting and jealousy.


    Every brother wanted his own little kingdom.

  13. Brother Ali

    I love the dialog with my Ayitian brother.

    I have to say I'm kind of interesting in that if I like and respect you I ARGUE with you....lol.
    So I hope you're not taking my line by line style of discourse and my disagreements as hostility...lol.

    Black people of different communities don't have many opportunities to dialog with eachother outside of online.

    And this is of the most absolute respect and reverence to the Lord Almighty, but it is not economically viable, nor is it practical to rely on religion of all things to guide our people out of this hole we've fallen into. I believe that not only should we not focus on changing religion, but I think it is counterproductive on our part to try to change the religion of our people. The reason that I believe this is that I believe that you cannot, not in this age, where religion is mostly faith and emotion and not faith + reason and knowledge, like it was intended, which is both written in the Torah and the Bible. It is better to use what we have than to try and change it now, especially when we have better things to worry about than a white Jesus. 

    For me faith is personal and your relationship with The SUPREME BEING is personal.
    However when it comes to religion... 

    My problem with the religion of most Black people is not the ACTUAL RELIGIONS themselves so much as the detrimental effect  they have on the MINDS of so many Black people.

    What do I mean?

    It's my opinion that most Caucasians don't really believe in the religions they profess.  They may call themselves Christian or Muslim or Hindu but they believe in money, weapons, and getting an education to promote their interests.  They aren't sincere about their religions.

    Most Black people are SINCERE with their religion and because they are sincere and really believe what they claim (although they don't alway practice what they preach) they will fight and argue with other Black folks who are just as sincere and this leads to excessive divisiveness in our community.

    Also, most devoted religious Black people are waiting on Jesus or some sort of Messianic figure to come down and save them from their problems instead of doing the work to save themselves.  This is another problem that religions cause them.

    So yes, I can respect and work with a person who is religious but I still understand the obstacles that arise from them....especially when we have so many DIFFERENT religions.

    Most Europeans are either Christian or Jewish (or atheist) and most Arabs are Muslim.  They are more united.  Our people are all over the map with a million DIFFERENT opinions of what is "right" and what is "wrong".

    How can a community unite and build with such irreconcileable differences?

    A lot of stuff you can do. Tell me if you want me to go into depth next post about how you can economically stimulate your area. 

    Yes sir. I'm open for advice.
    Keep in mind I don't have a college education and I'm not the smartest man in the world so make sure the ideas are relatively simple.

    It's spelled Ayiti actually. 

    Thank you bro!

    I hear it being said but rarely see how it's actually spelled out.

    I remember the first time going to Montreal and an Ayitian brother was talking about his country and I didn't know what he was talking about because as you know the most common name is "Hate-ee"  He had to explain to me the REAL name of it...which to my understanding is what the Carib/Taino also called the island originally.


    I'm old enough to remember a childhood just like you described. And also I am very well read, so I know what the black community used to look like, and imo it looked a lot better, minus the racism of course. Eating different foods that were more spicy is literally what I still eat, having an extended family structure that had multiple generations living in the same home is what I still experience, with uncles and grandmothers and mothers and children all living in the same home, but most of the time we enjoy our privacy, which is why we have come to adore the nuclear family structure as well as the extended family structure.

    I can't speak for my people of Ayiti and what they feel would be ideal, however I do know that AfroAmericans are in severe need for an actual CULTURE OF OUR OWN.  
    Meaning we need a diet, language, social code, and marriage/family structure specifically designed BY US that works best FOR US.
    The typical monogamous nuclear family structure that we ATTEMPT to practice by watching Caucasian Americans clearly doesn't work for most of us.
    For a few...yes....but for most..no.

    This is why I support a system that ALLOWS for both the nuclear and extended family depending on YOUR needs.
    Also ALLOWS monogamy and polygamy depending on YOUR needs.
    We are all different.

    Most AfroAmerican men are polygamous by nature.  Even the gay brothers like more than one partners....lol.  Any marriage/family structure that tries to force our people to into a limited 2 people system is doomed to failure because it's not "God ordained" but ordained by the European colonizers because of THEIR low/weak sex drive.

    I'm not going to let a man with a weak sex drive who don't like ANY women half the time tell ME or OTHER Black men how many girlfriends or wives we should be able to have.

    Back before our original societies came in contact with the Caucasians, having a high sex drive was considered honorable and we even used to have FERTILITY CULTS (you can still read about them in the Old Testament of the Bible) in which all of the adults in the village/town would come out to have sex with eachother.  It was welcomed and celebrated in OUR world.  But when the "new man" came along with his new religions...what we were doing for millions of years all of a sudden was condemned by him as evil and the practices became outlawed.  Again, you can read about this in certain scriptures where the children of Israel were told to go in and wipe out the old societies and their goddesses and sex cults.

    Stay tuned for more............

  14. In another thread I mentioned how I've often wondered how on the various jobs I've held in the past....how in the HELL were Caucasian men were able to get married, buy houses, support their children, own cars, AND get drunk every weekend working the SAME low wage jobs I was working on.  While I was living at home with my mother.


    How was it economically even POSSIBLE?

    You are working at Walmart or Denny's washing dishes for only $6.25 an hour (this was back in the 80s and 90s) too!
    So how in the HELL are YOU able to afford to do so much, unless you got a secret stash of wealth you're supporting yourself with.
    WHERE is all the money coming from?

    It's like that episode of Good Times when JJ was selling dope and Florida didn't know it but notice he had a lot of money to buy gifts for the family:

    Curry with the shot... on Twitter: "Black Jesus episode of Good Times is on  with hating ass Florida Evans crying for white jesus"

    "But WHERE is JJ getting all this CASH?????"

    A few months ago Troy and myself briefly joked about what happens if we decided to classify ourselves as "white" on the Census form.

    Would we all of a sudden get access to "secret" information that only Caucasians have access to and people of color are denied?

    I took the joke even further that if we WERE to mark down "white" then a week later we may get a manila envelope in the mail with the latest brochures of all of the secret places stashed around in our local areas where the REAL food was being kept that actually made you stronger and gave you more energy.

    A secret spot where the REAL medicine was being stored and the REAL doctors were hidden, who actually cured people of their diseases.

    I might follow the directions and map to the secret grocery store and walk my ass up in there to see their reaction..............





    "WTF....what's HE doing here?????"
    "Who told HIM about this place????"


    Also in that envelop I'd probably get a $10,000,000.oo  check in my name with an attached note:
    "This should tide you over until the next Census, brother."

    Some of you all think I'm playing, and I might be.
    But I still wonder.......

  15. The thing about Michigan is there is a lot of undeveloped land here.
    That's one of the reasons I continue to stay here.
    I believe this where the building of the NEW WORLD will begin.

    But with all of this undeveloped land in the Upper Peninsula and the northern half of the Lower Peninsula...it's a lot of space for Caucasians to do all types of sneaky devilish things like storage and dumping of wastes.

    I've been saying for years that with all of this land the Mackinaw City area could be as developed as the San Francisco/Oakland area.....
    Problem is you have too many racist old Caucasians who don't want development in that region.
    They want to keep thing EXACTLY how they are....no changes.
    They've made their millions doing whatever they did, now at 70 and 80...all they want is large space of land full of trees and lakes where they can hunt moose and fish and talk about "n*ggers" all day with no one else around to hear them.

    As a young man working around  Caucasians I wondered why so many of them would fondly talk about going "up north" so much for vacations. 
    Many of them even had houses and log cabins "up north" and would talk about how a bear broke in their cottage and shitted all over the place while they were gone.

    I grew up with Black people talking about going "Down South" for vacation!!!
    Why are these White folks always talking about going "Up North"??????

    I didn't realize....until it was explained to me BY a relatively honest White man....that it was a euphemism for going to a quiet place away from the city and away from Black people.

    Another thing I wondered about is how in the HELL these Caucasians were able to afford 2 and 3 homes when they were working on the same low age jobs I was working on.....but that's a different story for a different time, lol.

    There is plenty of virgin land here for Black people with ideas....if you aren't afraid of the cold, lol.

  16. Brother Ali



    Firstly, I'm a first generation Haitian in America, although I was born in America, I've visited Haiti many times, and still keep a deep, close and personal relationship with the land of my ancestors, and I even plan on returning eventually after I strengthen Haiti's economic influence in major American cities to bring more money back home, but that's a different thing entirely. 

    Brother I wish I could go to the island and invest in it and it's cities as well.  But I'm economically poor right now and don't have all of the knowledge I need to do so at the moment.
    I don't have Haitian ancestry (not that I know of) but I still consider Haiti my home because they are also descendants of the Great Ma'afa (slave trade) that brought the Africans to the Americas both North and South.

    And like you said I think Ayati offers a BLUE PRINT for AfroAmericans.  Although I think that blue print is found in it's beginning when Boukman and the rest threw off all of the shackles of French and other European colonialism and went to The SUPREME BEING and thier Ancestors for help against their racist enemies....instead of callling on the White Jesus that the French GAVE them, lol.


    I know it doesn't sound very Creole, but most Haitian people either wear white American names or French names, and I'm not fond of either since they both invaded my homeland. 

    Yes, most people who migrate to the United States do this to blend in and name their children the whitest sounding names like "polly" and "molly"...lol.  This adoption of Caucasian American names for themselves is SYMBOLIC of the adoption of the MIND of Caucasian Americans...because they too often adopt the culture of Caucasian Americans as well.

    People need to understand that America doesn't have a "culture".  It has many different cultures and sub-cultures within it but it doesn't have a culture of it's own.  As you already know, what many people around the planet call "American culture" is really WHITE American culture.  So when they come to America and see all of these Black folks walking around acting and talking a certain way far different than what they saw on television....they're scratching their heads wondering why are WE acting different than the Americans they saw on television.....LOL.

    I'm not sure how old you are but you may be surprised to know that BEFORE racial integration in the 1960s....WE as AfroAmericans had our own subculture that was far different than what you see today.
    We ate different foods that were more spicy.
    We had an EXTENDED FAMILY structure with multiple generations living in the same home.
    We talked more using our hands and were more animated.

    AfroAmericans changed a lot since mixing with White Americans over the past 50 years.

    While I do agree that Jews and Whites have discovered a very intimate relationship, I do believe that Jews, unlike whites, actually have something that we could learn from Jews and how they congregate.

    You're correct.
    Jewish people are much smarter than the average White person.  But they are STILL part of the White race...just a branch of it, although some have a little African in them; but that's a different story all together.


     And Musa (Moses) along with many of the people that were enslaved in Egypt at the time were Hebrews, not Jews. Some of them were Jews, but I digress. 

    Yes sir, the Hebrews were in Kemet (Egypt) and Musa was one of them.

    I know the Bible SAYS they were enslaved, but based on my research they (The Hebrews) were actually just one of the many tribes of that nation.
    Infact, the Hebrews STILL live in West Africa today and follow much of their original Kemetic (Egyptian) practices.

    If I may detour a bit...........

    Unlike the scriptures that Musa the Hebrew brought up to the Caucasians in Europe to help civilize them....African people have a NATURAL morality so we didn't need "scripture".
    If you look at most African, Native American, and Asian religions...there is no "scripture" or "holy book" in the Biblical sense.
    You find spiritual practices like magic, talking to the Ancestors, and mixing herbs together.......not a bunch of books stacked up collecting dust or some old man with a beard lecturing you....lol

    That's why Boukman was smart to abandon Catholicism and the "white Jesus" and go straight to the The SUPREME BEING and the Ancestors.

    Some Aytyans I've talked to believe that one of the reasons Haiti has problems today is because so many in the nation flip/flop between both philosophies instead of abandoning Catholicism all together and sticking with their Ancestors.

    You believe in Vodoun and your Ancestors...but you want to believe in a "white jesus" and be a Catholic at the same time!
    Those two beliefs CONFLICT with eachother and often cancel eachother out and cause turmoil and confusion.


    I agree also with your stance on the immorality of gangster rappers as people, and I do believe that Gangster rappers have an obligation to not only represent us correctly, but to play in the media's eye to eventually end up helping us. And sometimes they do help us. 

    Yes sir, sometimes they do.
    But their harm far outweighs their good in my opinion because they are influencing too many of our young people to smoke dope and kill eachother over bullshit.

    Look at how so many rappers have been killed across the U.S. lately. And this isn't new...going back to Tupac and Biggie and how they beefed a lot in public and even inspired OTHER rappers to argue and beef with eachother.

    Prior to the era of Gangsta rap.....you didn't hear AfroAmerican men call themselves thugs and most didn't get tattoos or smoke dope.
    They learned most of this from Gangsta Rap like NWA and Tupac.





    Like most rappers, he's got a cross on his neck with a bunch of tattoos talking about smoking weed and killing his "enemies"....who are other Black men.




     Boyer was more of an aristocratic figure, who could deal with the whites as well as deal with his own people. 

    Well....lol....they THINK they can deal with the Whites, until they can't.

    Caucasians as a group are VERY smart and if you're not careful you can get caught up very quick trying to make deals with them.

    Dessalines didn't want to have ANYTHING to do with the French slave-masters and told them get the hell out or he'd burning down their houses...lol.
    Toussaint thought he could negotiate with them and find comraderie as an equal and from what I heard ended up dying in a jail sail after being tricked.

    When you shake hands with the devil, always check to make sure you still have all of your fingers...lol.

  17. 7 hours ago, billbee4 said:

    Please excuse me but I feel the need to jump in here. After the teachings got to what we now call Egypt it became a religion. Before that it was a spiritual way of life. When spiritually becomes religion it is starting on a slippery slope. We come from all parts of what is called the African continent. We don't know where yet it is stored in our DNA. The reason the music of Black Folk have rhythm is because of an inner beat. To the European ear it sounds like and is written as 4/4 time but it is not 4/4 it is "ba tak a tu" a Yoruba beat that is almost 4/4 but not quite. If you know that beat you can insert it into any RB tune, blues, jazz, etc but you cannot insert into a 4/4 European beat. DNA. Religion was invented for lazy people. People that don't want to do the work. To have someone tell them what's what. You want to know, go pray, meditate, fast, no food or water for four days you will find out something. We have an unbroken line of ancestors that will teach and guide us. We will find live human guides along the way hear what they have to say, but question it only when it makes sense to you accept it but you must be completely and brutally honest with yourself.






    That is deep knowledge

    We are the ORIGINAL PEOPLE.
    That means we are WHOLE...like whole wheat bread....versus white enriched bread with the germ removed.

    We hear a WIDER RANGE OF SOUND than they do because they aren't original but MADE.

    To a certain extent religion was given TO Caucasians to civilize them.

    Africans are part of the original people so our morality is CODED within us as you noted.  But Caucasians don't have that same internal moral code so they need SCRIPTURE and RELIGION to guide them and tell them what is right and what is wrong.

    So we sent Musa (Moses) up from Kemet (Egypt) into the caves and mountains of the Caucasus with A SMALL PORTION of our ancient knowledge to help raise them up and put them on the road to civilization.

  18. Brother Ali


    You're quite welcome brother.

    So you're "Aytyan" huh????
    Were you born on the island?


    My contact with Aytyan people have been so far limited to my trips to Montreal Quebec when I was younger.  

    I'm quite familiar with the first "Black Republic" in the Western hemisphere and how Boukman initiated the revolution by casting off the religious indoctrination of the French imperialists and seeking help from the Ancestors.

    But I'm curious as to how why you chose a name like "Ali" for a handle or is that your real name?  

    It doesn't sound very Creole....lol.

    with the idea being to eliminating it entirely to stop the White and Jewish record label owners along with the rappers themselves from generating wealth from our suffering. 

    Well first of all it would help you to know that "White" and "Jewish" are almost synonymous.  
    Jewish people are just the LEADERS of the Caucasian race.  They were the first ones Musa civilized and gave "the law"  to while all of them were in the caves.

    Secondly, you're absolutely right that gangsta rap was used as a tool to CRIMINIALIZE the minds of many of our youth to justify locking many of them up and denying them jobs and most of these rappers are some of the biggest sell-outs our community has ever seen.  Many of them have no loyalty or no morality.  They'd sell their own mothers out for a price.


     Black Intellectuals such as Dr. Umar Johnson, Thomas Sowell, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Dr Claud Anderson, some that you may see on the news like Cornel West, and I'd even say the Late Dick Gregory.

    You seem to have a very logical mind.
    Another great intellectual to add to the list you may want to check out is a man by the name of NEELY FULLER JR.  He is the mentor to Dr. Frances Cress Welsing who wrote a book called the Isis Papers.  

    Mr. Fuller goes into intricate detail on the nature of White Supremacy and it's impact on the entire globe as well as it's history.

    Just youtube the name and you'll get a ton of videos of him speaking.



     If you recognize my profile picture, you would realize that it is a depiction of Haiti's second/third president (depending on if you count our King's time as a "President") President Jean Pierre Boyer of the Haitian Republic of 1818. It would be easier than easy for me to tell you that I'm Haitian. 


    I was going to ask you about who that was.

    I knew it wasn't President L'oveture, but it was still an African dressed in Fench military uniform so it had to be an officer of the Haitian Revolution.
    So my next guess would have been Dessalines The Ferocious.
    I'm glad you informed me.

  19. Chev


    But, I just popped in to say, I am very stressed right now--I just got a call that my father is deteriorating and he is in nursing home.

    They have him isolated. They're making my Dad suffer and I am overwhelmed. 


    OH NO, Queen....I'm sorry to hear that!

    Having someone who you love, grew up with and knew all of your/their life like a parent or child go through sickness and suffering is indeed stressful.


    Keep yourself together and try to find rest as much as you can.


    Because of the pandemic they are keeping vulnerable populations separate but if they let you and his room has the equipment...one option is to talk to him via webcast or maybe get a youtube channel and send him messages through a monitor set up in the room

    Maybe a sterilized walkie-talkie too, if they allow it and he's still in condition to use it.

    You have creativity, I'm sure you'll figure out a way to communicate with him and let him know he's not alone.

    • Thanks 1
  20. Brother Ali


    Insightful post.......


    Along with the music (especially Gangsta Rap and Mumble Mouth Rap) being used to dumd down Black intellect...they've also been using WEED SMOKING heavily lately.

    It seems as if every other brother you pass by  in a car or walking down the street is puffing on that genetically modified mess that has his lips turning purple.

    The weed has made some of these niccaz so dumb they forget to count their change in the liquor store when they go to buy their hennessey and zigzags...



    Pin on like the movies

    "Gimme a pack of Newports and
    some zigzags.  And uh...uh...
    Oh and some hen-dog...yeah!"





    And so I ask, what do you think started this outbreak of Black Intellectualism, and do you think that this time, unlike the first time Brother Malcolm stirred up the Black Consciousness, that the outbreak will not only start to evoke real change, but it will stick for a longer period of time, possibly becoming permanent? 


    Not sure about the past 10 years but the RIOTS of this summer in Minneapolis and other cities did a lot to wake up AfroAmericans. 

    Real change will come when AfroAmericans SEPARATE themselves from under so much Caucasian rule.  We don't have to become completely independent of them (though that is ideal) but if we could become independent enough in this nation to where we control our own econonic, educational, family structure, and medical care as much as possible we will be MUCH better off.

  21. 8 hours ago, daniellegfny said:

    I am glad you called President Trump my Boy because that establishes the proper relationship. He’s serves at my pleasure. Stop lying 🤥 on my servant. 

    Lol.....your servant????

    Yeah, he's your "servant" alright...
    And if you take your butt to D.C. and go anywhere NEAR him you'll get...as they say on the Westcoast.... "served properly", lol.



    Crips - History of Compton Gangs

    "Hey homie, we yo servants too.
    Roll down our block and let us SERVE you!"


    OUR police force...and you can't hire or fire anyone of them....lol.
    MY country....and you don't own a damn thing in it....lol.
    WE need to bring OUR troops home...and you don't have any control over them or their activity....lol

    Malcolm used to talk about how these silly brainwashed negroes will talk about things like it belonged to them
    He'll refer to NASA as "our astronauts"....but if the fool went anywhere NEAR the launching pad they'd arrest his ass, lol.

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