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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. 3 hours ago, Delano said:

    @Pioneer1 how would you describe how Cynique thought about you and your ideas?

    Is this a serious question????

    Like I said I'm not a mind reader but I'd say she didn't like me and she hated most of my ideas.....lol.

    Why are you asking, man you KNOW that girl didn't care too much for me....lol.

  2. 21 hours ago, daniellegfny said:

    He thinks all Egyptians were Mamelukes  or Ptolemy Greeks or Hyksos.

    How do you know "he" thinks this?

    Lol, did "he" tell you this himself or did you make this assertion up about "him" as a strawman argument?


    Did you know that Daniel calls me a "roach"??
    Now, how do you feel about that?


    Lol...referring to your righteous brother as a "roach"!

  3. Del


    In your mind what would be their motivation.


    They love and respect Caucasians and their opinions more than their own people.

    However most people are ashamed to admit this and in most cases they don't even KNOW they feel this way until it is pointed out to them.  
    So they deny it.


    This society teaches people NOT to express how they really feel but to conceal their true intentions and feelings in the name of being "moral" or "polite".








    Lol...what did I say that was NOT true?

  4. Del

    Why they said the same thing.

    I can't say that you or anyone else is lying about their intentions or behavior because I don't know what's in your head.  
    However I HAVE learned that often times there is a difference between what people SAY and what they REALLY FEEL.

    A person may SAY they are no longer interested in back-n-forth conversation because it is pointless.....

    But what they REALLY FEEL is that the person they are dialoging with is bringing such strong counter-points so rather than risk being persuaded, it's best to duck out of the conversation all together.

    In other words, if THEY were always winning the arguments then their attitude would be:
     "Well let's have dialog together!!!"

    ...but since they don't.  Let's end all conversation and go on home, is the attitude.

    A person may SAY that are no longer interested in casual dialog because they are too busy....
    But they are on social media talking trash day and night.

    How they may REALLY FEEL is that the person they are dialoging with isn't on their level socially and not worth even giving them the respect of even talking to them.


    Going back to the race issue......

    I've seen homeless bummy looking Caucasian men go up to AfroAmericans and have long conversations with them and even share laughs with them.  And I'm wondering would these same AfroAmericans treat a dirty homeless brother or sister with the SAME respect.

  5. Gibran


    Pssssst....come here for a second.....


    Say man, you ain't heard?  
    According to the White Supremacists the Black womb is "out of style" and "obsolete"!!!!


    According to the White Supremacists, the WHITE MALE ANUS is the new "Black vagina" and that is what you should be chasing after!

    That's what the media has been steering Black men towards for years, in order to not only SOLVE the very problem you speak of but AVOID that problem in the future:





  6. You said it right....the "long game"

    Because that's exactly what AfroAmericans have been participating in for centuries in this nation.....ONE BIG GAME.

    And they've been losing.
    And it seems that many if not most aren't ready to STOP playing games with these White Supremacists and get down to the serious business of nation building.

    Because that requires THINKING.
    And if there's anything many AfroAmericans hate worse than uniting with other AfroAmericans...it's THINKING.
    They hate having to think more than they hate having to unite!


    I said if Biden get's in office you're not going to see anything besides more big ole grown ass Black men on CNN crying like little girls for one reason or another.

    He didn't even get into the SEAT and already you've seen Van Jones humiliate himself and AfroAmerican men before the entire world a few weeks ago crying and snotting up all over the screen.




    "Now my...my son can walk to the
    store and don't have to...
    ((sniffle sniffle))
    ...worry...((sniffle sniffle))... about people 
    looking at him funny."



  7. Gibran


    , Cynique used to check me a lot when I first came on the site many years ago. She made me be hyper-vigilant about what I said. Given that, the last book I wrote was deliberately written in a super-controlled way because of its nature. What I did was to write the book with her in mind. She was like my invisible critic and when I finished with my writing for that day, I would review it, asking myself what Cynique would think. I wrote practically every word of that book under the guidance of what I thought about what she would think about what I was writing. It's like we said in the joint about us being a mirror to each other. Or like two knives sharpening each other. Yes, no doubt, she sharpened me. Man, we can help each other in ways not even thought of and that is as clear an example as any.


    Here extreme cynicism is undoubtedly why she's called "Cynique"......lol.


    She was a bit TOO critical to the point of being obnoxious sometimes; but she was so articulate (on your level actually) it took a while for you to feel the stings.  But they'd build up with people.


    Like you, I say a few things from time to time to draw her out of her hole but I've gotten no response.











    I was trying to avoid name dropping in my story....lol.  

    But based on my observations, people's lack of being willing to dialog has LESS to do with fear of disagreement and MORE to do with their level of respect for WHO they're dialoging with.
    A Harvard grad would rather have an ARGUMENT with a Princeton grad.....than an AMIABLE CONVERSATION with  a homeless highschool drop out who agrees with everything they say.  Because he feels the Princeton grad is more on his "level" while the homeless man isn't even worth talking to, lol.

    As long as it's ONLY Black people talking to each other things go relatively smoothly with minor disagreements that are quickly resolved.
    Add a White man to the mix, then all of a sudden people are competing with eachother for their attention. 
     Where once, dialog and exchange with your brother or sister was good enough....now they are no longer worth your time unless a White person is actually participating in the conversation or atleast listening -so you can show him how smart you are.

    I've seen this too many times online and in real life for it to be a coincidence.


    Black Couples Relationship and Marriage Counseling - Onipa Consulting

    "Well, I think Jared made a good point.
    What wrong with men wearing dresses?
    Black men are just so sensitive."

  8. Gibran


    We all like Soul Food.  I have my favorite restaurants in Michigan.  I'm sure Troy knows some spots in NY and Florida.  And you have your spots in North Cakalacky

    I still remember going to the CHICKEN BOX for lunch almost every day.  Looking forward to my chicken livers and corn bread...lol.

    We can all exchange information and learn from eachother!

    However the first step to our advancement as Black men is to get SATAN out of the way.

    If we remove SATAN from our circle so that he can no longer introduce lies and create mischief among us....THAT right there will advance us at warp speed and progress our community and heal all wounds.

    One of the reasons the Caucasians were kicked out of Middle East and driven into mountains and caves of Europe was because they were starting trouble and creating mischief among the original people.  They did this primarily by staying in our homes and eating our food, but the next day they would go around spreading rumors and lies ABOUT other Black people TO other Black people.

    Frustrated black women dating, marrying white men more often | National  News | tucson.com

    "Hey....thanks for the meal guys.  I really enjoy my time with you two.
    Deandre is SO wrong about you Sandra! 

    ((Sandra: What do you mean, WRONG about me?  Wrong how?  What  Deandre say about me???))

    Well....uhh....maybe I shouldn't say this but....uhh.
    Well.  She said you couldn't cook and that your son was retarded.
    But don't tell her I told you that, I don't want to cause trouble!!!"

    They played on the emotions of Black people and caused them to fall out with and fight among eachother.

    So they had to be rounded up, stripped naked,  and driven out of the Garden.....like Adam and Eve...and into the desert and mountains.



    Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden(Genesis 2:4 - 3:24) - Bible Blender

    "You don't have to go home but you 
    have to get the HELL out of here!!!!"

    We drove them OUT for causing strife and division among us...where there was peace and harmony before they came!

    And as long as we keep them out of our affairs and deal with eachother one on one on the basis of truth, we WILL build and advance.

    But I warn you, if you start letting them BACK into the circle and especially near our women...."trouble" will magically start popping up out of seemingly nowhere and you won't even figure out where all of it came from.

    You asked about where Cynique was a few weeks ago.  About a couple years ago she was on this board with another sister who comments on this board from time to time.  We were all dialoging for years.

    All it took was for ONE Caucasian man to come to the board and drop a few comments and converse with them and the next thing you now the one sister said she no longer felt comfortable  posting in this environment and pretty much avoids it, and Cynique left the site all together.

    They are experts at causing division and strife among the original people.

    If you aren't sharp and don't understand human psychology you won't be able to figure out where these problems come from.

  9. Troy


    Sure, you can SAY it.

    But how much weight would the commentary of someone who hasn't even lived 100 years, carry in a conversation about "eternity"?

    Unless you believe in re-incarnation.....




    Why? What did I say that was wrong;  that she looked good, was short like me, and must be 60 by now (google say 63)?

    Well, how would you like it if someone  told you:



    Chris Rock leaves Perth pub crowd 'in tears' with surprise Charles Hotel  comedy show - ABC News

    You shoooo' look better in this picture
    than I REMEMBERED ya lookin' !


    Are we SURE this is you????


    They must have PHOTOSHOPPED
    this mug, or something!"


    .....not exactly the BEST compliment, LMBAO.

  10. Del





    Don't cry for me Argentina(o).



    Not likely


    Why not?








    Yeah they call that state "flow" nowadays.  I experienced it all the time.  Time during these periods literally flies.  I can become so engrossed in an activity that I loose track of time. 


    The first time I noticed this someone pointed it out to me after watching one of my gymnastics routines in high school.  They said it looked like I'd completely blocked everything out.  It was not a conscious thing that I tried to do.  It came naturally. Now I'm aware of the conditions when it happens and I try to take advantages of them.

    In sports, it's called "The Zone".

    A state of extreme focus.




    your question about being "eternal" presumes we can dispense with the notion that everything ends.  I don't think anything is eternal -- not this universe or even they photos that are hitting your eyeballs right now.


    Who...except for One who has lived eternally...can KNOW FOR SURE if anything can be eternal or not?




    She looks GOOD in that photo compared to what I recall from 40 years ago. Yeah she is short and I'm only 5' 7", My she has to be close to 60 now, so I guess that photo is very old.


    LMBAO.....man, I hope she's not reading this right now!!

  11. Gibran



    I would hear that song by Stephanie Mills called HOME,


    Now let me tell you bro, Stephanie is one TINY woman!


    I've seen her in real life on several occasions and she has a close relationship with the Nation of Islam and used to sing at certain events.  

    That woman is literally just a bit taller than a midget.   She's not a midget and she's well proportioned, but she is VERY small....and cute, lol.




    Stephanie Mills | ♪ Black Music ♫ | Black female singers, Female singers,  Stephanie mills











    The mind is what makes your reality.


    The mind doesn't MAKE your reality; the reality you experience has already been created.  
    Your mind helps you to EXPERIENCE the reality that you're in and gives you a particular perspective in it.





    What is your answer to your own question?


    My answer may be influenced by YOURS, which is why I must hear yours first....lol.

  12. Gibran



    I hardly even see Asians but once. They don't keep coming back.

    Brother!.....((sigh)).....I WANT to say "This is because they aren't being targeted like AfroAmericans.  That's why you don't see them in prison much."

    But I don't know if I should say that; because I'm not sure if that's the ENTIRE truth.

    The next time you go to a haircare/beauty supply store or convenience store or any other place where you may find several Koreans; ask yourself can you see them grouped up together in a room grinning and hee-heeing and hoo-hooing over stomping the shit out of another Korean who himself is laying on the floor on the other side of the room barely able to move but still cussing and yelling to the top of his lungs about what HE is going to do to THEM in a minute.

    Just picture that scenario in your mind.

    Look at those Koreans behind that counter in that business and imagine THEM playing out those roles in your mind....if you can....lol.

  13. Good

    I think this is a great step TOWARD justice!

    There used to be a time when I would have criticized this story by saying:

    - "Ahh, he's almost 70 years old....why did they wait so long to go after him?" 
    -"Oh, that's just one man, there are many many more judges doing the shit he was doing."

    But I've learned over the years as long as it doesn't cause more harm (neither directly nor indirectly), then ANY activity that diminishes and seems to rectify the damages done by the system of White Supremacy should be appreciated and encouraged!

    Even if it's done by other Caucasians!
    If they aren't causing more harm and are helping our people then THANK THEM and encourage them to do more!!!!
    Don't give them the side-eye and criticize them or their intentions.

    This is why during a discussion on Youtube panel recently, while many were clowning on and criticizing Kim Kardashian for her attempts and SUCCESSES to get some AfroAmericans pardoned from their prison sentences by Trump....I DEFENDED HER!




    Others on the panel were accusing her of being insincere and clout chasing.  But my argument was...I don't care. 
    If she was helping Black people break free from the belly of the beast and smell the fresh air again, as far as I'm concerned she's doing a great work!

    I would also thank Trump for letting them go too!

    Who cares WHY White folks are doing what they are doing as long as it doesn't do more harm.
    If they are helping you in ANY way (again...as long as it doesn't cause more harm) then APPRECIATE it and THANK them and don't forget to encourage them to do more!



    As much as I talk against White Supremacy, on the rare occasion that I'm stopped by the police (I can count on one hand the number of times I've been stopped by law enforcement as an adult...and each time it was for minor traffic violations); every time they let me go without a ticket it's all about:



    Car Driving Stock Photos And Images - 123RF

    "Yes sir!
    No sir!
    Thank you sir!
    Ok sir, thanks again....bye bye now!"

    You would think I was advertising for a tooth-paste commercial or a dentist's office the way I'm grinning.....lol.

    I don't know the future or what may happen to me in the next 5 minutes or next 5 years, but I know SO FAR far my encounters have been respectful and peaceful because my father TAUGHT me to behave in that manner to avoid trouble.


    If a White Supremacists or anybody for that matter doesn't give you a reason to be rude or aggressive....then DON'T be.

  14. Gibran



    Sometimes being strong without good sense is a weapon to be used against a person. Think Samson, if you into the Bible


    Absolutely, in more ways that one.....


    -If you're strong and stupid then your enemy can outsmart you and use your strength to provide free/cheap labor for himself.


    -Also, if you're strong and stupid your enemy can control you by setting you against EACHOTHER

    I'm almost sure this is one of the main reason prisons across the nation ALLOW gangs to operate inside their confines.
    If you have 100,000 inmates and only 100 officers to control them then you will have to inevitably have to find a way to get them to CONTROL EACHOTHER.   

    I'm sure there are Asians in prison, although I'm not sure how many.
    However I often wonder that if KOREANS were targeted by the police the way so many AfroAmericans are....what would be THEIR reaction?
    Would they just trot off to jail by the millions, or would they be sitting at home saying their good-byes to their families and locking themselves in the bathroom until.....

    And if for some reason they WERE rounded up and put in prison by the hundreds of thousands, would they spend their time raping and stabbing eachother over petty matters and power-moves?
    Somehow, I don't see them doing that.

  15. Delano


    What if you found out that you were ETERNAL?

    How would that knowledge affect your perspective of "time" and it's quality or better yet VALUE?









    Always interesting posts.....always.


    You know, all the while reading your second post about your experiences in the belly of the beast I was thinking to myself......


    We as AfroAmericans are a very strong people.
    The conditions you and others who've been inside have described that so many of our people go through and the hell that they endure is incredible.  It's a wonder that most of them didn't just commit suicide or go absolutely insane to the point of incapacitation....which makes me wonder.


    We know our people are strong, but I wonder if they are  TOO STRONG for their own good.  Meaning......

    Perhaps people who were "weaker" and wouldn't be able to tolerate nearly as much torture and humiliation...WOULDN'T tolerate it.


    In other words......
    Since they KNEW they wouldn't be strong enough to survive the horrors of prison life, perhaps these weaker people would just say "fuck it" and instead of going through something so horrific would just commit suicide outright and get it over with before even going inside.

    I have a friend who's highschool friend of about 15 or 16 was dating a White girl and later on was accused of rape.
    He said that rather than go through the court system, paying for lawyers, and all of the worry and wonder of will he be found guilty and how much time he might have to do...he said after a long conversation with him his boy then went home and decided to just shoot himself and not even bother with the process.  

    It reminds me of some of our ancestors who already saw what time it was on the slave ships on their way over here and decided to just go ahead and JUMP overboard.



    The tragic yet resilient story of Igbo slaves who committed mass suicide  off U.S. coast in 1803 - Face2Face Africa

    "....nah, not me. 
    I ain't dealing with it.


  16. Gibran

    My Mama got angry with me and told me that no white man could beat up that many ‘colored’ men.

    LOL...you know she was right.

    And another show that we loved as Black boys growing up was DUKES OF HAZZARD.
    We used to play it as children chasing eachother arouns playing Roscoe and Boss Hog.
    And ofcourse everyone wanted to drive the "General Lee" car with the Confederate Flag on it and older Black people couldn't figure out why.
    But many of our people were being programed into White Supremacy through these television shows at a young age.

    As it turned out, this was when they were getting ready to commence daylights saving time. I was visibly impressed, albeit a wee bit silly. You can laugh if you so choose, but I somehow thought that the white man was going to get into one of his rocket-ships, fly into space, and then to manually rotate the earth on its axis to alter time by one hour.

    This reminds me of Daniel 7: 25

    "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

    This could refer to the Caucasian trying to change and alter time to CONFUSE the masses of our people and ATTEMPT extend his time of rulership on the planet by switching around the dates and times.

    B.C.....A.D....add 30...take away 33...lo.

    Listen to the first 10 or 15 minutes of this old clip of the Late and Great Dr. Khalid Muhammad breaking down how they switched up the dates and times to confuse you:

    Dr. Khalid Muhammad....Caucasians Changing The Time Any Damn Time They Get Ready


    • Like 1
  17. Dan

    My felony hasn’t stopped me from either activity.

    But you offered yourself as a walking-talking billboard for the Republican Party.
    That makes up for MORE than any crimes you may have committed in the past as far as White Supremacy is concerned.




    According to them, all your past has been forgiven by them....lol


    Absolutely you LOVE criminals or absolutely you don't?


    Yeah, my problem is about children being harmed. 

    And we know if they are beating up and locking up the adults left and right that disrupts the home and creates instability and dysfunction in the family.
    This  affects those children for many many years afterwards.

    How many children are psychologically affected by having to visit their parents in prison?

  18. Chev


    The word we use today "African" is NOT scripted like that! 


    The term "YDNA" is NOT scripted like that! But... 



    :rolleyes:...ok, here we go again with the JIVE.




    Jive brothers - YouTube


    " Yeah man, I know I promised you da' money 
    but..uhh....see...I didn't  say AMERICAN
     money!  I was talkin'  bout   MONOPOLY
    money!  Which is actually  BETTER
    ...if you stop and think about it."


  19. Gibran



    I cannot count the number of times, unsuspecting crooks have been scammed into believing they had won a prize, only to walk into a set up by the police. Yeah, they got tricks. 


    They get a lot of brothers who owe child support that way.
    Tell them they won a prize or pretend like it's a job calling them up......get them to come down to some big hall or convention center....and have a mass arrest.


    You spend all your 'game' to get your childhood sweetheart, and then don't know what to do with her once you get her. All your planning goes into getting her but no planning goes into KEEPING HER!  So, you lose. You gotta plan for the success after the success if you intend to be truly successful.



    That "spend your game trying to get the girl but then don't know what else to do once you finally get her" analogy really hit home...lol.
    I think most men could relate to that to some degree or another.

    For months or even years you hit on her and ask her to get with you and she disses and turns you down so much it becomes a routine.  So one day she finally responds favorably and accepts....and now you're a loss for words, lol. 
    You start sweating and panicking because you didn't really have a PLAN for her to actually come over to sit down with you or call  you up on the phone...LOL.  

    black, white, children, smile, summer | Favimages.net

    I....I gotta go now.
    Bye bye."

    I've seen a lot of dudes RUN AWAY when the girl of their dreams finally smiles at him or pushes up, lol.

    It goes back to what Troy and Dan were talking about in another thread about people who win millions in the lotto only to end up fucking it up.
    I'm learning that some of them do this ON PURPOSE.

    They didn't expect to REALLLY win!  They were just playing and losing out of habit; just for something to do.
    And because they didn't expect to win, they didn't plan on it what they'd do with the money when they DID get it and aren't comfortable with the paranoia and fear of having that much money and all of the issues that come with it.  So they subconsciously burn through it in a an attempt to get back to "normal".


    I was told several times when I was younger but didn't half way believe it until I got older that MANY PEOPLE ARE AFRAID OF SUCCESS!!!

    They are so used to failing that when success finally comes their way they either can't believe it or aren't ready for it, so they end up either running away from it or wasting it.


    • Like 1

  20. Chev

    The Bible and Egyptian script definitely details African traits that agree with the scientific data today about the origin of all modern males.

    Therefore, I suppose you wouldn't mind giving me quotes from the Bible AND ancient Egyptian script with the terms:

    -African traits
    -YDNA origins
    -African males

    ....since you say those documents DEFINITELY details them.

    I'll wait -for a little while.
    But I'm not gonna wait TOO long.

  21. Gibran



    That is how we do it


    Brother with her, it's the ONLY way to do it....lol.

    I was standing in line at the grocery store the other day and something happened where the only cashier they had had to deal with an irate  customer for 15 minutes and then had to go get the manager wasting another 20 minutes.

    Finally when I got to her to check-out, she looked at me talking about "thank you for your patience".

    I said don't thank me TOO much, because I didn't have much of a choice BUT to be patient anyway; unless I wanted to shoplift all of those groceries...lol.

    I didn't WANT to wait...I HAD to.

    • Haha 1
  22. Dan



    Their actions are not our liabilities.

    If their actions are HARMING you, it is indeed a liability.
    If you own a business and a racist cop beats you up and puts you in the hospital for 2 weeks....how do you NOT lose money?




    Melodramatic most of them don’t have life sentences. 

    Tell that to a felon who can't buy a home or get a well paying job when he finally gets out BECAUSE of his criminal record.


    Just a bit of advice....
    You better be in a fast moving car driving away when you tell him!

    Driving through the hood videos - dailymotion

    "Hey, hey...yall niccaz ain't in jail no mo'.
    Why don't you do something productive with ya lives!!"





    Expectations should not diminish accomplishments. By not properly framing disappointments we miss the lessons and opportunities.

    Good points.

    I do over 90% of what I want to do and never has the situation you described occurred to me. Most police officers are polite and professional. 

    According to you, you were arrested for a crime back in the past.  Were they nice and polite to YOU?





    But, your comment is understandable due to your love of crime and criminals.

    Are you saying you DON'T love criminals?





    A better question is what are you going to do differently when you get out or what are you doing to prepare yourself not to return?

    Besides suicide or repatriating to a remote uncharted island, what else CAN most of them do to guarantee that they won't end up being victimized  a system they have little power over?

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