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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. It sounds like a good and fair plan, but I would be suspicious that it was a trick just to see who was rollin' and as soon as they applied for amnesty they would be NABBED.



    Is This a Photo of a Looter in Blackface?

    "You're not under arrest for BEING a drug
    dealer.  You're under arrest for being stupid
    enough and racist enough to think putting
    on black-face was necessary to BE one."


  2. Dan


     It’s because we are just repeating slogans and not really doing and inventory of our assets, we are being smothered by our liabilities. 


    The BIGGEST liability AfroAmericans face is the system of White Supremacy.

    If we were to remove ourselves from up under it's direct authority we would find ourselves meeting immediate success and prosperity.





    This is a result of the internalization of the omnipotence and omniscience attributed to White People. We have to demolish the myth of Whiteness in order for us to live freely and fully.


    I've heard of this strategy before. 
    This is called living in DENIAL.


    Many have tried to "ignore" White Supremacy over the years only for it to come back and slap them in the face and throw a bucket of cold water on them later on....that's called a "wake up call".


    You....as a Black man....can't walk down the street and do HALF of what you want to do without some White man with a red face jumping in your path and demanding your ID and interrogating you over what you're doing and looking for a reason to charge you, yet you believe that red-neck rhetoric that you're "free" and nobody is holding you back...lol.
    Ask the millions of Black men who are incarcerated whether or not anyone is "holding them back".


    Denying the existence of White Supremacy didn't work in the past and it won't work now.
    They control most of the laws and rules you operate by, whether it's politically or financially.
    Most Black politicians realize this....and many who don't, often find out the HARD how much freedom they really have.

    Actor Cuba Gooding Jr. led by police in handcuffs - YouTube




    Trying to ignore White Supremacy only leads to MORE frustration and confusion because you will do everything you THINK is right and when you STILL end up failing....you become HOPELESS because you can't figure out what's wrong or why you're not finding the success you expected.







    Most of the world's planet lives in relative poverty. Yes the United States is relatively much better off than the rest of the planet.

    Unless you are one of the over 5 million people locked up in America's prisons and jails.
    They are living in LESS THAN POVERTY conditions!

    At least many of those poor people in other nations are free to move about, look for work, have sex, and make families.  But the millions of Black and Brown in this nation who are behind bars can no longer do even that.  Plus many of them are living in terror from the violence in their environment.



  3. 3 hours ago, Chevdove said:



    Both scripts agree. Egyptian script agrees with the Bible script on this subject about 

    the YDNA origin from ONE AFRICAN MALE.

    You give white people too much credit.



    Now sis......
    You know GOOD and WELL that the Bible doesn't say anything about "YDNA origins" or "African males".....you can't find those terms anywhere in the Bible.

    And neither does ancient Egyptian scriptures for that matter.

  4. 12 hours ago, Chevdove said:


    I am not writing about Christmas.

    Why are you misinterpreting my article?


    I was making a larger point about how so many of our people celebrate these holidays and still imitating Caucasians but justify it by making various excuses for it.

    Now, you in this thread are specifically talking about the TIME PERIOD around ThanksGiving...........

    And YOUR reason for celebrating that time period is by calling it Ascension Day ; but you're actually just giving "Black Christians" an excuse to get drunk and eat turkey just like the White folks are doing and celebrate the same day...but with a different excuse to do it.

    It taps in to the weakness of our people and their desire to imitate White people by giving them a convenient excuse to do so.



    "Happy Thanks...I mean uh...uhhh...
    What are we 'pose to call it, now???
    Oh yeah....HAPPY JESUS DAY!!!!"



    It's just an excuse to do the same thing White folks are doing while giving a different reason.



    The Bible does not placHebrews in the Caucasus with a White woman as their origin as you stated a few months back

    Ofcourse it doesn't.
    That's REAL history, and the Caucasians who wrote the Bible aren't going to allow that type of knowledge in it.

    What kind of arch deceiver would this be?
    What kind of devil would this be?
    ....to allow TRUE history in his books?

    Hell, telling people the TRUTH would defeat the entire purpose of trying to deceive them in the first place....lol.



    That would be like a cheating husband telling his wife where he's going.....

    Wife Saying Goodbye to Husband Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty-free)  31762531 | Shutterstock

    "Ok, bye bye honey...
    I'm going to see my girlfriend now
    ....luv ya!"




  6. Alright now.....
    Be careful with these improvisions and substitute holidays.

    What I've been noticing for the past few decades is a lot of AfroAmericans figuring out sneaky little ways to celebrate White holidays but JUSTIFY it.

    For example..............

    When we found out that Christmas was a pagan holiday that had nothing to do with Christ....many of us had the strength to abandon it but many of our people didn't, and decided to keep on practicing it anyway.
    They used different excuses for it like:




    "Ahhh well, it ain't for me.
    It's really for da' kids!
    Na' mean??
    I don't celebrate it but da' kids
    you know...it's a time for THEM
    to enjoy they gifts and
    everything, na'm sayin'????"

    Then when we pointed out the fact that you could buy "da kids" gifts ANY day of the year, they got quiet....until they could come up with another sneaky excuse.
    Some of them just got BOLD with it and said they didn't care who came up with it....they were just gonna celebrate it an stay home and get drunk anyway.

    Then later on Dr. Maulana Karenga came along and developed KWANZA which was a way of celebrating the season and pass out gifts without celebrating the actual "holidays" of Christmas and New Years.
    But still, it's giving you an excuse TO celebrate the holidays without actually CALLING it that!

    We need to put these racist pagan holidays aside and develop OUR OWN Holy Days.

    Now many will read my words and IGNORE what I just said or chuckle to themselves and shake their heads, and wish eachother a wonderful Christmas or  Thanks Giving anyway.....thinking THEY are smart and my words are silly.

    But if they only knew what kind of damage they were doing to the minds of their children.

  7. Brothers and sisters EVERYDAY should be Thanksgiving Day for the Black man and Black woman who is still healthy and has enough money to meet their basic needs while living in a system of White Supremacy!

    Fathers Day For The Black Man- Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad - YouTube

    As much negativity and devilishness as this no good Satanic beast....who was CRAWLING AROUND on all fours until we came along and civilized him... is pushing IN your direction FROM every direction -and you are STILL able to maintain your health and basic necessities.....then you should be thankful for EVERY MOMENT that you can enjoy some peace of mind!

    The Black man should give the devil back his no good hypocritical god damned "holi-days" that he only uses as an EXCUSE to stay at home from work and get drunk and get high and burn UP the few little brain cells he STILL has.....and ACCEPT HIS OWN and BE HIMSELF, which is a righteous Black man!

  8. Troy



    Many Black people are lactose tolerant in places like East Africa, true.

    But I'm talking specifically of AFROAMERICANS.  Our people come primarily from WEST Africa where the vast majority of the population is lactose intolerant.

    Further, we have a lot of Native American ancestry and they too are lactose intolerant.

    Yes, it's caused by a gene....but that's what race is...a collection of common genes!

  9. Neely Fuller Jr. said we have to make up our own definitions to COMPENSATE for the deceptive and often lacking definitions given to words in the English language.

    The only requirement is that we define a word clearly and accurately and STICK WITH that definition!
    Don't waiver and change your mind on it but stick with it....and it becomes THE definition.

  10. Troy



    If the "guru's" income is derived from telling YOU how to to get rich, then you are generally being deceived, because they are getting rich off of you.


    That goes without question that they generate atleast a portion of their wealth from selling you books that convince you that it's YOUR fault that you aren't a billionaire.


    But the conspiratorial part of me says that they are also being SENT into the public with disinformation and distractions to trick people into believing certain falsehood and misconceptions.


    We know that a large number of people who have accumulated wealth in this society got it through what would be considered criminal activity and then that wealth is passed down from one generation to the next un-touched as long as you initially paid off the right people before you died.

    But these "gurus" will have you thinking if you just work 25 hours a day 8 days a week and don't blame racism and don't blame corrupt politics and burn blue candles on Wednesday and black candles on Sunday...then magically your bank account will overflow.

    You know, it also distracts people from FIGHTING FOR GOOD PAYING JOBS.
    Notice that in the past, working class men used to gather together and yell and rant and demand more good paying jobs with benefits so that they can feed their families and usually the powers that be would provide them....for a time atleast.
    Notice very few people are doing that today?

    Because these "gurus" have convinced people that they don't have to work....fuck working for someobody else....BE YOUR OWN BOSS!
    Now you got tens of millions of "independent contractors" and "free agents" living in their parent's garages or on the street who refuse to punch a time-clock because they're PURSUING THEIR DREAM of entreprenuership....and broke as hell.

    Case in point............

    Meet Tyrone Diggs from Gary Indiana.
    At 15 years old after years of watching his father come home every day from the steel mills tired and smelling like sweat from working on his factory job that ONLY payed him enough to buy a house and take care of himself, his wife, and his children......young Tyrone decided he didn't want that type of life for himself.
    He decided that he was gonna pursue his dream as a tattoo artist like his white friends and be HIS OWN BOSS..........

    black man sitting on sidewalk on sunny day - homeless man – NY Clips

    Well, looks like Tyrone is HALF WAY there.....
    He doesn't have to worry about coming home tired from working a moderate paying factory job that supported a family.
    And it LOOKS like he's his own boss with nobody (except the police occasionally) telling him what to do.


  11. Dan



    Oprah, Daymond, JayZ, 


    The same thing applies, you don't know how THEY really got THEIR millions either.
    We know WHERE they got it from....the White Supremacists who obviously have more wealth than THEM if they can make them wealthy.

    You only know what you're being told, but there are a ton of AfroAmericans with more talent and business sense than them who've made fewer mistakes but aren't nearly as wealthy, why?

    Like I said, for all we know there could be a secret cavern where White Supremacists are DISTRIBUTING wealth to whoever they want for whatever purpose at the time. 

    Yesterday it was Rockefeller and Ford.

    Today it's Gates and Bezos.

    Tomorrow it could be "Pulnicheck" and "Wolinski"




    AP Report:

    Well, it looks like 23 year old "Joshua Wolinski" is on his way to being one of the youngest billionaires on record after going public with his multi-billion dollar "tech firm" that he started from scratch in his parent's basement.
      - Yada, yada, yada...whatever.

    Goofy White guy | i8theball

         Joshua Wolinski   "Tech Firm Mogul"



    They'll just find any goofy looking White boy jacking off in his mother's basement and decide to GIVE HIM a couple billion dollars and some media attention..and maybe a Chinese wife who just stands next to the bastid holding his arm.

    Now you're running behind HIM trying to figure out HIS secret to success.  ((shakes head))



  12. Dan



    Here you go again with that Rich Dad madness you got from reading that Korean dude's book.


    isten, you can't go by what you read from the books written by these financial gurus because they're LEAVING OUT a lot of important details of how they got their money.

    .....like the fact that they got a 10 million dollar loan from their rich uncle.
    ....or got 25 million dollars from a lawsuit

    But they'll have YOU believe they started off poor or broke and built an entire empire from scratch.  

    Many of these "get rich quick" books were put out to DECEIVE you and DECEIVE the public as to how wealth is REALLY generated.
    They'll have you running around in circles for decades thinking you can get rich if you just light the right candles and BELEIVE hard enough....meanwhile most people got rich through revolution or having powerful connections that funneled money to them.

    Do you seriously think Gates or Bezos got their billions through strategic planning or charisma?
    YOU DON'T KNOW how they REALLY got their wealth.  All you know is what you're being told.

    For all we know Caucasians have secret caverns scattered around where they're just GIVING away wealth to eachother..


    cave candles - Google Search in 2020 | Painting, Candles, Earth

    "Ohh ye....ohh ye........
    Forbes...we shall grant thee $2 billion this year.
    Gates...we shall grant thee $4 billion this year.
    Wolinski...ye are unknown so we will make thine
    presence known and grant thee $1 billion and a
    lot of media attention to get started.

    Now goeth thou forth....and maintain  our dominion!"


    ((more "ohh ye...ohh ye"...chanting in the back ground....lol))





    I am looking to make my project multigenerational and non-dependent upon me for it’s existence. 

    Do you have children?

    If not, the only thing making your project "multigenerational" will do is further enrich Caucasians....unless you insist that AfroAmericans take it over and progress it after you're long gone.

  13. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that among the best knowledge to get is the KNOWLEDGE OF SELF.


    A lot of people don't understand what that means, but it has a lot of meanings....including knowing who WE are and HOW we are as AfroAmericans.


    When we are forced to live with ourselves and deal with ourselves....as opposed to being given the option to leave ourselves and go live with other peoples.....we LEARN ourselves.
    We get a more  in depth and THOROUGH knowledge of ourselves.

    -We learn the best foods for US to eat.
    -We learn the best products for US to use on OUR skin and hair.
    -We learn the best methods to teach OUR children
    -We learn the best way to handle an angry Black man
    -We learn the best way to handle an angry Black woman

    We learn all of this from simply BEING AROUND OURSELVES for any meaningful length of time.

    Sometimes through intense study and observation, other times through trial and error.....but we learn.

    But living in an environment dominated by Caucasians, or Asians, or Latinos isn't going to teach you these things because  that environment will be geared toward THEIR empowerment and suited to fit THEIR nature.

    For example......

    When you have KNOWLEDGE OF SELF you will know better than to give AfroAmerican adults milk based products because most of our people are lactose intolerant.  You wouldn't care what White folks or Asians did or drank...you are focused on what's best for SELF.

    But if you DON'T have knowledge of self you'll start imitating the White folks you see around you. 
    You too will be walking around the state fair with your wife, licking on ice cream cones and drinking milk-shakes and shit...smiling at eachother but by the time both of you get home you'll be running eachother out of the house farting and belly aching and carrying on.....


    You need knowledge of SELF....not knowledge of somebody else.

  14. Troy

    Interestingly, I have never really distinguished the two words in this manner, but now that I think about it "Nigga" is the word I most often hear, as in; "Yo, wassup my nigga?"


    Because it has been turned into a NEW word.

    Just like "nigger" started off as a corrupt southern-English pronounciation of the word "negro"......but eventually over the years became a whole new word altogether.

    I believe nigga is just ebonics for nigger


    Yes, that's how it started off. 
    But it has changed since then because now so many people of ALL backgrounds use the term and even spell it that way it has DEFACTO become a new word.

    All we need is for Websters and the other Caucasian institutions to make it official...lol

    Which is why I now allow for other races to use it sometimes.  
    For years and years I didn't permit people of other races to use that term around me, but today if I DIDN'T...I'd be getting into fights nearly every day.  It's not worth it.  I know what they mean when they say it depending on how they say it and the context.

  15. Daniel

    Successful businesses usually sell out to the highest bidder or go public. 


    No, that's not the USUAL case.

    It's usually the UN-successful businesses or those on a downward slope that sell out or open themselves up to be incorporated.   Usually as a desperate move by the owner to cut their losses and re-comp some of the money they lost.  Most successful sole-owner proprieties that are generating the type of income they want and are doing what they love to do are the LAST businesses to sell out, they have no reason to.

    Not sure if you're doing what you love so I won't use you as an example but Troy is obviously doing what he loves, and if he's making the type of money he wants can you imagine him selling AALBC for any reason EXCEPT someone offers him a ridiculously large sum of money that he'd be stupid to refuse?

  16. Troy



    Noooo brother, actually THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of people have actually died.
    I mean literally DIED and either came back to life or were brought back to life.


    Medically speaking when your heart AND brain stops functioning.....you've died.  And many many people have fit this description.

    They just didn't STAY dead for so long that their bodies decomposed.  But they were officially DEAD.


    You should study the Near Death Experiences or talk to some doctors and nurses who have had experience with people dying and being revived or spontaneously resurrecting.  They'll confirm what I said.




    People hear voices all the time and some believe God or Satan is talking to them. Do you take these people at their word too?


    When people hear voices and see things that other's can't see....they actually DO hear and see them.  Even if the person is schizophrenic and suffering from mental illness.  What they see is real.  They just may be seeing and hearing it at an inappropriate time.

  17. Troy

    No way.....they are too profound, deep, and with longer lasting effects to be brought about through artificial means.

    Drugs can give you CERTAIN spiritual experiences, but the spiritual experiences I've heard people relate from being dead and brought back to life are said to be far beyond what any chemical can produce.

    For example............

    A drug can cause you go to to sleep, but can a drug cause you to DREAM?
    Sleep is biological but dreams are spiritual.

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