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Posts posted by Pioneer1

  1. 20 minutes ago, Delano said:

    Whether its a fairy tale myth or allegory it serves the same function. Its a truism housed in a story that is not true. Hopefully that clears it up for you. 


    Are the Hansel and Gretel and the Oedipus Rex stories MYTHS?

    I'd prefer an actual answer to that question rather than a finger wagging lecture, lol.

    And if not, can you give me some clear examples of myths that I may examine them and see the value in them for myself.




  2. 30 minutes ago, Delano said:

    Hansel and Gretel is a fairy tale. Its not an actual news story from Germany. It isn't true. However children taking candy from  strangers is a bad idea. That is the lesson in a story that's  fiction. 


    That is the function of fairy tales. They are fantastic stories that aren't true. Yet they are instructional and illustrate truths. 


     Oedipus Rex is the story about a man who kills his father the king and marries his mother. It is also a Freudian psychological concept. 


    You said it was a fairy tale, but is the story of Hansel and Gretel an actual "myth"?

    And is the Oedipus Rex story also a myth? 


  3. On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 12:33 PM, Cynique said:

    @Pioneer1My question was very relevant to the stupid statement you made in regard to the subject of this thread.  But you chose to ramble off on a tangent instead of providing a coherent answer.  

    Exactly what statement did I make that   {was so above your level of understanding that you didn't grasp it and }  you THOUGHT was stupid?

  4. Alison Felix is sexy as hell.

    I thought Flo-Jo was sexy too.

    When I was younger they featured track and field nearly every weekend on television, especially on NBC. 
    But when more and more AfroAmerican athletes started dominating the games all of a sudden they stopped showing it so much and now all you see on television on the weekend is swimming or football.

  5. Troy

    You're right that ALL of us are effected, but everyone's not effected in the same way.
    Kind of like alcohol.
    Caucasians drink alcohol and gave it to the Native Americans....but that same alcohol that causes most Caucasians to celebrate and get happy ended up devastating Native American society and turning many of them into depressed alcoholics. 
    Caucasian culture and values like monogamy and the nuclear family have proven to be good for many Caucasians and helped them to live stable and productive lives, but has also proven NOT to work for most Africans and has resulted in broken homes and dysfunctional families where the women don't trust the men and the men are forced to lie in order to be sexually fullfilled.


    Human sexuality is a complex combination genetics and environment it always has been. If there is a greater incidence of homosexuality it probably is all the chemicals put in our environment and food that is the culprit, not some evil cabal white racists.

    I agree.
    But the question is who put the harmful chemcials IN the environment in the first place?






    My response to your generalization about what "most" African American men want is what most African American men, who are racial hybrids as a result of slavery, want is one wife. They may all be playas when single but once they decided upon their own that they want to marry and have kids, they are satisfied with one mate because this works better when you don't live in a grass hut in the jungle. Otherwise, they remain bachelors and play the field.

    Once again, you're right AND wrong.

    Yes, most AfroAmerican men want a good woman at home once they are ready to settle down.....but that's so that we can have a stable home to raise our offspring in and come home to. But MOST (certainly not all) still have an active sex drive and desire sex with other women from time to time. They just don't want any relationship and very little emotional attachments; those are reserved for his "main" or his wife.

    You're making the mistake of assuming you know what men want or how they feel by looking strictly at their behavior or what they are "allowed" to get away with.



    All you have to do is to look around you and observe how everybody in America does their own thing.

    If everyone in America were doing their own thing and expresing themselves as they wished, there wouldn't be so many "support groups" and psychologists catering to people who feel they are unable to express their "real" selves in their environment.

  6. 8 hours ago, Cynique said:


    Oh, puleeze. Be specific about what white Christian/European values, which are loosely aligned with legal behavior, are in conflict with what are the "true" values of  black people.  You have an inexhaustible supply of hot air to  release into the atmosphere.  

    Polygamy for one.

    Most men of African descent are POLYGAMOUS by nature and Christian/Western society attempts to SUPPRESS this natural desire by either making it illegal or making it shameful and socially unacceptable.

  7. Cynique


    And you want to replace these white lies and myths with black ones

    Mythology has it's place but I want to replace lies with TRUTH, which has no color.


    And the reason folks on the internet say what you accused them of above could have something to do with the idea that until "niccas" get scientifically superior enough to dismantle white supremacy, then there's no reason to believe they are exceptional enough to supplant existing scientific theories.

    You're actually correct....lol....for a change.

  8. Cynique


    In the ghetto culture, black people do "what comes naturally" and ignore "white" values, and the result is not positive........... In reality, blacks have their own personal code of conduct, and that accounts for the class divide among them

    This is not true.

    Except for a relatively few independant minds, most AfroAmericans whether they are in the ghetto or living in the suburbs may not have a Caucasian standing over them directly telling them what to do BUT most of them are Christians and heavily involved in the Church.

    And so Caucasian values are injected into the AfroAmerican mindset by proxy THROUGH Christianity.....especially the Western European versions.

    On top of that, most people in society get their morals from LAWS; they determine what is "right" or "wrong" based on what is currently legal or illegal.

  9. Troy

    Who are "they?"

    The USUAL suspects......
    The same ones who promoted NWA and gangsta rap.
    The White Supremists who control the music industry.

    A lot of people who get tatoos all over their body and face have a mentality where they don't care and don't expect to even live long enough to regret what they've done.
    Most don't don't see themselve making it past 30 anyway.
    That's why they run around saying Y.O.L.O.



    And who are "they" trying to disgrace? The monkeys or the black youth???

    Atleast the monkey is acting the way it SHOULD and is EXPECTED to act.

    Monkeys have been behaving that way for millions of years.
    You can't find any record of AfroAmerican youth looking or acting the way these two do 60, 50, or even 30 years ago.

  10. Troy

    Cynique is half-right....lol.

    Horus came before Jesus and BOTH of them are Greek names.
    But like you said, Horus is the Greek version of "Heru" of Kemet.....where the term "Hero" comes from by the way.


    Some claim that the story of Jesus comes from the story of Heru but having read various versions of the story of Ausar, Auset, and Heru I see very little resemblance.
    I believe that the story of Jesus is BASED ON the life of a man who did live at the time named "Yashua" who taught, performed wonders, and challenged Roman authority but was eventually arrested. 

  11. Chev

    I used to love debating people.
    Still do sometimes.
    I love being right/correct and showing others that I am, lol.

    However as I've gotten older I've realized the importance of debating FOR A GOOD REASON.

    Like debating in order to convince the person I'm debating with and/or those listening that my ideas are better.


  12. Chev

    I don't know about that, because of this world that we live in today. I don't think that it revolves only around the 18+ year old, but how this government has shaped us to view Sex. Because of White Supremacy [ie. also White Supremacy that livew within many AfroAmericans too!] we have been conditioned to use Sex and Sexuality as a method of DOMINATION and etc. Sex has become like 'a dirty word' when in reality, it should be a positive experience.

    You're correct that many use sex as a form of Domination.
    But if that's their only tool.....can you blame them?

    This is why I don't have a problem with prostitution in and off itsef (as long as it's not forced).
    Some people's only source of power and control over themselves or their only immediate way to make money IS through sex and having sex with others in exchange for favors.

    I wouldn't take that away from them because "I" thought it was wrong that that they shouldn't be doing it.

    If it's going to help them feed their kids and keep the lights on in the house, unless I promised to do it for them.....I'm going to let them do their thing.





    I do believe that we are getting these values from White Supremacist, but now though, we are getting these values from Blacks too. if our ancestors were doing right, then we wouldn't be confused today. I believe our problems today stem from our ancestors too.

    You've made an EXCELLENT point.

    People often confuse being "nice" with doing the right thing.

    I don't care how nice you are or what your religious beliefs are, if you are in a position to be defeated and enslaved or slaughtered then you did something "wrong".
    Not necessarily MORALLY wrong....but socially or politically wrong.....because if you didn't you wouldn't have been defeated and enslaved.

    If you're walking down the street with your family and a man attacks you all and kills them, YOU did something wrong.
    You may have not KNOWN what the right thing to do was.
    You may have seen yourself as helpless.
    But because there's a solution to every problem there was SOMETHING you could have done (whether you knew what that something was or not) that could have saved your family.

    Do you understand the point I'm making Chev?

  13. When I say body language, I was speaking specifically about how the first young man to your left started off scratching his side with his entire arm like a chimpazee.
    And then how they both started pulling their lips apart like monkeys often do.

    I've said this for years, especially after seeing how most young men walk when they sag their pants....

    They are trying to influence our youth to look and act like monkeys to disgrace them.

  14. I'm beyond trying to prove that Jesus was actually a Black man.

    The question should actually be did the Jesus that the world has given us for the past 1,500 years even EXIST, let alone what his ethnicity was.

    Infact, was his name even "Jesus"?

    Why would a man allegedly living in Palestine at a time when the letter "J" didn't even exist have a GREEK name?


  15. 13 hours ago, Chevdove said:


    Well then, explain it to me please! 


    Lol......ok, I'll try.

    If you go back up about 6 posts you'll read where in a response to Del, Troy said:


    Troy"For reasons previously stated this is impossible to answer.

    What was your GMAT score? Was it higher than average? If so, maybe is was higher than the average score of a woman, making you more intelligent at taking standardized tests. "

    Del's response was:

    Delano"Then why ask questions if its impossible to answer. "



    Which was s rhetorical question, meant to be more of a statement than a question.
    But it prompted Troy to say:

    Troy"Delano in the real world do you also avoid answering questions or answer questions with a question?"

    ....probably not realizing that Del  did answer (or atleast responded to) his questions by basically saying:
    "Man, why are you even asking me these other questions about my GMAT scores if you think the original question is impossible to answer?"

    But because Del didn't make that clear in his response it led to MORE confusion among the two.

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