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  1. KWL Live Q&A – The Book Marketing Mindset with Sue Campbell


    My Thoughts In Review

    4:34 Book marketing mindset

    5:37 content based marketing allows people to select to use, permission based marketing

    7:15 two ends of a spectrum, one end a nonfiction with an advance willing to spend money and hire services. The other end is for majority of authors, who can learn through a class

    10:03 how to find story to find ideal reader? ideal reader is slender piece of pie. No marketeer can access all.  24% of the adults in the usa didn't read a book in the entire year 2018.

    11:08 Once you know what the story is. Then who is the ideal person to pick up the book. Who will lock themselves in the bathroom and be ravenous for it.  That person will start the word of mouth club. Marketing is to ignite word of mouth.

    12:15 sometimes your ideal reader is you 5 years ago or now, if you will put an ideal reader into novels be specific. 

    13:51 number one goal is to build your email list. How to get ideal reader into email list. What will you tell your ideal reader, speak to them in the newsletter. Be fanatic for influencers who have that kind of reader.

    17:02 prerequisite for newsletter, must have a website. Sign up for email servicc provider. Mailerlite + convertkit are the ones she like. She doesn't recommend Substack. Doesn't have features for prelaunch. 
    Website+ email service provider+forms on website+ reader magnate<sign up bonus or bribe to subscribe>

    18:59 real magic is when you go out into the world and get in front of audiences, outreach. Go to party and invite people to your party. Go on podcast, write guest articles, do promos with other authors, or live. 

    20:37 frequency of outreach? Don't just send when you have a book out. At least once per month. 20,000 or around , three times a month. On book coming out, frequency should increase to publication date. 

    22:54 you want people to unsubscribe, that is ok in permission based marketing. The best response is to get more people on the list. 

     23:29 If monthly what time? arbitrary. But think on timing of ideal reader. Most important is to pick a date and commit. 

    25:50 Telling yourself your terrible is a made up story.

    26:20 what are the first things you think of when you think of book marketing? 

    28:27 what would I do if I couldn't think that thought ?

    29:55 work on thoughts and change them to figure out how to solve the problem

    32:14 many writers are in a state of overwhelm

    34:31 1)figure out ideal reader 2) don't have unrealistic expectation , if pub date when you market it will take time to build up and 3) building mail list, think long game

    36:15 when you give up your creativity it blows up your life, you have to commit to the long term

    37:05 You have to go in front of an audience and get them to join your email list, and do it again, and again, and again

    38:47 Cam spam act in usa, gdpr in europe, so someone must give you permission to put them on email list. 

    41:39 how to get influencers to get your book? An influencer is anyone who is a gatekeeper for an audience, can be someone who built their own audience or librarians or another author. When you pitch influencers, you are looking for the win win. An influencers job is to serve an audience. If you can help them give content for that week. New writers write a press release and then blast it all over the place. Write a customized pitch, where you are letting the influencer know who they are. 

    45:00 Build a relationship with influencer before pitch. Is it better to build a relationship before a pitch? yes.

    46:40 where should authors be? Is it instagram? First, your email list far and above more effective tool for selling books. focus on that rather than social media.  Second, most authors have a social media. So who is your ideal reader. If you are writing nonfiction business book they are probably on linkedin. Look at statistics to see. Is ideal reader on that platform. Third, is that a platform that you are willing to use. Can you have sustainable presence on that platform. Social media is better to connect to influencers than sell books. 
    The exception to selling books is tiktok or booktok, but that may not last. 

    51:29 you may have 10,000 followers on instagram, but when you put out only 4% may see and a smaller percent is interacting. Why don't we have a class action lawsuit on followers? good point. Social put your eggs in a basket and with email list you can actually reach the people. Deliverability is better. 

    Remember to publish through newsletter, leverage all tools. But you can add more to a blog post. If you rely on social media you must be ready to pivot. 

    54:59 common mistake in marketing strategies? 1) Not being able to show up for the long term. Keep showing up, by working on mindset. The mistakes don't matter cause you will keep going.  2) authors try to do too much with the same audience. Talking about fiction book but you have a side project and work for a non profit, focus, not 100% , you are human but give a majority to the book. I am a musician and a novelist and a poet. You ar eamazingly creative but you need to hone. 3) too many focused on book sales but not the email list. 





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