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  1. My final preaching on black leadership in the usa  in AALBC hopefully



    Who are the Leaders of the Black Community? - Black Literature - African American Literature Book Club (aalbc.com)




    I said all this before in this very forum but I am too lazy to find and cite myself. so i apologize for preaching




    Who are the Leaders of the Black Community?


    The Black community has a global existence which is intramultiracial, various regional existences<caribbean/south asia/africa/> each intramultiracial, an existence under each flag<usa/cuba/brazil/ghana/germany/pakistan/phillipines/australia> most intramultiracial.

    This is the same for all  phenotypical races.

    Under the USA, the black community is highly intramultiracial: DOS/Jamaican/haitian/colombian/brazilian/nigerian/ghanaian/south african/indian/phillipino/ plus many more. And many of said groups are intramultiracial. 


    So, the question who are the leaders of the black community requires specification cause the black community is different based on the geographic scope you are approaching it with. 

    To be blunt, what the black community in nigeria need is not the same as in jamaica or the same as in phillipines. 

    So my answer is specific to the black community in the usa. I repeat , the following is specific to the black community in the usa.


    Now to answer, the black community in the usa doesn't have a leader as a group or individual. But, in defense , this is all communities in the usa. The USA multiracial quality is so high no group or community has a leader, as every community or group in the usa has within it tribes or factions that just can't work together based on what they truly want. Ala even the white community in the usa is fractured. The reality is some whites want a return to a form of white power in the usa as well as a different posture of the usa in international affairs that other whites for various reasons don't want and no middle ground exist.  It is that simple. 


    The same to the black community in the usa, which has historically always been multivided in unbridgeable chasms, always, from the very start of the usa. The only problem is black people who knew this didn't teach this to black children, they lied about the nature of the black community in the usa for their own agenda.  Thinking foolishly that over time the truth can be undone. The truth always wins in the end.



    Over the years there have been many conversations on this forum about how Black people should pool our resources, support our businesses, and control our destiny.  



    At this point in time I will merely restate what I said in this forum, apologize for not citing myself. 

    Black people in the usa need to focus on their tribes in the village and get said tribes to be efficient in that way. As I always say to Black elephants <republicans> or Black militants or Black donkeys<democrats> or Black socialists or Black garveyites or Rastafarians or Black baptists or Black catholics or others  <I know nearly every black tribe being in nyc>  They talk so much about what other black people need to do but never seem to be able to do something within their own tribe. 

    For example, the Black Elephants go on and on about financial responsibility and yet I can't recall the black elephants showing the rest of the black community their great acumen for financial responsibility to help the black community in the usa. Another example,  Black Donkeys go on and on about voting but and yet  I can't recall the black elephants showing the rest of the black community how effective voting will be to help black community in the usa. 


    Black people in various tribes in the village in the usa  love complaining about what the whole community isn't doing while their tribe is doing nothing.  Wealthy black entertainers couldn't even unite and make it where BET/Motown/Philadelphia international are black owned global media brands. 



    In the past, civil right organizations lead the charge in organizing successful boycotts and getting important legislation passed. Today these organizations are a shell of what they once were -- toothless.  


    Well, the NAACP was white jew financed and served its purpose. And black financiers pre civil rights act had many of their financial revenue streams destroyed by the inevitable result of the civil rights act. Absent money, most organizations are like the people above complaining about what the community isn't doing while they do nothing.


    Social media is seen by many as the modern way to mobilize Black people.  I've always lamented the fact that we hitch our wagons to platforms we do not own or control and claim it as a tool to support Black people.  This was always a flawed strategy. "Black Twitter" was a recent example of this.  I'd go farther and say that the entire social media universe not only does not serve Black people; it is harmful to us.


     do most in the black community want potent <note I didn't say positivit> effective leadership ? yes. Do most individuals in the black community think they are that leader ? no. in absence of potent effective leadership are people in the black community making false leaders? yes. 

    But all communities go through this. Now their is a historical issue here. 

    Many black leaders in the past, ala Frederick Douglass, embraced the idea of hyper individualism. Individualism in its most intense form, is against communal growth. The idea is the individual do for self, regardless of community. why blakc leaders in the past support this? Individualism is the answer to getting a multiracial populace to operate absent biases. Race will never leave humanity , calling yourself a name is a racial act, but bias is when people favor based on race. Individualism lessens biases ability to bind groups by the focus on the individual.

    To that end the black community through guidance of some black leaders side the external white manipulation have embraced the individualism.


    In the past, any organization that has shown a sign effectively mobilizing Black people from the Universal Negro Improvement Association to The Black Panther Party even the Nation of Islam, was actively undermined by our government.


    Yes, any organization that functionally demanded some level of black segregation was an enemy to not only the federal government , who started the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the original KKK who had plans on making a shadow government in the usa,but organizations like the naacp financed by white jews. 


    Obviously, our current lack of organization is not only a consequence of direct attacks against our organizations, but several hundreds of years of violent and legalized oppression.

    and our own manipulations to ourselves.


    Today are we completely rudderless as a people?  Who, or what organization, could initiate a Montogomery Bus Boycott today? Are we so happy today that a boycott is completely unnecessary?  Which organization could do what the NAACP Legal Defense Fund did to win Brown v. Board of Education, or are we happy that "race" can no longer be used to help reverse hundreds of years of being prevented from learning to read, while benefits to white people like legacy admissions continue?

    Yes, in modernity, black leaders to the community in the usa, are absent. But, a why exists. It isn't unimportant how intramultiracial the black community is. Yes, all humans are humans. Yes, all black people are black people but people or humans all too often do want different things in the subtlely. The Sons of Odin want jobs and wealth but they wouldn't mind depriving blacks. Do Black Christians really want to embrace the black lgbtq+ community? I say no.

    Most Black people are not happy in the usa, but most black people have accepted the individual mantra, that black leaders often utter. Black people talk community, but most of us don't feel community, most from each of us feel one against the world. Again, Community has to be exhibited, not just talked about. 


    In the usa, The leaders of the black community today or a tomorrow have to lead effectively, but have to be able to give a hand to the doubtful blacks who are convinced correctly that black leaders don't uplift but merely tell other blacks to lift themselves. Black people have seen way too many black leaders help themselves and tell other blacks to lift themselves up by bootstraps to be convinced even with one great showing that a leader is actually trying to help left their bootstrapless selves  up.



    1. richardmurray


      1)what has to improve in how individualism works in said community?
      In my mind one point. The one thing I hear no one say...  Own up to it. It may sound silly but one of the biggest problems in the usa is people don't own up to their own culture that their actions display. 

      Black folk like me will always despise the KKK But, the KKK are better than the majority of whites who clearly dislike black people as negatively as the KKK but are too proud to admit it. If you are about you, just say it. No shame in saying,  I am looking out for me while all you do is look out for you. But the black community or the larger human populace in the usa suffers from an inability to admit in public what their actions show. The faux communal discourse form hyper individuals to me is the problem. I don't have a problem with anyone , and that starts with black people, being about themselves. I follow my own path. I like being communal. but I also profess my position publicly. I am not ashamed to say I like living around black folks and prefer living around black folks, and I don't care for living aside non blacks <as I define blacks side non blacks>. But too many individualists  are not ashamed to act for only self but are ashamed to advertise it. That will be a nice change. 

      2)What inevitable weaknesses come from such a system that need to be expected or embraced as truth?

      a dysfunction of the way... all ways have dysfunction. Communalism's great problem is it doesn't allow for individual growth at the same rate or width or uniqueness as individualism. But, Individualism's problem is it doesn't allow for collective action or interaction at the same rate width or flexibility as communalism.

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