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  1. ProfD


    how you would solve the race problem(s) and/or unify Black people

    Well, I will answer this question as I always do. 

    First, how do I define black people. The problem with people when they answer questions like this is they answer without first defining the elements of the question which is why replies to their answer go into argument. However you or others define black people is void in my answer cause i told you how i define black people in my answer.

    I define black people in humanity as those of a phenotypical range of skin regardless of their heritage or culture, an element of melanin production which is visible can be a rigid determinant, but the skin of humans nor any other physical factor determines friendship or foeship.


    Now your question didn't specify geographic scope, which is something I will define for my answer. 

    Black people live throughout humanity ,all over the earth. My answer will not go into how to unify the global Black populace or how to solve problems involving the global non black populace.

    Black people live in every continent. My answer will not go into how to unify the black populace in any one continent or how to solve problems involving the non white populace in any continent.

    Black people live in every country in every continent. My answer will only go into how to unify the black populace in all countries or how to solve the problems involving the non white populace in all countries.


    I will answer, a very reduced form of your question, based on how I define black people the following question, and it is not applicable to a black populace in another country. How to unify Black people in the USA plus solve the various problems with the non black populace in the USA?


     To Unity,

    How is unity defined in a group in relationship to a country/government? It is unity of agenda. When the USA was founded the overwhelming majority of nonblacks  in the USA had one agenda to the government of the usa, to live under it and prosper. All groups have infighting but the nonblacks  share one agenda. Before the usa was founded in the british colonial form, Black people of any geographic descent were split into three groups each having an unbridgeable agenda to the british colonies and later to the USA: Destroy/Leave/Live in. 

    In the film shared by Troy 


    A great example of the problem in the black community in the usa is present. A character tries to convince the others they shouldn't do violence. 

    Now many will say that is wise but I oppose that. why? If you are in a group of your phenotypical race that wants an action you do not like the only thing you can do if you truly want to support them is to leave. Not make a scene and chastise or try to preach and tell them wrong, just leave. The IRA wasn't a majority of irish in ireland nor were they particularly liked by a majority in ireland, but they didn't suffer irish not interested in their cause, and they had an agenda in relationship to the british empire, which was to not be in the british empire. 

    In modernity, I have been fortunate to know multiple black people in the usa  in each group as well as the modern group, individual. 

    But I repeat what I have said in here so many times, over and over. Find your group and go to your goal with them and let other groups be. Don't chastise, don't speak ill.

    Wanting to be president doesn't make you a slave. 

    Wanting to leave doesn't make you a fool.

    Wanting to destroy doesn't make you crazy.

    Wanting to do for self doesn't make you a traitor.

    The Unity the black populace in the usa need is in embracing its history, its true self, stop trying to mirror whites relationship to the usa, and embrace our own.

    If those four groups: Leave/Destroy/Prosper in/Be for self can act without meddling in the other groups affairs, then the non blacks negative influence in the usa  will be lessened over the entire village.



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