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richardmurray last won the day on April 23

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  1. an online profile named Myles Daye said the following

    Pronpt: drawing , thick lines, white background, only color is red from paint dripping, featuring punisher from marvel with a city apart of his jacket.
    Starting to feel bad for artist cause these came out amazing.


    a computer  returned the following



    My reply
    I am an artist, don't feel bad, star trek's holodeck has the same idea as this computer generated interpretation. certain computers today have enough memory plus speed to accept literal statements and compute based on their data storage plus algorithms the literal statements into graphical images. enjoy use it. if anyone wants to draw they still can,no is has halted the ability of anyone to draw straight from their imagination. but, for those who are not artists, now they have the computer to make art they want and if the computer isn't close enough, you can go to artists and have them make details changes. for example, if you want the punisher's cityscape jacket to have a particular skyline with certain buildings certain places you can go to an artists and they can manipulate it. Don't feel bad. enjoy the modern tools, enjoy their financial affordability, if you can remember the computer isn't an artist it isn't imagining anything, and if you want specifics that the computer is having trouble reaching, human artists are out there with the skills to adjust the base image. 




    someone then replied

    please reiterate this to all the AI haters that want to be offended on your behalf. They swear it's an affront to all artists that use "natural" mediums. I'm pretty sure inkers & pencilers felt this way once digital showed up


    My reply

     in the usa, many workers in many manufacturing or mining towns have been waiting for jobs for fifty or forty years. They are joined by inkers and painters, and in twenty years will probably be joined by truckers/taxi drivers. Your correct, people online spew a wild violent negativity, unwilling to comprehend a person who supports what they oppose, to be patient to their own lives delicacy , to not be afraid. And some people simply like to spread negativity as loud as possible especially online while they are very secure offline .  But the negative vibe about computer made art is in a long line of labor group complaints energized by an ever growing populace of people who are being told all is for the collective better while they know they are not too big to fail. I admit I am lucky. I have never been hungry. I have never been told my artistic desires are unworthy or have no value. And I have a loving home where even when things go against me or not conveniently  I have people offline who comfort my fears or worries. but most people in the usa don't have that and thus the vibe. Sad. And, the solution sadly is not through online discourse, it is through CEO's elected officials managing industries better. Why didn't the usa government pay for artists in college or working in firms as digital art arose, to have free digital drawing pads plus software from sea to shining sea, every state? why didn't they force firms to pay to make sure their entire labor force including retired employees had tablets plus software. move the labor force into the industry and the labor force will not be as threatened. And if the job pool is gone, which is usual, the government need to pay to redirect people, reach to them, firms don't have to care as much, but a truly caring government should. 

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