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Everything posted by Troy

  1. @Cynique for the second time I'm using the word "religion." Not all religions worship a deity. Are you trying to say that religion does not address "life and reality?" We were talking about science being a religion; a notion I initially rejected. However perhaps in a way it is, or can be. So while Sean did not use the word religion his recognizing that there is overlap with philosophy -- indeed there must be got me thinking a bit differently about our conversations. @Delano, I don;t think any of these subjects are as cut and dried as you've described. Sean's quote in he video explains why. In fact it you watch the entire documentary it does into more detail why
  2. @Cynique, I'm not attempting to speak for Sean; I'm elaborating on his statement. If religion is not fundamentally philosophical what is it? @Delano, the reason I shared this quote is that Sean is saying there is indeed an overlap between science and philosophy (I'd as argue religion) when you ask question like do we have free will.
  3. Humm I'm surprised you would have this question given your comments about Isaac Newton. Newton described the force of gravity is a function of the mass of two objects as the inverse square of the distance between them. Motion is not a factor. But here too Newton was corrected by Einstein who said that gravity is not an attractive force between to bodies but a massive body's warping of space/time. Though Newton's formula works in most practical applications.
  4. This collection looks better than Black Panther (I hope that Marvel comic does not become the standard to which we compare our literature)
  5. 'cept a mass does not have to move for gravity to be generated.
  6. The video below is a 1 minute clip from a 2017 documentary, Age of Uncertainty - Time, Cosmology, Quantum Physics and Philosophy. I threw in the religion, for religion save the dogmas is philosophical in nature and is related to the issues raised in our recent conversations, The New Religion and Knowledge vs Science.
  7. @Kalexander2 did you listen tot he entire video? The reason I ask is because I don't see how you could make the statement in your 2nd paragraph. @Pioneer1 yes the point I made about an MBA teaching one to work for someone else and not contributing very much to my running AALBC was described in this video. I could also relate to the fact the AALBC too is not supported by wealthy Black folks, but by midlist and indie authors. avid readers, and individuals who may not be avid readers but recognize what I do is important and want to support for that reason. Sure there are few exceptions but regular folk are the the ones who keep AALBC.com alive. Boyce was of course on point when he said Black folks would much rather be associated with white business than Black businesses. The primary reason is that we all believe it is far better to be working for a Goldman Sachs than it is to be running any Black owned business. I can also relate to the issue about being too supportive of Black that claude raised. It s not that I exclude other groups, but I chose to advocate for Black folks. I also recognize the world has moved on to "diversity." which basically means everyone except healthy, heterosexual, white men. The advocacy for diversity has diluted the impact for Black people so I don't embrace it and I know it has hurt me in terms of support -- even within my own community, particularly those from the professional ranks. I'm considered radical. Can you imagine LOL!
  8. Oh I'm sorry to learn of Payne's passing. The was a great journalist. He also founded the National Association of Black Journalists. I attended a talk he gave in Harlem a few years ago. The last of our great journalists.
  9. @Kalexander2, Del hasn't even seen the movie. But that would be a good question. If in fact he has seen the film, his honest response with lay this issue to rest. @Delano, they can grant a degree in the film it would still not mean anything for Black people. We don';t need time to tell us anything; a cursory knowledge of history could tell you how Black people will benefit.
  10. I hope you get to see the 2019 version of GOT too. The writers who write for wikipedia do it for free. Not only would I never write forWikipedia (for free) I would never EVER give them money. Their soliciting donations is ludicrous -- Wikipedia need to be going after Google who is using their information -- probably more than Wikipedia does themselves.
  11. I run into Kojo all over the place. He has not changed. Yes time does fly.
  12. Sure, there are some great citations on Wikipedia as well as some shitty ones too, but the inconsistency of the citations is just one problem. The biggest problem is that companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Apple have exploited the platform for profit. Why does this matter? Because the people who do the work of producing the information are NOT PAID! They do not share in the wealth they create for the planet's most wealth firms. I would not be so critical of the platform were it not for this fact. I will never volunteer to contribute content to Wikipedia so that Apple can make more money. This is no different than the reason for me no longer publishing real content on Facebook. I, like many others, I post links back to my site on social media and Wikipedia. I'll also let you in on a secret: Wikipedia is much better at driving traffic than social media, perhaps because wikipedia does not use an algorithm to determine what people get to see to keep people glued to their website.
  13. @zaji Max is running a video at the top of the Harlem Book Fair website I created about 10 years ago, the photos are 1998 and to 2007. The photos were taken by myself and Marcia Wilson Here is a screen shot: and the full video is below with shots of E Lynn Harris, Eric Jerome Dickey, Walter Dean Myers, Clin Channer,and SIster Souljah from to years ago!
  14. Yes, and what you describe is the crux of the problem. If I'm looking for something a factoid and the like Google serves up wikipedia making the the default source of information -- often right in the search engine results page. If is not worth my effort to dig deeper. The kind of thing one had to do when we were forced to go to the library to research a topic. At any rate, you are the choir, hopefully the message will make an impact on other readers here.
  15. I've been watching a series on Netflix lately called dirty money. The was an episode on 45. After reading this it is astonishing the he was elected POTUS. In the era of social media all of the truth about 45's business failures was crowded out by the propaganda distributed on social media and our social media fueled journalists who amplied his bogus message desperate to make money.
  16. @zaji, I can see from the hyperlinks that you copied the information from Wikipedia. Wikipedia is really hit or miss when it comes to accuracy. I would never use it is a source for serious research (not saying posting here is serious research). The curation is inconsistent and the information is often biased by people with an agenda. One of the problems on the internet is that Google has elevated Wikipedia in search engine results so much so that sites with more accurate information are undiscoverable so people use Wikipedia. The other problem is that Wikipedia does not pay for it's content, the quality of the information reflects this. Google (and others) have figured out a ways to monetize Wikipedia's "information." This I argue exploits the people who volunteer to contribute to Wikipedia and makes it harder for professional researchers and journalist to earn a living. This all contributes to the proliferation of fake news, I know that was a serious side bar, but I thought some of y'all might find the perspective interesting. I wrote about this 5 years ago in an article called "The Pimping of Wikipedia."
  17. @Pioneer1, I don't have an issue with the definitions, but anyone can copy and paste something from Wikipedia, that does not mean they understand what they've copied. Now you freely admit that you have no clue how the builders of the Pyramids acquired the knowledge to construct. Given you lack of knowledge on the subject how can you be so positive how they were not constructed? (@Delano is this the reasoning that you are defending?) It is interesting that you mentioned experimenting as a possibility. You said you understood the scientific method. If you do then you'd also know that experimentation is part of that process. Now I'm not saying the process was called "science" 5 thousand years ago, but likely the practice was the same -- and certainly more plausible than anything else you come up with.
  18. Donations to poor Black kids is all marketing. Do you really believe Disney actually cares about poor Black people -- beyond the ability to separate them from their money? As Cynique said the deduction reduces their tax liability. What we don't know is how Disney is spending the remaining 99.9% of the profits from he film. Maybe that would give you some perspective.
  19. @Delano OK, ok stop jocking Pioneer I'll try different approach. @Pioneer1 how did the people who built the pyramids acquire the knowledge they needed to construct these architectural marvels?
  20. @Pioneer1 "African word for Daddy" Surely you did not mean write than did you? As far as blindly following white folks, you know white folks invented Black Panther and he world of Wakanda right? @Delano, remember I said I enjoyed the film (wait, have you seen it yet). Again my point is that you and many other Black folks have canonized he film. I call it dumb to counterbalance the exaltation of the film While I think Star Wars, at least the last 4 or 5 installments were pretty bad. The Black Panther movie is superior in my book to the entire Star Wars franchise -- put together. Well maybe not the first one which was a groundbreaking film. I would not put Black Panther in the same category with the first Matrix flick, which was a simply brilliant film. If there is a college course dedicated to this one film it would be a waste of money, for there was nothing ground breaking or original in the film to study, but it would not surprise me if one is created. 45 created a "university."
  21. I was looking for the "Western" qualifier you keep throwing around. Do any of your definitions use that word? But more importantly none of you definitions describe how science is practiced, which is what you don't seem to know. Look up the "scientific method."
  22. Very good @Pioneer1, I should known better than to quiz people on this site about African history that said... Are you trying to say America is a secular nation -- are you kidding me?! I gave you an example of a man murdering an elder in the movie but you ignored that example which disproves your point and cherry picked on to suit your needs. I can tell you know nothing about science because as soon as your experiment fails you double down in your flawed hypothesis. Whether is is straightened blonde or twisted red (lupita's style) neither are "natural." It is just not Natural in the way you prefer it to be. Look man it is just a dumb flick enjoy it for what it is and stop trying to make it more than it is. Hollywoods has man some great black film and many shitty ones too we can define our culture on these things. Did you get the inside of your lower lip tattooed yet? You know there are negroes working o doing this right?
  23. @Pioneer1 where, pray tell, did you get this definition: "Science is a Western method of collecting and organizing information?" We can't have a reasonable conversation on this subject if this is the basis of your understanding of science. @Delano there are some pretty remarkable structures from antiquity a in the Americas as well.
  24. @Kalexander2, if intelligence is not inherited then surely you believe that if we all just studied we could be as smart as WEB Dubois, George Washington, Carver, Imhotep, or Einstein. If we just hit the books we could be as smart as Louis Latimer or Stephen Hawking. Do you believe this is the case? You know there are people who could pick up SPSS in no time, effortlessly? Why do you think that is the case? @Pioneer1 I'm sure if you looked at those degreed politicians incentives, you'd see that their brains and degree are being out to use. @Delano MIchael Milk'em look was probably stress.
  25. @Cynique now there's is a thought. Maybe we came here fleeing a dying planet... the planet of... dare I say it... Wakanda!
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