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Everything posted by Troy

  1. “Amazon’s business practices are scorched-earth capitalism.” —author Dennis Lehane Amazon is a destructive force in the world of bookselling. Their business practices undermine the ability of independent bookstores—and therefore access to independent, progressive, and multicultural literature—to survive. Additionally, Amazon is harmful to local economies, labor, and the publishing world. Read more at Social Justice Books
  2. How Independent Bookstores Have Thrived in Spite of Amazon.com Ryan Raffaelli set out to discover how independent bookstores managed to survive and even thrive in spite of competition from Amazon and other online retailers. His initial findings reveal how much consumers still value community and personal contact.
  3. @Delano, explain how I misrepresented your position. What did I write that was inaccurate? Del did you watch the video?
  4. This well help you understand why people like @Delano and 40% of Americans, some very well "educated," are deniers of man made climate change and why those who believe the science not not moved to do anything about it. There are many videos and books on the subject of why people deny science. They explain why people reject the efficacy of vaccinations or even evolution. I've taken a keener interest in this subject recently because when trying to explain the downside of say an Amazon monopoly or the adverse effects Facebook's dominance of internet, I fail. I tend to come at people with data and facts. You really have to find some common ground and appeal to people on an emotional basis. Obviously climate change is a FAR more serious problem than Facebook or Amazon could ever be, but they all three share the characteristic of not being perceived as immediate problem. Facebook and Amazon can actually be dealt with in the future, climate change, however, is unique in that if we wait too long to actually deal with it; there will come a time when it will become too late for humanity. Some believe we have already reached that tipping point.
  5. Hey @Delano watch this video on climate change (climate science: what you need to know). And let me know if it changes you mind in the least bit?
  6. Well the first question is easy I recognize that what I believe is not the same as what everyone else believes. I also knw operating in the world in which there are white racists (and Black ones too), I have to behave accordingly like setting up websites which I hope will tell both Black and white people we are not inferior. I'm glad you are not becoming a grammarnazi or using typos as part of your argument.
  7. Harry we must be on the same wavelength. I just added Vashti Harrison's work to the website. How did you learn about this book? Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History by Vashti Harrison
  8. @Pioneer1 what I wrote would appear to be a contradiction to your because you reject the scientific meaning of race. Yes, skin color is based upon one's genetics--but not race, because there is only one race. To Harry's point (and perhaps yours). I'm not naive to the fact that a white racist does not consider science. They see my Black face and they feel hatred. They could give too shits if we have a common enemy in the plutocracy. For the racist, perhaps most white folks, race trumps class. Race trump gender. Race even trumps nationality. Some Black people like to exclaim, "Black people are not a monolith." Of course this is true, but when the klansman is putting the noose around your neck, or the racist cop is gunning you down, he does not care about that; all he sees is a less-than-human Black person. This racist attitude is completely understanding, given the fact the racism is built into the American culture. This website exists in direct reaction to white racism. The fact that there is only one race will not end racism. Too many people reject science and are unwilling to shed old ways of thinking. I guess this is natural too; we are human.
  9. Yes, you have it human and race are synonymous. What you describe as race are various forms of skin color, ethnicities nationalities, that are applied differently at different times across different cultures. It is a human construct with no basis in our genetics. We can communicate much more clearly and perhaps have a better understanding of each other if we got rid of the concept of racial differences in Homo sapiens sapiens.
  10. What does DTC mean, "Direct/discount to Consumer?" When I went to the Amazon store I installed the app. You really have to do it. I later uninstalled it because I don't ever intend to buy a book from an Amazon physical bookstore--boycott or not. The data these aps collect is very valuable, so I get the incentive The other problem is all these apps sap storage space and battery life from cell phones.
  11. No lets stick with with yes or no Del. Do you understand the climate better than the vast majority of scientists? One can find alternative evidence to anything on the web. Sometimes conspiracy theories can be quote convincing
  12. Again Del, it is not MY OPINION you take issue with, it is that of the majority of the worlds scientists you have a problem with. I can't prove that genetics that shows that there is only one human race. I have neither the equipment, knowledge, or time to prove any of this stuff. And this despite what you think and claim neither do you my friend. Do you believe their is only one human race? Can your prove it? Of course not. You must rely on what others who are more knowledgeable tell you. Once you start questioning the data I have access to and questioning MY scientific knowledge your argument is no better than Pioneer's.
  13. Humm..., so you understand the climate better than the majority of scientists Del, yes or no?
  14. I just gt an email from someone who called Thanksgiving day: 'National Sit Down to Break Bread & Pray with White People Before They Murder You, Your Family & Community & Take Your Land Day.'
  15. Lighten up @Pioneer1. Obviously the holidays is a time for consumers to enrich corporations. But is also a time for family to get together. The day off makes it possible for more people--not all--to spend time with family and friends. I'm not a fan of turkey and did not eat any yesterday. I won't be shopping on the corporate created holidays (Black Friday) or on Monday (cyber Monday) because I don't really have extra money and I really don't need anything. I have no reverence for the pilgrims. The spending time with family and friends is what I enjoy. Were you able to spend time with family or friends on Thanksgiving?
  16. Del stop. You write with way too many typos to demand such stringency from anyone. On one hand you demand absolute rigidity as it pertains to math, while at the same time, you far less stringent when it comes to science particularly when it comes to our collective knowledge on climate change. Pioneer you demand absolute proof when someone disagrees with you but when someone asks you a simple question like who created your creator you say that it does not matter. This make it illogical to debate with your because you are inconsistent. Perhaps, @Pioneer1, inconsistency is where you and @Delano have found common ground.
  17. MahoganyBooks Bookstore is hosting a “first look” of its bookstore to supporters and the Anacostia community on December 4th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Derrick and Ramunda are my peeps I've been working with them for years. They were a reporting source along with AALBC.com for the, now defunct, Power List Bestsellers (discussed in the video below).
  18. I have an open mind and like to ponder too, but if someone said the world was flat, or that Black people were genetically inferior to white people I'd have to disagree with them. All of this stuff has been proven not to be true. The miniscule minority of scientists who understand how the universe works but still believe in intelligent design are a very odd bunch. Look, you can find "scientists" who believe anything. Putting these wingnuts on par with the vast majority of the rest of the scientific community does it a disservice. That is like saying all Black people have a higher propensity for criminality because so many of us are imprisoned. Of course there is an answer to how the universe was created, but no one knows it. Physicist have figured out a lot in the last 100 years, but they don't know what happen at the big bang, what goes on inside a black hole, what dark matter and dark energy are, they can ponder, come up with different theories, and maybe at some point before the universe dies, they'll figure it out. I just listened to a lecture given by a quantum physicist who was describing field theory. I'll try to describe it a nutshell, and I'm sure I'll butcher the proper definition so forgive me: a particle is actually everywhere, but snaps into a known position when we observe it.
  19. This platform was created on November 8. Beining Tuesday, November 28th, I start inviting, survey participants who expressed an interest in supporting a boycott, booksellers, and readers to join this club.
  20. @Delano we are differing on the definition of the word "valid." The definition says based upon logic or fact. So technically you are right. But this is a technically, and at this point unnecessary, as I have already reworded my question (which @Pioneer1 continues to dodge). Pioneer makes declarative statements on premises that are either; patently false (which I assert is illogical, or just dumb, as in the case of multiple races), or which can not be proven to be true (as in the case with there being a creator (implying an very powerful sentient entity) of the universe. Now all I've done is ask @Pioneer1 to respond to a question which I think will expose a flaw in his reasoning (perhaps that is why he is dodging it), and you are bogging this down in technicalities. As far as you send question about how an opinion can be invalid, I already answered that question. Is anything still unclear? Del, do your think there was a creator of the universe Del? If not, why not. If so, why? val·id ˈvaləd/ adjective (of an argument or point) having a sound basis in logic or fact; reasonable or cogent. "a valid criticism" synonyms: well founded, sound, reasonable, rational, logical, justifiable, defensible, viable, bona fide;More
  21. This video was originally Published on Nov 21, 2017 on What's The 411. In this video, Ruth J. Morrison, CEO and Executive Producer, What's The 411TV; and Troy Johnson, President, and Webmaster, AALBC.com; discuss Amazon's detrimental effect on the Black book ecosystem and how digital search has and is affecting Black web properties.
  22. Below is a video of a conversation I had with Ruth Morrison of What's the 411 on the impact of Amazon on the Black book Ecosystem. The conversation is an hour long. I think Ruth raised some good points regarding my proposed boycott of Amazon's bookstore. If anyone decided with watch this please provide any feedback you might have. Lurkers may email me here: troy@aalbc.com Join a newly formed group to strategize on organizing a boycott of Amazon's Bookstore.
  23. @Pioneer1 where do you think "The Supreme (most powerful) Being" came from? How did they come into existence? For now your opinion is just an opinion. We can argue where it is valid or not. Because while you demand proof to the contrary, your position can not be proven either. I'm arguing the position is also unreasonable. If something can not be proven to be true, or is it reasonable or logical then it can not be valid. For example your opinion about multiple human races is not valid because it is have been proven to be factually inaccurate.
  24. Cynique my debate with Pioneer is different in that there is actually a right and wrong answer. The mansplain issue is much more subjective. I have not problem with you disagreement. But again when you couch my disagreement as playing victim that is just so far from the truth that it is silly. My debate with Del regarding climate change is more more in line with that of Pioneer--in that I believe the answer is pretty clear. As far as the most recent issue about the origins of the universe hey anything is possible I'm glad you did not take my, "My grammer is impeccable." bait. Was it that obvious @Del is there something in the stars that might suggest why everyone is at each others throats at this time, and why you and @Pioneer1 are now enjoying a bromance.
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