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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Being omnipotent, I could always kill myself an option immortality lacks. Knowing about something and and doing it are completely different. Would you rather know about making love or actually engage in the act?
  2. What does the list of those entertainer names mean?
  3. Albert “Prodigy” Johnson (November 2, 1974 – June 20, 2017) partners with Akashic Books to create the Infamous Books Imprint. Their first release, in July of 2013, was the novella H.N.I.C., a story of loyalty, vengeance, and greed which was also written by Johnson. Prodigy first book was the critically acclaimed autobiography My Infamous Life which was published in 2011. Infamous also published the works of JaQuavis Coleman, Mazaradi Fox, Miasha, Shannon Holmes, and others I meet "The Infamous Don P" in this context. He was a very chill, down to earth Brother. I liked him. I learned he had sickle cell the first time I saw him at a local library, but I never really considered how serious the condition really is.. I know the man died over a week ago, but I only learned of this a few hours ago.
  4. I have not heard any real complaining from "Joe six pack." about the lack of white boys in sports. Again, they want to win, be entertained, get tribal with their boys, and place wagers. Nobody is too racist to give that up. It could be 100% Black and foreign. Now if Negroes and foreigners start dominating ownership they way they dominate the playing field I think we see racism rear it's ugly head, but at the rate things are going we are content just being the Million Dollar Slaves. Now wait until foreigners start to surpass Black folks then you'll here some real bitching and moaning, but it will come from us, and white boys will not care about that either...
  5. Del with omnipotence I could give myself immortality But immortality could be torture. After a few thousand years I'm sure I get tired of these bald apes running around here killing each other. It would be like watching the same bad move over and over again. It would be hell. If I were omnipotent the first thing I would do would be to travel the universe. I'd stop by Earth every one and a while to see how long it takes these greedy little monkeys to make the planet completely uninhabitable for human life. Maybe I'd do some genetic engineering and give Sapiens a few Bonobo genes and watch humanity evolve to a planet of peace, love and sex.
  6. Mother Rose! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here. Underground Books sets the standard as one of the finest indie bookstores in the country. I just added your store's website to my database of bookseller websites: https://aalbc.com/booksites/index.php?store_name=Underground Books Does you website have its own domain? Something undegrounboostore.com. If so please provide it, I used http://underground-books9.mybigcommerce.com/
  7. Thank God, once HICKSON turns over his brand entirely to Facebook it is a wrap! Keep us posted on the redesigned website.
  8. I had to pull the Discus software off my website. They changed it started collecting to much information from my visitors and serving unsecure content. It was a shame I liked the software and the potential it. i replaced it with some open source commenting software that is much faster, simply because it is not utilizing resources to collect your data.
  9. I'm sure I would spend less than 1 microsecond concerning myself with the affairs of humanity were I their creator and omnipotent. I would think no more of them than I would a discarded toe nail clipping. I'd be doing things I can not conceive of because my puny brain is too limited--maybe I'd be birthing other universes...
  10. If would have been more powerful if I could prove it by demonstrating it...If it is still broken after the holiday I'll make a video so that people can at least see it.
  11. HUmm, maybe it is just my access then. I would have loved to been able to demonstrate a broken Facebook page
  12. Really? I thought all they cared about was working in the coal mines, kicking Mexicans out of the country, beer, and reading fake news on Twitter.
  13. NOt sure what the draw back of being omniscient would be, since you can do anything you want... besides if I was omniscient I'd just make myself know all.
  14. I've been trying to open my Facebook Fan page, after not using it for about four month, and it appears Facebook has put me into the corner for misbehaving I actually can't open my page. It just Just as a sanity check, before I start talking even more trash about them, can any of you open the page: https://www.facebook.com/aalbcfanpage ? Lemme know.
  15. But do you really care about to the number of white boys in the NBA? Oh yeah @Cynique, even tennis has been dominated for years by non Americans. When was the last time you heard of a White Male American winning a major? Can you name 3 American professional tennis players who are currently playing?
  16. I assumed omnipotence included omniscience too, but OK I'll take that too. I'll use my last power to give a power to someone else.
  17. Look at what I just found on the web: What is happening to black stores everywhere The fact that black-owned bookstores are closing everywhere is not necessarily a negative reflection on the owners. One of the biggest problems in America right now is that people are not reading as much anymore. The National Endowment for the Arts stated as far back as 2004 that “…literary reading in America is not only declining among all groups, but the rate of decline has accelerated, especially among the young.” If reading is on the decline, bookstores are no longer a viable business. Other factors There are, of course, other causes for the close of black bookstores, such as a weak economy, rise in rent costs for bookstore owners, and bad business management. But the largest, most contributing factor appears to be also the most disturbing factor, and that is the lack of interest in reading books. Even web sites that feature books by African Americans and about the African American culture are suffering. With other sources of information available now through technology, black and white bookstore owners are facing a tough business environment. Some have suggested that, instead of just books, bookstore owners need to be creative to get people in the door by selling other products they would be interested in. Others have speculated that black bookstores have added to their demise by focusing just on the black community and need to expand their products to include books of interest to a wider community. Now I actually know the Brother that said this I visited his stores in Brooklyn, NY and Longwood, FL. They actually linked back to the AALBC.com! Amazing! I always like that Brother Desmond Reid! The original article may be found here: http://blog.blackbusiness.org/2015/05/why-50-black-owned-bookstores-left-country.html#.WVO292jyuHs
  18. No wealthy Black people don't care about this either; if asked they will say they care because they know the "right" answer but fundamentally they don't they care. Honestly, do you even really care?
  19. I only need one omnipotence.
  20. The dysfunction of Black male/female relationships gets a lot of attention in Atlanta. I'm beginning to believe too many people believe the hype. Perhaps it is time time give some shine to the positive thing going on with this subject. Imagine attention given to talking about successful relationships. Instead of Real House Wives of Atlanta, how about a show about normal folks who work together to raise their families and get along and and do fun things with each other. I guess that show would be too boring, huh? But no I never heard of the guy, until I approved this post and looked him up. The subject is not my cup of tea, but I understand why he would be quite popular--especially in Atlanta.
  21. I just researched for a couple of hours the newpapers I was missing from the NMPA members (my list includes papers that are not memeber so my list a actually larger despite the reporting by CJR I also only track newspapers that are still in print. several of the NMPA member are actually magazines or only have websites. These are not tracked on my list. There was anomalous data on the NMPA website, bad links and missing website, etc. I'll also take this time to review my links once I validate the rest of the NMPA member listing before adding them to my website. There is anomalous data on both sites, but My data is better if you are interested in find Black owned newspaper still printing. It will be better still after I add the missing papers and I have all the newspaper checked out so that the information displays the way my book site displays with website screen shots and additional information. Here is a summary of the things I found so far Mobile Beacon-Citizen was added they have a Facebook page but no website (I don't add links to Facebook from AALBC.com. Can a newspaper be taken seriously if they do not have a website?) The CA based, Black Voice News, an NNPA member, is web based only www.blackvoicenews.com (I track only print newspapers, I've added the site to Huria Search) The Bakersfield News Observer has a facebook page, but it's websites are down www.bakersfieldnewsobserver.com and www.observercorp.com (I'll add it anyway added it anyway) The California Advocate they have mapped their domain, www.caladvocate.com to a Facebook page (just a terrible move for a newspaper!) I added the newspaper. California Voice's website was for sale www.sunreporter.com and I can't find anything about the current state of the newspaper or what happened to I did not add it L.A. Focus Newspaper nice site and newspaper added African News Digest web site only only not added African-American News (list on NNPA three times but they have one site and the paper appears to be the same in all three cities it was already in my database but counted once) The Afro Times Brooklyn based Facebook page, no website (will be added) Alexandria News Weekly stopped publishing in 1999 no website, no facebook page not added. Atlanta Tribune now a magazine transferred from newspaper to the magazine page Sparing you additional boring details you kinda get the picture. Basically what I saw was a bit depressing. I'll have more once I review all of the information. I should have been working on my newsletter instead of missing around this this newspaper stuff, but I my interest was peaked after reading the article. Man if I don't get my newsletter out by tomorrow....
  22. Hickson, don't tell me you gave up your website? What about folks who don't have Facebook accounts? There are still 5 billion of us left ;-)
  23. Yes, of course I can show you. As I build out the facility to order books I'll create a video to demonstrate the tag manager. The problem with Tag Manager, is that it is too technical for the average person to use. The geniuses at Google think it is simple, but the average person can't make heads or tails out of it. It is worth mentioning but it should probably be a standalone session. I'll work through this as I build out my ordering system. But anyone can do it as long as they have a google account.
  24. Thanks Mel. How did you discover this article? So while they mention this site by name, the Columbia Journalism Review choose not to link to the page they sited: https://aalbc.com/newspapers/ (and it was a choice). The question is why did they chose not to link to the site? It is reflective of an over trend on the internet that depreciates all of our websites. I just did a search on Black Owned Newspapers and AALBC.com came up first. Here too you see Google front running the search results with links to their content (see screenshot below). Amazingly, I beat Wikipedia on this search. Google seems to be backing off ranking Wikipedia number one on every search. Still ranking first here means little, because less than 100 queries, a month are run on this term. For the search term African American Newspaper, Wikipedia comes in first and AALBC.com comes in 5th, but here too this search term has low competition less than 1,000 searchs a month are run this term. Again after Google's own content and a 5th place position, which would normally be pretty valuable, is not likely to generate as much traffic as it should. Image if the site was on the 2nd or 3rd SERP... now you can begin to understand why optimizing for Google (which is really what SEO is all about) is so very critical. I'll update my site to include any newspaper I may be missing however the discrepancy between the NNPA numbers and what I report currently less than 20, no where near 100 as the article seems to imply (I just dumped the information to spreadsheet and simply counted...). The state of reporting today
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