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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Hey Cynique I just read your post here: http://aalbc.com/tc/index.php?/topic/322-a-gallery-of-thoughts/ and it added some insight to this post. It would still be interesting to read your reponse to my question.
  2. Thanks for that perspective Cynique!
  3. Chris in some ways you sound like Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks. We'll have to disagree about Black women who straighten their hair trying to be White. Again this is perhaps more about a need that has been created. White and Asian women make their hair less straight. Are they trying to be Black? What hair style would YOU like Black women to have Chris? Oh mighty arbiter of acceptable hairs styles for Black women. Personally I would not want to live in the any other time but the present. As a relatively young man of modest means, I've been able to travel the world, send my kids to private school, buy Manhattan real estate, run my own business. This, with rare exception, would not have been possible 50 years ago. The most fascinating thing about your argument is that it would be better applied to YOUR way of thinking not mine. You tell me to "Repeat this 400 times. Our ancestors were SLAVES! SLAVES! SLAVES! SLAVES!" I know some of my ancestors where enslaved here; but what does it mean? You and Ish can languish and wallow in the muck and mire of some perceived modern day slavery if you like, but I choose to live -- In 2010, we have that option. The whole idea of trying to equate chattel slavery pre 1865 with modern day America, on any level, is fucking ridiculous. Chris remember this: Freedom is not Free. You, nor anyone, else will be free, unless you WORK at it. Sometimes you have to fight for it. But always have to learn and educate yourself. You never be free sitting around complaining about our ancestors being enslaved. I bet if one of our enslaved forefathers saw read the ideas you were espousing -- they'd slap you upside the head!
  4. Cynique, I agree with you, but you are missing to things especially with regard to Burrell's book. (1) The book is not about White people, Chinese people or any other folks. It is about Black people. So the valid points you make about white folks getting tans to darken their skin, for example, are beyond the scope of the book. In fact I would add (and this was not a point that Burrell raised); that the "brainwashing" especially by ad men knows no color boundaries. It is about money. They have sold us ALL on the idea that we all need to change to look better. Perfectly normal white women spend billions on cosmetic surgery. They spend hours in tanning beds, beaches and roof tops across the country to make themselves darker -- despite the cancer risks. They are all duped ("brainwashed") into believing that their skin color is too light. They will even buy creams to darken their skin. While dark skinned women buy skin creams which purportedly lighten their skin because it is too dark. The same companies sell both products and hire ad men to brainwash us into thinking we need them. (2) The consequence of Black people's brainwashing is that we lag in virtually every measure of success in this country. While Asian women are getting surgery to "fix" their otherwise normal eyelids, they are not lagging behind in academic achievement. Cynique, forget the stats for a moment. Anecdotally, do you think Black folks are doing better now in 2010 or in 1950? Do you think our prospects for the future are better now or then? Why? Thanks
  5. Carey in some ways your reaction to the woman shows how shallow you are. Or rather it betrays how shallow and fragile your definition of "Goddess" is despite the flowery prose and poetry you've heaped onto the woman. Your admiration was so fragile that it could all be swept away solely because of the color of the man she fell in love with. The fact that she could find love should be more reason for admiration, not less. Think about it.
  6. Very Funny, but one hell of a promo Chris. I actually was familiar with Janelle Monae. But 10 Daya ago I was not. Last Saturday I went to a concert (the 25th anniversary of the Black Rock Coalition). In Living Colour was the headliner. It was an outdoor, free concert. I went by myself -- I guess I know too many squares. Well I ran into this sister, who recongized me from the National Black Writers Conference. We hung and she schooled me on Ms. Monae. This sister who is also a professor and acomplished singer herself. Chris all is not lost!
  7. Chris I'm not a woman, and I don't have the data, but I don't believe that all the women who wear perms, extensions, weaves ad wigs are trying to be white. I've been married almost 20 years I was raised by a woman and I raised two women myself. I don't see these women trying to be white. I doubt you have sufficient evidence to provide otherwise. While YOUR experience may be different, the plural of your anecdotes is not data... Negroes [men] processing their hair was generations ago, move on Brother, let it go and move on, the rest of the world has. Chris you were never enslaved, nor was your father or was his father before him... How much longer do you want to use this as an excuse or a reason for not going to school or doing the work required to succeed? We did it right after slavery ended, why are we stopping now? Spend less time watching the "Black Klansman"; it seems to have poisoned your mind.
  8. Check out advertising pioneer Tom Burrell’s video, which highlights his book Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority. It is running on almost every AALBC.com page, including the homepage. Burrell is taking advantage of an AALBC.com video advertising unit: http://runt.it/video_ad I have to admit when I get a client that understands advertising it make me smile.
  9. ROTFLMBAO! dag Cynique, I'm glad Carey is not the sensitive type... Carey I have to say that I agree with Cynique and Chris for the most part. And this is coming from one of the few Black people who freely admits they voted for Obama because he was Black. I rationalized this by with the belief that Obama could not be any worse than the last guy in office. I also believed that Obama would be smart enough to assemble a supporting cast that would compensate for his inexperience. Finally while I did not buy into all that "change" stuff. I did believe he would at least try to make a difference for everyday folk. Well it remains to be seen if Obama is any better for the country than Bush. The comparison to Carter does not seem far off. Carey, if Obama was Republican he would be hung in effagy if not for real. Kayne would be saying how much Obama hates Black people (at the least the ones in the gulf). I read somewhere the other day that troop levels in both theaters when added up are actually higher that during Bush's reign. I know my taxes are higher, my property vales are lower and college cost are astronomical. The changes in health care mean nothing to me, at least not yet. Sure it is early in Obama's term and no one reasonable should expect immediate change. But pretty soon Obama will have a serious effort ahead of him to just win a second term. This will distract him even futhure... Even before Obama officially announced I predicted that he would win the office of POTUS. Immediatedly after the election I went on record predicting that Obamam would be a one term president. I see no reason to change my prediction today.
  10. I would suggest using a facebook "fan" page for the author. Rather than a profile page for the book (I think that is what you meant John H). The fan page provides stats on the number of visits to the page and a bunch of other useful stats that profile pages don't. Besdies you can keep your profile page for you "real" friends and associates while anyone can be a fan. John H. you should also post the actual facebook link that you have invited people to visit. Failing to do so would discourage all but the most motiviated people to look you up. 904Diva, cable advertising; interesting that seems even more expensive. What are the typical rates for cable TV in your area? How many viewers would one expect at that rate. How much does it cost to create the actual commerical? Nowadays I fast forward through commericals when I watch TV.
  11. Troy

    Book Awards

    Thanks for coming clean Dan. You are not the first to use this tactic, but you are the first, than I'm aware of, to admit it. I applaud you candor. If you post the awards link again I'll actually check it out this time. Chris, Dan just made a post and responded to it with a different name. He deleted the offending posts which is why you were thrown off.
  12. Troy

    Book Awards

    OK y'all here is a classic example of someone having a conversation with themselves. Sheesh!
  13. Chris, it is not utter bull -- it is a fact. I've personally talk to people who felt this way. I never said these folks were in the majority, but statistically insignificant -- I don't know I don't have the data. Carey, $50 bucks! Where'd you see the movie, NYC?
  14. "This newspaper hides beneath the liberal facade while shaming and slamming black people." -- EXACTLY! Ohhh this paper used to piss me off -- I stopped reading the NY Times. The article above was on my facebook wall. You have to ask what was the point of the article? The headline could have more reasonably highlighted the Asian population: "Of all 3.8 million adults who married in 2008, 31 percent of Asians, ...married a person whose race or ethnicity was different from their own" Again just more focus on the so called breakdown of the Black family -- with out saying it. Cynique, they are carving the tombstone for marriage as we speak.
  15. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/04/us/04interracial.html Should this come as a surprise
  16. Carey, while bookfan caught your "error". The rest of us know you play fast and loose with the truth to make a point, and ignored the "exaggeration". I don't recall ever recommending any Tyler Perry flcik, certainly not without reservations and definitely not to another dude. I would recommended it for a date (with a woman). Carey you have to know going in that Tyler Perry has a formula. Part of it is outrageous, unebelieavle drama that is a given. If you can start with the premise, like flying iron men, then don't go to see the movie. If however you are coll with it, you'll probably have a good time. There were people who could not enjoy the Cosby show, because they could not get past a Black doctor, being happily married to a Black Attorney with five intelligent, well adjusted children.
  17. I think if Akashic put a little more effort/money behind this novel it would do much better in sales. I'll read it Glorious next. Idrissa raved about Glorious in her review as well. I downloaded Jesus Boy to my Kindle and I never noticed it was pubed by Akashic! In fact I doubt I would have even heard of Jesus Boy were it not for me publlishing your review. All of my promotion was a consequence of your favorable review. It would be nice to do much more as based upon a paid advertiement.... I've heard Akashic is not big on advertising. I met the publisher Johnny Temple, once but never really talked to him. A search of Jesus Boy yields several favorable reviews including one from the NY Times in May (I missed this too). I just created a page for Preston Allen's other books the page includes a video wth a reading from Jesus Boy. A search of Glorious yields fewer reviews but more results. Bernice is a much more popular author than Preston. Thumper I too believe that both of these authors would appeal to a very broad even international audience. The themes are universal. Well both Bernice and Preston have time on their side, as their work will surely outlast their time on earth... Bernice McFadden with Akashic publisher Johnny Temple
  18. I think I was able to enjoy the last Perry flick 'cause I checked my brain at the door plus, on some levels it was better than his previous efforts... If you go into a Perry flick looking for something of depth, socially conscious or requiring a brain you’ll be sadly disappointed. I too could sit here and poke all kinda holes in Perry’s films; internally inconsistent characters, unbelievable situations and so on. It would be like going to see Iron Man and then complaining that the movie sucked because of the impossibility of Stark pulling an iron suit out of a briefcase which allows him to fly faster than sound, and repel bullets. At some level you have to suspend disbelief, relax, and try enjoy too yourself. Otherwise Chris, go to the museum. The website http://www.shadowandact.com/ is pretty cool!
  19. Chris can't one just stay here and bitch?
  20. Thumper you might find it interesting that Bernice had great difficulty getting a deal for this book. Ultimately she was able to get a small independent publisher, Akashic Books to publist Glorious. But publishing is one thing but promotion and advertising is another piece to this puzzle which is a major problem. A favorable review from you will help, but some $$ has to be spent to promote this book... What percentage of the reading audience do you think would enjoy this book?
  21. Carl Weber talks about how he came up with the characters for his novels. Fans of Weber will enjoy this video as his talk is delivered with the same drama and humor they've come to expect from his books.
  22. When I first started AALBC.com the best selling books of all time included titles by Iyanla Vanzant, Saul Williams, Terry Mcmillian, Zane (best selling Author on AALBC.com), the the best selling book each year since 2006 has been Confessions of A Video Vixen. While Tom Burrell's Brain Washed has beat Confessions for March/April 2010 (I have not had a chance to publish that list yet). Only one title has sold strong enough, over the course of a year to beat Confessions for the yearly title since 2005 (Confessions was #2 in 2005, but was published in Jun 2005) and that was Kevin Powell's Who's Gonna Take the Weight? It is what it is...
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