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Just another day in the USA

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Well, another mass killing has rocked the nation in the form of a massacre committed by a self-styled Muslim terrorist who shot up a gay bar on what just happened to be Hispanic Night.

What an ironic dilemma for the crackpot right-wing followers of  Donald Trump. The Orlando onslaught  wreaked havoc on Mexicans and the LGBT folks, both of whom are among the favorite targets of Trump.  But their secret satisfaction is tempered by the fact that their henchman turned out to be what they hate the most of all.  A Muslim who claims ties to Isis! 

Trump, himself, couldn't  wait to exploit the situation by going into his "I-told-you-so" mode, quick to thank what he claimed was the outpouring of support from millions of his on-line followers who praised him for what they consider his foresight in regard to the sinister threat posed by Muslims in America. 

Naturally, this latest tragedy has taken on political overtones, and this bodes well for Trump because it feeds into the fears of his followers.  And unfortunately, the fact that this incident happened on Obama's watch which is an extension of Hillary's platform, put them in an awkward position thanks to the utterly inexcusable action of the FBI, who had the shooter on their watch list but apparently didn't take all the incriminating evidence against him seriously. Now, all Hillary and Obama can do is stand around reciting the same ol rhetoric about gun control, and not letting fear inhibit us from going on with our daily lives.  Yeah, right.

I watched the Tony Awards last night, and several of the winners bemoaned this one-man slaughter which was the worst in American history, - this program coming on the heels of the televised memorial services for Muhammad Ali a couple of days ago where the eulogies stressed his dying wish for all religions to come together and spread universal love, something that his funeral entourage reflected.  Wishful thinking.  "Hamilton", the rap musical written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the son of Puerto Rican immigrants, was the winner of the Tony for best musical.  It's the story of Alexander Hamilton who was the first Secretary of the Treasury and who also just happened to be the only founding father who was not born in America, but was an immigrant.  He ended up being killed in a duel with Aaron Burr.   And so it goes...     

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I read an article the day of the incident, and skimmd the comments section.  Everyone to a person said things, like this is why we need trump. trump will care of this and the like.  I was like whoa what website am I on?  Is was Fox News... 

I wonder if ISIS actually wants Trump in the Whitehouse.  I guess that way it will be clearer, that deep down inside, we are really not very different that they are. 

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Information is still coming out about the victims but I think most of the victims weren't Mexican but PUERTO RICAN!

Both are Hispanic ofcourse, but I saw so many photos of the victims and many of them looked like they were clearly of African descent with Spanish names.
Also I know from the Puerto Ricans I've talked that Orlando has a huge Puerto Rican population because so many want to settle in Florida for it's warm climate but aren't too welcomed by the White Cubans of the Miami area.





From what I'm hearing now from various news sources, they said he had been frequenting this and other gay night clubs for years.
In another interview by a drag-queen who knew him, said he knew he and most of his co-workers were gay but didn't seem to have a problem with it at that time.
Now we're hearing that he saw a couple of gay dudes kissing down in Miami and THAT set him off.

You know what I think?

I think he was suffering from COGNATIVE DISSONANCE and the frustrations from it were eating him up psychologically to the point he felt he could no longer live with it.

I think he probably had homosexual feelings himself and being around other gay people intensified them but if he was a Muslim he probably felt these feelings were wrong and evil and he did this in order to reassure himself and his masculinity while punishing what he considered "evil people".

You have to understand the THINKING of a lot of people who come from places like Afghanistan where sexuality is repressed.  They'll kill an open homosexual because they say it's "wrong", but many of the wealthy men have "batchi bazi"....young boys that they frequently have sex with.

In India where homosexuals are also oppressed and killed, they have a group of people called "Hijras" who gay men, transgendered men, and even castrated men who have sex with other men and entertain at parties all with the consent of the public.

I once knew a man from Pakistan who was a Muslim and was TALKED very much against homosexuality. But one day one of the girls he had working for him showed me pictures of him with lip stick and earrings on.

So on the one hand homosexuality is "evil" but on the other hand it's acceptable in certain circumstances...and this is the congnative dissonance so many of them live with.

Religious dogma and superstition is at the heart of most conflicts like this.

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OK, I'm posting this on June 14 at 5:03 pm but those who were on the board earlier can CONFIRM that my previous post above questioning whether or not this guy may have been gay and his sexual conflicts were a motive for his murdering so many gay people was posted well over an hour ago!

Now I log out to check on some news and LOOK what I find:

FBI to investigate if Orlando gunman's sexuality was a motive in shooting


It doesn't take a genius to figure out why a man who has been hanging out at gay clubs and associating with gay people but comes from a culture that demonizes homosexuality would do something like this.


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@Pioneer1Narrow-minded Trump supporters also suffer from cognitive dissonance, and I don't think they make a distinction between Latino ethnicities. Truth and accuracy are irrelevant to the mob mentality of Trump's constituency, Their anxiety and bias makes them irrational.  

The bottom line is that a Muslim mass murderer of Afghanistan descent, phoned 911 before he was killed and stated that he was an Isis sympathizer.  This created a perfect storm in the political climate throughout the United States.  Donald Trump benefits from this scenario and it puts all of his detractors on the defense. This attack is more than the act of a dysfunctional religious fanatic. it is a hit taken by  America In its war against terrorism. 

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Actual journalists have been saying the worst "since 911," or the "worst mass shooting," or some other language which is accurate, while at the same time sufficiently sensational to draw in viewers.  

In the world of social media where people are sloppy with language, ignorant of history, have an agenda, or are Trump supporters, pointing our McVey as if anyone has forgotten about him would be necessary.  Memes like this and social media where these things proliferate never capture the nuance or complexity of any situation. They are designed to illicit an emotional reaction.

Of course there have been countless atrocities perpetrated on U.S. soil.  Some make the shooting in Orlando look like a garden party. Which sadly makes it "just another day in the USA."

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Trump supporters also suffer from cognitive dissonance, and I don't think they make a distinction between Latino ethnicities. Truth and accuracy are irrelevant to the mob mentality of Trump's constituency, Their anxiety and bias makes them irrational.

I used to think that the ultra-nationalist, xenophobic, and out right racist voting patterns of so many Whites in America was a case of cognative dissonance.
I thought (and still think) how stupid they are to consitently vote against their own best interests and support right White establishment figures who could care less whether they work or not whether those figures were Reagan, George W. or "The Donald".



I'm glad other people seem to recognize the threat of White racist domestic terrorists.

There was a report that came out a few years ago that the Obama Administration basically IGNORED that warned of the rising threat of right wing racist and extremist group like militias and the Klan.
With spokesmen like Alex Jones and others, these groups are stock piling weapons and openly declaring war on the U.S. goverment yet most politicians REFUSE to call them "domestic terrorists".

Actually both the White terrorist in the United States and the ones in the Middle East stem from the same line of thought.
Both groups are made up of bearded,  sexist, racist, extremists who believe in using violence and religious ideology to force their bigoted views on others.

If it weren't for Black people standing up and raising hell to ensure the rights of EVERYONE in this nation, White women in America and Europe would still be wearing long dresses, have their heads wrapped up in bonnets, and living a life just as oppressed as the women in part of the Middle East.

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